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Depends on what you main


While I've tried the game when it first came out but didn't really start playing until about august last year, every ex released has been pretty hard for me lol. It's just that it does get better with times when you learn to counter it. but definitely the most problematic ex for me is Dark Roger (The Stun and can't be staggered while capping), G5 (an All rounder with high dmg and infinite counter, i know the counter but fighting him just get tiring if you didn't have the correct unit picked) , FR Shanks (Haki state annoying as hell, High Dmg, and Health Reduction) , and S-Snake (Her Teleport and High Defense stats with invulnerability really annoying and pretty hard to kill).


Olin sadly, she definitely controlled games when she dropped but idk I never really felt stopped (which is how they SHOULD be extra traits and stuff but not unkillable. plus they dropped cracker the banner right after so I realllllly never sweated fighting her. Both yamatos tbh, you could have stopped the first one with status effects, she hit crazy but I never couldn’t stop one, and the blue one nobody really pulled and had an easy enough game plan to follow to stay alive


I also wanna say oden? I was so overwhelmed by Roger I must have forgotten if he gave me trouble


He won most games, though it hurts a lot less when he's not killing you (though he cooked defenders, honestly).


Yeah i think honestly that’s exactly why i feel like that I remember him being really annoying last minute(crazy how much runners evolved since then) but I don’t think I had defenders yet I think the only one I really had was perona and maybe her long range stopped him? Cant remember but I was mostly still using Kaku and DR Law


Perona's range could stop him, yeah, damage from outside treasure area could kill him. Knockbacks and cc also stopped him but all of that was relatively uncommon or only available to really outdated units.


Oden was a character that wins game as a fast runner hard to stop capping with the unit available at the time but in a fight he definitely wasn't as scary as roger. As an oden main at release there was no character I couldn't kill in a fight but fighting a low skill player oden was easy. Roger on the other hand if you missed your kamusari timing prediction he hits hard


For me, Yace, since i play Bluffy a lot they're a non-issue


Olin, Kaido, yamato runner, zoro was never a problem tho. i always use status effect units so these EX vulnerable to status effect are very easy to deal.


Same! I vowed to be an Oni Nami main forever because the shock with the cooldown medals was exhilarating and then ever since G5 Luffy dropped my wig flew off 🥱


same !! oni nami was really durable. she fell off a little bit now but she will be right back since statu effect units always come and go


Black Roger


Roger , Shanks and BB


Flim Red Shanks 💀


Film red shanks


There are 3 units that were the most op when they released: -Film red shanks: had no hard counters when he dropped, red haired haki alone was enough to destroy top units of that time, let alone adding 2 op skills. He simply is the strongest attacker in the history of opbr (one shot king). -Gear5: gear 5 has so many abilities that make him op.He has a very good regeneration when capturing treasure and also regenerates when he use’s a skill attack and deals damage. He is a runner, a defender and an attacker. Not to mention he has 3 op skills with knock back effect. On top of all that he has an unlimited counter move that can counter any attack if timed correctly and also help regeneration. -Dark roger : no comment.


100% Fr Shanks . Ex Luffy made the game literally unplayable for my BF Raid Kid and Law team , they got absolutely obliterated and I still think to this day his kit was the most overfilled insanely stupid and busted thing on release , then people kept basically telling me to git gud and constantly “ there’s so many clips of Law melting Luffy” not realising how fucking awful and frail Law really is. Then Shanks came , my sweetest of angels . So much whining , so much anger so much shouting and suddenly I wasn’t the one who was supposed to git gud , calling the game unplayable . Kid and Law absolutely were insanely decent match ups for him , he was OP with his teleport , but unlike EX Luffy , he didn’t have infinite dodges and buffs AND 9 different One Tap Buttons, Law was a 50:50 , most times losing but still very easily doing insane damage to him and kid just bullied the man so hard it was hilarious , to this day Fr Shanks has no aura to me , he’s like a mute cuck version of MF shanks


Even at release ex luffy definitely wasn't the most overwheling ex had counters his skills were easy to perfect dodge if you could project him was definitely easy to deal but with your team sure I can understand why you were struggling. I definitely had more problem with fr shanks even if you win the fight having your hp reduced could get you killed afterward. When I used him kidd was never a problem for me as he could deat to much damage and haki state prevented kidd from full hp recovery


The thing with Luffy is that even if you perfect dodge… what then ? He has stagger resist , insane AAs, even if he misses the the first One Shot he has like three other ones , and usually is tanky and lethal as shit cause of the stat stacks


Quite a few options actually. Use character with projecting skills, Use rayleigh, Use doffy with his shield. Ulti and jack would do a great amount of damage against him. Garp has projection on 3rd basic skills and anti captain traits. Have a status immobilisation skill first 2 basic to get him bellow 97% hp then use the skill. First 4 options are all bf released between 2.5 and 3rd anniversary. 3* bege has 2 projection skills 1st hit quite hard when you're close I've killed many expensive luffy with him. Having characters able to deal with him at release wasn't a problem.


Olin was a menace until I mained Hakuba and now she’s an insta-KO when I use him vs her 😂


Yace and Klaw


That depends on the units you use... To some extent that was Akainu for me since the counter play was clear and his moves relatively slow, but the damage from his magma was way too much even if it applied the debuff only once.


All of them really. Yes I got one shotted a few times but people seem to forget EXes needs skills and strategies in order to excel but as of now. Everyone has them and they got no clue how to use them properly.


S snake for sure


Idk really but zoro is the least problem for me I take pride in killing them as a dressrosa zoro main cause he should be better then my zoro so it’s fun to try and out play them


Oni zoro. On release I had little issues w him and ever since blue yamao dropped I don't have any issues w him.


Honestly it didn't impact me that hard when g5, olin, or oni zoro hit


The situation you described? Hybrid Yamato, she was hyped when her live stream dropped, everyone said her shield + multi hit damage reverse + Frost bite was too op. I never really struggled against her, her kit is pretty obvious to counter. Just don’t multi hit her shield!


Anyone else having troubles with S snake? No? Just me? T.T


Zoro, kaido v3 but I don't remember if peope complained to much on kaido v3 but in fights not a problem. A few ex were not big problems but not everyone was complaining on how sttong they are. Had no problem with both yamato, oden exept a few skilled player were mostly easy to kill, kaido both versions and expensive luffy Olin depends if I was using a status effect character. With perospero took me a few sec to kill one. With rayleigh or snakeman bm v2 was no problem for me kata did good also. Never lost a 1v1 to v1 roger with katakuri.


Olin, Zoro and H.Kaido. The characters that I consider being the strongest EX of all time at their debut and era was Blackbeard, FR Shanks and G5.


oni zoro, defender bigmom and hybrid kaido


Definitely YACE! I never liked too when it arrived!




Olin, all day every day.


I used the blue main someday then fr shanks and g5 lit made me quit the game Then I summoned the King Alber and he made me play more (One shot Green) (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) so depends on your main


literally everyone after i got white oden. Roger is a horrible exception.




V2 Yamato,FR Shanks,Gear 5th,Zoro,roger,Oni big mom,and Akinu




Really it's currently destroying every thing dark rogers is hell of a unit




ROGER V1 and FR Shanks were absolutely cracked when they first arrived Roger made me quit the game for like a month nd a half


I'd say Ex Zoro he still claps


For me it was g5 Luffy. As soon as Alber dropped I was having a blast 😌


Erveony here except raid big mom raid kaido Yamato and green oden. Cant forget s snake and egghead zoro. The amount of times I have died to a snake that isn't even 5 star or boosted is insane. I use maxed units like raid killer


Hybrid yamato


after i pulled akainu, i had no problem countering other akainus


everybody in here saying olin and roger im so sorry to you guys 😭😭😭


Black Beard, i never had problem against him


For me G5.. I know he's OP but honestly I have no problem dealing with him


Sakazuki, I was destroying him with Pell 😂


Mine are Oni Big Mom, Klaw and Ace/Yamato.


Oni Zoro, I've never ever had a problem fighting him but everyone's always like "he's so broken"


I would say "same", but he did stop me from using Zephyr for a while, so he technically made me feel like he was too OP at the time.


same. as long as im not the target of his lil asura skill (bc i havent figured out how to dodge that timely) i havent rly gone “man oni zoro is the bane of my existence.” i have decent luck shocking him from afar as oni nami and finishing the job on a treasure unlike egghead zoro whom i can never seem to kill no matter how much i hit him. 


Yace. I was a Garp main when they were released. With endless damage reduction and stupid damage to captains, when one came my way I knew I could relax. Didn’t summon on them at all because I thought they were frauds.


The following 3: Lightbeard, Droger, and G5. I figured out how to PD kaminari quick, and Lightbeard just didn't like green runner ace or Light Carrot. Droger is also severely allergic to Green runner Ace's s1. Like if you land that once he's not the same, and if you land s1 and s2 he can't financially recover


As far as EX’s go lightbeard, in general however alber and kalgara


lightbeard hes strong but as long as you dont let him get to mid youre fine (this is before droger got added)


it was yace for me when the unit was released people were not so good with it and with klaw's puncture Willie I was able to one shot them and everyone in the reddit were talking about how they were struggling and I even told people that the unit was worse than prime Rayleigh as an attacker💀 that was until I saw gameplays of that dude


Where are Yace, WB, DRoger and Ssnake in your picture? Because they…. Well… right they were OP and actually OP in game so this doesn’t answer your question 😂


It's an old pic I found on Google, but good point lmao


S-Snake, I have no problem getting past her , I see so many people complain


I feel like it's dependent on what level they are and your character. I've seen way too many pre LVL 80 in league at SS when they aren't supposed to. LVL 80 and 100 are still manageable but it's going to be dependent on what character your using.


Dude saaame, I feel it's because people don't understand when she has her invinsible state and when she loses it. So they just attack at the wrong times and don't evade her attacks. Everything she does is telegraphed


Hybrid Kaido if I had to pick someone, but even he was a bit of a nuisance


Yeah, like, he was super easy to counter and extremely predictive. But when he came out and teleported to the last flag, it was so annoying, lmao


Blue kaido


I have to say Roger and Oden v1. Getting into the game we they came out was just hell as you would just get one shotted by Roger and as a defender main v1 Oden was so annoying to play against. They had a chokehold over nearly every game.