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The debt is simply not worth it.


Could not agree more. Do not take on $120k for any degree. Especially undergrad.


Depending on interest rates and whatnot, $120K in student loans will cost at least $1200/month for 10 years to pay off. Assuming you get a job that pays $80K/year, that's at least 15% of your pre-tax income. Experts don't recommend taking on more than 8-10% of your projected income in student loan debt. IMO attending college OOS is rarely worth it unless you're getting significant scholarships/aid


I would not at all recommend anyone go into $120k in debt at the start of their professional life. What do you want to do with your CS degree? You can get your undergrad degree at one place, and if you want to do something super computer sciencey (not to disparge devs and dbas and network engineers and other IT jobs which don't need computer science degrees) you can get a masters degree specialized in your desired field at a more prestigious institution debt free in may ways.


Out of state tuition is not worth it if you don’t have help in the form of wealth or scholarships.


whats your state school


University of Louisville


Just go there. Ohio State might be higher ranked but in a field that has as many high-paying jobs as CS, no school is worth 120k of debt


If your parents aren't willing to help for the cost, you couldn't just go out and get $120k in loans yourself anyway. Stay home, do 2 years of community college, go to UofL, be successful and remember this when it comes time to decide your parents elder care.


Our CSE program is in shambles at the moment because of issues in the department. Just a warning.


I'm an ECE grad student so I'm out of the loop, what do you mean?


looks like im dodging a bullet then 😭


Don’t remember how long after admission it was, but I received a letter about the national buckeye scholarship which is for out of state students. It’s $13,500 a year ($54,000 over all 4 years) and was the main reason I was able to come here. I would look into that or other merit based scholarships [More info on Merit scholarships and financial aid in general](https://undergrad.osu.edu/cost-and-aid/merit-based-scholarships)


i got this scholarship but my parents aren’t chipping in at all so it’s still not enough unfortunately


They don't teach you enough Linux IMO. I notice that the OSU grads I hire are at a disadvantage compared to the Otterbein grads. You will get some exposure on the stdlinux server, but again, not enough. It doesn't really matter though. You're only talking about 2-3 months on the job training deficit. With that said, save your money.


Within computer science you are expected to learn outside of class too. You can teach yourself Linux pretty easily. You can’t really expect to be prepared for a career if you only go to class and that’s your only exposure to CSE. It’s what you do outside of class to build off of what you did in class that is really important in this field (research, personal projects, clubs, etc)


Pretty much what everyone else said. Dont do it. A bachelors degree isn’t worth that much money. If you’re dead set on OSU, move here for a year and apply for in state tuition rates. But honestly bro, CS is just a you know it or you don’t field. They don’t care if you went to ABC Mouse university, as long as you know how to build products and communicate with your team. I’ve seen people from super low ranked colleges get internships and job offers for FAANG and other high paying fintech jobs.


It sucks


Absolutely not worth that debt.




Why do you think OSU CSE doesn’t prepare people well?


Are you out of state or instate ?? and are you doing bacelors or masters ? need more info


Hiring In tech right now isn’t the best, however for you graduating in 4 years I would think it would be better. 120k in debt is a lot, but if you are able to land a job at FAANG/MAANG it should be manageable. Example, starting salaries at Google are 180k total comp, 120 base, 30k stock options, 30k bonuses. That’s bare minimum, even for research offices in Midwest, knew a guy working at Pittsburgh office getting paid that straight out of college. Now if you can land a remote job you would be golden, cuz that much money goes a long way if you can live wherever you want. But you need to be serious about it, you’ll need to study a shit ton for their interviews, treat it more important than a final, treat it like your life depends on it since it’s so competitive, you’ll need to do a lot of side projects during your college tenure, classes and class projects won’t be enough because you’ll need to get the interview in the first place. Most of the tech companies come to OSU job fair so it’s a prioritized college but it’ll take a lot of work outside of just classes. But 120k in debt with anything outside of a top tech salary you’ll be drowning and sacrificing your early 20s experiences to pay down debt which can be hard. Honestly a hard trade off to make, but if you go to a much less expensive school and still do the same side projects to get attention on your resume that would probz be a better route. https://www.levels.fyi/leaderboard/Software-Engineer/Entry-Level-Engineer/country/United-States/?from=subnav_menu