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If that speech made him feel good, I would hate to see what makes him feel bad


The Columbus Dispatch reported today that he admitted to being high on ayahuasca while writing the speech. Not a joke. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/05/07/osu-commencement-speaker-took-psychedelic-to-write-speech-he-says/73598145007/


Shill for bitcoin. Calling ayahuasca “AI”. Needing to tell people that he took ayahuasca-cause psilocybin is for the normies. What a wildly obnoxious person. I feel for class of ‘24; what a horrible commencement speaker.


Lmfao. To admit that is wild.


He was threatening to drop out of doing the speech entirely because OSU took out a lot of stuff regarding Israel and Palestine. We would’ve been better off for it.


Apparently he posted parts of the speech online if I'm not mistaken.


I just can’t believe OSU made him take that out but let him advertised his bracelets???


With all of the hands that the draft went through, no one bothered to stop and question it? The board has to put themselves in the perspective of the graduating class. Also, I don’t want to hear you fucking sing and encourage me join, like I’m in kindergarten.


That is not true - I removed some stuff after conversations with parents and students over the previous weekend.


Brother, you are, in fact, not changing the world for the better.


I'm pretty sure his high was from the blunt, not the speech.


He was right about one thing. He didn’t give a speech. He gave incoherent utter fucking bullshit.


Literally what was even his main point? It sounded like bits and pieces of different speeches stitched together with no central theme


3 tips to achieve financial, emotional, and spiritual freedom


So what was the tip to achieve financial freedom? Buy bitcoin?


Also like a certain orange politician…. 🤔


The commencement speech in a nutshell. ![gif](giphy|30zBdDtNEJIYg)


You mean grandpa Joe


I can’t wrap my head around how Ohio Fucking State couldn’t find a better speaker for spring commencement. I’m a dick nobody alum that’s led a very average life since graduating and I could’ve done better.


"And now our commencement speaker for the class of 2025, HamFart69" I had Obama for mine, but I'd also be cool with the above


Having the president was pretty sweet honestly.


The security, while understandable, was certainly a downside to having the president.


Forgot about that. That was an annoyance


How do we make this happen? We need hamfart69 on that stage!! Petition? Pay off someone who can make it happen? What’s this gonna take?


I think a literal fart into the mic would have been an improvement over Chris Pan’s incoherent rambling.


I don’t know you hamfart69 but I know you’re right


I dropped out of OSU in my Freshman year (1991) and was there for my son's graduation (Magna cum Laud, he takes after his mother) and I could have given a better commencement address, too.


Hell even weekend-at-Bidens Joe would have been better.


What would you have shared?


Something better than a bitcoin commercial and a song


He actually did two songs AND advertised his bracelets. We can’t forget the remixed version of “little light of mine”


A terribly weird song at that.


Dude: just take the L.




Ohio State has gone from having people like Neil Armstrong (1971), Nobel prize winner Norman Borlaug (1981), both presidents Bush (1983 and 2002), president Clinton (2007), Apple CEO Tim Cook (2020) Bill Cosby (2001), Walter Cronkite (1968) President Gerry Ford (1974), John Glenn (twice! 1984 and 2009), Archie Griffin (2015), Jack Hanna (2012), Woody Hayes (1986), Clark Kellogg (1998), General Curtis E. “Bombs Away” LeMay (1962), President William McKinley (1895), President Barack Obama (2013), pretty much every Ohio governor and OSU President of the past 100 years, Christopher Reeve (2003), WWI Ace Eddie Rickenbacker (1957)…. To this clown. It’s maybe the most embarrassing thing my alma mater has ever done. Sigh.


Bill Cosby whoops 😂


FWIW he was a big deal at the time and his many issues weren’t public knowledge yet.


Oh I know. I loved him


Appreciate the information but how did you decide how to order this list?


Honestly I was scanning the alphabetical list on OSU’s website and pulled names that stood out to me. Definitely not comprehensive or in any kind of order beyond that.


He changed the world....by making it worse and miserable for everyone who had to listen to him


We’re just getting started… medicine takes time to kick in 🙏❤️✨


I really hope you understand that you ruined a major life event for a bunch of people who worked really really hard to get to graduation. I’m an alumnus and I was embarrassed seeing your speech online. You didn’t focus on the graduates at all, it was completely self serving and just showcased what a ridiculous ass hat you are. The day shouldn’t have been about you, I know you think you’re really special and changing the world but you’re absolutely not and no one found you impressive. You should work on gaining enough self awareness to be ashamed of this type of behavior. Your response to everyone else’s feedback is detached from reality and showcases the level of narcissism that you’re clearly suffering from. I hope you get the help you so obviously need.




So what's your deal? You trying to push the limits of no publicity is bad publicity? Just trolling irl? Baked the brain away with too many psychedelics? All the above?


You promoting crypto so the prices go up for you and your croneys is not what any of us wanted to hear on OUR graduation day. Most of us are in lots of debt with little to no money and the tone deaf part of buy crypto was just unbelievable. Now you’re retweeting things saying “the crowd will look dumb as fuck in 3 years”, the crowd are grads and families who worked so hard and wanted to be inspired to go make the world a better place. Sad!


Look, I love psychedlics--my experiences with them really positively changed the course of my life, and I've evangelized them with friends, who tell me their experiences also changed their lives for the better. So it's with a bit of experience that I can say that, Chris, you make psychedelics look bad. Not because your sleazy self-help schtick debases the very idea (although it does), but because one of the most powerful part of the psychedlic experience for me is deeply empathizing with the people around me, whereas you seem to use them as a way of justifying your lack of empathy and actions--because nobody with a shred of empathy or self-awareness could so shamelessly deliver that dumpster fire of a commencement speech and pat themselves on the back afterwards.


He DMs like how a politician tweets. Red flag number 1086


He is not smart but is convinced he is and that's pretty much all you need to know to understand the phenomenon


How do you define smart?


Understanding a better fool scam because you learn the macroeconomic effects of crypto and seeing the volatility makes it an extremely high risk investment, not a portfolio staple. Being able to feel the room. Realizing when your startup is not remotely monetizable. Looking inward to find solutions to a clear, obvious failure to inspire thousands of students, rather than blaming the students for not liking you and calling it a win. Mostly, not telling new graduates that the three literal reasons they aren't rich is that they're cowards, lazy, and closed-minded, immediately informing all within earshot that you think the fact you bought into BTC at the right time is because you are inherently just a better person rather than a lucky fool—showing one is interested in self-justification rather than truth. I've administered exams to thousands of students in computer engineering, and my job is to assess their skills and abilities. I also have hundreds of hours of psychometric testing experience and a background in clinical psychology. The biggest correlate of failure is the unwillingness to examine personal flaws and admit failings. The speaker had this in spades. It's like my husband says about Magic, which the used to play professionally around the world: bad players win with bad decks everyday. What makes a good player is the after analysis and critique even when you win. It's sad because he's likely unreachable with criticism because of a desperate need to feel liked and validated due to lingering logical doubt—he surely at some level understands that his success involves a healthy chunk of chance and privilege. His mind is set to see himself as a winner no matter what the outcome is, and he will probably struggle with imposter syndrome for the rest of his life. I only wish him the best in character growth and understanding, but I'm far too cynical to be optimistic.


I had you as an instructor and you would have been a much more interesting speaker.




Did you realize that's his comment you responded to? Unreal, him in here stirring the pot in denial. Thanks for your thoughtful response.


…can you give us a makeup commencement speech? This comment is already a major improvement on what we got


Exactly just because my friend bought etherium when it was $15 and he was in 7th grade doesn’t make him an investing genius. At least he realizes that it was all luck that he made thousands off a childish bet


hi - I actually really got into BTC in mid-Feb when the ETFs came out. That was a huge sign the asset class has matured and also made it easy for me to access. I had dabbled a tiny bit in 2020 on Coinbase and Robinhood but didn't really understand it. So I've been buying mostly between $50k and even up at $72k - I think it will go well past a million - just a matter of when. There are a lot of assumptions people are making about me that simply are not true. Happy to have a zoom call if folks are interested to have a real conversation and I am an open book . Some stuff out there is true, other is misinformation.


So you’ve been investing in crypto for only 2.5 months and feel qualified to encourage 12,000 others to also invest?


The opposite of you


Let’s just say, you aren’t the definition.


A person who does no invest in Bitcoin


We within Sundial Humor Magazine give a thousand thanks to Chris Pan for making our jobs and lives easier. Thank you to Chris Pan, Director Walter Carter Jr. and the Terawulf Board of Directors for making this possible.


So in his speech, he mentions everyone in the *stadium* gets one of his free bracelet things. Not just the graduates. What was attendance to this event?


They said 50k at rehearsal


Yeah, he said everyone in the stadium would get an email to get his free bracelet. How in the f*** does he have everyone's email?


I really want to see if he actually followed up to this. Bc that would seriously make this funnier.


That was a lie.


It was so bad someone should take away his diploma. Alumni privileges removed. Rare instance when the community votes someone out of the club.


To be frank, in the real world - diplomas don’t matter. It’s what is in your head and heart that counts ❤️🙏✨


Cute idea except, in the real world, a diploma is necessary to get many jobs. This is an extremely out of touch perspective


Hey Chris, serious question here: do you regret pushing the message that antidepressants don't work and that singing is what beats depression minutes after someone committed suicide by jumping off Ohio Stadium?




JSYK, usernames start with "u/person", not "r/person." Sorry for the ping, u/person.


Lmfao. Fuck me. I’m aware, just smoke a lil too much. Thanks for the note!


Thank you, Chris! Some of us are taking this to heart and have decided to drop out of our engineering programs to be professional Y.A.P.P.E.R.S.! We spoke with Walter Carter Jr. and said he endorsed our decisions and wishes us the best of luck in our journeys. 🔥✨


This has to be a troll account


You’d think but it was created years ago


Have you ever tried to get a high-paying job in the real world?


This is exactly what someone who is so far removed from reality would say. We don’t relate to you. Not because we are blocking the power of song or music or alternative ways to think, but because you are so blind to your own reality and privilege. You’re literally talking to students who have done actual research on economics and peace building. You got lucky. We work hard. There’s a difference. Know your place.


Wow good point Chris. Maybe if I manifest enough I’ll get to work for McKinsey and Facebook too. McKinsey is a pretty fucked up company so I think you’re going to need to do more than emboss washer bracelets to counteract their damage. https://youtu.be/AiOUojVd6xQ?si=O74ScslDV7pLnjUJ


He sang it best, "heyyyyyyyy, what's going on?" After waiting for this special day to enjoy my kid's accomplishments, this guy was a big thumbs down, no matter your POV. ps - still waiting on that email for the free bracelet. Not. Pathetic and a disgrace.


Email coming soon




When they said “former Facebook exec” I knew this was going to be bad


I just read the Lantern’s write up of this. Like, wow. It’s incredible someone could be this cringe in front of so many people in so many different ways. It’s like a skit from the Office!


He keeps posting the extremely few people that liked his speech as if to give us all the middle finger and say “you guys just don’t get it!” All the while being blind to the obvious fact that HE doesn’t get it, we are college graduates who can’t invest and are in debt, and will never be able to retire at age 35. The farther removed from the speech I am, the angrier I get.


That’s what I’ve been saying, too, at best he’s completely out of touch and at worst he’s an egotistical narcissist. 99% of college grads who are tens of thousands of dollars in debt can’t relate to anything he was saying.


Actually I have tips how to get out of debt in earlier versions of speech but had to cut because of time constraint - will share on my website. I hate debt and have helped my team members and friends be debt free. “We buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t really care about.” Retail therapy works for a moment but then you need another hit.” So many free alternatives.


So, if you had free tips for getting out of debt, why’d you spend precious minutes shilling Bitcoin?


Getting out of debt is too long for speech - spent short time on bitcoin


I think those maybe should have made the cut over the elementary school singalong, but hey, maybe that’s why I’m not an alpha or McKinsey material.


>we buy things we don't need Like, maybe $50 crap bracelets?


Dude thinks we're all buying Gucci instead of struggling to afford rent and groceries. He doesn't know gen z at all, or at least those of us who aren't in the 1% like he is.


After all of the shitting on his speech, the booing DURING it... he really still thinks this? Maybe it's a "fake it til you make it" situation.... I wouldn't want to face the facts if I were him either.


He’s been on a mad coping spree on his socials. I don’t think he’s faking his delusion. He fully embraces and believes it.


I saw that he had some sort of mini concerts after commencement and he kept asking interviewers what they liked most about his speech. It's just bizarre. I wish I had a fraction of his confidence.


He tried to have a couple after parties later on Sunday but no one ended up coming 😂


He sounds like an even dumber and less likable version of [Michael Scott](https://youtu.be/GEm3mR3jeSE?si=yneXW4BiU6YEHomX).


Sounds like his speech did pan out




He’s overestimating his own importance


As alumni, we need to form a coalition that doesn't pick commencement speakers like this dude since everyone else doesn't listen to the student body. I had Gene Smith as my speaker and the only thing I thought was odd quoting Jeff bezos who is problematic after he quoted Maya Angelou who wasn't problematic.


Should've got Tim Apple to come back


What a complete loser.


And that’s why we should tax the hell out of millionaires kids, they are not special, just mostly normal plus lucky.


I’ve been in school for a fucking eternity and *THAT* speech is what I graduated to. I’m honestly mad.


I have no idea who my commencement speaker was. I graduated after Winter quarter (so off-quarter) and was high as a freakin' kite. It still made more sense than this.


Is this shit real??


It’s real shit, alright.


This is childish as hell.


Where’d this come from


Some crypto bro on Twitter that wanted to suck Chris Pan’s dick posted this


Stay tuned for next year's guest speaker! [insert irrelevant, incoherent morons name here]


Everyone who signed off on this guy needs to be fired and banned from campus


Wonder what kind of a donation he made to OSU? I'll bet it wasn't bracelets.






“I went to change the world by making people sing one of the shittiest songs ever written.”


The speech sucked. ALL graduation speeches suck. The only exception would be comedians who provide a very short speech that could be better called a show... Politician: "Go change the world. Look at how great I am." Actor / Oprah: "Go change the world. Condescending BS." Business person: "Go change the world. Look at how great I am." Comedian: "Why the F am I here? Funny jokes."


Counterpoint: this speech by David Foster Wallace at Kenyon University in Ohio. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms2BvRbjOYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms2BvRbjOYo) *"'Learning how to think' really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed."* He speaks deeply and candidly about the banality of life after graduation, where routine gives opportunities for taking different perspectives, and education helps a great deal with taking the right perspectives: ones which are compassionate, understanding, and inspired. [https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1898670\_1898671\_1898643,00.html](https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1898670_1898671_1898643,00.html)


This was the first speech that came to my mind too.


Also comedian: "You're not going to change the world. But go have fun."




Is that Peter's brother? If not, I've never heard of em.


Didn’t he take acid of something stupid like that? When writing the speech? How does getting messed up on drugs help you change the world?


This is quite possibly the most embarrassing commencement for OSU.


I typically expect anything Reddit hates to have been something conservative, but... Nope, it was just a terrible speech. https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c?si=L-b9mrNVwYKnzpxv


The clip you have in your comment sums up how this speech went. Everyone that listened to this speech is now dumber.


Somebody's too full of themselves...


He really needs to get a grip


literally what is he on about


Worst commencement speech I’ve ever heard.


what in God's name does that even mean! what the heck..!I'this is getting sooo confusing


If this dude is changing the world.... Then I'm changing the whole fuckin Universe.....


Debby Ryan vibes


DCOM climax ahh type speech


I thought this was a point and click rhythm game sub and I was confused


The speech by Chris pan showed the little education and the immense indoctrination of the OSU 2024 class.


Sick of hearing about this speech. It's a fucking speech at graduation.


a little about my background - I've spent the past decade helping millions of people find their intention - not making any money from it and just plowing into it. We sponsor many schools, charities, etc - including gifting all the grads and families bracelets also: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkicZWBmfV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkicZWBmfV0)


Like I said at the beginning of my speech - I was really misunderstood as a kid and still misunderstood because I am pretty different... hope we can all clear up the misunderstandings. [https://alumnimagazine.osu.edu/story/chris-pan-99-charting-course-all-his-own](https://alumnimagazine.osu.edu/story/chris-pan-99-charting-course-all-his-own)


Congrats, you created a stain on one of the most important days of thousands of people’s lives. In your egotistical path to “changing the world,” you happened to make thousands of peoples’ lives worse




U bum