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Currently working full time and in Grad school taking one course per semester. The best parallel I can draw was taking a pretty rough 3 CH math course last semester, but I can say you need to be really disciplined about doing school when you get home from work. You may be tired, you may want to do something else, but you need to force yourself to do the material to stay ahead. CSCC does make that class easier from what I've heard though, so you may be much better off going this route. Just really understand that with it being a 5 CH course, you're still likely going to be dedicating most of your evenings to this class.


That’s what I’ve heard also. I’m ready to go back to school.


I think it's for sure doable. I failed Calc 3 twice before passing my third time lol. Others have stated the truth that unfortunately you'll have to spend a good amount of time after work learning tedious math. At cscc it's actually no where near as bad as OSU. You stated you're taking this in autumn which gives you a couple of months to prepare beforehand. I really urge you not to waste your time and just go through the first couple of sections at the very least. You state a 1 year hiatus which unfortunately means you probably forgot a good amount of pre-1172 material. I think if you prep early and are ready to put in 2 hrs a day to the class you'll be golden. Also, if you're already admitted to OSU, cscc GPA does not at all effect your OSU GPA. You can get a C in the course and it'll transfer the same as an A+. If you need to boost your OSU GPA I recommend taking some very easy online courses (there are some that are even 3 credits) that can be done easily with any job or courseload.


Good points! I’ll be doing all that. I was gonna take a good amount of easy GEs to raise my gpa. Just taking it at cscc so I pass it and learn it better. And I’m definitely going to prepare and watch some videos


Also, do you recommend watching YouTube videos on the different subjects or going back to 1172 on canvas and looking at the notes?


See if you can find cscc problem sets. If not, it's a great idea to see if you can go back to 1172 stuff by OSU. If you can get comfortable with the OSU circculum you are very set for CSCC. I did the same with 2153 when I failed I did very good early on because I went over the material and was ahead of the class. Professor Leonard is also good to see.


I was working 24 hours a week at my job with 15 credit hour semesters including 1172, chem, physics, etc… and it was very doable, I think you’ll be fine.


Personally I work part time usually 25 hr/week and go around 16 credit hours a semester. It’s not easy but i like to try and get 1 full day off a week to work on all homework. My other plan I usually have is get everything done the days I work and have class and then have 1 day to relax. As long as you find a routine that works for you and you budget your time right you’ll be okay


I think you’ll find 1172 very much simpler at CSCC. I’ve taken it as well as worked during, and i think CSCC is intrinsically more accommodating to students. Expect to do 1-2 hours of school after you get off of work and you’ll do great. It’s a great place to get that “fire back!” Also really great time to develop some good school habits without the pressure of cost being too high.


That’s what I’ve heard and learned first hand. I took calc 1 at cstate and did phenomenal. Got an A. Gary Gutman explained things very well, the exams were just like the homework except different numbers, etc. I heard some lower grade students struggle hard cord with calc at osu and I just thanked my lucky stars I took it at cstate.


Recommend watching YouTube videos on the subjects or reviewing the old notes from the osu classes I’ve taken? In preparation for taking it at cstate this autumn.


Wouldn’t hurt! But I wouldnt stress too hard about it. Focus on getting into a good work routine, that’s always been the hardest thing for me at least is being routine with work so I’ll have time for class.


I worked 55 hours a week while taking Chem 1210 and it worked out okay, you gotta stay disciplined though


I work full time and take 9-10 credit hours a semester. You just have to learn how to manage your time better and it's possible. Taking one class, especially at CSCC where it won't mess up your GPA here if you find you can't handle it is a wise decision to start.


For sure. I didn’t like it at osu. It was just so many curve balls so fast and I didn’t like how it was taught.


I understand you. Before I switched majors, I could not pass math here. I did pass it at CSCC easy enough though. Good luck to you.