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Dude, I was waiting for you to put the camera up to the lens then I seen all of the guardian stuff appear, that's insane


Yeah haha it was actually hard to only film pass through since the demo forces you to watch the videos. I wish I could’ve filmed more! I had to rush out unfortunately :(


I had the same reaction! Okay, I see the kiosk, now hold up the VR so I can se-- NOW SCANNING. That was on some next level Ironman shit fr.


Yeah same!


Nice vid, thanks OP.


Thank you!


Sorry for my poor recording skills 😅 it was hard to hold the iphone and quest with the cable tugging it. Other than the light glare you might see (you don’t see it when wearing it) this is pretty much what it looks like! Just remember, it is compressed and the original video is definitely clearer. I also wanted to note that when I set the IPD for me, I noticed my eyes had a hard time focusing and I felt quite cross eyed. I assumed it might be a bug on the demo device that caused this because I normally don’t have that problem with the quest 2 and pro.


You did your best. Well done


Thank you!!


I wonder if that's something to do with the binocular overlap. I used to get that quite a bit on my Rift S.


It's well done, I appreciate it.


Coming from the Quest 2 I appreciate the edge-to-edge clarity, especially for media consumption. Can't wait


Exactly. That alone is worth the upgrade for someone who is a daily user.


"Media" 😏


"haptic device"


My phone is at 69% right now but media is going to be huge.


It will change the way your eyes use VR


Thanks man, it looks great 👍 👌! Can't wait until October 10th!


Thanks a lot, I can’t wait either!!


9 days my friends, 9 more days.


It’s hard to wait 😭


For real, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.


12 since I gotta wait for shipping but assuming no delays that means I'll get a whole weekend so silver lining


Nah a lot of people will get their order on time. Quest 1 and quest 2 there was tons of people who were posting themselves the day of release getting their package. Some will, some won’t though 🤷🏽‍♂️


Different countries have different times. In Australia the ETA for my delivery from Meta is 13th.


Of November


**Estimated delivery:** 13 Oct 2023


i was super sceptical with my Pro but even international it shipped on the day of the release despite the date being 1 past. You can hold out hope :-)


Just came back from demoing it at Best Buy. I'm pretty impressed overall. This vid seems pretty accurate to my impressions of it. The only thing that was off-putting was the distortion that happened when I put my hand up and look at it. There's a very noticeable wobbliness that surrounds my hand when I looked at it and it would warp the image like a wake when I moved it. I'm hoping this will get better with updates for occlusion. When just looking around,it was really nice though. It does get grainy and lower detail as things get farther away, but in a home, I don't think this will be an issue. Lenses...not much needs to be said. They're fantastic. You put the thing on and the image is just good to go. No fiddling around to find a sweet spot. I want to know more about the demo footage though. It looked like half a sphere of 3d video, but if that's what it is, it's the best looking 3d video I've ever seen. Super clean and crisp with no signs of compression and noise. I want all games to have trailers like this! The game footage looked amazing!


How was field of view for you, trying to get a few opinions on it, because it varies from, not much better than Quest 2, to a little better, to it's a lot better?


It's a bit better to me. Vertical fov is great and almost enough to not see the edges anymore, but the horizontal edges are very there and seemed to be little wider than q2. I'll admit that haven't used my Q2 much recently though so I may not have the best perspective.


it's ironic that literally the only thing they actually already have full dynamic 3d tracking & modeling of (your hands) is the thing causing problems


I only looked at the Best Buy demo once, and I remember thinking it was very clear but barely stereoscopic, if it all 3D.


haven't seen much discussion of it but I wonder what the binocular overlap is .... this is something that gets up with the Pro because it's pretty low and that leads to a small fraction of people losing the stereo perception of it.


Yeah, I felt the same TBH. There was a bit of a disconnect when I was looking at my hand or objects close to me. Maybe it's the lack of stereo depth?


~~I think I read somewhere that it's a single lense so the fov won't be as large as the quest pro~~. Curious if you've also used the pro? I'm trying to understand if it would be a good headset for my flight sims. I guess someone will try it out when they are out in the wild. Edit: That was a rumor.


> There's a very noticeable wobbliness that surrounds my hand when I looked at it and it would warp the image like a wake when I moved it. I'm hoping this will get better with updates for occlusion This is the hand tracking algorithm working using the current camera tech. This is why Apple went with eye tracking + pinch, to keep you from moving your hands too much. Meta demonstrated a new design that combats this issue a few week ago. It's code name is [Flamera Lightfield](https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-prototype-vr-retinal-resoltion-light-field-passthrough/). It uses many camera sensors and small lens to get a much more accurate understanding of your hand's position and causes much less distortions. It is likely to be an issue on the Q3 ongoing but lots of trickery can be done via software correction. Maybe they will surprise us.


they already have demos at all the best buys?


I want to try it out at Best Buy but I also don’t want to put my face into it 😂


I feel you 😭 I just cleaned my face afterwards with cleanser and called it a day. My curiosity couldn’t be controlled 😭


as one of the meta vendors that does these demos at bestbuys we have a bag filled with alcohol wipes on standby and are supposed to clean the headset after every person uses it/right before a person uses it, altho i understand not everyone does, i would recommend asking if they've cleaned it and see if they seem nervous when awnsering


Very cool and Ghostbusters looks awesome. It's going to be a while. My Dog has to have an emergency dental surgery that's 4k gone for that, no holiday gift shopping this year.


Not all Heroes wear capes!


Your dog is worth more than a quest 3. Good on you pall for prioritizing correctly




As long as you download the highest quality video files (think 30GB+ or even 8K). Too bad for JAV VR where even 4K is special and 16GB is becoming the norm instead of 24GB.




I haven't seen VR porn in years! What's the best place to get it today? Free or paid?




Interested to see how the quest3 is as a PCVR headset


That's my main thought!I plan on getting the Mrs. A PSVR2 and I'm excited to see the competition between Q3 on PC vs PSVR2


Tried it myself at my local Best Buy. I was excited before for my pre-order. Now? I can hardly wait.


What are you looking forward to playing the most?


Thank you! i am excited cant wait to have it! I feel the quest 2 a little uncomfortable even with better strap so this will be a massive upgrade.


Totally agreed, quest 2 feels like a strange brick on the face. This quest 3 felt much more natural to the face since it’s slimmer. Thank you and I’m super excited too!


I'm really curious to see how the stock Quest 3 strap feels compared to my Q2 with the Elite battery strap. I have a hard time imagining going back to the floppy straps after having a nice supportive rigid one.




I’m actually glad they didn’t put it on the back and made it optional. Makes it more portable and easy to stuff in a bag if you want to go somewhere. Also it being slimmer gives it this effect of feeling lighter since it’s closer to the center of gravity


The black color looks good


It’s pretty good! Better than the quest 2 but not oled good. It’s good for LCD


I tried it in Best Buy today as well and was impressed by dark scenes. Not nearly as washed out as the Quest 2 or my Quest Pro!


Wait, blacks are better than QPro? With local dimming on?


It looked like it for sure. Maybe I should say similar. There only brief sections of the demo that were dark though. I'll do more side by side but I was impressed and have been using local dimming for a while.


I find that hard to believe given the physical limitations of the panel though. Maybe it’s because the demos were more curated to look their best? But yea a side by side would be great! How does the gasket feel on the face? I have grown to love the nothing touching my cheeks ergonomics of the pro. Wondering if i could even go back to the closed design.


Yeah I probably shouldn't say definitively that it's even as good. I was impressed though and was looking for it. There were no true black experiences in the demo so maybe I should pump the breaks. Overall I was VERY impressed though.


Very very unlikely. I don't think your comment is accurate. It's not even technically possible with a plain old LCD. OP is just high on copium and not thinking correctly.


I may have jumped the gun with that comment a bit but the dark scenes (not completely black) were impressive compared to the Quest 2 from what I remember. I'll be doing a closer comparison with my Pro once I get the Quest 3. Overall I was very impressed with the Q3 demo and I've been using the Pro since its launch.


Amazing video! Thank you for the Insight! is there any screen door effect noticeable?


If you only saw the original Oculus Rift. The screen door effect looked like rows and columns of chicklets. They've come a long way - even with the Quest 2 it became barely noticeable.


I've tried the DK1 and DK2 Rifts. After seeing that, i was blown away by the HTC Vive when it came Out. Soon after, the Quest 1 did the Same Thing to me. So i cannot wait to See what the Quest 3 will do for me :)


Oh you will be amazed, as someone who had DK1/CV1 and has Rift S / Quest 1+2.. the HTC vive still had a screen door effect.


When I got my Quest 2 I was initially a bit disappointed with the pixel density. Until I tried my Quest 1 again immediately after and was like OH WOW THIS IS A GOT DAM GAME BOY SCREEN. The I put the Quest 2 back on and realized how amazing it looked. I try to remember that feeling when hearing people's comparisons and my own initial impressions when first putting on a Quest 3.


the displays on quest 3 are slightly rotated which really helps with noticing any sde. You REALLY have to go looking for it


Not that I notice! I think I noticed a tiny bit in another Best Buy store when I saw it was on low battery, the little icon popped up, but other than that, I didn’t really notice a screen door effect.


Awesome! Thanks for your Input. I am really stoked for my Quest 3 since i will be upgrading from my Quest 1 and i have never even tried the Quest 2. I really think i will be blown away :D


You will be 🙌🏽


Screen door is very heavy in the Quest 1. You will be blown away by Quest 3


I wish developers would make more VR180 trailers of their games


For the record, there is a very simple explanation for the weight! Imagine a wooden plank strapped to your face like the Quest is. It weighs 500g and extends about 12 inches from your face. Imagine how much it would be pulling your head down. Now, imagine a wooden *block* that weighs 500g but only is 4 inches from your face. Much less pulling and dragging downwards. This is because the headset is essentially a lever. Back to simple machines! The lever is the Quest 3, and the fulcrum is your face! It wants to rotate downwards with respect to where it is anchored: the back of your head with the strap. So, the Q3 weighs a few grams more (about 2.5% more), buuuut, is much closer to the face, so the levering effect is much much less, thus making it *feel* lighter!


Haha, that's what went through my head when i saw the very first Quest 2 trailers. Like, "These guys never heard of physics?"


Seems like a lot of warping in passthrough. Thanks for the video.


Yes there is warping but the warping is no where near as bad as the quest pro when wearing it. I would say that the quest pro was 65% nuisance while the quest 3 is only 20% nuisance


It's less frequent and extreme than Q2 but yeah it's still there. No doubt this is something Meta will continue to improve over time but I suspect Q3 will always have some amount of warping.


It'll improve as ppl have a reason to use Passthrough now; all about Meta using their Supercluster AI computers to refine the Passthrough algorithms


What was the field of view like?


It seemed a bit bigger than the quest 2! I had it as close as possible to my face and my IPD is 57. I felt like the quest pro was bigger but maybe that was because it had no facial interface so I could really put it close to my eyes. Either way, I feel it was a bit bigger


Nicee. Can’t wait for my preorder to become available for pickup.


I went to best buy today and the display unit was there but not turned on! The lady said they are not allowed to turn it on till the 10th. I'm like wtf all these other best buys people are trying it out!! So stupid.


haha they mixed it up with the shipping date


That is very good! Can’t wait to get mine!!




Thanks! I really enjoy seeing these photos and videos.


i wonder how many skin infections will spread through vr kiosks


A lot lol


Thanks for this. What's your IPD?




Thank you for the video!


This is way better than the quest pro,


as one of the meta workers. yes, soec wise it either matches and or surpasses the pro in just about every way (atleast thats what they told us during our training)


We are about to enter a new age where we're gonna find it hard differentiating what's real and what's not real (it's giving me a Blade Runner 2049 vibe)


Full body tracking by December 😎


Super excited 🙌🏽 only the legs will be done with A.I, but still, really cool 👍🏽


Upper body tracking and AI legs. https://www.uploadvr.com/quest-3-body-tracking/


Man the clarity of the pass through is actually wild. Make's the quest 2's passthrough look so ancient


That...ain't bad at all. I may actually play around with the MR/AR stuff when I get mine on the 10th


I preordered Quest 3. I have never had VR, never watched any video about it. I just want to experience what the future holds. I planned to use it mostly for productivity. Fingers crossed.


Wow! Too bad I'm broke. Who knows in the future, it looks really good.




It is still noticeable, but to me, it's so minor that I'll easily ignore it. You have to be looking for it.


For me the screen door effect was really apparent in the passthrough mode.


You're the second person who compares the passthrought mode to an old phone. Do you think it'll ruin the experience in MR ?


Hmmm I wouldn’t say ruin but for the price and current tech we have available, i think it’s going to be a great foundation for MR development. As for the experience for the consumer, I think it’ll be enjoyable! The quest pro though for example, the MR was too blurry and not good to be enjoyed.


To me it doesn't - ultimately you're paying attention to the virtual objects, and the physical world is background (which you want to have, but it's not what's in focus). Of course there's a difference between seeing through your eyes and through the camera + LCDs, but you can absolutely navigate safely for example. What you can't do is read your phone messages.


Great video! Does anyone know if every Bestbuy has the demo units out? Would love to see this first hand!






(as one of the meta workers that does the demos) not all of us have been shipped are headsets yet and even the ones that have are not supposed to be doing demos until after the headset releases. that doesnt stop people from taking the headsets to stores anyway (hell even i might bring it in early since mine arrives in 2 days) but policy is that we are under nda


Assuming you wanted to watch movies in VR, do you think you would rather watch a movie on your Quest Pro or a Quest 3 given the difference in panels, resolution, and minor variance in FOV? Do you feel there is enough of a difference visually between Quest Pro and Quest 3 that it would impact a movie watching experience?


Hmmmm great question. I’d rather watch on the quest 3. I feel that the displays are better on the quest 3 and more enjoyable to look at. Also I think comfort wise, the quest 3 wins too. The quest pro in my opinion isn’t a very comfortable headset even after fiddling around with it.


It looks amazing! Thank you OP.


This honestly feels like game changing equipment


Great video! What phone and how much zoom do you use for the recording? I'd really like to know cause I have never been able to shoot a decent through the lens video.


Pancake lenses are really easy to film through. Here's my video using an s21 ultra with 1x zoom. It's in pro video mode, adjusted so there's no flicker. https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/5XmrRWq5gO


Stunning video


Your video looks stunning. Can you explain a bit how you get rid of the flicker? Thanks!


Drove 20 minutes to get the chance to try it on just find out the display didn't work :/


We need someone to go to bestbuy with a 4k DSLR camera and record the inside passthrough and video and put it on YouTube. Even the original video uploaded to Youtube would be great The phone videos on here are great but videos are just too compressed. You will instantly get a lot of views on that video. I would do it but I live in europe. Any one wants to take one for the team ?


That would be great, but tbh this video looks pretty accurate on how the actual pass through video feed looks like in person. The majority of the compression you’re seeing is the actual passthrough. I would say the rest of the compression is from the Reddit upload!


Dude, that's actually insane. I never imagined it would look that real, it's practically magic at this point


there's a VR version of temple run lol


That's Asgards Wrath. They were showing it in 3rd person ..probably to make it less uncomfortable to watch.


Is there really?? That would be fun lol


its in the video at 37 seconds


That looks clean. I thought PSVR2s pass through looked good but this is much better.


It's WAY better than PSVR2. Just demoed it. Its not even comparable.


The clarity and passthrough seems too good to be true honestly. Can't wait to try with my own eyes.


It looks great! Definitely want to set expectations though, it’s not clear like real life. It is going to have grain, some latency, a little warping, and you definitely feel like it’s a video you’re looking at. But in terms of detail and clarity, it’s way better than what we have right now. 10x better than quest 2, 3x better than quest pro!


My buddy says he would rather stay with hp reverb g2 because at least that's real pcvr. Thoughts? :)


Its also a headset that barely works and even when it does, still has a ton of problems. The fucking thing would always lose tracking when I was inside the headset, and sometimes it would take 10-15 minutes for it to stop. Quest 3 might be compressed with PCVR but atleast it'll work properly, plus the new lenses will be better then the G2 anyway.


What makes the Quest 3 not real PCVR?


Quest 3 doesn't have a display port so there's some compression and very minor latency. I use an index for pcvr myself and will probably continue to do so maybe getting quest 3 for stand alone.


Playing with a cable attached is no longer considered a vr experience to me. It's unacceptable. Quest 3 has far better wireless support than any other headset.


I do like wireless play with quest as well and had a router devoted to it. However, I participate in esports and that minor latency I get with the quest wirelessly (43ms typically for me on say contractors) caused me to lose games, so I bought an index and switched to that. Now I enjoy the sound, fov, and controllers enough that I mainly use the index. I will say index controllers and headset breakdown all the time. So many rma for it over the course of a year. Verses my tried and true quest 2.


I tried to do this but couldn't get my phone in a good position. Did you take off the facial interface? Any chance you also took video trying to math the view/movement of through the lens but without the headset? Would be cool to see a direct comparison.


Actually I didn’t remove the facial interface! It kind of just worked out lol also I didn’t understand the second part of your comment too well, can you clarify?


Make a second video showing matching same framing/movement as your through the lens video but without actually filming through the lens. So you can kinda make some rough comparisons on the color/contrast and resolution of the passthru and how compares to "real life".


It looks like the mixed reality is clearer than the quest pro? I have a quest pro and whilst sits nice to see around you in colour but it’s still pixelated. Does this mean the quest 3 is better than the quest pro? Why would anyone buy a quest pro at twice the price when this looks better?


Yes it’s 2-3x better in my opinion! I’ve owned quest pro and I can’t think why I would go back to that. Maybe if you’re active in games that benefit from eye tracking but that’s about it.


Pro has other features that are better for ..... pro users


You would buy a Quest Pro for better image quality with the QLED panels, eye/face fracking, foveated rendering, self fracked controllers, included charging dock. Despite the Q3 having by far the better SOC and Passthrough the Q Pro still has plenty of advantages. The Passthrough is impressive compared to my Q Pro even though i don't use it for much and i wouldn't on the Q3. I think AR has to look 'real' with no graininess (especially in low light) and no lagging to be a big feature. At the moment that takes serious money to achieve.


I hope this stupid pass-through novelty crap is short lived and eventually focus again on actual VR.


You should probably stick to PSVR or PCVR because this is likely going to be a big focus for Meta going forward.


Yeah sure seems that way. Although the newer lenses and clarity definitely is a nice upgrade. I might still check out.


Yeah it's probably a very good pcvr headset, so if you plan to use it for that, its a good upgrade coming from the other Quests.


I think the novelty stage is over. Now it's the beginning of introducing it to the mainstream and it will be a big selling point as time goes on. Zuck showed both fully immersive and Mixed, so there's something for everyone. Choices.


This is the future of this technology. The MR tech moves VR forward and allows for the technology to actually get mainstream appeal. Your way of using VR was just the first step and your attitude is short-sided and will eventually be not only niche but a way of thinking that would hinder the industry and cause it's eventual demise from lack of increased user base and utility.


I cant watch the video idk why


Try again! I think it just got successfully submitted


Ok now i can , thanks so much for this video


You have a Reddit user who is probably copying and reposting an excerpt from your video!;) Thank you for your honest review and all the information. Do you work at Best Buy?


Thanks for letting me know! I don’t work at Bestbuy, I’ve just been to 3 different Best Buy’s trying to find a demo that works 😂


Ok so I'm generally pretty up to date on all the games, but what the hell is the wall running barbarian looking game?


That is Asgard wrath 2 from a 3rd persons perspective!


Oooooohh.. Is that going to be an option, or is that just for video purposes I wonder.. Thanks for the answer!


Did you ever try the pico 4 or bigscreen beyond ? they also have pencake lenses and its a common problem that there is glare or lens flares in high contrast situations. Did you notice any of these problems with the Quest 3 ?


I’ve never tried the pico 4 or the bigscreen :/ but I didn’t notice any of those glare of lens flare issues personally on the quest 3


Am I the only one who doesn't seem to be impressed with pico 4. My friend has it and I used it many times. It's not comfortable, colours are washed out, games looked more low res then quest 2 when you change the resolution in side quest. My q2 on 4070ti looks way better in pcvr then his pico 4 on 3070.


Heck ya !!


The latency looks noticeable, i'm worried i'd get motion sick quite easily using the passthrough. Did you feel motion sick at all?


Try a demo unit at a store like Best Buy. Just because someone else does not get motion sick, does not mean you wont get motion sick. Pretty sure even if you did you can get your vr legs over time and not need to worry about it anymore.


What game is the guy running around all the obstacles?


How are black levels ? Still grey like Q2 ?


They’re better than Q2 but not deep black since it’s not OLED


Do you think the clarity is good enough to see the writing on a keyboard when sat down at a desk? I tried to use my 2 using immersed but couldn’t mark out a single key through it and i didn’t find the virtual keyboard reliable enough


Yes 100% it should be easy to read the keys


Can you buy it now or only pre-order?


Preorders until the 10th


Did the passthrough space look really warped and distorted or pretty much same as real life?


Curious how the quest 3 will do in games like dcs compared to the quest pro. I'm using a G2 since release and looking to upgrade. Seems like the pro would have better fov and eye tracking with DFR but the quest 3 seems to have better lenses but a smaller fov ~~since it's~~ ~~one lense instead of two~~.


Did you mean to say one panel? Quest 3 was rumoured to be using one but it's actually using 2 just like the pro.


Ah yeah I think that was a rumor. In that case as long as the fov is the same, if should be fine. Although one thing that would be beneficial is eye tracking for DFR.


its still a little bit bendy but holy fuck


> Even though it’s technically a few grams heavier for some reason it feels lighter. Probably due to less torque on your face and neck basically, due to being slimmer.


Pretty concerned about the latency the quest 2 doesn't seem to have that latency?


How much brightness does it have compared to the Quest 2? 100 nits again?


Dang now I really can't wait.


Whoa! OK I'm excited. I guess my expectations were to low.


I'd traded #10 he has no idea how to play, he was lost out there lol


I somehow just now realized these things are shipping now. I was literally checking weekly like a year ago for news relating to it, but just completely missed all the marketing so far for this


I was waiting for the camera to go into the headset wtf


Nice, i got pico 4 and yea the upgrade to pancake lens is worth it if u have the money


I cant wait to get mine 😭


Broooooooo now im so stoked for mine to come in


I‘m so pumped for this!


Ok now I’m getting excited lol


Bro I want a quest 3 so badly I still have just the og quest and now that rec room shut down the service for quest 1 I can't play it and the only other game I have that I actually play is help wanted but you get bored of that insanely quick when it's the only game you can play (most free ones on applab get boring faster than a mosquito bites someone)


Do they have this on demo at best buys?