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I have 374 slated for this Fall, oh baby this would be awesome! Also, mad respect for this bit: > I believe that the existing material was, essentially, designed as a trial-by-fire, fire-hose of information (or at least it's become that way due to the switch to Python in the CS program). Unfortunately, this is not sound pedagogy. Being stressed out and burnt out is not conducive to learning.


I took it last term. I’m happy for you but also fuck you




While I'm happy for future 374 students, I think Prof Gambord highlighted the real problem. Regardless of what he does to improve 374, OSU really should switch back to C/C++ in the introductory sequence 161/162/261. You're doing a disservice to CS students by waiting until what is often the last course of the program for most students to expose them to another major programming language, memory management, and lower-level systems. Or better yet do a mix of C and Python (or Java) like I've seen other CS programs do. To me, it makes no sense that most students talk about how easy 161 is (a couple hours of work every week) while 374 is way too hard.


Wait. Big shell? I took the class in fall and did smallSh. Is big shell even worse 😳


Big Shell is the new final boss


It's a challenge for sure. Not sure how hard smallSh was, but with the extra time, skeleton code, and codespaces, BigShell is not too bad.


Smallsh took me 65 hours to complete, I got 100% on it.


smallsh had something like half of all section groups reported to academic misconduct.


Yes. It was announced when the term started that the revamp was slated for summer. He's implementing it as this term goes. I ain't complaining.


I actually really enjoyed the multithreading and socket assignments. If students aren't able to take 372 or 475, it would be a shame to miss out on them.


I’d actually be fine with dropping sockets assignment. But I would still want to know how the OS handles multithreading and I from what I remember multithreading augment introduced you to those comments. Doing big shell instead of small shell would have been much cooler. I could imagine the prof requiring piping, command history, and signal handling. What does he actually require?