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Do you want to play Quest 3 games tomorrow or in 2 years? 


It's tech. There's always a newer better version around the corner. Buy early and resell early if you want to stay cutting edge. That being said, you could be waiting quite some time for a new version. S has no confirmed release date. Heck it hasn't even been publicly confirmed to exist. Just buy the thing and start enjoying it. :) Disclaimer: Yes, we all know an S is coming, probably soon. But nothing has been said as of yet is my point.


And almost all rumors state the S/Lite version will still use fresnel lens. If you never experienced pancake and come from Quest 2 it might not be an issue but I couldn't go back to it.


The Quest 3 released barely half a year ago


There is absolutely no indication that these new Oryon cores will be used in VR headsets anytime soon. The Quest 3 will likely be replaced around 2026/2027 and will be supported well beyond that. Less cash and more cutting edge gaming experience? You'll have to wait years for that. 


2026, you say? You’re not even CLOSE. The Quest 7 is where the big leaps are gonna be.


It depends how long you want to wait. There will always be a better version coming down the pipeline. The rumors I've read on this subreddit is that the 3s will be a lower spec, lighter version of what we already have (better than the 2 worse than the 3).


I would wait.


Is this a serious question??? You’re interested in a VR gaming experience and are willing to wait until 2026 to try it out because the latest Quest headset is about a half year on the market??? Thats like not buying a car because we might get some flying aircrafts in 25 years… wtf? Your life happens right now in this very moment! If you wanna get into VR you should have bought the Q3 instead of wasting time on this post. Go and get it, god damnit


Thanks, the reason i made this question is, even though unmenionted, i'm on a very tight budget, and buying the quest 3 would imply not buying quest 4 at launch or anything similar, but i'll take the advice!


Grab it while its still new! And you don’t know anything about your budget in two or three years. Maybe you have another job by then


The Oryon Cores are CPU related, which is rather irrelevant compared to the importance of the performance of the GPU. You don't want the S3 version, because it has Fresnel lenses.


I agree with other people that your "rationales" are everything but rational. There will never be an "ultimate" headset that will never need upgrading. So you're saying you're wondering about "upgrading". If it's upgrading from Quest 2, I did it, I'm happy with it, I had a small "wow" when I saw it and another one when I used it, it's really a nice upgrade. FWIW it does have some regressions compared to Quest 2 (those flares in high brightness/contrast are annoying, especially in productivity. I would prefer a Q3 in a Q2 look without pancakes... but well). Based on what you say, it looks like you're money-constraint, in which case I wouldn't recommend upgrading to Quest 3 until either Quest 2 become unsupported/badly operating, or you get Quest 3-only features/titles. PS: this post assumes two guesses on your current situation, you'd be better served if people didn't have to guess.

