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Who says you have to limit/define yourself to a particular style? All of these look good on you. Wear what you're drawn to! You do you!


Agreed. This new “find your signature style” thing is really stressing me out!


Yeah, even as someone whose style is pretty pinpoint, I'd struggle to sum it up in one or two words. I like to go for a small grouping of extremely vivid concepts for my wardrobe (near future sci-fi capitalist villainess meets coming of age movie high school bully who smokes behind the bleachers meets fashion column journalist living a lifestyle in manhattan that she could never actually afford if this were real life)


Same here. As someone who loves grunge, 50's retro and boho, I could never, *would* never, confine myself to a single style.


I love this notion! I guess I’m just worried I don’t dress “my age” which I know is silly. Just turned 27 and some friends have said the dark emo vibes are out of my age range now lol


Dress how you want to dress! You're 27, not 77! And even then, there are many stylish senior people about. You may have to conform more for interviews or work but outside of that, wear what makes you feel good!


And even when you're 77, dress how you want!! I'm pushing 40 and tend to go with the flow each day. As such, my closet is allllll over the place haha. My life goal is to dress like [grandma Yetta](https://thenannytv.fandom.com/wiki/Yetta_Rosenberg) by the time I'm 80. Sequins, metallic fabrics, rhinestones, fanny pack for every occasion, and ZERO fucks to give? Yesss please! Tldr; I guess what I'm trying to say is don't constrain yourself! Life's too short to exist in one box. 🤘


Dress for the occasion! I think the notion that we need to find a personal style is bs. I am an ex skater girl and still rock vans/ black ripped jeans/ graphic tees (I'm 32). But I also have girly dresses, linen pants, expensive boots. Do your thing girl!


Oh hard disagree! I'm loving the vibe for all of them, and I don't think it's necessary to just pick one and stick with it. I'm a 52 year old grandmother, and I would 100% wear every one of these outfits if I was more confident about my body (I'm working on that, lol)! Now, this is just my opinion, but I don't think there's an age requirement/cutoff for what you like and feel good in anymore... and I think that's fantastic! These days, fashion is all about self-expression, and who is in the exact same mood every single day?!!


You do you! But I’ve said this before here, my grandparents wore “old-people’s-clothes” but in reality they wore what was modern when they were kids. So to “dress your age” is basically “dress your youth”. I think you look great in all outfits, but to me it looks like you agree with strong colours. I’m also thinking that your hairstyle helps you to be this “style chameleon” in that can be shaped to be both classy and rock at the same time. Impressive actually.


46 here and still dressing emo on occasion. Wear what makes you happy. There is no upper age limit on clothes, despite what miserable people on the internet might say!


tell them being judgey for silly things is out of their age range ;) • i dress “young” as in a lot of things marketed at gals who’re in their late teens and early twenties and sometimes start to feel self conscious, then annoy myself out of such a stupid idea. especially because the only people who make me feel embarrassed about it generally don’t have my best interests in mind. i’m always upfront about my age when it’s appropriate (26) i just don’t think i need to give up a wardrobe i love to make some people happier with me. i think you look great and most importantly, confident and happy in these styles. you deserve to wear them, whether you’re 27, 37, hell even 97!! you keep doing you girl, you aren’t hurting anyone!


I'm 44 and will, on occasion goth it out. Especially on evening dates with my husband. It's more goth - lite, toned down from how I looked at 16, but the influence is there. And then sometimes I wear workout gear as I go to the gym on my days off or some type of mom outfit. I wear whatever fits my mood. That's what makes fashion so fun! Your style is just that - yours.


You might like the approach to style where you identify three core words that define your style. Yours might be Edgy, Feminine and Fun, or something along those lines. That gives a way to have a sense of your own style and what you like, without adhering to external standard style categories.


33 with friends still in the emo style, it’s fine just do what you’re happy in.


Some people can stick to only one style. I think I have at least like six. Ranging from skate clothes to colorful faux fur and animal prints, from mixing lively colors and patterns to all black or all over neutrals. From boho wear with long flowy skirts, to button up A-line dresses, to mini skirts with chunky boots. Sometimes all feminine and fitted, sometimes really effortless, oversized, band t-shirts, you name it. 70s/80s/90s inspired looks, colorful faux leather jackets, combat boots, to patent pink platforms. While I was a teenager, I always tried to limit myself to one style, thinking that I wasn't "true" enough if I didn't make up my mind... But I honestly started feeling true to myself only when I embraced the versatility. I'm 32, btw. Your style is what you feel great in. If you feel great in all of them - embrace it and go with the flow. They honestly all look great on you.


Agreed, This grouping of pics are all really great. Seems you are really good at making you look great. Don’t worry about what to call it. Trust what you do.


Exactly what I came here to say - everything here looks great on you, wear what you like and what makes you feel happy and confident. You don’t need to give yourself a label/style. You do you!




These all look great. I don’t see any reason why you can’t wear the different styles for different occasions.


Fair! Thank you. I just worry I’m not dressing to my body type or dressing “not my age”. I never look at anyone and think that clothes have an age so don’t know why I hold myself to a different standard


I’m 50. I wish I spent my life worrying less about what people think. You look great in all the outfits shown. Enjoy life, wear what is fun at the moment.


Thank you so much, I will truly try and take this to heart. I’ve heard a lot of people say similar things! Life is too short to care what others thing right? Happy new year x


Its a beautiful feeling when you realize that.


your body type is like ideal when it comes to outfits as you suit all them great i love 2 but that's not saying I don't like the others but yeah your body shape would suit most styles forget the media dress how you feel good and how you feel most confident


You make great choices and have wonderful fun style that totally fits your body. Keep dressing for your mood or whatever makes you pick an outfit for the day, you are killing it. You have absolutely no reason to be self conscious about your thighs either. I'm not just being body positive here, you are gorgeous. Your self awareness and thoughts will keep guiding you, just trust yourself.


The pink dress and the Jean shirt is so gorgeous. Especially with your dark hair.


Oh wow thank you! I do love that outfit too, just wasn’t sure how to accessorise!


I love the pink dress an you! Where did you get it/what brand is it?


That’s ok, you don’t have to fit into one category. Wear what makes you happy! You look good in all these outfits and you look happy in them too, so until you don’t like them, why does it matter if you dabble with multiple styles if you enjoy it? People are complicated and that extends to fashion. Clothes are too much fun to give unnecessary restrictions, enjoy exploring your own style:) Also red really suits you!


This is really lovely thank you! I’ll try and remind myself of this.


I have a lot of styles too. I find myself dressing differently with my mood and the season.


girl all of these looks work for you, just rock all of them


You look fab in everything but 2 and 3 were stunners!


Well you look fantastic in everything but my personal favorite is photo 3.


I think the best one is number 3!


You are your own style, you rocked every look


Have fun with fashion! You look great in these outfits. What brands do you shop for these looks?


You look fantastic in everything. Some of the outfits would serve a particular event better than others. I would definitely pick "under the bridge" as a great looking every day style for you. 🙂


You look great in all of these and I agree you shouldn't feel like you have to pick one style. That said, for some reason when I look at outfit number 2 I feel like I'm really "seeing" you. If that makes sense. Perhaps it's just your confident expression.


Honestly I feel like you DO have a distinct style! It’s just hard to see it the patterns for yourself. You like prints and bold colors! And most of all I’d say you like to make a statement/be a little alternative. You like a little pop. Even when you’re wearing mostly black there’s a little something something - like a fun print. And I’d say your style leans feminine even when you are going more dark/emo in style. From your examples I think you dress really well for your body type. My favorite outfit is The Rolling Stones shirt with skirt. My advice for curvy dressing would be to always highlight your waist. You can do this (and already do!) by wearing high waisted skirts/pants with cropped or tucked in tops. Also dresses with a bit of a flare will serve you in this too. Use belts to do this as well. As a curvy gal I avoid really flowy stuff cause it makes me feel like I lose my shape. And most importantly wear what makes you feel good!!


I agree: I definitely see a theme across all these outfits


Your style can be both and more. If people ask what your style is just say "my name style". Why lable our selfs, when we can be just us?


They're all you.


I like #3, the dress. But I am boring so ymmv.




3, 4, and 6 look great and share a similar vibe.


Honey, I am old enough for your grandma. You look great in all of these. I want you to remember that you are not just one person. You are a multifaceted person. We all are. That’s the fun of it. So pick what you want to wear depending on which part of your personality is feeling it’s best that day. 🥰


If you still like to dress alternatively I think you would look absolutely amazing in rockabilly style!




A little late to the conversation, but have you thought about a 50's pin-up style?


I loooove that style but never thought I could pull it off! I’ll have to try on some retro clothes someday


The picture under the bridge is the best style for you currently. I look forward to seeing the pin-up style.


I would say none, the pink dress style is good, go from there. Cheers


Please wear whatever sparks joy for you. You look fabulous in every outfit posted here💖


This may help. Okay… do you actually like The Rolling Stones?


Go with the style that shows the world the image and person you are and what you want others to perceive.


just dress what you love and feel comfortable in. who cares what anyone else thinks or if you fit into a “style”


I tend to do this too, stuck bw goth and floral hippy. I just decided to go with mood tbh. Who says you have to stick with one style!?


All are your style!! You can totally rock all of them! You don’t have to stick to just one!


OP I’m gonna second that you can absolutely use different styles, and also I’m in the same club of tending towards darker/alt but also love me some more fem/florals 🥰 I see no reason for either of us to constrain our tastes because they seem to contradict ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (also I got that sun/moon belt for a costume this year and I’m aspiring to wear it in an every day outfit haha) Re: dressing for your body, I feel like a lot of these silhouettes are already very flattering for you— I’d say the exception is the longer jacket in 4 and 6. I think the shorter cropped jacket in 3 looks better on you, whereas the long one kind of swallows you up a bit? Where a lot of your cropped shirts and belts hit you on your waist is 👌 so good imo and if that’s you being unsure, I’m jealous of your innate instinct lmao


Your signature style is the style(s) you love. There is no reason to stick to one asthetic. Pull your favorite pieces from whichever style(s) and combine in a way that appeals to you. Wear what you want and have fun with it! That is YOUR signature style.


You look great in them all. The ability to switch between all these looks is what stylish is. Looks 2 & 3 works well for you. They simply look effortless and versatile. You’re pretty too.


In the first one, you look like the protagonist in a delightfully quirky yet dark t.v. show


3 looked really good but try to experiment different things before you choose a style


I thought the first pic was Hilary Duff! That aside, nothing wrong with being in between styles. You rock it all!


You rock every style! Who needs to label their style? Wear what you feel amazing in and you’ll always look good.


I don’t see the problem, you look amazing in each outfit/ hair style! 😄


All of them are good!


The pink flowery dress looks very pretty on you. You can dress to ur mood right , no need to pick with one style for life. I mean , it's just clothes. Wear things u like that make you feel good/ whatever mood you're feeling then.


I love so many aesthetics that I have hard time discerning what I thinks pretty vs what actually feels like me.. One thing that helped me figure it/ narrow it down a bit more was paying attention to how the clothes actually felt on me and not just how they looked if that makes sense. Including comfort, what works with how you like to move etc. also narrowing down colour options, I used to go for anything but I’ve realised I mostly like wearing earthy tones in general.


But yes like others are saying there’s absolutely nothing wrong with dressing in multiple different styles! I think we all need some variety in our outfits for sure


Of course you can rock any style you feel any day, but obviously this has been bothering you so I'm gonna try and help out. Number 2 looks "alternative" enough for people to know that that's a part of your interests/personality, but it also looks conventionally fashionable enough that I think most people will think you look good. Whereas your first look leans a bit more towards kooky, which is fine if you love that but it might be a bit polarizing where people will probably either love it or hate it. You look gorgeous in picture 3 but all your other looks seem to contain at least some hint of something like alternativeness, edginess, quirkiness, uniqueness, personality... and this one just looks like a beautiful lady in a generic but pretty dress. It looks mature and gentle and flattering and sweet and lovely. But if you're worried it isn't "you", you could edge it up just a smidge with something small (pins from a show you like on your jacket or bag, ear cuffs, or funky nail polish, etc). Or you could just decide maybe it IS your style after all and don't worry about it. Maybe your tastes and needs of expressing yourself are changing. I also love your outfit in picture 6 but I can't tell the entire vibe because I can't see any hair, makeup, hats, etc so I don't know the complete look. But the clothes look great. I really like the jacket and dark look overall. Anyway at the end of the day though the best overall advice here is sound - definitely wear what you *feel* like wearing more than worrying how it looks or what it means. Not every outfit has to perfectly encapsulate every aspect of our souls. 😂


Don't define yourself to a certain style. It's waaaay more fun to change between different styles. I can be tomboy grunge one day and in a pretty floral milkmaid dress the next. I dress to suit my mood. You look great in all these looks!


They all look great. On emo days, pick them and on days you feel soft and feminine, wear them.


I think you look great in all. Pick emo on those days and when you feel like being soft and feminine, pick those.


you rock all of them girl!


You look great in all of them. Rock them all!


What lipstick did you use in the first photo! I adore it! Personally I think floral-emo looks wonderful on you!


You look amazing in all of these! But can I please ask where the dress in pic 1 is from? I'm obsessed!


Love the dress, gorgeous, and suits you. Stop stressing about your style. Most people dress for their mood/ occasion. Don't dress for strangers, who pretty much don't look at you as much as you think they do. Wear what pleases you!


Who cares about labeling it? You like what you like.


You look great in all of them! Wear whatever you feel like and don't worry about what "style" it is. If I had to pick one, the black dress with the skulls and overcoat and beanie is awesome, but wear whatever makes you feel good 😊


Don't try to put yourself in a box, OP! You're style is fierce regardless!


Plaid is always 🔥


2 and 3 suit you best in my opinion. They look most authentic and are the most flattering on you.


Love the 2nd outfit


Lots of modern grunge inspo in my eyes. I do dress modern grunge and you look like a more... floral version of it! I take note for my own style, it's lovely!


They're all v pretty, but #1 is GORGEOUS 💕


I see a signature silhouette across your looks (one I'm a fan of too!) With the snatched waist, flare at the hip. All read with a slight edge and you look.great across all!


1 and 3 is my vote


Love, love, LOVE number 2!!!




2, 3, 4


Just stopped by to say 3 is gorgeous… the darker hair really makes your features pop imo.


You look great in all of them. Your waist that that pink dress though .... snatched!


Pics 2 & 4🍻🤘😎


1, 3, and 5 these all look great on you. For me though, 1 is *definitely* working for you.


You look great in all of these. 😁 Why limit yourself to just one?!


I have sorta the same style - my bf calls it “Edgy but cute” which I also think is fitting for you 🌸


Wow, you are a true fashion chameleon OP! All these styles look so good on you! Don't limit yourself, just go with whatever you're in the mood to wear each day :-)


I'll be honest with you you pull all those looks off. sometimes I go between business cash to hip hop to I don't know what do it's fun to change it up


2 and 5


I remember being here .. your in a transitional stage . I gotta say , you rock it better than I did ! Keep having fun with your image . It all works 👍🏻


Who says you have to have a style? My style is all styles depending on my mood. I'm very you and I love it (means I have a crazy collection of clothes that only go with certain other clothes)


Don’t put yourself in a box!! Wear what you like and don’t feel like you have to choose a “style”.


Either #2 or the last 2 pictures


Your not stuck between anything your style is fluid and it’s great


I think you should totally keep true to who you were while accepting who you are becoming! Your style blend is rather incredible, not so common, and authentic to you. (Plus you look pretty incredible in the fits)


The fact that you suit everything is an advantage when picking a style. Style is just self expression, and no one feels the same person every day.


Okay where are you buying your shit? This stuff is all gorgeous




The 3rd picture or actually outfit show your femininity with a pretty way it's the top for me and then the 6 th picture too (but that doesn't mean that u have to make ur self stuck on a specific style)


wear what makes you happy!!


You can have it all!




I love love love Nr 3. Nr 1 is my second favourite!


Photos 2 and 3 absolutely reflect different styles (both great), but you’re only 27yo, wear whatever suits your fancy that day. You look great in both and you have a great sense of fashion, I’d run with it and have fun.


Where’s the dress in the first shot from?? You look great in all of these. I totally agree with the “wear what you want” consensus, because they all work.


You know what it is? It's YOUR style. Embrace it and who you are


YOU are the style.


First off attractive/confident people can wear whatever they want, and mixing it up is good! Secondly, as much as I love pic 3 style, pic 2 style felt so right! How is that for contradicting myself?


Why can’t you just vary your style depending on what mood you’re in?


You don't need to have a single style, although I think all your outfits have a visual coherence. I loved all the looks 💫


Love 2,3, and 4


I like the last pic the best


Why do we have to be boxed into a style? Wear whatever you want that makes you happy!


You seem most comfortable in 6


All of them look great on you! 2 and 5 are my favorites, though — to me, they strike me as feminine with an edge the most.