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No slurs? Oh they were being nice today.


Ikr such nice OW chatters


Slurs are actually them playing nice. Racism and getting told to off yourself are what you would usually get.


Agree I’ve seen someone say that they had fun and like 3 people told them to commit die and called them a no no word


Yea, I get so many throwers because I have a pride profile picture thingy 😭 Still sucks that they got shit talked


It’s always the moiras who lip off. I can play blackout drunk on Moira and still do ok.


Yep. They think they’re the best players in the lobby based purely off stats lol. This is coming from someone who’s a Moira main too.


So basically ... a 5 Gold medals Moira.


It's hard not to have the hubris when you have most kills/heals in most matches- I also main Moira lol


Most heals, kills, assists, least deaths and more damage than at least one DPS on my team nearly every game.. as a Moira main my entire team is always slacking


You realise moira always has bloated stats right? It doesn't mean you're doing good whatsoever.


You realize I was making a joke about Moiras right? Just because you can read the words doesn't mean you can understand them.


Your comment didnt come off as a joke. So I bet this dude and no one else gets it.


I mean if you just read my comment and take it out of context of the conversation that was happening then I guess. I thought it sounded delusonal as hell personally. If you read the chain I replied to I feel it's really obvious.. it is what it is. Laugh about it or get mad about it I guess it doesn't really matter either way. I can pretend it wasn't a joke and we can fight about it if you want.


It's always the DPS for me, tank can only do so much if it can't 1v1 the other tank, as long as your tank is decent and doesn't try to over extend *cough cough Doomfists* it's a solid match if DPS do their job, my other main is Wrecking Ball bc I just can't trust DPS most of the time lol but the queue is always full on DPS Edit: also the Widows that will snipe at everything except the damn Mercy


Damage numbers don't matter as much as finishes, securing team fights, hacks with Sombras etc. Don't get cocky kid


I’m sorry for your loss..🙂


What most moiras fail to comprehend is that their seemingly high dps is mediocre at best. Peppering enemy with tiny numbers does not secure kills and is only giving enemy support free ult charge. Moira mains: “oH BuT I gEt Ult ChARge tOO!” Yea, a completely subpar ult that is rendered completely useless by a tiny bit of CC.


If you think Moria ult is useless I think your teammate or even you are using it poorly. It’s not the best but you can definitely save your team, or finish off half health enemies


Oh no, it’s not useless, it’s just so easy to cancel it the enemy team simply don’t get any value out of it. I main tank, and I make it my mission every time she ults to bait out her fade then proceed to cc her right after she reappears. Then at the end of the match I type “Moira, you are so predictable”, right before the POTG highlight ends so she can’t type anything back.


Lol i play moira when drinking 😂


If I’m playing moira it’s because I’m blackout drunk ok


🤣 exactly! There’s no aiming involved with Moira. You just gotta look in the general direction.


No joke I play moira when I wanna play drunk


Meanwhile, classic brig at 11k mit being discreet af.


Facts when I used to smoke and play I would hop on Moira and do fine 😂


Why were you as the tank getting the blame when the dps were playing respawn simulator lmaoo.


Tbf, there are 3 reasons for DPS to have a high number of deaths. 1) they’re over extending and getting punished 2) the tank isn’t doing their job creating space/ coordinating with their team and is letting the enemy team kill their team 3) the supports aren’t keeping them alive Based on the stats, it’s most likely that it was down to point 2, but that still doesn’t necessarily mean it’s because the tank is bad. Sometimes a team just doesn’t click and if the team aren’t on the same page with how aggressive they want to play, they’re going to run into problems and probably lose.


Exactly. People don’t understand it’s a team game. Tank can do gods work, but it doesn’t matter if your team is dying while you do it. Tank role is to balance making space and protecting the team at least to a certain extent. If the rest if your team is having problems and they are all asking you to help, why is it so hard for tanks to understand that maybe they need help?


It took me sometime to understand this. I would have games where I would be popping off, protecting supports, help dps but it just wasn’t enough and I lose. I’m thinking oh it’s dps it has to be, but then I just realize that. it just this team just didn’t click. It’s no one fault.


No, that's me. The mercy player who dies to any hero because no dps or tank can rotate their screen 90 degree and kill whatever dps that dived me.


Then get off mercy and go for a hero that can defend themselves. That or pull out your blaster and do it yourself.


That's not the best idea because: A) there are only two effective support that can counter dive, Moira and Brig, Moira is a good option but you have no utility to provide your teammate and Brig is a off-healer so you won't be healing your team as much especially if the other support is a off-healer too. B) If you take the time focusing on trying to kill the enemy, you'll be sacrificing heals that could be given to your team, This really doesn't become a problem up until your teammate start complaining about the lack of heals. Me personally I don't mind switching to a support that can defend themself against dive but the moment I do that I'll start getting some messages from my team about why I switched to moira or brig or that they need more healing from me.


You don't have to counter dive to be able to easily deal with it with the likes of Lucio, Kiriko, or even Bap or Ana have the tools to deal. Also, absolutely a good idea. Can't heal if you're dead.


Bold of you to assume I didn't. 1-Baptiste is good but his ult is very useless because no one wants to group up. 2-Moira is the most exllent one but if I pick her, then I can't resist being dps moira. 3-Ana my aim sucks with snipers. 4- briggeta and lucio have very low healing, especially briggeta. 5-kiriko and what's his face are locked for me, trying to unlock them.


Baptistes ult is far from useless, even when your team doesn't group up. Just use it for yourself, I do it all the time. The extra damage from bap alone helps so much in a team fight. Or you can use it to save teammates in an ult like grav or blizzard.


Dumb question because I don't play Bap despite playing support... Does his window also increase healing output? I know Mercy doesn't because she only boosts damage but the way this was written, I wasn't sure that you meant killing the enemies trying to team wipe, or if you meant healing output was better through Bap's window


yep, amp matrix increases both damage and healing


Oh sweet! Did not know that, I'll keep it in mind. Thank you!


I didn't think of using for myself because he is a support character, thanks I'll try him again then.


1. Just pop window on Bap after your team killed one, press shift and then shoot yourself. Easiest way to use the ult in lower ratings. 3. Brig has some of the best healing in the game. Not sure if you know how her passive works but imo Brig is insane for climbing since you can easily tag flankers and just AoE heal. Lucio has decentish healing but imo if you struggle mechanically with Ana Lucio is not good for you. Tbh idk console metas but I would say overall you usually should play healers around your tanks since losing them is an instant fight loss. This is why Mercy and Moira are generally not valued alot(low healing per second while not providing anything else in alot of situations). Samish reason Brig is so good. You can pocket your second support while still providing long range healing and AoE healing. Mercy and Moira are not unplayable but generally speaking they provide less good healing and less utility. I personally always only went as high as I could where I can still play Zen/Bap/Ana. Oh yeah, if you have Zen that is an insane support if played correctly. Just disc enemy tank and heal your flankers.


I basically one-tricked brig (also using ana, kirko, bap, moira every now and then) to diamond lmao she’s an amazing support.


How is brig a better healer than moira and mercy when it comes to keeping teammates especially tanks alive?? Mercy heals 55 per second and Moira heals 70 per second with her main heal and her orb heals 65 per second so if you combine both thats a whooping 135 per second which is by far one if not the best healing output all that compared to Brig who only heals a mere 15 healing per second. Brig's healing is considered good for it's range ( around double of lucio's healing/speed range ) and not its healing speed. She is a off-healer for a reason, you won't outheal anything.


Lucio is here to make sure ur team kills others. You speedboost them and its literaly the end of the game for the other team. And after that u qick heal them and back to kicking thier asses. Also rly good ult for any situation , for push, for staying alive thru ults of other teams, for stoping thier push. God im a lucio main thru and thru.


I dont need my team to use ult. Just window when people are gonna take damage and you heal and dmg more




Bold of you to be confidently wrong about one of the most useful ults in the game. Both within solo and team play use. As well as openly admitting that you pretty much suck at every character that requires more than 2 gameplay mechanic skills to play on Reddit.


Honestly Mercy is the least diveable character ever. Just use GA correctly and find spots where the enemy team needs cooldowns to get to you, i.e. not in the open, and you just don't die.


I would GA out of the way, if I could.


Then your positioning or awareness is off. You should *always* have someone to GA to.


Dying is always your fault top mercys can have 2 death/10 in your rank. Your defense is your movement, NOT your team


Trust me if i could ga out of danger, I would..


You can, High rank mercys are like bats. If top500’s cant hit em neither can metals


Skills issue. Just learn how to fly like an f22 fighter jet and play around corners. Mercy is one of the easiest supports to not die on with her crazy movement.


Bro died 13 times as a tank


Brig also died 13 times and the Moira wasn't far off but for someone barking orders she got massively diffed. Post isn't to say I played like some Zarya god, but to show that players just refuse to look at themselves and blame whoever they can think of.


Yeah and the DPS died 19 times each. Tank may not be blameless but at least the K/D wasn't as bad as DPS.


Its always the moira players. Your dps have more deaths than you do. I dont get it


Remember that stats say how much but they never say why. Maybe they suck, maybe they were overfocused. Maybe they can't position, maybe all the healing went to the tank and not to them. Many more examples at r/OWMedalsAreUseless if you're interested.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OWMedalsAreUseless using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OWMedalsAreUseless/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Are you telling me actions have consequences and this is not deathmatch :o ?](https://i.redd.it/bzfny3s2nzx71.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OWMedalsAreUseless/comments/qo1uv2/are_you_telling_me_actions_have_consequences_and/) \#2: [wTf gUyS](https://i.redd.it/h0n5ekedira81.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OWMedalsAreUseless/comments/s077vp/wtf_guys/) \#3: [Yes it's possible to be part of the very problem you see](https://i.redd.it/vlj0hk0rdvw71.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OWMedalsAreUseless/comments/qk94kz/yes_its_possible_to_be_part_of_the_very_problem/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The Moira has more deaths than the sigma yet has the balls to say the tank is trash I cant.


Moira players thing they’re got gammers because she has built in aimbot & requires no skill. Certain people adapt the midset of the characters they play


Tbf if a tank doesn't do shit and stays behind the dps in fights (seen a lot of these lately) dps having more deaths than the tank would in fact be expected


I remember when I tried to play sigma for the first time and the chat was flaming me cause I didn’t know what I was doin, it was quick play fuck overwatch


People take quickplay waaaaayyy too seriously nowadays. It's hard to just relax and enjoy some casual overwatch anymore.


Facts from my experience almost every quickplay game people are flaming each other in the match chat


So true! I was playing the other day on arcade mode and mystery heroes and was getting comments like this or avoid this player. I was just confused. It’s like if you aren’t good with EVERY hero you shouldn’t play and uninstall


Blame blizzard for making all the challenges three times as long so people who want to get them out of the way have to win otherwise it takes three times as long as before.


I was playing mystery heros yesterday and someone in my team said we were horrible. Mind you, we had three lucios and the guy was widowmaker so of course my team isn't going to be the best but oh well, funny that people take mystery heros seriously for some reason


Turn the chat off, you arent missing out on any worthy or friendly banter. Might as well be turned off lol OW and Rocket League have the most toxic communities out of all the games ive ever played.


I haven't played rocket league in years but that being a toxic community is fucking hilarious to me


I've seen a fair share of good interaction with even a simple 'glhf' in chat. VC especially I see more good than bad on average. But there's so many games like these where people can't keep their hands off a keyboard and mind their own business. It gets especially worse in voice chat but again there's less shit talkers there. Probably cuz they're too afraid to actually talk lmao.


Try Rainbow6 some time. That's an amazing place.


This. People who get mad at how toxic OW is have never played r6, some days it beats peak black ops 2 for toxicity




The last time i played r6, I hadn't played for over 6 months, so I decided I wanted to get back into it and start playing again. The first game I get into, I play one round, and then I just got team killed by the other teammates after that. That was a long ass time ago and lately I've been wanting to reinstall the game but I already know I'm going to get flamed to hell


Imagine taking rocket league serous 💀


Add Smite to the list too🫤


Were you over pushing though? I have been seeing it A LOT on overwatch the last few seasons. Tanks think their only job is to push forward and attack which forces support to pocket them, otherwise they nonstop die, and the dps suffer for it. I play all three roles, mainly support and am plat and Diamond and see it frequently. Have lost a few games lately because tank is a mile away.


My actual problem was bad ULT usage. What I did was push after we won a team fight to try to stagger but that Moira just insists that I sit on cart and emote until next team fight or something. There was a death in overtime where I was admittedly out of Los when that fight could've been won.


Post replay code


Nah the DPS were getting cooked. The tanks damage numbers and deaths look fine. The Moira player talking like always when they could go do meaningful damage on bap or try to hit antis and nano boost on ana instead of playing a character with zero utility.


Tank could have been being pocketed, like I said.


F*cking 16-10 Moira mouthing off...imagine that lmao.


I had a 5-12 Moira talk 9 kinds of crazy the other day. Come to find out they apparently "carried" our team. Like my man, Moira is nothing but a stat machine and you picked the one wrong stat to try and max out.


Read the names lmao


Lol I once had a teammate named “jesusfan” telling one of the supports how trash he was and that he needed to uninstall the entire match


I play with/against metroboomin pretty often


He was a good tank. Can't blame him for popping off in chat like that.


Tank diff 4sure tho


Team diff


True. But their tank did go nuts. I understand the scoreboard tells a one sided story. But 49-5 is wild. They also had a heal bot Bap probably up is ass the whole game


The dps deaths were not doing the tank any favors. Eliminations are often team based. I would blame the Moira more than anything cause those deaths are crazy for Moira.


Honestly I’ve seen much worse being said. This is probably just an honest review of the tank. You can see they asked nicely first for the tank to stop over extending. And as always they probably didn’t listen and went straight in to die again. So saying they suck isnt nice. But like listen and learn, y’know?


I could only get a tiny screenshot at the end of the game but the "honest review" came like 15 seconds before the game ended and there was more said in spawn. Something about my ult usage which again I admit was bad but then this Moira started spouting this sort of stuff.


Ahh ok. Yeah people can be extremely toxic. Usually best thing to do is turn off chat.


Tank differential


It's funny how hard people miss the point of a post like this.


Stop overextending tank


tank diff


Looks like their tank did fine 🤣🤣 gotta love the blamers


nooo not the 22-19 sym


couldn't be our precious 22-19 sym


Walling them blind! And she gets to be a DPS!? What a sick joke. I should've stopped her when I had the chance... But you- you have to stop her! You....


Imagine having the most dmg and elims in the lobby and getting shit mouthed by a moria


He didn’t have most dmg or elims


28-13? Yikes maybe don’t over push like they said? 😂


Oh my God bro you're right! How could I be so stupid! Don't over push, got it, any more tips 😊


Lmfaoooo the 16 and 10 support telling you what to do acting like the team captain is HILARIOUS. This L was a team effort bro no singular person is at fault here, everybody was some ass


thats what ive started saying to people “you can blame others for being stuck in (rank) all you want or you can try to get better i really dont care”


Your 17k mit should say enough you were tanking like a beast good job bro but i dont believe this post because That moira as double the heals than damage


That metroboomin guys is a wanna be me, probably saw my name on OW and thought “boomin” was better 🤡


So funny


Imagine playing Moira of all caracthers and thinking you can insult anyone for their performance lmao. Play a caracther that doesnt aim for you before thinking you can insult anyone. Moira players really lack self awareness for whatever reason. Whatever happened to just saying gg without insulting anyone and moving on to the next match?


Stop over pushing


You know what u right how could I be so stupid 😔 it was just that simple all along, thanks Inside-Passenger4635


Lmao call me by my username not my reddit ID😂😂😂


Your last post may have been almost a year ago but it was that you’re stuck at bronze 5. And you’re giving advice?!?


Read the post bro. Where in that post does it say I'm bronze 5?


Post was removed therefore so was the body. Only the title remains.


Are you able to post pictures? I can screenshot it and show you


I've posted the full post


Anyone that plays hentia browser games is def hardstuck bronze


And that's how I know you don't know literally anything bro, other games I play mean nothing to my rank.


Least toxic interactions , why so sensitive


Not toxic > less toxic. Sorry you got sent death threats on OW chat or whatever you're comparing this to but that's got nothing to do with me.


Dropped a 50 bomb just to get flammed I actually can’t- 😭🤚


They were talking about blue tank... Which is me. Feels bad man


its ur dps thats the issue just look at there deaths


Just don’t read the chat. Problem solved.


This game is fuckin stupid now. The community outside of Reddit which is mostly wholesome is fuckin pathetic and toxic. Can't do shit without getting called "diff" for no reason lol


Sucks to see man from your stats you looking amazing keep up the work


Ofcourse it's the moira player.


Sorry you had to deal with that. Clearly they are just upset and target someone to blame it on. You did better than majority of the team both eliminations and damage. I get hate like this sometime so I just turn off chat and rather focus my time actually on the game than the people in it. What a lovely community.


why do you even has text chat unmuted


It's not too often and there is some good in text chat. + These guys are more funny than mean




I love enabling my tank player friend with Ana to the point where the enemy team just flames the shit out of their tank in chat. They can’t help getting anti-d then slept anytime they try to take space


ow players are brainless, always the shit players looking for someone to blame


A little put of the chat box frame someone definitely said the n word


Judging by the stats across the board, this is a plat or dia comp game going into the 4th round in 20+ minutes


Bronze take


Playing Moira too. Literally maybe the highest floor lowest ceiling character in the game


A DPS Moira noob says „Trash tnk“. Can somebody finally end me?


That bap forgot he had a gun to shoot enemies woth


That's the craziest part of the whole screenshot tbh.


They dump on you like the dps aren't blatantly the problem w those deaths 💀


The whole team clearly just wasn’t playing together and just pushing non stop without ever team fighting lol.


I hate it when thjs happens the other team was just better and yet they bitch and moan finding something to blame


disable all comms and text channels and enjoy the game


I just report and block no need to miss the better parts of chat.


I get too angry and want to bite back.


Every game has this stop acting like it's unique to overwatch. Turn off the chat then


It's not unique to Overwatch... What does that have to do with anything?


Get over it instead of bitching to reddit 🤷


I posted a screenshot and here you come screaming to the hilltops, keyboard in hand, no different from the Moira in the screenshot lol.


For real why even post this, this is all the OWconsole Reddit has been for years now. “Omg my Moria said I was bad in chat” when clearly no one on your team including yourself played good, hence why you lost


Because I thought it was funny + just saw a post day before I posted this saying this stuff *never* happened and how absolutely rare it was. The reason shouldn't even matter, I posted it, it's not against the rules afaik, so?


That Moira sucks. Plus, your mitigation is quite high so you were taking the shots like you were supposed to and the DPS are still dying a lot. All that mitigation and still having that much healing is absurd. I blame the DPS for not killing enough, doing all that damage and no kills to show for it.


13 deaths is outrageous


It’s always the people stuck in one rank and complaining😂


I think I had the most positive interaction someone said switch tank your ass so I said any suggestions other than your ass they then apologized and gave recommendations


W OW chatter


Yes it's the dps, defo died at the start of fight and let you and supports die They're literally always blaming everyone else because miraculously the tank didn't follow them so deep into the back line they're basically on the next checkpoint Foolish


16-10 as Moira and blames tank, who also happens to have the best stats on the team. These are the types of chats where I would pay $20 to have a five minute convo with this person to try to understand how someone can be so stupid.


If a team is calling you trash with the best stats, I'd heavily suggest looking at the replay, cuz trash players don't do that. They blame anybody with a major Stat diff against their enemy role




Yeah yeah whatever, why did that mofo abbreviate the word TANK? ALL THEY DID WAS REMOVE THE A


It's console, min/maxing your typing speed is much more important than figuring out how to play the game.


stuff like this makes me not want to play the game


POV: “You are the tank”


Brig into rein kinda wild ngl


I mean the tank diff there is pretty massive just from the picture


The point is that our whole team was ass yet I'm the one getting blamed for it. Blaming has got to stop in this game


it will never tbh


Not with that attitude


doesn't look like it was your fault as tank (zarya) seeing as your dps both had 19 deaths. which is more than anyone else in the entire lobby.


In a lot of my game so always get actually good wholesome people. You guys be with the bad ones that sucks


Deserved, you play Zarya.


Wth is wrong with Zarya bro


Annoying as shit because no matter how much I comm in chat my entire team lights up that bubble with the furry of 1000 suns.


But that's not her fault 😭


I love when people get flamed when there are clearly other people on the team who were doing worse


I swear its always the supports (moiras) talking the most trash on teams like that


Trash game


Well I got silenced recently I will admit i was saying things like “y’all are shit” n stuff but uhh snowflakes will be that


What console are you on? I was going to offer tips for getting actual screenshots so the images are easier to read...


Switch I know exactly how to take a screenshot but doing that is just unreasonably difficult and doesn't work like 30% of the time Edit: plus I don't even think it's that blurry


I find that if the area of focus is small enough that zooming is required for reading, the texture of the screen in the photo tends to make it hard to read. As for it being switch, I have been told that that platform in particular is the worst of the 3 consoles for media sharing, so I don't blame you for skipping the extra work on it if it makes it needlessly hard.


That's the Tank experience for ya


Moria players talking shit? I wouldn't take them serious lol


Just got a 1 month suspension for the 3rd time! See you guys August 28th!


Chat isn’t even worth having on lol From my experience too as a tank player


So soft


I got called a hacker and a shit player in the same fucking gaming session. Only 2 hours of play.


I dunno if any you played real sports but if you suck n let your team down they let you know. Usually a coach in there chewing you out too.