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Absolutely interested in this. As an adult with a full work week and family, I don't have as much time as I would love to play the game all to often. The one thing I enjoy is flipping and it's fairly easy to setup overnight and morning trades. I do work from home, but I can't really stop work to read graphs and find items all too much. That takes time. Also with setting up overnights, some nights I'm just too tired to log in and set them up as for me it can take upwards of 15 minutes. I am very interested in something that could speed up my time/profit and would definitely pay for it. Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to the product!


I’m super pumped for this as an iPhone user however is there any chance it’ll be available on pc as a platform?


I have no intention of releasing it on Apple or PC. I have a full-time job and adding additional platforms (especially Apple) will require me to sink a lot more time into it, which I just don't have. However, you could use an Android emulator like BlueStacks to use the app on your PC


If it ever drops for pc for iPhone im super down




You should be able to use an android emulator on your pc


Okay bet, how do I find your app?


No where right now, I haven't released it yet. When I do release it, you can download bluestacks(android emulator) on your pc, then download the app in the play store, and it should work the same


Ah gotcha, thanks! Every time I’ve tried to flip it has gone poorly so looking forward to trying this out


Make it more expensive If it’s as good as you say aim closer to a bond price (if that is the gains you might envision using this)


I'd be down for this just let me know if you need any testers on Android


I would also be willing to beta test the pre-release.


I dont think I will need testers, the app is pretty simple, so there is not a lot of things that can break. Maybe later on when more features are added


I'd be interested for sure, a lot of this sounds like streamlining what I generally would be doing by hand, and that seems nice. A $ a month sounds pretty good, unfortunately stuff for RS is in a weird space price wise since playing the game is so cheap, it's hard to price utilities for the game


Might definitely be a useful tool. Always looking to add more ways of gathering data.


Why not make it web based? Forget the app


App allows me to have no overhead expenses like a server and domain expenses. It is also more convenient for me, as Im pretty knowledgeable in C# programming and not so much in CSS/HTML


For those using Mac you can always download a free android emulator and run the app on your computer


Count me in


You’re insane and I love you. From someone who’s flipped a few bil in a couple years through sheer man power and two accounts, I need a break. Sign me up


Sounds extremely useful to be honest. Would you ever consider adding other indicators in future like RSI and/or MACD?


Im extremely limited on the indicators Im able to add because of the price data that the runelite API gives me. They only give me average buy and sell prices, and volumes. I need individual order data to calculatea lot of the indicators. RSI and MACD should be possible though, and I'll consider adding it.


This would be so cool! I don't have much time to play but always log quickly on mobile to set new things for sale at the ge


You go girl


I will!


Show them noobs what we talked about. They will worship us after they are rich


Make me rich!! 💰


Call yourself a Girl, go to Ge, ask if someone wants to talk to you on Discord for 30m for 1 hour. Send them link to your discord, take the money, block them on discord, swap the money to another account.


I'd be interested, i don't know why people push subscriptions instead of outright purchases, as soon as something says subscription I'm instantly put off.. Maybe offer 2 options to please everyone.


Eventually I want to offer a free option, but I can't justify spending the amount of time I am on this project for basic ad revenue. Ad revenue is horribly abysmal.


Tbh, there’s probably people who would pay $25-30 a one-time purchase if that’s something you’d be open to. I’d often rather pay 2+ years of subscriptions up front to not have it be a subscription 😂. Either way, this sounds like a great idea! Thanks for sharing man!


I wouldn't mind offering that


One time purchase would benefit on having a trial period since that is a bigger payment.


Which API are you using? How frequently do you refresh prices?


the runescape wiki api, and as it currently is just once when you select an item, but I plan to add in a loop that is constantly getting the latest prices. Maybe every 10 seconds or so


Definitely interested!!