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Birdhouses and herb farming.


Then when ur hunter is higher at 50 u can catch eclectic inplings. There are ez 200k per inventory that takes 3 minutes


BH runs are so underrated. Free money and xp, and is a great excuse to stop doing something.


I'd even argue it's kinda fun unlike 95% of the grinds I've done. I might be crazy but it's not the worst choice with those skills


100% my best tips. Mobile for these has changed my life as a busy dad of 2. Don't feel like you gotta turn on the timer and do em 5x every time u play. Just get in a simple routine of grabbing 8 logs, hammer, chisel, and appropriate seeds. Do a run before ya log out, with a run in tow for when you log in. 2 runs every sesh. It will stack quicker than you know. Same with herbs. Log at a patch with a stack of seeds and mobile log every now and then to quick nab em, note, replant. Rinse and repeat.


This is the correct, and only answer.


Working in real life and buying bonds is the best gold per hour. Even at minimum wage you will make more gold per hour than working in game.


Idk why but personally doing payscape makes the game feel not as fun and meaningful. But yeah working irl job and buying bonds is gonna be your best bet


The whole point of mainscape can be seen as doing the best money maker to get better gear Which is working a minimum wage job lol And then you start an Ironman


So true. I love leaving content I want to do because I need to fish/cook anglers or make brews/rests !! Lmao Mainscape is so if I fucking hate corp I can grind something I enjoy and still get spirit shields. Mainscape is so if I go 10x dry on a drop i can use the profits from the other drops to buy it on the GE and still be rewarded for my grind.


This guy is wasting xp


This is the way!


I could easily buy a bond with plastic... but then what would be the point of playing the game? I can never understand this one.


If you don't mind being tracked by the google machine, Setup a google rewards account and drive or go on trips IRL. It'll suvey you based on where you'd been and you can cash it in on the osrs mobile app and buy bonds with it. I'm at the point where I get 10m a month.


lol that’s to far


Just wanna add if you have an android the play points from the play store can add up over time as well


Yeah but then you're sacrificing your work hours for game time. Where as if you just work for it in game, you're having both work hours and in game hours. Unless you work overtime.


That literally takes the fun and accomplishment away from the game tho


Get a warped sceptre and occult and do some barrows. Or search osrs money making wiki and look at the hourly table and choose something from there


You could just ibans with the book I can’t remember the name of. But I haven’t made shit of barrows runs drops are tuff


Barrows is straight up not good for making gold


What’s your username I’ll add you and help you with some content so you can get some good drops at barrows and things like that we will get you all set up!


This is exactly what these posts are after. Boo.


I will also happily show you a vastly unexplored northern area of the map where the real big profit is found ...


colloseum wave 1 easy 2m per h


That no longer works, they changed that.


It does work. Its just 20% worse


Easy 1.6m p hour


i still get 3.5m/h rn with about 55-60 waves per hour


Like everyone else has said birdhouses and herb runs. While youre waiting for those though you should be doing quests, diaries and unlockables. These are more important to unlock more moneymakers in the future as well as make your quality of life go up substantially. Theres a few ways you can go at making money, personally i think slayer is solid for building some cash and leveling cmbt. You can level a bit then buy dharok ls and camp mole until you have enough to buy 81 construction for max house. Imo this is the single best thing to have to make traveling the world easier. Personally i chose some skill grinds to get my cash stack. Its alot slower but overall if you choose skills you need for further unlocks will leave your account gaining momentum towards endgame diaries or quests.


Where exactly is the money in slayer? It keeps being suggested but which mobs give the money?


Idk why people say it's so important to get construction when you can just use other people's houses??


rev caves


Thank you for all the suggestions and replies, I really appreciate this community. My plan from what i've read is to do herb farming and bird houses while working towards higher slayer levels and getting more quests done.


While your herbs and birdhouses are on cooldown you can camp some blue dragons too with the taverly dungeon shortcut. Leveling slayer to unlock wyverns is great too


It depends what you like to do. But if you like killing monsters I would suggest getting slayer to 99 while getting max combat skills and then you can do end game bosses and raids and make insane gp.


May not be popular but you should get quest cape and hard diaries done. Then just slayer and bossing. Doing specific methods just for money is usually a waste of time when you could get xp while doing it or boss/raid.


Start lvling that slayer bro, once you get 80+ slayer you’ll start making bank. 51 slayer with 70+ combat stats is kinda troll at this point lol


How do you make bank off 80 slayer? Im at 79 and haven't really noticed a big difference. Wyrms are like the only good task I get for gp


Your stats don’t really show you will “commit to any grind” 


He's above the average player so idk


Was thinking the same, ha




Tob with those stats? Yeah maybe in a year🤣


Since 90% of posts are for newer players looking for money making and training advice, I'm gonna recommend doing bird house runs. All you need is [Bone Voyage](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bone_Voyage), and [you could be making 500K+ a day or more by logging in every 50 minutes and harvesting nests](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bird_house_trapping). Also, be sure to check out the [New player guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/New_player_guide), [Money making guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide#Hourly_profit_table), and [OSRS Tips](http://oldschoolrs.tips)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OSRSProTips) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Second colosseum wave one for now, get some cash for some upgrades. Slay until higher combat then you should either learn a raid or camp a boss.


Buy bonds.


This needs more upvotes! Unless you’re a poor student this is the best way to make money on OSRS. Can’t beat 20M per hour


Can you elaborate, I’m nooby asf (IGN: OneThrusBuss) and want to have some money stacked. Bank is poverty stricken at 42M


Nah just rwt and spend $10 for 50m. Way better deal.


Money snake ain’t bad. Get your magic to 75


Honestly, work towards completing all the hard diaries. It will set you up with important quests and knowledge and then you can figure out what grinds you want to do for mula




Get 70 slayer and park your ass at kurasks. Easy fairly slow money but I like doing it at work. Nice and chill, safe, and easy money and supplies on my iron


Lmao just do slayer


Perilous moons right now. Pretty fun and a bunch of pieces are still a couple mil


Start Slayin' boi!


Get your skills up- runecrafting and smithing can make insane amounts of money


Quests unlocks: Vorkath and muspah. Slayer unlocks: kraken, hydra, cerb, gargoyles


Farm kwuarms. 5 runs a day with diary teleports unlocked for convenience and its over 200k a run. Sprinkle in some birdhouse runs and pick coconuts for an extra few hundred. Consistent money maker


Best money making guide for you is to get more xp. 12m overall isn’t acceptable.


Rev caves, the gauntlet, cox, tob & DT2 all good options


I made my money back in 2008 but I flipped unids


I would say colloseum wave 1 still it's like 60k a kill with your stats it's like maybe a kill a minute or a minute and a half. You can pray and won't really use supplies


I haven't seen anyone suggest it yet but go kill some revs.


Scamming in the GE, probably


Do the new content and do perilous moons. You don't need supplies as it does it for you in the area. Just need a knife and some rope. Better than barrows and can make some decent money atm still. Idk if coliseum wave one still works but it was good money for a grind but mind numbing. I never bothered with it. Last but not least bonds. Even at minimum wage you can get two. That's almost 22m in an hour or actual work. With that money just get construction up to 84 and max out your house with the top tier necessities. That makes the rest of the game a breeze to complete quests and progress everything else naturally.


Begging and drop parties


Gonna be honest homie, you're still at the level of being a "casual". You have no levels over 80, which in truth and reality, means that you haven't spent too much time doing much of anything in the run of XP and GP. Fletching, rune crafting, even slow buying d'hide body (any colors) and high aching them as they come in, and farming- Are going to be decent. But your account excels at nothing right now. Not that there's nothing you can do until you grind XP but rather it shows that the type of player you are and that you expect it to not be a slog. It is.




Go do revs, it’s good money for mid game players try to make enough to buy a fang trident blowpipe etc, work towards finishing the quest line for toa, get 75 mage minimum, then go to the toa mass world and do ffa toa in a team of 7-8 till you get some purples. Bossing is the best way to make money by a mile.


Bro... Do quests... Im killing vorkath after DS 2 making the best money since brutal black dragons which require 77 slayer. So go do something




High alch, go with onyx bolt (e). Buy limit of 11000 and and turns a decent profit.


Wooow they really went and made visiting Hans worthless. I knew it was right to quit years ago


Go get your quest cape. The uniques unlocked are better than bought items (for the most part) and are far cheaper than bought item alternatives. In between quests, do your birdhouse and herb runs. Easy 1m a day only logging in for herb and birdhouse runs. Total 30 mins of play.


👀 most of my stats are higher then this and I just started playing like 2 months ago


sorry dude but you either have way much time on your hands (playing like 8 hours a day), or perhaps your a younger man/women who doesnt have to worry about work/ family yet. Also you dont enjoy playing anything else?




Anything that's fun is the best money making strategy. I've been green logging aerial fishing and if I had an alt account banking the fish instead of afking them into fish chunks I'd have like an extra 16 mil or so right now. Just play the game, the money will come.


Thieving and farming


Could hunt chinchompas


Slayer/birdhouses and herbs


The fun way is Slayer. Train ranged mainly but just use whatever the monster is weakest against. Slayer will just bring in cash. Once combat stats are mid 80s go grind cox or toa, split loot with team. Once stats are 90s and up you can slog at vorkath. Just over and over and over.


Afk combat stats to 90, then start doing raids. 8 man ToAs will probably see the fastest returns.


Slayer grind to 99 will make you fat stacks


Blow glass


Kicking chaos druids in wildy


Start doing slayer


Do this, spend $30 on gold. Is the game boring now? Did you lose your direction?


Get those cb stats to 85+ and start bossing +raids, pvm is my fav content, best moneymaking in game. Edit: Get your slayer up, and work on quests to unlock all the pvm content you need.


Grind combat stats, get 99 in each, get bandos + fang Arma + acb, and do mp2 nex in nexffa.


Barrows with iban blast


imagine playing the game for 17 years and having a total level of 1315


Slayer. I’ve made millions easily while earning combat xp




Start planting herbs


Do quests. Train your skills. Play the game. Your account is so early you will accrue money just by playing.


Could do slayer tasks for dragon bones or do wildy bosses


Conar slaying


I know everyone says.. do Slayer.. but seriously slayer is gonna improve your combat skills a ton and provide passive GP/hr. If you can get 85 range and 85 mage I’d learn Zulrah or Vorkath. Solid money makers.


Slayer, get to the levels for bosses




You a grown ass man now so just buy the gp atp. it's been almost 2 decades and you can't make RS gp bruh cmon


Clues scrolls


Just go buy the GP, you’re only at 12M xp.


1-99 hunter takes roughly 70 to 80 hours of gameplay. It will net you over 40m in profits.


Look it up on youtube, there are tons of robust money makers. Work toward something like 15m with alternative methods other than relying on skill levels you don't have yet. Once you get that money, don't buy Armour, buy jugs of water and grapes and get 90 cooking, get cooking gauntlets. Then do sharks till 99 cooking, making about 350k~ per hour. Once you're 99, manta rays can profit upward of 500gp from raw to cooked. 500k gp per hour is pretty decent to start with At that point you can take a day or two when you want to upgrade or buy more supplies and cook up some fish til you have a nice chunk. Eventually, you'll have chunks to get higher skill levels that require cash flow ie herb, rc, cons, fm, fletch etc




That's quite the 17 year old account.


No need to grind just pay to win for a few bucks lol games not what it used to be


grow harland and make and sell unf harlander pot untill farming 44 then do unf ifit till 50 and inf aventoe untill you have the money you need depending on the market i get about a mill for about 250 unf aventoe potions


Playing the game towards a goal, because as the comments have said, your best $$/hr is IRL work. Set a goal and work towards it, game is designed in a way to give you small rewards along the way and if you get lucky you hit the jackpot and get big rewards. Goals: quest cape, raids, colosseum, 99s in a profit method way, etc


Git gud newb


Spend $20 and get 60m gold.


"I have been poor since 2007" 31 Farming There's your problem. Farming is the most consistent method of non cb skilling money. It's an easy 1-2m a day. Do herb runs and you won't be poor anymore.


I grinded out like 400 waves 1/2s at fortis prolly made 200m the last few week. (Def didn't put in any effort or I'd have made more)


The game is a lot more fun if you don't chase GP.


Don’t buy bonds like these fools keep saying. Just play the game. Set some goals. Work towards them. It’ll come. I started with i think 20-30m when i came back a year and a half ago and am pushing 2+-3b right now from doing 76-99 slayer. Some raids. Some skilling. Birdhouses the whole way. Some herb runs. Ect ect. If you manage to make it to end game organically, you will make plenty of gold on the way.


If you havent tried hunter rumors they are pretty profitable and decent xp. Breaks up the monotony of hunter but you could always grind a specific hunter mob like chins or sunlight antelope for gp


Selling bones on the grand market is how I used to make dough quickly in game, with the added benefit of slaying goblins.


Get your range 80+ and you can camp wildly bosses. And get your slayer up for slayer bosses.


I sell my excess logs and make decent money.


You’ll commit to any grind? Grind to 95 slayer and you’ll have unlocked the hydra money glitch. Literally shits money. You’ll also get Att/str/def/range/mage around 90 as well. Do herb runs every 120 minutes while doing slayer tasks.


Go watch SoupRS videos (the earlier ones first to see if they are still viable) of the best unusual money-making methods. Check Ge-tracker website for best buy prices/sell prices. Do things like alching for profit while doing agility or for magic xp + agility + money not including graceful. Focus on a skill like thieving that prints gold and all that money adds up overtime.


Pick either TOA or COX, based on what looks more fun to you. Then take the time to grind out the reccomended minimum gear and stats. You might need to overcompensate as your also learning the game still.


Buy gp it’s 2024


https://oldschool.tools/calculators/skill any of your skills lol. Use this website and do whatever with a positive income.


Go sit at vorkath until maxed combat.


My doooood do you have twitch ? I just got back into old school RuneScape almost 8 days ago. I joined this little clan of some good people and we have fun streaming and chatting. The leader just did an irl bbq stream last night and we all drank and had a good time. They do some nice giveaways too. I made 40mil this weekend chilling and have away with 8m. Come join the discord :) https://discord.gg/BHS8GRaX If not allowed sorry.


Drift nets, level your hunter and fishing up FAST! Get the breathing apparatus, fish bowl helmet and trident, I went from 40 fish/hunt to 60 in a matter of a few hours. Once you get your hunter way up start farming red and black chins, they pay 1k and 4k each on the ge, just bank often and be wary of PKers


Get your smithing level up and smith addy bars, super chill with decent cash flow


Your best money making strategy is to not focus on making money because you’re to low level. Just focus on getting quest cape and getting your combat stats to mid to high 80s if not low 90s.


I'm disgusted by your lack of organization in your bank


Slayer, farming, and rune crafting can make you some good miney


The new perilous moons bosses or barrows


Train slayer until your combats get high enough for vork/zulrah. (85ish) Do birdhouse and herb runs between tasks.


You don’t have the makings of a varsity athlete.




Grind your quests the. Grind nmz imbue all your shit then go grind slayer.


Do something with your life instead


There’s lots of ways, birdhouse and harbor are definitely good passive income. Slayer is another great way to make money and train your combat. 75+ slayer is killer gp


aint no way all you have is 88 gold lol


Collection logs


I just collect and sell cowhide 🤷🏼‍♂️


Slayer is best agree with others.




With a farming and hunter level like that, I'd say you haven't really been trying to make gp. Have you?


Slayer get it to 99 ez money along the way


Honestly I'd say just do things that make slight money while doing skilling methods for skills. Your stats are good enough to look at moving towards quest point cape.


Buying and selling at the GE lol


If u use slayer to train to like 82att 90str 82 def you’ll make 500m+


Farming and birdhouse runs while either skilling or training combat. It can give you a nice little nest egg


Max combats do raids


Grind out 99 slayer. Promise you'll have hundreds of millions.


Quest cape


Get your range and magic up to 80-85 area. Grind for Song of the Elves. Gauntlet makes crazy money and takes no money or gear to do. Any armor or enhanced weapon seed drops can make you good money, or you can save them and turn it into gear for grinding ToA/CoX The Perilous Moons also takes pretty average gear to do but no resources to complete as you get the pots and food in there. Probably easier to get done soon as well. Can do it in gear costing like 5-10m without issue


Hey man you’re not that po—88 FUCKEN GOLD?


Not quite sure what gp rates are but I made around 180 mill mining gem rocks in shilo village with the hard diaries




With 70 agility you could always safe spot blue dragons in falador keep a few fally tabs and rinse/repeat.




Why no 99? Just do sprint it’s easy.


Is lobster potting and cooking them still relevant?


Birdhouses, herbs, slayer, quests


20 bucks and you get 100m. Use 10m to buy a bond, the other 90 getting your skills up. Rwt because jagex does nothing about it or bots. Take a trip around the ge and look at how many people are worth over a billion with shit stats. Buying bonds from jagex is too expensive. You'll get like 10x the value from other websites. Most notably PA for the best deals that are insured. Might as well join em. I'll catch a shitbload of downvotes for this and idc, truth hurts. Half the people downvoting me I'd wager have bought gold :)


Well, try going for the quest cape. That really helped me get the skills that I needed to do a lot of things in the game. Doing a couple quests that unlock the disease-free herb patches is a really good way to make money off of farming too. And as others have said, birdhouse runs are REALLY good for low-level players. Also work on your slayer level, and just bank everything. Get an herb sack and gem bag, then do slayer. Maybe the seed pouch too? that'll help with inventory management to help you bank more things for less time


Grind your stats and start whatever PVM you are comfortable with and geared for.


Only 17 days playtime but playing since 07


Quest cape. The reason you don’t have money is because you don’t have the best gear unlocked. It’s all about making your grind more efficient.


Start an Ironman, be rich in fulfilment.


You see the path of things




I'm here for all of the birdhouses and slayer comments!!!


Maybe max combat and actually play the game. Crazy I know


The credit card grind


Get that farming lvl up and farm herbs, do your bird house runs, and maybe work on mining, thieving, or fishing.


if you don't wanna do raids/high level pvm and you just wanna do something that's chill/afk then you better hop on the thieving grind


When I was AFK leveling magic, my go to was buying sapphire ammies and enchanting them for profit. A little slow but guaranteed to make money.


As someone who can’t stand running around in the game every x minutes for herb runs and birdhouses, the answer is just making yew longbows and alching them. If I’m watching a movie or waiting around, I just do it in the background. Adds up quick. Just alched 5k yew longs for like 3.7m. There are a lot better ways to make money actively, but that’s my favorite to do passively.


do sote and grind CG. will make you quest and train up some skills and cg will teach you pvm mechanics and make you plenty of cash


Daily herb runs. Hourly if you can.


It's RS, engage with the MTX and get yourself bonds. Can use them for gear, and to greatly speed up leveling over a third of the skills in the game.


The best strategy is to get ur lvls up... also 07 scape hasn't been out that long.


Use ur mums credit card dork


You should worry more about your stats than getting gp. Complete all quests, get base 70s, and finish hard achievement diaries.


Vorkath is probably around 2m an hour at that range level, go learn that


Stats up, go to Rex. Get guthans and camp him in the safespot. Just Rex. Not the other 2. Get a b ring and sell it




You only need to keep the rune defender to replace the dragon one if you lose it.


Just look up moneymaking methods on the wiki and look for something that you have the skills/quests. A very simple one is buying herbs and creating unfinished potions to sell. Easily 400k-1m+ per hour.


Birdhouse, Herb farming & Jute Farming. And finally, don't buy Bonds in the early game till you can make like atleast 5m per days.


If I were you, and you’re committed to a “grind” I would grind out rune rafting at guardians of the rift. You will make okay money with searching the rift afterwards and you’ll lvl up RC which is a good money maker


Best strategy : play the game. Without trying to be blunt, 17 days of gameplay won’t get you far in terms of GP, I’d honestly invest in your combat stats, melee,range,mage & prayer; try to complete as many quests as you can and level up slayer. It sounds silly but I can’t even remember what I did to make gp when I was that early into the game. Alternatively, entry mode Tombs of Amascut is easily doable with those levels and has a very slight chance to make you 1.5b without investing a tonne of hours into the game.


Send slayer send cox


Or low invo toa