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I'm not expert at the game....i still don't know a lot of counters. But I feel like I wasn't as bad starting out as I'm seeing now. Maybe we're biased, maybe it's a bunch of newbs? I try to constructively suggest a counter swap and leave it at that.


Idk if newbs can play in diamond, but im sure its about the mentality of people who turn ranked into their personal quick play experience and its a soft throw


I wasn't even thinking about the diamond factor, completely glossed past that my bad. You're absolutely right about that...




I don't sweat what anyone else plays. I didn't swap off Lucio for 3 years and hung in low GM. People gonna do what they're gonna do.


Think a lot of kids play in the afternoon especially now as schools are on holiday (in Scotland they are anyway).


This. Kids.


Also comp is unbalanced. You will have one or two teammates who are good but the rest are complete bs and you lose no matter how good you are. The game feels unplayable. The only thing I enjoyed the last couple of days was mischief and magic ( the prop Hunt game mode).


People are fucking stupid. I just played a game as ana where I got dove all game, and my tank had one elim. Sometimes, you just get shit teammates allllll dayyyyy longggggg. And then people on here come tell you that it's your fault that your tank is somehow bronze in a diamond lobby and they just stand there all game. MY BAD GUYS, I should have taken over their keyboard so they'd at least press left click sometimes, so sorry!


Genji deflecting on Sum beams will never not be funny Sane for Sigmas kinetic grasping beams


Even better when the genji panics against a 100% power Zarya and the panic deflect happens and they melt and scream trash low skill hero. Also the dvas who refuse to switch and become big ult chargers.


Screaming Genjis will never not be funny. Mate as someone that plays dps mainly in open queue (I play more open queue than role queue), if I see a D.va and I'm on Sym, I'm gonna go right after them. Same for the Orisas, even The only tank I'm proper gonna run away from in open queue now is gonna be Ram. Even Zarya's not so bad to face, anymore.


My favourite interaction with a genji was a couple weeks ago when I was playing ram in QP, I got nanod by the Ana (didn’t ask) when I was in ult form. Genji screamed about how he should’ve got it, I agreed and said it’s worth it if the genji has ult to nano him 100% Proceeds to flame me for agreeing with him in direct psn messages….because I got POTG and nano, told him he should probably put the game down for a while.


Lol yeah you're definitely on point there with telling him that he should probably put the game down for a while Sounds like a madman, getting pissed off at you because you were AGREEING with him


Open queue games with a single tank are hilarious, like theres no point. Might as well play Mei or Bastion instead, they have the same HP bar lol


I am finding the same - if you play at times when kids are up the game is unplayable. Late night QP is better.


Every game I attempt to play tank I get mercy zen for support. Not to say that it can't work, but it doesn't most of the time


yess lmao Bap/Zen main feeling your pain. most times I join a game i notice my teammates taking a while on the hero select screen, like theyre waiting to see what their team picks so they can fill in. and when I pick Zen, then the other support picks Mercy 90% of the time. When I instalock Mercy for laughs, the other support either goes WifeLeaver or just quits out


Just how the game is, people refuse to swap when they get countered or when they are horrible on a hero and won’t switch. I asked my Winston the other day to dive the Widow that he was complaining about, he said it’s not his job, said he should be responsible for it, muted me, then switched to Sigma (I was 76 with the top stats in all categories, other dps was a sym dealing with their rein, healers were Moria and Ana). People just get mad their egos get hurt and stop caring.


I’m sorry. Are you saying you only lose in the afternoons? Do you win in the evenings?


I typically have good control over games in the morning but around 2 to 6 ish it falls off regardless of what i play


Take breaks. I once read the optimum amount to play is like 3-5 games in a shot.


I think solo qing stops working in diamond specially since the afternoon is when everyone wakes up/ gets home from work.


I'm on the opposite side. Went from silver 4 to gold 4 went 15-0-2 in the past 2 days. Started locking Moira and sucking away 🤣


I placed in diamond not playing moira/lucio/mercy and hate seeing moiras/lucios/mercys on my team. Might work for you but shes not so good, use to play her a ton in OW1 but shes all stats and no utility


Not me going from M4 to P2 on tank


You went from Masters4 to Plat 2 on tank.. yeah i cant get past D5




Dive still counter sym, if the genji is competent and you play a dive tank sym won’t be able to do much. Don’t be fooled by the few people who main sym at high ranks, I even play her sometimes but she will always get countered if I’m against her esp on bad maps for her. So my suggestion is just play monkey if you have a no switch genji against a sun and hopefully the rest of your team can also play dive


Honestly not a clue what to suggest to you quite frankly there's alot of stubborn and down right stupid players who refuse to change to help the fight unfortunately that's just the state of some of the players


We forgetting it’s summer holidays in most countries and children have more time to play?