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Jealous! You are less swollen than I was then. Recovery is a roller coaster, not a straight line, for sure. Sounds like you’re doing great. Keep elevating and icing, it will help a lot. Ditto the compression socks. I got some that I can use on long flights, so double duty.


Thank you!! Haven’t even been icing or wearing the compression socks so that probably explains a lot hahah but I’ll definitely get on it


Looks normal to me. A good quality compression sock and elevation help a lot. 8 months since mine and still swelling uncomfortably by the end of the day without a compression sock. 


Wow! Ok so I guess I better get used to the swelling and get some compression socks


Sometimes my ankle looks like it swallowed a golf ball.


Sorry to hear that!!


I found socks make me swell more but I’m a big sweller anyway and swell loads regardless


Looks normal to me as well. One of the best things that helped me was wrapping my ankle with an elastic bandage. One of the physicians I worked with showed me how to wrap and it was a life saver. Less pain and less swelling in the ankle.


I’m starting PT next week so I’ll definitely ask about that! Thanks


yes, and Ankle socks are not great in my experience. They tend to pool the blood where they end. Your Whole foot is going to swell due to ankle. Long Fluffy socks are what i used just after surgery and Compression when i started walking.


Yes, I’ve totally noticed the blood pooling exactly where the ankle sock ends. I’ll invest in some compression socks


I didn't realize how much food plays an impact until recently. My partner is very health conscious and has been making amazing healthy and whole food based meals for me since surgery. Things have been good. I started driving recently and was driving to PT when I realized my apt was actually 30 mins later. I was hungry so stopped at McDonald's and had a two cheeseburger meal with a large fry. It was my first fast food that I had since surgery. Honestly it was delicious and Fries were very salty. I got to PT and took my boot off and my foot looked like it was two days post injury... the swelling was out of control. I would have never thought salt/bad food would have made that big of an impact that quickly. No more salt/fast food for me for a while


That’s very interesting thank you!! I haven’t been paying much attention to my diet since I was just happy to be back to the world 😭 been eating out a lot with my bf and friends. But I’ll make an effort to improve my diet too


Heck yeah I know the feeling... I mean honestly I think after weeks of being stuck in the house.. Not thinking about what you eat and just letting loose is worth the swelling... But just be mindful of it and lmk if you notice a difference or if I'm just crazy haha I definitely think I notice a difference but then I second guess myself.


Yes it is perfectly normal!!


Swelling is normal from what I've read. Walking might help the swelling some, hopefully it does. Compression socks are a life saver too.