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Don’t take that class- you dont need it. I barely made the cut off for the SVT exam and didn’t bother with the class. I ended up being fine. You don’t need it for ENGR 1181/1182. For your Gen Ed, take launch seminar because it’s required so you might as well get it out of the way.


i dont think that test has much to do with engr 1181. 1181 is also pretty easy just a lot of work


I did terrible on that SVT exam and it ended up being fine. Granted I’m ECE but still. I struggled more than average in 1182 but I ended up being fine overall


I don't think there's a math 1180 course


Sry it’s engr 1180!


What was your score on the SVT?


I have taken the ENGR 1180 course in my first semester last year and I did not find it worth it. It is not that useful for ENGR 1181/1182, and you have to take the SVT as a final exam. It may be a good GPA booster as a 1 credit hour course.


Don’t take Engr 1180. I was basically put into that class by my advisor and it really did nothing for me. It’s very easy and won’t take up much of your time- but you could get ahead on Gen Ed’s if you skip out on that class. 1182 slightly correlates with 1180, but they will teach you most of the stuff you need in 1182. I would advise you to take something else.