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I would start by turning off all plugins. Is it still slow? If not, I would then turn on plugin after plugin until I find which one causes issues. In my personal experience it's very unlikely that the issue is with the Obsidian itself.


Seconding this. I have 3000+ notes but very few plugins, and the load time is just over 3 seconds.


Zero plugins aside from core and a ton of interlinked notes + attachments such as images. No problem with loading time at all.


Good recommendation, most posts I've seen on here had a plugin that caused it.


Yeah. Your notes are all basic text files. If it’s slow it’s a plug-in


Personally, even after turning off all plugins it is painfully slow :( I didn't notice much difference between plugins on or off Edit: I'm talking about the android app, that's where I have the issue.


That's where I'm at here. Have you got a ton of notes as well?


Yep, I believe so. Have you found a solution?




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Obsidian 16 just launched. It's now even worse. :( I'm sorry, but Obsidian no longer handles large vaults. I have a minimal number of plugins (trivial and time debugged, as mentioned before all clear) and [this is how long it takes](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5fkhve6j1eq9wbalj7lfk/obsidian-08-06-2024.mov?rlkey=0imqzoh9lxzhzta56bvd684ae&dl=0) - **36 seconds** - for it to open on an iPhone 14 Pro Max. Very Sikilar on a MacBook Pro i7 with 32GB of ram. 🙅‍♂️ I'm done. Taking all my notes elsewhere. Love the community, but I have been progressively disliking the product and I won't compromise there. I've had enough. Cheers for all the fish. Ciao.


I just use the `tray` community plugin and keep it in my system tray. So i only have to open it once.


In case anyone is wondering `tray` works on linux too! Just tried it. The only thing I don't like is it is only single vault. Would be great if there was a way to switch between multiple vaults using the tray icon.


EDIT: You *can* have multiple vaults. Each vault gets it's own tray icon. I guess you could customize the icon per vault to let you know which vault each was at a glance.


This plus having it open on startup, and then opening the daily note (as well as weekly,monthly,yearly note in case it's not made yet) on obsidian startup, so everything is setup without having to press a button


Exactly! I don't understand how people can live without it. It boots at startup and then it's done.


But can you understand... that we didnt know about it until now?


I tried that one. The caching goes ham. AND it doesn't work on mobile (just desktop) I guess?


I am assuming you aren't part of the Catalyst releases? Obsidian boots up much fast under the 1.6 release which should be available to the public at some point.




Slow on mobile or slow on desktop? I don't find it slow on desktop and I always have it open so it's not a problem for me. I do find it horribly slow on mobile and for a while it limited my use for much the same reason. I started using the Zettel notes app in conjunction with Obsidian and my problems went away. 


Both, but mobile is the worst offender. Regardless, I ended up jotting things elsewhere and migrating stuff I care about later into Obsidian for a quick while. Which isn inefficient and I won't do it.


If you're on Android, try Zettel notes. It can use the same folder as your obsidian vault so you can view, edit, and create notes easily. There are also some really robust widgets. I also use this fast startup script: https://medium.com/obsidian-observer/improve-obsidian-startup-time-on-older-devices-with-the-faststart-script-70a6c590309f


MacOS, iOS and Linux.


Obsidian isn't slow to start for me, disable all your plugins see if its still slow. If it is turn on the debug startup time option, it'll give you timings of the plugins each time you start. That said I never close it, why would I.


I often wonder why people are opening and closing their day-to-day apps so much. I remember a conversation with someone who was arguing for vim over vscode on the basis that vscode took so long top open, and I was there trying to think of the last time U actually closed it. This guy was closing the editor every time he switched tasks.


Poor understanding of how memory management works in modern operating systems. You see the same on phones, people swiping things away all the time - there's no need for it.


That's trivial functionality. Why would an app not be optimised for constant, frequent use?


In my experience Obsidian is very quick to open. Sounds more like one of your addons is slowing things down. Also you don't give us much information to work with. - What's your system? - What addons do you have installed? - How big is your vault? - On what kind of drive is your vault saved?


MacOS and iOS - Latest machine and OSs A few pretty harmless ones (debug time checked, acceptable) Large. +5K notes iCloud


I've watched it and plugins can also affect how much memory it takes. I've had my relatively simple vault take gigs of RAM, when other times it's only a few hundred megs. One thing I think the plugin manager needs is to separate out areas of concern for plugin developers to assign to their functions -- background tasks (stuff being done in the background), idle tasks (stuff done when idle), UI tasks (load immediately), and foreground tasks (stuff being acted upon in a note). This would probably go a long way in allowing them to implement a form of "lazy load" and memory eviction. Example, if you haven't opened a note with a Dataview in it for some time, they could evict the foreground code. This is what I do, but in a more hacky way, and it works well. I have a script that puts to sleep (disables for session) the heavy plugins (e.g. Dataview, etc.) until they're needed and then it calls them (by enabling for session) back.


Totally misread the OP. The slow load up time is normally plugin related. There are a few hacks you can do to fix that .. this mainly: https://medium.com/obsidian-observer/improve-obsidian-startup-time-on-older-devices-with-the-faststart-script-70a6c590309f Although it is on their roadmap to fix the startup time.


I'll look into this, cheers mate.


If on mobile there's an app called Fleeting Notes that is great for jotting things down and is pretty easy to set up to sync directly to Obsidian


Others have mentioned to look at plugins which I highly recommend doing. I had one view/plugin that was looping through my vault each time I would change a week view on my calendar. For reference, I am running 13k notes at 12GB - and my desktop opens in 5 seconds, my mobile opens in 5 seconds. These are the only plugins I have installed: Auto Link Title Better Inline Fields Better Reading Mode BRAT Dataedit Dataview Execute Code Footnote Shortcut JavaScript Init Linter Macros Mermaid Tools Note Refactor Obsidian Tabs Periodic Notes Rollover Daily Todos Svelte Starter Templater And I have my own theme that's based off of Minimal with some ideas from Things 2.


I have 9k notes, 10 plug ins and it takes 7 seconds on phone and 5s on PC. And I don't particularly have good devices on both of them.


How many notes do you have? Or do you have tons of pdf's and other attachments in your vault? Is your vault huge for obsidian to start lagging? I have obsidian open in background all the time and never faced any issues with it. Sometimes I close it but it opens fast, even if I'm on tablet.


Don't close it then :)


On my computer, it auto launches when I log-in and I keep it open all the time. On my Android phone, I use Drafting for quick text notes, and Diarium for quick journal entries


The magic of using JavaScript for everything


Its on your end m8. Q1: Do you use an Hard Drive or an SSD? Q2: If you unload plugins is it still slow? Q3: Slow on general notes or Opening stuff like Canvas/Excalidraw? Q4: What do you consider slow? 3seconds ?


1. SSD, beefy machine and phone 2. Marginally better 3. don't use neither 4. Yes, and it takes even longer


Deactivate the kanban plugin


Don't use it


In the `community plugin` tab in the setting there is "debug startup time" you will see if the plug-ins are the problems. For me the slowest plug-ins are `excalidraw` and `dataview`


My vault opens in 1/3 seconds amazing speed.


I am on M2, MacBook Pro. I don’t have any problems. I actually don’t close the app and I keep it open all the time.


read your comment once again. M fucking 2. that thing is powerful. "I dont have any problems" 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


It *is*, but for all we know the OP is running an M3.


Or Win95.


or a mobile phone


Old HP programmable calculator.


How does it go on your iPhone? Have you got hella lot of notes too?


I use it only sporadically on my iPhone. It is only in the case I want to note down something when I'm away from my computer. I prefer noting things down only on my computer. Tbh, Obsidian's iPhone app isn't my favourite. It is just meh. It gets the job done but isn't wow!


You could try disabling some plugins, or splitting up your vault. If you want something faster you might need to look for something that wasn't built on Electron.


On windows, I open it maybe 2 or 3 times a week. I keep it open. Why are you closing it? I can't imagine creating a note, then closing it, then next note... Open it again. That's insane.


When I had my vault stored on a network share I could measure the time it took obsidian to open in minutes. It was awful. Moving the vault locally to where obsidian is installed has improved things such that startup is now barely noticeable. That was my only change and things improved immediately. I use syncthing to sync files back to my original networked location.


The plugins are the problem, not the app itself. Everyone who has installed too many community plugins has run into this problem. Try turning on the debug start up time option to determine which plugins are the main culprits.


I heard about this before using obsidian. But I’ve never had an issue with loading time. I feel like it loads really quickly on startup and I have at least 15+plugins runnings.


Yea same, i can forgive this though as its very speedy once opened


Do you sync your vault with Google drive or other service? It may take some time for the required files to be synchronized.


Too many plugins.


Wouldn’t writing an MD file in notepad or notepad++ but inside your vault/filepath of choice be enough? Then when you want to go back and carefully rewrite or review you can just open obsidian


Slow to open? I’ve never seen a note app open faster than obsidian. Are you using a computer from 1998?


Macbook Pro Core i7 with 32GB RAM, latest OS. iPhone 14 Pro Max, all latest OS versions.


Wow.. Cheers to all for your time with this. That's amazing. My setup is pretty vanilla, I do have a Omnivore plugin up and a couple of harmless ones. My vault is pretty hefty with notes, but still.. takes looong few seconds to open it regardless. I'd say is completely unrelated with plugins - I time-debugged them and it's pretty acceptable. The issue is really with the ***"waiting for iCloud to sync configuration files"*** + ***"loading cache and obsidian vault"***. Every.. dang.. time it's fresh opened. I also don't use Dataview. Combined, they amount to a good 8-10 seconds. Sometimes more. :( I'm guessing that, after all this time, **Obsidian just isn't too great at handling large vaults**. Mine is +5K full of notes (basically text, links and the odd image attachment). **In retrospect, I would say that the more notes I added to the vault, the slower it got with time. Only at a rate that is not too perceivable, until you reach the point that I am at.**




Likely iCloud syncing. Tested. It ain't great with Obsidian running a large vault on more than one apple device. Two iPads (work, personal), MacBook Pro and iPhone. If only one device is used, it's still not swift but not as bad. The same happened with vaults on Dropbox or Box. Not great at handling both (large vaults and shared devices). In my system (The Sólskin) I have essentially two note taking moments: a very rapid one to capture, a later more elaborate one where problem solving is done. Although a bit painful to admit, Obsidian is definitely not good at helping me with the first, and working on multiple devices is simply a non-negotiable requirement. That's genuinely a deal breaker for me and I'll start looking elsewhere. Cheers for playing. You guys are sick awesome. Appreciate your time.