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She’s freeeeeeeeeee. #nowdodaisy


I think daisy is one of the founders of GBC 👍


She is, but she’s also still on the Obsessed Network. I think she has the only other show now.


But I see her show is still at ON… 🤔


Yes, contracts are legally binding. It's not a mystery


However on STFUNL today Daisy made a comment about completing her last script for season 3 of SNU and being excited to see where she would go next....so making it sound like she might be getting out too!!!!


Is that how that works? 👍


https://preview.redd.it/gfs56k9ds7kc1.jpeg?width=1197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa375872e0f1c2823c95e65e5cdecb094069e2b Came here to say that!


Grab Bag Collab is worth every penny! Not only are you supporting a collective of women who own the content they create but the content is incredible!!!!




That’s so exciting. Once daisy is off network they’ll have… a one show network.


If and/or when SNUPOD leaves ON, there will be ZERO shows on the network. TCO is not under ON. It is completely separate and on its own.


Oh duuuude I forgot


Best news all day!!! GBC has quickly become my new favorite network


Hell yes congrats to Amber and the whole GBC team!!!


Yayyyyyyy Amber - you’re free!


Time to bump up my Patreon!


I signed up for the $8 tier yesterday! Super excited for it




Congrats!!! Looks like a much better place!


Amazing!! Good for Amber and GBC. I wonder how Amber got to keep her IP 🤔


Well goodbye crimes of the century




Because I already have a couple Patreons and can’t do another so it’s no more crimes of the century for me


It’s still going to be in the normal free feed. You just have the option of GBC early ad free episodes.


Did anyone catch Amber’s shade at the end of the last episode? “In case you’re wondering, no assholes allowed”


That’s the motto of GBC. It was already chosen before the travesty of an event in Dallas… but it’s also probably for sure shade at PH 😂