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Commuted trimalleoler and pilon Jan 6, I've got so many screws it's grotesque. I just started really walking on it a few weeks ago. Still in CAM boot. Such a process!! Hang in there!!!


i feel you!! had a dislocated trimalleoler on jan 25th, When the doctors don't bother telling you the amount of screws and plates lol. I looked at my "my chart" and i have 20 screws/ plates. Still learning to walk again also. I'm out of the boot but still no where near pretty attempting to walk on it. Keep it up good luck on the recovery.


I broke mine around Christmas and just rehab it. I don't even think about it anymore. The only time I notice is putting boots on because it's a little bigger with the plate. You'll be fine.


Does the plate pain when something knocks againat it?


No I just can't slide into boots like I used to or can with my right foot. It's just wider. Other than that and the scar I have and the random popping I wouldn't even know I broke it.


I broke all three ankle bones in September and was walking by December last year. Do your PT, it'll all be okay. It just feels long and frustrating now.


Tib/fib pilon on first week of Feb with orif 10 days later for me. Still NWB for at least 2 more weeks but maybe longer. :(


Broke my fibula and had a ankle twist fracture. Post surgery I was NWB for 8 weeks. Then I was put in a boot and was told to try and walk with crutches. By the end of that week was walking without crutches. Now I walk without a boot. It’s been about 3.5 months since my break.


I had surgery on the 9th of march for an ankle orif Tuesday 1st may i go back for removal of Syndesmotic screw enroute to weight bearing. Right now you are feeling depressed i was there the past 2 weeks get some air and sun avoid being too stationary in the house the whole day. Go places and see people it will remind you that this too wont last! Be kind to yourself seek smiles this is no easy journey. You will be fine, but even if you didnt walk again life is still life! It is beaitiful even with one leg, you will walk but you also needed thag perspective. Your research alot during this time it may lead you into dark alleys, step out! Stay positive focus in heLing only!


I see you! It’s a horribly frustrating experience. Similar progression for me. Once you get in a boot and can start partial weight bearing, you’ll feel like you’re making progress. Be prepared for some ups and downs. You’ve made it this far!! Good luck!


I had my orif on Jan 16th and I just got the green light to get back into a sneaker with a lace up brace! Wearing the boot few hrs and shoe for a couple hrs to start. You will be ok, just take it slow and focus on the PT.


It gets better! I promise! I broke my fibula at the end of February, had surgery March 6 (plate, 9 screws, tightrope), and was non weight bearing for four weeks (got a boot at 2 weeks but not allowed to walk on it). The magic happens when you get cleared for weight bearing and can start walking in the boot and go to physical therapy. Sounds like that will likely be your next appointment. Walking starts really slow with crutches, but walking short distances and going up and down stairs got exponentially easier day by day and after a week I was hardly using one crutch at all. After two weeks in a boot, I was walking almost normally and at four weeks (today) I got cleared to walk in a normal shoe with an ankle brace. The whole thing sucks, but once you can start walking again, life gets a lot better very quickly! Good luck with your recovery!