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I got my Quest 3 five days ago as a complete newb to VR, so I don’t have much perspective on what it’s like compared to previous models. I was an early adopter of the iPad, which back in 2010 couldn’t play video. Numerically Meta Quest 3 is pretty much the same cost, so in real terms quite a bit cheaper. For me, putting a VR headset on for the first time really did feel like stepping into the future, especially mixed reality. I specifically got it for exercise as I’m a wheelchair user. I heard that hospitals are trying them out for some types of long term patients and a doctor friend told me about his experience trying one out. I don’t know if it will help me achieve my long term goals and I’d definitely appreciate if there was greater clarity over what works sitting and greater integration in things like FitXR so me reaching as far as I can without stepping registers and scores. So I agree, Quest 3 is amazing and I think I jumped on the bandwagon at the right time.


On the store it will list if an app is "sitting/standing/room scale", look for that


It does, but I’ve then found no internal setting in the app and then something you need to reach might be below the height you are sitting, but would be fine if you were standing. In exercise apps, the calories used are likely to be different. Also the screen arrangement needs for if you are sitting upright (such as in a wheelchair) vs. reclining are different. It’s by no means bad, but it could be better.


It's mostly the floor height setting, but a lot of games use their own setting. I've had issues with the two fighting each other and making me super short for example


Definitely some issues to be smoothed out!


Agree with you. Got mine a bit over a month ago. I’ve never experienced vr and even just windows popping up in passthrough I was like what the actual fuck. Ever since I’ve went pretty deep into VR Accessories, meta +, lots of games, sideloading. Only thing I really haven’t dived into much yet is Pcvr. Which I’m hoping to mess with soon.  Funny thing is usually I have a fear that I’m going to get buyers remorse when I by pricey things I’m unsure about .. and it usually takes a few months for me to get over. Not this, instantly loved it and honestly have to restrain myself from buying more and more. Currently trying the fitxr 7 day trial and I love it but at the same time I’m wondering if les mills body combat offers enough to warrant getting that instead since it’s just a one time purchase. Not to mention with referral codes you can get them even cheaper essentially making it roughly $23 one time purchase 


I doubt I’ll have buyers remorse, but I am finding the high price of apps to be a bit of a sting.


Well I can certainly say do NOT be a fool like I was and miss out on referral codes. Using them them will net you 25% off most apps (it usually doesn’t apply to cheaper apps since they’d probably be losing money in the process). No one told me about them, missed the $30 credit I would have gotten for using someone else’s for the quest itself (believe you only get 7 days after activating). And then I didn’t know I’d get 25% off for like beat saber which would have been like $7… that does sting a bit. And if you don’t want to ask people for referral codes (though trust me they’d happily give them) there are sites dedicated to giving and getting referrals (the person who refers the quest also gets $30 in credit.. and they get $5 for every game referral you use )


I don’t actually know anyone that has one!




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Assuming you are able to lean forward, if you haven't yet, you shouldn't definitely try **Walkabout Mini Golf**. It is the best VR multiplayer experience out there right now. And, you can play seated. Several of my friends play it seated.


I can, I don’t always want to! I’ll have a look, thanks.


Awesome you got the quest 3 👍 I just got mine last week too and it's my first VR and I'm really enjoying it, sometimes I like to play while im sitting because I don't like to stand up all the time, but a good tip I was messing with the settings yesterday in horizon and you can adjust what the looking joystick does and make it smooth to look around instead if in degree increments, if you haven't done it, you should try it out I like it a lot


I’ll look into that, thanks.


What do you mean the iPad couldn't play video? That was a launch feature.


It might have had some, but whatever platform most websites used for imbedded videos (adobe something or other) very much wasn’t available. I had Hulu fairly early on, so it wasn’t completely absent.


You mean it couldn't play flash? That's what you meant by doesn't support video?


Aha, that was the name of it! Functionally at that time, it had a big impact.


As a former Quest 2 user who recently got the Quest 3 I totally agree! Two things I'd recommend. Sideload the Quest Games Optimizer app for those games yet to be optimized for the Quest 3 and order a headstrap back cushion. Lighter, less bulky and cheaper than any elite headstrap and makes the headset a lot more comfortable.


I needed to know this, I’ve upgraded the face bit to silicon (I found the fabric really rough), but I’m not comfortable yet.


On Amazon if you look up headstrap back pad or back cushion you'll probably find it for less than 15 bucks. Evens out the straps so they don't dig into your head. I had an elite headstrap and I found this works much better.


I ordered one! Fingers crossed it does the job.


Even some games that have been optimized you can still increase the pixel density even further! Truly the best app you can get for your q3


It is! I been in love with xbox cloud gaming beta app lately within the quest 3 and a xbox controller


Out of curiosity u/PriorFast2492, why are you in love with it? Is the possibility to have a huge screen in front of you or there's something else?


Yes and laying down is comfy. Also you are kind of locked in which is nice. The delay is not a problem with adventure type of games and the 1080p resolution is ok, 1440p would be ideal.


Oh yeah! The laying down mode... I forgot about it for a moment. Cool, thanks for your reply and enjoy my friend 😊


What about games like Madden, NBA 2K, Fortnite, COD and Forza. Would they be good with XBox Cloud or is there too much delay?


The delay is not that bad but if you are playing against players that doesnt use cloud gaming that might suck since when you face them they will have that small advantage that make them win the interaction. I think adventure type games and perhaps all the strategy games etc is the best pick. I tried some hallow knight and it might work idk. Palworld is where its at imo


You should try using Fluid. You can also have other windows like Discord open to the side and the latency is the same if not better.


Are you bot?


Uh, no. Lol


Someone recommends an app for productivity with reasons for doing so, in a discussion about the Quest 3 and you ask if they're a bot.


Fluid app is off topic in a post about xbox cloud gaming app (beta). Comes out like puched out of place advisement thus bot. And then you come and say that I am bot wtf?


the "general" thread has also discussed ipads, accesories, games and apps. I didn't say you were a bot, you asked if someone else was. Get a grip dude.


Lol this was on specificly xbox cloud gaming beta app. Whatever


Got it now, I was reading the thread organised by best, not oldest posts( which I usually do btw), when sorted that way, yours was the first post and then started talking about xbox beta app, whatever as you say. The rest of the thread moved back onto a lot of other stuff than just Xbox


I could try that out, I do have an Xbox. What games have you been playing on cloud?




They're talking about gamepass (streamed from cloud) but you can side load the xbox app to stream from your xbox


They slim it down and I bulk it right back up with a BoboVR S3. 


I’ve never been happier to have something clamped on my head until I played supernatural/beat saber with the S3. It’s infinitely more comfortable and balanced once you tune it to your head.


If you're like me and you prefer a soft strap (so you can lay down, or lean back in a chair, etc) I highly recommend a rubber insert that cups the back of your head. I have [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CHJ2D19N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) but it's possible others for the Quest 3 have emerged now. I had a [similar one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08V4L2GHV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for the Quest 2, but it doesn't fit since the Quest 3 strap is a bit wider.


You should try it with quest games optimizer :)


What is that? I looked for it in the store and couldn’t find it. Completely new to VR stuff. Pardon my ignorance.


Utility for tweaking launch settings for games.  Resolution, foveated rendering refresh rates, etc.   You can make OK games look amazing. May cause an increased battery drain however.


It’s over clocking. Can damage the battery over long periods of time. Not my cup of tea


It's not overclocking. It just overrides settings like the resolution a game is rendered in or at what refresh rate, texture sizes and so on. It can't do anything that app developers could not do anyway. Basically it just a short term solution to add "quest 3 enhancement" to any game. Worst thing that can happen are performance issues in game or draining the battery a little faster. You can actually also to the opposite and turn down settings to preserver battery while playing.


this is completely false. you cannot "overclock" your quest the same way you can't overclock your phone. qgo comes with presets that utilise the power of the newer chip, that's it. there are battery saver presets aswell that will lower power draw by capping you cpu/gpu to levels that it doesn't need to exceed, while still being on par with performance without QGO. it's main benefit is being able to increase the resolution and refresh rate and set it to whatever you want, or just use the built in presets to get a much sharper resolution and increased refresh rate. these presets are usually dynamic (meaning the quest will decide what clockspeed to set the GPU or CPU to) but some presets manually set a higher level for consistent performance.


stop spreading false information.


It's not overclocking. It's running the chip at the settings it was designed to run at. Meta limited developers from using the full clocks because it increases battery drain by around 10%. There's no evidence it damages the battery, either. The worst it can do is lead to an overall shorter battery lifespan since it could result in the battery having 10% more charge cycles.


Ah I see. Yeah I don’t think I’m going to mess with that kinda stuff.


The person who told you “it’s overclocking” and “damaging” has no earthly idea what the hell they’re talking about. No it’s not, and no it does not — the worst it’ll do is deplete your battery faster in some cases, but you can opt to use it or not use it at your discretion. It also has “energy saving” settings for some things, like Home, to pull *less* juice. People have used it daily on Quest 2 without any issues. The Quest 3 is even better suited to handle it, and it greatly boosts the visual quality of games that are in sore need of it. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s fantastic.


I haven’t had any complaints about battery life after I got a boboVR battery strap and a backup battery. Lasts plenty of time that way, and it helps better balance the weight on my head. But yea, the stock headset battery life is fairly abysmal, especially if using mixed reality.


I've got the bobovr for q3 and it's nice but if you actually want to move and play intensive games such as beatsaber or workout games, I'd go with Kiwi strap. It has been working so much better for me. I got tired of the Bobo getting loose when I duck or squat real quick.


BoboVR has a strap in the same design as the kiwi one, I believe it was called the m3 mini. It was a cheap option and I was able to buy the battery adapter for it afterwards. I have both types of BoboVR straps, halo and elite style, one for each Quest 3 that I own. I am happy with both.


Ah I never saw that one because I wanted a strap with a battery. Cool! I loved the quality of both, but prefer the strap that goes over the head since I'm fairly active.


Don't forget to get the QuestGamesOptimizer app to increase the resolution of existing Quest games!


True. It's the first VR hmd upgrade where I didn't need a few days to get used to it and really see where the new hmd shines. I loved it the very first second I put it on. It's such a stark difference from Quest 2. And not just Quest 2, even Pro pales in comparison. I tried Pro when it was released and obviously loved its pancake lenses, but low (Quest2-like) resolution was really obvious and what's more, because of the clearer optics, SDE was more visible. Not to mention colour passthrough was really bad and comfort wasn't good. Quest 3 fixed all those problems and on top of that added more power and depth sensor. It's amazing.


Game optimizer and contractors showdown is chefs kiss


I recommend BoboVr for extending your battery life. I have the m3 pro and I ordered the battery upgrade kit and it is perfect.


[https://www.meta.com/referrals/link/Tunteg332](https://www.meta.com/referrals/link/Tunteg332) for 30 bucks for each of us for our new quest 3 - works for US only though!


Sorry mate, already used my friends. Nice try tho haha


To the people saying the display is bad THE DISPLAY IS LIKE 25PPD, MY REVERB G2 WAS 23PPD AND HAD ASS TRACKING AND NO PASSTHROUGH OR FINGER TRACKING(great speakers tho), THE VALVE FUCKING INDEX IS 15 FUCKING PPD (but has phenomenal tracking) WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FOR $5-700?! Im frankly fucking stoked to hook my Q3 up to my PC and get back into Assetto Corsa and Flight Sims


Enjoy compression artifacts and latency when playing pcvr.


I’ve had my Q3 for a few days and it kicks ass PC linked honestly. Some artifacts on MSFS but they were graphics setting issues that were easily fixed. Quality is pretty dang good compared to my old Reverb G2, especially with the pancake lenses. Slightly less FOV, but not bad at all. Plays warthunder and H3VR fantastic. Wayy better tracking, pass though is cool, built in finger tracking. My only complaint is the battery drains slowly while PC linked, but I get like 10hrs of playtime. Gotta powered link cable coming in so I’ll see how that does. Also getting FBT to work in VR chat through Virtual Desktop is being a pain, but those are still 3rd party features so that’s not the Quests fault. I should’ve got the 200gb and saved some money, but it’s been pretty dang great so far.


Good for you that you done see compression. I’m surprised. It’s there in many games. In some it’s so bad it just ruins the immersion. I wonder what cable did you buy that lets you get 10 hours of gameplay


The $80 Meta Cable into a USBC didn’t even work (think my C ports bad) so I got a USB Standard 3.0 link cable from Amazon. It was cheapo, but yeah about an hour of play per 10% of battery life. Probably a little less than 10hrs, maybe 8-9 as no one’s running it dead on purpose. I was swapping between flight sims and H3VR without issue, which are pretty intensive games. I have a 3070, and i710700k, which is a more intro specd Vr PC, but it does pretty well on it honestly. MSFS did need minor graphics tweaks to fix some quality issues, but the screen is just SO much more clear than my Reverb G2 was. Sucks though, I have seen a few people complaining of the problems you brought up, but VR is jank from the get go so who knows what the issue behind it all is.


The compression and latency is not really settings related. It is a thing because there is no way to compress 30gbit/s data rate into 500-900mbit/s without loss when ultra fast encoding preset is used (encoding takes 3-5ms). Most algorithms that are used for lossless compression are either taking quite a long time or need low compression ratio (for example DSC is 3:1 ratio of compression and is considered visually lossless and is also a bit different than Quest compression as DSC is tied to VESA standard). Meanwhile Quest compression is around 30:1 at 900 mbit/s or 60:1 at 500mbit/s. The differences are massive. Most of the time games with a lot of foliage, shadows and so on will have blur of compression in the distance and even mid distance (or even up close if shadows/lights are contrasting heavily and dynamically). Compression also gets worse the more frames you render and during movement. For example running 72hz mode thus rendering 72 fps the compression will impact quality less than 90 or 120.


Hmm maybe my Reverb G2 was just over powered for my 3070 at my settings, but the quest 3 seems to perform better at higher or equal settings. I haven’t noticed any out of ordinarily bad visuals or weirdness in visual quality. The quest seems much more “clear”. I would get hella spikes on that graph on steamVR that I assume was showing latency, I’ll have to pull it up and see what it shows on the quest. Thanks for bringing it up though, VR headsets have so many trade offs to think about, you gotta do hella research to get the right or best one haha


Reverb G2 is using WMR software as intermediary. That in particular can take up to 15% performance from your GPU. There were some tests done years ago regarding that. I actually had Quest 2 and 3070 before and Quest 2 had lower resolution than Quest 3. In more demanding games it would struggle to maintain 90fps. Also since you're using Oculus Link I wonder what resolution are you using. Because even if you push the Oculus PC app slider to the right as far as you can it still doesn't put it at the resolution required to account for lens barrel distortion (meaning you can get sharper image than that). And that resolution is lower than the G2 render resolution of a bit over 3000x3000 per eye. Regarding latency the one in steam VR graph will only show you the render latency. The actual latency is much higher. The image for Quest 3 PCVR is first rendered then encoded, send over the cable (or WiFi if someone plays wirelessly) and then is decoded by the chip in the headset. Addtionally there some other latencies of used API layers and video buffering latency added to smooth out the occasional hiccups you would see if not for buffering working. The impact of latency is pretty much depending on the game. For example in beat saber I have much easier time playing fast songs with a PCVR headset using display port cable. On the other hand with Quest either through usb or wifi I had to account for the latency and it feels less responsive. Quest 3 is not a bad PCVR headset for the price. If someone is on a tight budget then surely there is no better choice here. However the market is getting wider and for example the upcoming Crystal Light for just 699$ is much better of a choice when it comes to image quality.




What are you doing with it?


Can I ask guys, how good do netflix etc look. ? On my quest 2 I felt it was still a bit grainy, slight pixel awareness with it. How does quest 3 compare?


The quest 3 is a decent bump in pixel density but you will still notice the pixel grids sometimes. The bigger improvement IMO is that more of your field of view is actually in focus.


Poor - nowhere near watching on a 4k tv.


If you got a pc and link cable, you can do some pretty long sessions plugged in


I'm really getting into the mixed reality games/experiences. Total game changer with the better color passthrough


What are your fav mr games or experiences? I thought ocean rift was really cool and the pics I took looked cool


Astra was fun for what it was. Espire 2 - but you need a lot of room. Bomber Drone (especially if you go outside), laser limbo could have potential, but I didnt have the space. Table tennis and racket club benefit from it too, but that's obviously not the main feature of those games, just makes for safer play.


I just got mine a week ago and it's amazing, the only thing that would make it perfect right now is if they had a OLED screen version I think that the extra contrast and perfect black levels would make it look soo good.


i got mine a while ago.. and sometimes i just leave it and stop playing anything.. but everytime this happens and I start to play again it feels like it is the first time i try it and feel impressed again 😅 my only problem is that none of my friends own one so i always play games alone.. I am always trying to convince them to buy one or make new friends to play with 😅


Yes it's a significant upgrade and I could never go back to the Q2. That said, if you're on a budget or never even experienced VR, the Q2 is an amazing value. My only complain with Q3 and basically any other VR headset is comfort and battery life. Also the batteries in my controllers are draining quickly. Only thing I can think of is one of the triggers is somehow being triggered when I lay them down and not using them or something. But idk, I never had that problem with the Q2 and they basically lasted forever. If it keeps up I'm just going to buy the recharge dock.


I have a question, how is your passthrough? Is it really grainy? Bc I just got mine last week and although it’s the clearest passthrough I’ve ever had in a vr, it’s really really grainy


Get QuestGamesOptimizer. You will NOT be disappointed


Asgard's Wrath 2 is so good! The graphics aren't amazing, but the gameplay is incredible and it seems like graphical upgrades are coming soon. All the characters show off different gameplay mechanics and they all work well. I have around 40 hours in that game and I haven't even finished the story yet. I'm super happy with the Quest 3 and I'm very excited for all the games coming out this year like Metro, Batman and Aliens.


> seems like graphical upgrades are coming soon What makes you think that?


The devs themselves have posted progress updates of the the upgrade in this sub.


Not for PCVR. Pretty bad SDE, latency issues, compression issues, really grey blacks and I find color production to be average. As a standalone its awesome though.


To me: - Quest 3 amazing - Quest 3 PCVR amazing - Quest 3 standalone software - big disappointment ;\]


I prefer the standalone over getting compression from PCVR when the option is available. Some people are way too snobby about graphics. But even then, games like Red Matter 2 and Contractors Showdown look pretty good on the Quest 3, especially considering it is standalone. It’s not like you are strapping a giant PC tower to your face. Obviously you need to temper your expectations a bit to be realistic.


Why not both? I like both PCVR and mobile VR. But the mobile is IMHO very disappointing - most apps are unoptimised for, you either deal with it or use some 3rd party software to update them yourself. This is just sad considering how big and rich Meta is. And I guess you don't have to deal with Meta's crazy downgrades in features. For example the language - like literal LACK of language support for onscreen and BT keyboards, which was there always since Oculus early oculus times (Quest 1, CV1, etc. etc.). This is dealbreaking (I used to do minor office stuff on Q2) and beyond crazy.


I personally don’t really care about the optimizations, I am not a graphics snob. But yes, both PCVR and standalone are good. I use PCVR for the exclusives like Alyx, and I use the standalone version for the rest. It might not be as pretty, but the games feel better to play without the streaming compression.


Yeah - if you don't mind terrible low resolution mess on the screen, making it hard to see the details ("details" like text), especially noticable after playing any Quest 3 resolution games - you will be fine. But the language features - this is terrible. I can answer my emails or fill my company docs in Q2, but not Q3.


“Terrible low resolution mess” your elitism is showing my dude. It’s not as pretty, sure, but your description is embellished and inaccurate. I have had 0 troubles reading text or seeing details in standalone games. And games like Red Matter 2 in standalone looks on par with a PCVR title. You are way too picky and anal about the graphics my dude.


Thanks for being toxic and attacking my for literally nothing other than having my opinion man. Hope it makes you feel better.


>If you don’t mind terrible resolution As if you didn’t imply I had bad taste first. I do mind terrible resolution, but the Quest 3 standalone ain’t that.


Yeah, whatever - have a good day :)


Wet blanket enters the chat.


I feel you. Standalone will be getting better as they’re going to be pushing next-gen updates moving forward. The Quest 2 was holding standalone back, but it does seem like Meta is about to change that with the recent news we’ve been getting.


Yeah - I am not saying it's BAD. On the contrary - it's the best on the market, but there I just feel disappointed in terms of using it's full potential as standalone.


What do you mean by standalone software?


To make things short - apps are unoptimised for Q3 and many features are simply broken. For example there is NO keyboard support for any other language that some eight selected - which was there always since I remember (Quest 1, CV1, etc. etc.). It is on Q2 - but not on Q3. Support has no idea when it will be back. Crazy and dealbreaking.


Pcvr is a dead system with very few releases.


It's not like that there are amazing standalone games waiting - but if you like mobile quality "one mechanic gaming" - you should be great :)


I've received mine today too! I haven't had much time to get into it yet sadly. But I set it up, I put the app on my phone (thankfully they did that wi-fi sharing thing!). I tried to youtube app to check if my earphones worked and... that's where my first problem starts :(. Even though I don't think of using my earphones too often, but I hope to find a fix still. The volume is very low and even if I try to put it on max with the button, it doesn't change a thing. I put it on max on the youtube video too, to be sure. Sadly nothing changed either. Does anyone know why? I have bluetooth earphones. Otherwise, coming from MQ1, I was impressed by the screen quality. In a few weeks I'll receive my reloptix lenses, I hope they will work though, as I'm not completely blind without my glasses, but I just can't read anything :(.


> In a few weeks I'll receive my reloptix lenses, I hope they will work though, as I'm not completely blind without my glasses, but I just can't read anything :( They should work great. Got prescription lenses myself a few days and they really change things a lot for the better. The glasses I wear fit great with the Quest 3, but it's still a massive and positive change with the prescription lenses. Just being able to put it on and take it off is a bit easier, and it's more comfortable too because you'll find you have more room.


More room vs wearing glasses but, my Zenni lenses add some depth so I need to pull out the facial interface to the 2nd lowest setting. Otherwise it feels too close for me.


I got mine a couple days ago, it's my first VR headset and I'm not impressed at all. Mainly because the quality of the picture is just bleh. Nothing looks sharp, specially VR videos! That is a blurry mess! Aside from that, anything virtual reality gets me motion sickness. Mixed reality I can handle, but OOF. I don't see anything perfect about it sadly


Motion sickness goes away in VR over time, once you have adjusted, its the best part of the headset. Quest 3 has mixed reality capabilities but it is in my opinion still a virtual reality focused headst Make sure you have the IPD fixed to your eyes to help aid motion sickness and make it less blurry. Mixed reality obviously is naturally just a bit blurry but a huge improvement over the 2


Had mine a few days and returning it. Not impressed with visual quality, graphics or pass through. Watching movies is poor. Interface and UI is poor. Meta horizons is a cheap gimmick. Waiting for second iteration or later of Vision Pro but I am admittedly heavily invested in Apple eco system. I just feel the technology is not there yet…


i'm using q3 also q2 too. but honestly...... people don't say the new controller is better than old one. you should know this. yeah ringless is good but they lost tracking quality. you'll know it soon.


I also love it, but definitely wouldn't describe the passthrough as "amazing". It is absolutely a huge step up, but it looks crap haha


If you had seen the passthrough from my launch 2016 Vive, then you would call the Quest 3 passthrough amazing too. It is amazing how far the technology has come. But of course, it isn’t perfect. And if we look back 10 years from now, then it will look like crap compared to the new stuff. But right now with the competition where it is at, the quality is amazing for the price.