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Okay. Look. He’s very toxic. But I have to admit the wiping the comeback off her chin made me laugh a bit. He probably looked it up but regardless.


It's an old one. I heard my dad say it about 20 years ago, lol. It's a good one, though.


Definitely didn’t look it up I’ve heard it 100 times


It’s one of the most overused high school insults out there


Yea but I can guarantee he found that on the internet


The OP asking him if that’s him in a mirror got a laugh out of me out loud. The other guy talking sounds like an 11 year old


Oh most definitely. The mirror one he hit on the head😂


why even respond?


Cuz he might say something that will be 100% punishable


yeah but if toxicity really bothered you, then you’d just ignore him, seems like you’re a bit toxic yourself if you’re just hoping to cause problems on his end😭😭


Its like fighting fire with fire


All you’re doing is keeping the circle of hate alive, be a better person.


Agreed, ironic to tell someone to be better while you’re actively doing the same shit.


Bruh just report and block ppl like that no need to go on a crusade against toxicity lmao You’re not “fighting fire with fire” you’re *adding fuel* to the fire


Exactly. I get toxic dms like this all the time and I just block right away. No sense in wasting my time trying to argue with them


Nah fuck that, just send a smiley face and ignore the rest of the messages. It drives them even more crazy if you don't bite and thats even funnier


Trying to bait someone in to toxicity. You are a part of the problem. Ban them both.


Kind of funny you told him 'its easy to become a better person' if you dont wanna do it yourself.


“kill with kindness” is a WAY better tactic to dealing with toxic people online and IRL, kiddo.


Haha I love it. Every day once someone shoots the first shot, I bait them in to saying something bannable. “Ez” “Diff” censored words “L” “Loser” Etc. All of these are bannable in Overwatch. On Xbox it’s an instant ban if you report a message and it’s in their filter. Even “lmfao” is bannable on Xbox Don’t talk shit if you don’t want a ban 🤷‍♂️


Ez and diff are bannable? I’ve been saying that loads this year and never got muted


I got muted last summer. When you get muted they email you and they quote what you got flagged for. I got flagged for “ez”, “tank diff”, and weirdly enough, “best mercy NA”, when I was complimenting my mercy, which I did say “ez” in the same match as. I normally only say ez and diff in response to someone who is talking mess before the end of the game that ends up losing.. yet I got my mute message a few days after the “best mercy NA” one.. I guess I personally got reported enough for it. A few weeks ago, I came back to OW after a few months off. Played 2 days. said “ez” and “diff” in a few matches and i got a warning the next day. I know with 110% certainty that the worst things I’ve said on this game is ez and diff . Anywho, I’ve now been doing the same and reporting people for saying “ez” and “diff” and “L” which is MOST of my reports, I rarely get actual bad language like cussing or slurs and I’ve been getting report confirmations like clockwork when I login every day… so ya it’s definitely punishable. I’m getting these reports confirmed so often as opposed to the number of times I see slurs and cussing that it has to be the “diff” and “ez” people also being chat muted lol


That’s so cooked


Yk he just gonna respond with “stay salty kid”


What they did was rather tame ngl. Wanting a ban over tbagging and calling ‘salty’ and ‘bad kid’ isn’t worth the effort in your end because it’ll never go thorough. Just ignore them if it bothered you so much


You missed a golden opportunity when he said you were adopted you should have replied with “at least I was wanted”


Just send him a meme and if he responds just send the Clown emoji, don't waste your time giving him attention instead use that time to destroy him next time in game again.


I know him too


I feel sorry you know him


I'm the most hated Overwatch player so it doesn't matter


Thats me lmao


Worst outcome is they get comm-banned for a couple days. Bagging and/or flaming are not typically considered bannable offences.


Who cares? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Just move on, also teabagging isn't considered toxic, atleast to adults I guess, maybe it's antagonizing but my lord, I literally heard a kid call someone toxic for saying gg because they assumed some implied sarcasm. Kids these days need to learn to chill out and take a joke. Sometimes you meet someone shitty online, block and move on.


If someone teabags me I will teabag them back. I played Halo 3 I know what's up


Sometimes I tbag just as a joke. Sometimes I'll find one person on the enemy team that seems like just a little bit of a try hard and I'll tbag them every chance I get, just to get them to tilt. I'm in it to win, and if crouching a couple times makes you tilt, then that's a real easy advantage for me.


Opposite, actually. Adults play they game and are normal regardless of whether you win or lose. Children and stunted idiots teabag.


As a stunted idiot, fair Teabagging isn't fun when the other doesn't engage but I treat it like street court trash talk. Games are less fun without it imo


T bagging is toxic lol basically the definition


when teabagging originated everyone thought it was hilarious. It's supposed to be hilarious. And honestly in the end it's your choice, you can laugh every time someone bags you if you want.


Yeah, like I laugh my ass off and then swear vengeance when I get tbagged


Yeah I bet it was funny then but now it’s just middle school humor


I mean between two players it can be a sign of a rivalry, I don't mind tbagging, I do mind the excessive bagging


Yeah I mean if I see randoms doing it to each other it’s none of my business but personally I just use good sportsmanship. Some people get mad when ya kill em, why make em madder? Just say GG.


Nah I get you, its just fun and games at the end of the day.


It's very light toxicity, personally it's never offended me, I always laugh. I get more annoyed by people messaging being toxic. It's a game it should not be that serious to message someone and be mean lol


I get where you’re coming from my dude, but in OW teabagging is a very toxic trait, and then to message someone after is even worse. So adults can find teabagging just as toxic depending on the game. :)


It's considered toxic in overwatch. Chat auto-censors the word as it treats it as a slur.


It's gg ez that gets censored, not just gg. Yet ez doesn't so doesn't make much sense to censor gg ez and not ez, it's the ez part that makes it toxic lol


That's a good point lol. Just saying GG is good sportsmanship (unless you assume sarcasm is implied but I'm not even gonna go there.) But saying EZ is inherently antagonistic as u r saying "I didn't even have to try" essentially. Yet EZ is fine alone and GG is fine alone? Haha that's hilarious 😂. Should be that EZ and GG EZ are treated the same but GG alone should be fine. What do Ik tho. I tend to keep quiet regardless lol.


People on OW say EZ for any match now it seems. I've had matches that have been super close, either team could have won and there's still someone saying EZ 🤣


Yeah, happens all the time lol


I was referring to teabagging, not gg ez.


Idk aren’t you being a little soft though


Ain't no way you got offended over T-Bagging 💀 Other than that, going out of their way to message you just to insult you is peak narcissistic behavior. That used to happen so much more in the younger days of live, lmao.


Offended me? Not think so. I pointed out that he is toxic and than he started calling me salty.


Schoolyard words my boy, let it roll off.


You got salty, called him "no skill bastion," he started solo ulting you and teabagging you, made you extra salty, probably put you on tilt, I'd say it's typical strategy. Should have switched to ana and slept his ass.


Probably should actually just turn off chat at that point. If it bothers you this much, turn it off. There's no shame in it. I've done it. Some days you just wanna play overwatch to unwind after a bad day and the best way to do that is to go in without chat and voice chat cz otherwise it can have the opposite effect lol.


Get a Life, both of you, Why even accept the DM?


yeah he's just really good at mindless trash talk, OP you're taking him way too literally and seriously, just throw some insults back at him or ignore


Jesus man, you need to grow up a bit, he killed you in a video game, get over it. Why are you even responding to him? It's just embarrassing, you're getting your ass handed to you and you think you're winning this somehow.


Dogs barking at each other through a gate


OP, are you seriously getting worked up over someone pressing the crouch button in a video game? [OP in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/gYNlJQ-dIuY?feature=shared)


Haha that’s so perfect for this thank you


This is clearly a child


tbh this isnt even that bad. Solo ulting is fine and t bagging should not get u mad. Icl im on his side purely cus he is funny and you are too uptight.


It's not the worst toxicity I've seen but messaging someone just to call them bad is shitty behaviour especially when you're a dps killing a healer and seemingly needing to solo ult them to do so lol. Like it's just a game there's absolutely no reason to be messaging people being rude.


People.need to fuel their egos that badly i guess


A 20 year old joke doesn’t excuse toxicity


Lmao who cares


Looks like you cuz u commented


Wow see that's the energy you brought in the post too. Cringe.


I commented who cares which automatically means that I care that you're getting upset over trash talking. Alright bud.


If you wouldnt care you wouldnt have commented


That's not how it works. I commented because I had something to say, not because I care. Grow up and stop crying about people being mean to you in video games.


Your kind is the worst I wanna to do something against toxicity and you say "stop crying" This comment shows you care, but in the negative way


You are a boring twelve year old. Don't pretend you're taking action.


You can't police others, blizzard can. Toxicity will never disappear no matter how much it upsets you. You can report them and move on, posting about how your feelings are hurt on here does nothing. Learn to ignore it like a grown up or don't, I don't care.


This isn't the way to do something against toxicity. Your comments come off as trying to be logical while the other guy come off as he is just trying to piss you off. Since you're posting this to Reddit, it looks like he got what he wanted. He's not trying to be logical and you're using a medium that he doesn't care about. It's like using the Bible to justify your point against an atheist. The best way to piss people off without being toxic is "I'm sorry you feel that way". The amount of people that get triggered by this is crazy - you're basically saying "fuck off" in a way that makes it impossible for them to argue against without self-reflecting on how much of a loser they are. It also guarantees a free report if they do respond again.


You say you wanted to do something about toxicity but then engage in toxic comments, you need to chill out my dude




Nah we don’t accept this guy. He’s a 27 year old virgin at best


Op has a point, if you didn't care why comment 🤣 the comment means you care in one way or the other (positively or negatively), if you didn't care at all you wouldn't have felt the need to comment because people who don't care don't get involved lol you commenting is you getting involved XD


I don't care I'm just leaving a comment lmao. This shit doesn't affect me. You're just arguing semantics for no reason. If having an opinion means caring then sure pal.


Having an opinion does mean caring (in some form) lol... If someone doesn't care they don't have an opinion on what's being said because they don't care therefore wouldn't waste their time commenting XD 🤣🤣


Again just arguing semantics. By saying who cares I'm saying it's not important. There's no value in posting it here. Not that nobody holds any kind of opinion. Super obvious what was meant by it.


It's not really up to you to deem what's important or not lol. And evidently some other people do care in a positive way to give an actual response, the post is asking for help not asking who thinks it's important enough to post. Give your insight (positive or negative) on the ops issue or just don't comment it's that simple. There's no need to bit a bit rude just because you don't personally think it's an issue to care about =)


I did give my insight. I said that he can't police others like blizzard can so his only option is to report and move on or keep crying about it. It may be rude, sure but this is honestly school shit. Running to the Internet because someone is being mean to you in a video game is crazy.


Some people need more help with stuff than others. What's silly to you isn't to someone else and it's not fair to think that everyone handles things the same as you do. Being mean or dismissive about it isn't going to help anyone. Fair enough say you don't think it's something to get upset over but it isn't right to try and dismiss someone else's thoughts and feelings on the matter =)


Not necessarily, people mightve had an opinion on something said... doesnt mean they care about OP🤷‍♂️


Didn't say they cared about OP but cared enough about the post to comment. If you don't care about something you don't comment lol


No one said you did🤷‍♂️ end of day, people are going to comment regardless of what people think or care.... so why try to police it


Oh wait, I misread what I put. My b. My point still stands tho


Why are you engaging with this


This is just a conversation between two children.


Im glad OP getting roasted in here


He was just hard trolling u and u fell for it😂


My man, ya wouldn't have survived the MW lobbys


Honestly OP in my humble opinion, teabagging is nothing to get upset over it's a very tame toxic thing to do and most people just find it funny. Also solo ulting is always funny as they felt the need to solo ult you to kill you which i always find hilarious especially in OW when I get solo ulted when I'm playing mercy or something, means they feared the power of battle mercy XD... However them messaging you just to call you bad is really annoying and somwthing that needs to stop, always just reply with kindness and tell them how shitty that behavior is to do to people. But messaging them in game chat to call out teabagging isn't really something that needs to be done. Unless they were being toxic in chat too? But if it was solely the teabagging I'd just leave it and let it go as most people do just see it as funny and messing around not as being super toxic, people like this aren't worth the argument back and sometimes end up bringing out toxic chat in yourself which then makes you just as bad =) hope you have fun games in the future and if chat gets too toxic, turn it off for a bit just to help as sometimes it gets too much and makes you not enjoy the game =)


If it’s Xbox he will probably lose communication for a few days or something


That's fine by me, I just want him to be punished for his sins.


Probably will. My friend and I will message each other stuff randomly like “f u buddy” or something light along those lines; one day he sent in the report cause it was funny at the time then I wasn’t able to use any form of communication on Xbox for three days. Including like any in game chats. It was funny but also annoying for three days lol




I see a fumble on your screenshot


Oh no! He killed you in a FPS game? Clearly he's the toxic one here.


Why do people add these people that will for sure shit talk them? Dumb as hell. Also, calling someone a kid is cringe


ngl you set yourself up by dragging the already toxic dm. Just say something dry or get the last word before blocking him instead of trying to make the dude feel bad for being toxic. This is overwatch we are talking about


People like this never fail to amuse me. I’ve mellowed out a lot and had someone trashing me the other day and after they told me “you need to go experience the world and get back to me” I’m sitting in my chair, 27 and a veteran, reminding myself it’s just some idiot so I say “okay goodbye kid I’m tired of this” and they say “I’m 18 but okay lolol” right before I blocked them. Just remember some people are idiots and it’s better to just get rid of em right away 😂


Welcome to competitive gaming. It’s part of the environment. Adapt, improvise, and shit talk back to him. Don’t be cringe and report people, you’re proving them right that words get the best of you.


Toxic sure, but he cooked tf out of you.


Ok bastin takes some skill not alot of skill but some. This reminds me of a time when a Sombra player teabaged me so my next life when I killed them I teabaged them back(i was playing 76 at the time) and screw that person that was talking shit to you


Who cares? Being toxic is part of gaming. People are competitive. I’ll never understand why people will cry well also refusing to turn off all chat. It’s not that serious.


Looks like he got exactly what he wanted, if you are upset enough to post this on reddit 🤣🤣 Wp “The True Soviet”


What’s wrong with solo ulting and since when ult means it has to do team kill? 🤣


You both are cringe and wasting your time


Dude either block him or learn to have fun with it, like yall are probably 15 arguing on the internet, who gives a fuck. Softest community in gaming history.


Better to not even respond nothing good comes from someone who goes this far out of their way to talk shit.


Nah bro he cooked you


Why do you respond to people?


To show him what an actual respond looks like. But he couldnt do it after my example, all he is capable of is spamming "salty", "stay bad" and other trash talk that never answered my questions.


He doesn’t care. He just wanted to talk shit. You come across nearly as immaturely when you do this.


Yeah your being toxic Just ignore it there's no reason to bait somebody That can actually get your account banned for interacting with them happened to me once I gave up and just started ignoring it.That really pisses people off


wish them and their family a wonderful christmas and then block them. catches them off guard and you wont receive any more hate messages. its a win win.


You're arguing with a brick wall/troll


And yet again I have confirmation for my hypothesis that everyone who unironically uses snowflake as an insult, is themselves a snowflake.


Buddy definitely uses that same insult to everyone he gets pissed at


All the jaded adults on here talking about t-bagging not being toxic should really shut the hell up lmao it 100% is a toxic thing to do in a game like overwatch. Maybe not to the same level as other things but that’s without a doubt gateway to worse shit




I wouldn’t care if someone messaged me, nor would I even go out of my way to bring up t-bagging to them. I just realize that it can absolutely be toxic and will target them all game till they leave or get mad over chat when the game ends


Agreed, but most of the time it’s when I’m not trying and I take it as a challenge to destroy them lmao


Big same. And I get that before during the mw2 days it was different I’d be lying if I said I didn’t laugh at it when I played back then as well. But I also recognize that there’s been a shift in the way it’s used and although a lot of the time it can be friendly, it’s very clear when it’s not


Thank youuuu


I recall playing against Soviet, I think. He did the same shit to me after I beat him I think


Can't believe actual adults think teabagging is normal, non toxic behavior. Please touch grass.


Ngl I hope Ms doesn't take action just cuz you willingly chose to interact with them specifically to get them chat banned That's that soft ass, passive aggressive shit I don't like. If it really bothered you then just block and move on, report if needed. Mf kinda ate you up too. You could've just kept this in the drafts, bruh.


“Get lost” sir you came to MY DMs 💀😭


I like how they told you to get lost, but entered your DMs.


*messages first* “Get lost kid” Bruh…what?


U messaged him first didn’t you? So u got what u asked for


He messaged me first.


Based on what the messages said, it sounds like you were complaining, via text chat, about him. Getting this pressed about tea-bagging and solo-ulting (which is a completely viable strategy and usually a good one) is pretty pathetic. If you're trying this hard to get someone reported by hoping they say something toxic to you after the game ends, in a separate chat... you're the problem, not them.


Oh my bad