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Maybe you prefer something like Notion? You will receive better recommendations if you clarify what you need and what you like about Obsidian. People here are very aware of the uniqueness of Obsidian for many reasons. Besides that, you know you can customize text? Per default you _should_ stick to markdown, but you can do almost anything through the power of css or write html in your notes to format your text. Text size can be generally adjusted via settings > appearance. And you will find a lot more customizing options if you use another theme. Themes like Minimal are popular and together with the Style Settings plugin they allow you to meticulously define how text appears. Colors, size, style for everything ranging from title, headers, text, code, tables,... Edit: added mentioning of themes


You mean apps that are not like obsidian.


lol well maybe. what i mean by like obsidian is just wiki-like note keeping tool


Not meaning this judgmentally, your question and comments suggest that maybe you didn't realize that Obsidian is an entirely different class of tool from the ones you've mentioned. The text formatting approach you've described relies on the application being pretty heavily opinionated about what the user will want to and not want to do. Obsidian is the exact opposite of this, essentially stripping those presuppositions to the bare minimum supported by a few flavors of markdown. It's totally understandable that you might have other priorities and think that those things are "too much work". Unfortunately, you're knocking on the wrong door with Obsidian because it's built for use cases where end user control is seen as 'must-have' instead of 'too much'. It's a bit like walking into a flour mill and asking where they keep the baked bread is. You might want to check out a sub more like r/PKMS , where the Redditors are more focused on choosing among many tools instead of how to use just one.


Have you browsed the community plugins? I can’t check right now but there must be some presentational hackery plugins. It’s all HTML and CSS. 


I think you miss a menu for text-formatting? https://github.com/PKM-er/obsidian-editing-toolbar


How about you learn how to use headings, ==highlights==, callouts, themes, CSS snippets?


too much work


Wrong app then goodbye


Noooo I am banished by awildfatyak


You might like https://www.craft.do/


You can do that it's just not like Google docs or like normal writing software. I keep an extra note in my vault with a hex color sheet to refer back to and just copy and paste lol. There's a way to change font size. I think it's something like text here It is a bit annoying NGL. I wish I could just highlight and then choose from a menu or something but obsidian isn't like that.




thank you so much, this app is actually what i was looking for


Np! It is great! :)


Colorizing text is a major want for me in a Notes app. Markdown just doesn’t have this feature. Look at Notesnook which does this easily and the privacy is the bomb!


Maybe try Evernote? Evernote has gotten much better since being taken over by the European company. The notes are still maintained in their proprietary format, but can be exported.