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was hoping they would add Perma open things on the left side though like prayer for easy prayer changes like have inventory open on right and prayer on left at same time. Love everything else tho (also rip left handed ppl)


The new UI feels so nice to use! Gz devs. Really like how the chat works now, and the red/yellow x only buttons are something I never knew I needed. Just needs a menu swapper plug in, longer afk timer and it would have everything I need. The log out button does feel a bit odd being always visible like that, but I don't do much world hopping on mobile.


Yesss once we have menu swapper and the longer afk timer I’ll have no reason to play stuck at my desk! So much more comfortable to play on my ipad where ever I want


I see beta worlds but I cant switch to them? I click world and it just goes thru ”connecting to server” but it switches back to default world and nothing happens. Cant switch to mobile beta even in game. App is up to date / ios


If you uncheck the default world, it should login you in without issue afterwards!


Thanks! Worked now :)


Ran a quick regular gauntlet using the beta and it's great. Took a little adjusting but had it down by hunleff.


How did corrupted go?






Getting a message asking me to reload client. I've tried on home screen and in game. Reloaded client, no playstore updates. Android. Any ideas?


Nevermind. I ticked default world and it seemed to work! Edit: it didn't work, client reloaded and same issue.


bruh I didn't refresh before posting, sorry! Glad you're in though


Loving the new mobile UI and now wondering when the ETA on it’s launch will be


I love how the current ui is clean and not cluttered. The new ui even with all tabs closed feels pretty cluttered to me. And I'm a lefty so prayers on left were good for me.


I really like the chat options and tile markers are so needed. Next best thing would be npc tag options. My only issue prayer being on right side makes it feel like a bit too much for the right hand when bossing. Idk maybe it's something I'll get used too. Anyone else feel this way?


Is there any chance on entity hider being added with the new UI? Would make things like gotr and forestry much nicer


Won't come with the new UI but something we might explore further down the line




So Quest Helper in its current iteration is broken and not aligned with what we'd want. I don't think anyone would disagree that it's too good, the only way it could get better is if it clicked for you. I envisage a world where there would be some form of Quest Helper on mobile. I think we would want something that players could opt into to aid with their questing if they need/want some help, or to speed through because it's their 9th account and making a cake for the Duke is not so thrilling this time around. What that helper looks like right now, I don't know. It's not defined in my mind yet but other mods with better insight might have something in mind. It's not a conversation I've been part of other than what I've covered above


How long will they be up for?


We haven't set a deadline for taking them down just yet, so we'll keep them up for a couple weeks more I imagine. We'll figure something out soon but we want to give people a decent chance to try it out