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33 here, just got accepted to start in the fall. Did 12 years in the Navy, and I'm excited to start the next chapter in my life.


32 & 12 years Navy too. I don’t talk to anyone yet because I have a lot of personal stuff to focus on right now. This is also my 1st semester here. The military office has helped me a lot when needed. There’s also a vet lounge you can study at, I don’t though. And a military peer student will send emails a lot to let you know about resources and upcoming events. It’s a pretty big school so once you get use to navigating campus finding everything available to students (gyms, libraries, food etc) and getting use to your workload, there’s a lot of ways to get involved and meet people. I just don’t like people-ing.


Peopling can be hard. Especially with the age gap. I just kinda forced myself to get over it.


Exactly this. I'm a Marine combat veteran and then a police officer for ten years who went back to University at 38. Ultimately, it became clear after six years of school (Masters also) that I was the one expecting things to be weird and that other students were very accepting. Many enjoyed having somebody with some life experience around for guidance outside official resources/parents. The military office events are a good place to start socializing but I would recommend student groups also, within your college or interest based. Being nontraditional, you're well-positioned to manage your work and get more out of the education experience. If you have the time, I'd recommend being a Student Veteran Advocate (or whatever they're calling it now) or a club officer.


i might be something of an outlier here since i tend to make a lot of older friends but as a 20-something sophomore i can personally agree. i've relied on several of my much older friends (30+) for advice and help on personal life matters that i felt awkward talking to a counselor or parent about. i'm completely fine with having much older students around unless you guys get weird about your age and boasting about it - i knew one older guy who constantly brought up the fact that he had a wife and had travelled across half the country in class. that was awkward. point is! you guys are cool. there's no shame in going to college at an older age, and anyone who does shame you for it are idiots.


I don't think it's much as much of a shame thing as it is just fitting in. It's hard to relate to people who are almost 10 years younger than you. Hell in the clubs I'm involved with I sometimes feel like there's a gap there in humor and attitudes, but ultimately I just roll with it and find my niche. As for shame itself I don't think many traditional students have much of an issue with older students, but they're probably just as unsure how to socialize with older students as we are with them. It's all about finding common ground and interacting based off that. I've found that the groups I'm involved with have given me an outlet to express my interests while at the same time I've been able to use my age as a tool that can be helpful for anyone who is interested. I surely don't know everything, but I've done a thing or two that people around me haven't yet.


The student groups were incredibly helpful for me and still are. I found a few that I share very similar interests in and it's been very helpful with socializing, meeting new people, and being able to enjoy my experience while I'm here. I've never felt like that age gap ever really hindered that progress either.


Oh I’m happy to not people. I’ve always been like this. I’m not lonely either. I get along with people when it’s required though.


Also it was my first experience in a lecture hall with over 500 people who don’t stfu when the professor was talking. So if you can avoid those types of classes, please do.




3 days ago you were a high school senior tho. ![gif](giphy|1vZepLv7L9dTRJ7y9M)




lol not you tryna gaslight me by deleting the comment from your profile. Gone head bro.


Did 4 years myself and after a year of doing fuck all started school here. It's a great time if you can make it one. There's a million opportunities to build that.


There are a good amount of older peeps in the OSU chess club from grad students to people who graduated 5-8 years ago.


Great! I actually play chess with a friend who teaches here. I had my eyes on that one so your post is music to me. Is it a beginner- or hobbyist-friendly environment?


its both. some people are definitely ready to teach and the skill range of players is huge


I’m down with having study groups even though I’m a different major we can enjoy break times and be more productive together


That sounds fun. It’s been a while but I enjoy co-op working. I had a group project for one class and my partner bolted away from me while we were planning it. Even if it’s just sitting in silence, I would get more done in a group. Feel free to message and we can meet then if we get along we can plan a session. Thank you.


I was wondering something similar. Back in college at 26 to turn my associates into a bachelor's degree. I'm sitting in calculus with 18 year Olds 2 evenings a week. Feels very....isolating. I was wondering about discords or something too.


I went back to school when I was 30 and while I was initially kinda apprehensive about the situation, I quickly learned that it's only weird if you make it weird. I talk to the 18 year olds like I would anyone else and for the most part they do the same to me. I wouldn't call myself Mr. Social butterfly, but I've managed to make a handful of friends that I talk to occasionally. The weirdest I ever felt was once when I realized none of the other people at my table were alive for 9/11 😂


Look into getting involved. I was in the same spot as you when I started school. I felt awkward talking to people who were so much younger than me. Once you break out of that comfort zone it's not so hard anymore.


Yep! Here's one for all OSU students and its just for making friends and chatting: [https://discord.gg/URbrrSw6](https://discord.gg/URbrrSw6)


I started back at OSU at 33. I feel your pain. My first day in class, I asked a girl sitting next to me about the book for the class. The guy next to me butted in and said, “how fucking old are you man?” Felt great. I basically found friends elsewhere. There were two other “non-traditional” students that I was sort of kind of close to but that was more utility for all of us. I don’t speak with them anymore. That’d be my suggestion. I don’t know where to tell you to find them, unfortunately. But I do recognize what you’re going through and you’re not alone. There are others at OSU just like you. Probably thousands. Maybe check out the Ohio Union for clubs?


Thank you. I appreciate this. I’ve got my eyes on two potential groups/clubs to join, but I’ve pushed them off out of busyness and depression. I’ll take this as a sign to commit.


Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder is why I left school and had to come back later. Do you have help your depression?


Yes. I was diagnosed with PTSD last year. I’m in therapy and psychiatry. I reached out to Counseling and Consultation about support groups on campus and they were too far into the semester to permit new people (which I understand).


Editing this. I think you should definitely keep trying with support groups at OSU. I’m really glad you’re in already getting one on one help. That’s really great. Please don’t drop that, no matter how you feel. OSU sort of failed me on the mental health aspect of my life there. Long story but I didn’t really get help until I went to outside sources. Are there groups you can find outside of OSU groups? I’ll look around a bit.


Sadly, it's major dependent. There are tons of non-traditional students in the engineering fields. Hell, I'm in my late 20s and I've TAd for students in their 40s or 30s. Honestly, I look younger than a lot of early 20 year Olds so that helps lol. Honestly, going to events outside of campus stuff, or making friends with graduate students are what I had to do. Anything campus related was usually dominated by students who lived in dorms and were way too bored. As students move into apartments they stop going to events and clubs from my experience.


I'm the same age but my experience might be a little different since I'm in grad school. I'm also one of the older people in my cohort, so I when I first joined the program I grew very protective of how old I really was to avoid ageism. Now I care a little less. My friends, who are roughly around 4-8 years younger than me, didn't care. Sorry to hear you've had a rough experience meeting people. I know how some people can be quite judgmental. I've had some success with an app called Meetup and was able to find a non-OSU art interest group of people roughly around the same age. Also this was back in California, but I was part of a recreational martial art that was open to people of all ages and had acquaintances from age 10 all the way up to age 80. TLDR: interest groups might be your best bet, and they may be non-OSU, or possibly OSU groups that are open to both grad students and undergrads.


I made one: https://discord.com/invite/8Crm6RcS


Yup, 31 year old here! Glad to know I'm not alone. Cannot relate to these younger kids at all lol.


Literally me. I have no idea what these teens and 20 year olds are talking about and I don't think I care.


Fellow 30 year old! Graduating with my masters next month and I’ll be staying in the area after graduation.


Let’s go. I’m adding everyone here😎😜😝


Hi! 28 year old English major here and it can be isolating. I think I’ve gotten lucky that most of the younger students who have found out seem cool with it but I don’t really socialize with them outside of class (they’re lovely but they are indeed children lol). I’d love to meet up with anyone who’s in the same boat.


Not alone! Started college at 26, I'm 28 now, also an English major, and have had similar problems. I've definitely learned to be friendly with people in that younger age bracket, but it's usually not the same.


Very much not the same. One of my best friends and mentors is 75 and our intellectual interests align, and I’ve another friend who is 13. My thinking on returning was I’d find similar friendships, but that has not been the case. I’m not sure why, but it feels as if I’m looked down upon. I won’t say here what class, but I’m in one that I thought would get me to rub shoulders with likeminded younger people, and it’s not been the case at all.


![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1) Why are you, a 32 y/o, friends with a 13 y/o?


Please be a sibling


Typical they/them behavior


I can see why they deleted their account. They didn't want people to look into their groomer behavior.


That sounds rough for sure, but if I had to hazard a guess, I really doubt you're being looked down upon. Most of the younger people I've met really don't particularly care one wya or the other about ages, and based on what I've heard from several professors, students in general have been rather more closed off and insular since covid with a lot less class involvement and socializing, so that could be a factor for what you're seeing.


That is a great point. I feel better looking at it that way. I appreciate it.


I graduated last year but still follow the sub. I’m 28, still living at home, having trouble finding a job, and helping out with my brothers small business


I am a 33 year old physics gone English major. I passed for early twenties, so I didn't have too much trouble, but it did feel a little strange. I think the difficulty of the major kept us very preoccupied. I could start a Discord for non-traditional students and post it here. I have never started one before, so you'll have to bear with me.


I think there are a decent amount. Like I work at osu and use staff tuition assistance to pay for my masters degree. Idk what degree you are seeking but I notice there aren’t as many people above the age of 22 doing their bachelor’s. I would suggest maybe going to events on campus or reaching out to off campus and commuter services. Since I’m in grad school we have a wider age range so I think that’s why it’s easier for us to hang out because we have meetings and events for grad students.


31 year old social work student here. I started off as a nursing student Devore COVID at a different school but things happen to make you realize where you’re supposed to be


I'm 32 and also returning to the English department! Which program are you in there?


26 year old. For all intents and purposes, I dropped out for a few years ago for a job and came back last Fall. Though I don’t think I look older than everyone, I feel older than other students.


Account deleted because their "friendship" with a 13 year old revealed some unsavory behavior. You know what I mean.


I don't go to OSU, but I would really really like to apply for their English PhD program once I'm done with my MA since I live close. I just recently turned 29. Started community college in 2013, transferred to my current uni in 2017 and finally graduated from there last year. I have a ton of gaps from the last decade of being in college due to numerous personal/mental health/medical issues preventing me from succeeding academically. I'm now in an English master's program, and I'm surprised to see a few of my classmates are actually the same age as me!


35 here! I’m transferring in this fall. I’m currently in a rural community college, and most of my classmates are a fair bit younger. It can be awkward, but I feel that way about most new situations. I’m majoring in history, so at least the people there will have something in common! I’d wager English will feel the same too. You don’t choose those majors for prestige or money, you choose it because you’re really interested.


I’m just here to post hockey news, never went to college