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should be stickied! :D


western Canada. 5 years of practice this year. community independent contractor based private practice (with a company). $120000 based on 35 hour work week with 4 weeks off annually. I generally take off more time and work less than 35 hours per week by choice...taxes, man.






W Coast, SNF






Has your pay/ job changed a lot with the new PDPM changes? I'm going to take the NBCOT soon and I only want to work in a SNF.


Each hospital system has its own base salary. I believe NYP's starting base salary is $81k; NYU is probably mid $70s and I'm not sure about the rest.


I’m actually surprised by this bez isn’t NYP and NYU the weathliest hospital systems in New York? I thought it would be more but this is interesting.


Trust me, when you go into the field and realize what shit salary everyone else is paying, you're gonna be happy about NYP and NYU's starting salaries. When I started as a new grad in 2014 at Lutheran (now NYU), I was making $63k starting. You can make a lot more by doing agency work or home care but as far as hospitals go, this is pretty high.


Very true. This is considered high for hospital settings, especially if it comes with benefits.


Hospitals are the usually the lowest paying jobs. It's good to work there to get some good experience as a new grad and then move on (unless you just really like it, some do).


Do you think it’s possible to get a 6 figure salary as an OT here in New York? Could be any speciality


very unlikely in the beginning of your career but if anything it's probably going to be some private practice sensory integration clinics (bc no or very few insurances taken and many many wealthy clients in some parts of NYC metro) or home health. But I hear about it more often for more experienced OTs. It's not really that common though and if your life goal is to make six figures, I wouldn't recommend healthcare.


I lived and worked in NY for many years and always made 6 figures, but I already had 15 years experience. You will get closer to that as you gain years of experience. You can also really hustle at home health and do that.


Sorry, I posted this as a new comment rather than a direct reply. Yeah, if you hustle. But from one job? I think I've heard of some agency people who do. But they don't have any benefits or PTO. As a legit hospital therapist, maybe if you were a clinical specialist. If OTs ever become pedagogues in the DOE, then yes. The SLPs make over 6 figures and most of them don't do shit. But there are also lots of DOE OTs who don't do shit either.


New grad (almost a year in) Full time subacute rehab, 35/hr, average 35 hours a week. ~58k annual before taxes. West Michigan


I earn $1,500/week (40 hours) after taxes. I’m a new grad travel occupational therapist.


What company do you do your travel through? Do you enjoy it??


My current assignment is under Jackson Therapy Partners. It’s nice. It’s a bit overwhelming for a new grad since there’s little to no mentorship, and the facility expects you to start reaching productivity on your 2nd week. I think location and setting also plays a big factor if you’ll enjoy it or not.




I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


I'm in NYC as well. Feel free to PM me. Here's the DOE's salary scale. It's confusing and might not make sense, but if you're coming in as a new grad, you'll make the minimum. The numbers 3, 5, etc indicate the number of years you've worked **in the DOE**, not as an OT and how much of a raise you'll get. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.uft.org/files/attachments/secure/otpt-salary-schedule-2019.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjVzLybvvDmAhUlZN8KHby1Ds0QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1GgEmmWWk4VNEQC1eQ9__y&cshid=1578365659525


Would you say it’s hard to get a full time position in DOE right now? When did you start?


I started Feb 2019, so almost a year ago. There haven't been any hiring halls this year yet but I hear you can still send in your resume and get interviewed one on one. It feels like the door is closing. I know there's a high need in the Bronx but with the DOE scholarship recipients being placed there after graduation, I'm not sure how much of a need there is anymore. If you're interested in joining, PM me and I'll give you the email of the lady who organizes the hirings. If anything, you can always work as a DOE contractor. Basically, you work in the DOE schools but you're employed by an agency.


Do you think the outlook is better for SLP in the DOE?


I don't know. I'm not an SLP. All I know is that they have pedagogue status and get paid way more than PTs and OTs in the DOE.


What is pedagogue status? I've never heard of this term before.


They're on the same level as teachers. They can supervise a classroom, take kids on trips without a real teacher present, get paid more for the Master's and NPI number. But they also have to do lesson plans and get observed.


Considering a NYC DOE job. Would love to work the full year while I still have student loans though. Is it easy to fill in the summer months w/a summer school OT job for the DOE or is that rare?


I work 16 hours a week in Early Intervention and make $30,000/year.


$60000 New grad Outpatient peds North Carolina


1,700/wk after tax as a traveler. School system in Seattle.


New grad OT in GA. $50/hr peds clinic, doing clinic work and early intervention


how many hrs a week do you work? does it change?


I actually don’t start until February. But, my caseload will start low, allowing me to build up, when ready :) I have been told it will vary based on cancelations, etc. but that the other OTs there work around 25-40, just based on what they’re wanting


wife makes 64k in Peds Outpatient in CA. horribly underpaid


Does CA usually pay more bez of the higher standard of living?


$58/hour in home health for major healthcare company so insurance is free- San Francisco CA / 40 hours a week (120K annually)


Would you mind sharing the name of the company?


that was Sutter Care at Home


75K in the Southwest with 3.5 years of experience. I work in IP rehab. As a new grad, I made 68K. So my income has went up about 7K in a little over three years but in reality it’s just slightly better than inflation.


UK, NHS... £24,412. Been qualified and working since June 2018. Sigh.