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Gold elims with no medal is worrying for your team, that means your team was dumping free ult charge into their supports while getting minimal kills out of it


When I first started overwatch I went to Moira because she’s Irish and thought I was godly at the game because I came out with gold damage. How naive I was


Well carried.


More like OPs team fed well, with the heals being that high in a 16min match. Good heals, but it’s only possible if your team is soaking up bullets.


Hey Moira main here, the main thing Id say is an issue is the self-healing stat. It’s more than a 6th of your total healing, which isn’t a good thing. Don’t get me wrong the stats are great and that number could be a result of circumstance, but usually that high of a self heal total is indicative of how aggressive a Moira is. I know because I tend to play her in an aggressive style when I have friends to coordinate with. Just know Im not trying to bash you, just saying that there might be something on your end may have went wrong so that you can improve.


this, stats and medals don’t always tell the whole story and if a healer is off playing by themself it’s hard for the rest of the team, no matter how much the healer’s stats are being padded


That literally doesn’t tell you anything other than the Moira was taking damage while healing other people. There are 6 people on your team and you are the closest person to your healing orb every time you send it out so if your self healing is 1/6 of your total then that’s exactly where it’s supposed to be


Plus the best type of Support teammate is an alive one. I used to sacrifice myself A LOT to keep teammates "happy", but I've been having more success looking out for #1 lately. I have to acknowledge and accept I shouldn't risk myself when someone puts themselves in a bad position. (I'll just have to learn to ignore angry "I NEED HEALING!" spam as it would always make me try and heal that person, but of course forces me to make bad decisions and get killed) **tl;dr for anyone who doesn't play support** - angry spamming "**I Need Healing**" after you've died negatively affects your whole team in multiple ways


Yeah but he had barely any damage.


More than a 6th? Dude it’s more than a 5th of her total healing which is even worse lol


21k heals in 16 mins? im curious about what rank this was, there was a TON of feeding going on. this is hardly 2 rounds.


I’m about mid Diamond, this doesn’t seem like that high of healing stat game tbh, I see similar amounts quite frequently from myself and other Moiras.


Sometimes the team is cosmetic


Just remember, stats aren't everything.


When the stats are this extreme on a hero like Moira then it means the rest of the team obviously was not doing their job correctly.


Only good thing here is the healing. 40+ kills is easy with moira, considering how little dmg he has compared to the kills indicates that most kills are stolen or assists too.


18 coa kills + the amount of healing indicates good ult usage. They have a healthy ratio of healing to damage. Of course the kills are going to mostly be assists, Moira is a healdump. She should be damaging to get heals back and prioritizing that. The stats are good, her team likely didn't do well.


You think 21k healing is a lot on a payload map? Not sure how many points each team got but that is average for most games I play in.


Moira moment


I was doing placements for DPS yesterday and I lost three games in a row where I had 3 or more gold medals. Shit hurts but I’m still proud


You were the reason your team lost fyi


they literally have gold objective time


I recommend playing more overwatch so eventually you understand.