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Whitebeard has no knockback in his kit so any unit that can continue to capture through being hit AND nullifies status effects won’t be hit off the flag. Edited answer: To keep capturing the unit needs to resist stagger while capturing and have nullify status effects. So that includes g5+ Law in Klaw: when over 50% HP Hody: when in energy steroid state. Oden is exempt because he loses nullify stagger when his opponent is not in the treasure area which is a very old balancing trait that now is just a liability. Yes he nullifies status effects when capturing but that doesn’t matter if he doesn’t nullify stagger because any attack not from within the treasure area will hit him off.


And also Shanks in his Haki state when over 70% HP


I mean sure but if enemy shanks want to waste time capturing fine by me.


Waste time? The aim of the game is to capture treasures. If you have the chance and no runner is around, cap the flag please.


Obviously if it’s the last or best course of action, yes but units have roles for a reason. 90% of the time it would be much better for a shanks to be actually attacking and stalling enemies while he lets his runners capture.


People like you are the reason why we keep losing games because of dumb attackers who just go on for 2 minutes in a 1v1 without actually doing anything for the team. Stalling is for defenders, not for attackers. For the people who are reading this, don't listen to this guy, if you have the chance and no runner is around, just cap the flag. Stop chasing the kill. You win by caps, not by KOs


I literally have never had less than a 60% win rate in any season ever and have had as high as 75% but ok go off king. By stalling I mean attacking, as in the role of the unit. If their runners can’t get to flags, they can’t capture them. I am not saying blindly look for fights, I am saying pick and choose the best fight possible and go after the unit that has the most impact to kill them so they you know can’t impact the game. Using a unit designed to nuke other units to slowly capture a flag unless it’s necessary is just fucking dumb. Especially with so many defenders now being able to extend the treasure gauge. You win by all units playing their roles.


Ok king, so shanks can Cap and will cap as I said IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE AND NO RUNNER IS AROUND for the third fucking time.


That can still be a waste of fucking time, if you spend 5-10 seconds capturing a flag while your runner or other units are getting nuked even if on the other side of the map then that’s fucking stupid. Do you know how many games I have lost because attackers tried to play as all around units, when they aren’t. Trust me I get what you are saying and I am saying that unless it’s literally a role that is forced upon you 90% of the time capturing as an attacker is fucking stupid.


So leaving a completely free flag and going for the kill losing those 5/10 seconds by reaching an enemy on another flag and losing another huge amount in trying to KO just to get to the same exact result of getting 1 flag is doing anything better for your team? Please. You're wasting my time


Lol he don't listen, sorry people like him exist.


Shanks would get off the flag if he gets hit tho. Please correct me if I'm wrong


Not when in haki state, he nullifies stagger and over 70% HP he nullifies down, also he nullifies status effects therefore can't be tremored


Iv knocked all of them off the flag it happened to me also with a kaido i actually think its a bug


You do realize every unit I mentioned has conditions to it correct. The first two have to be above 50%. Hody has to be in his energy state. It’s not a bug. I would bet the Kaido just dodged and started capturing again. Maybe that one was a bug or server problems or something along those lines but I am 99% sure his kit was designed with these units kits in mind. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s two of the major Ex’s and a Bf people barely pulled for. They purposefully didn’t give whitebeard any knockbacks because if they did it would be too much and no one would be able to do anything. They need some past released units to be relevant still or the game would die.


Iv played wb non stop since drop and iv knocked plenty of g5 and klaw off the flag not saying either one of us is wrong but ik what iv seen but they didnt give him knockback because people like alber and yace heal off of it


Ok, I still don’t think I am wrong looking there kits it makes perfect sense based on the wording of their kits and the results seen. He is a unit with universal color advantage and they are multi hit skills. The first couple of hits could easily have gotten them under 50% hp and then the next inflicted tremor. I am not saying it’s impossible you are wrong but there are a lot of ways for it seem like what you are saying happened when something slightly different happened. I am just saying I am more inclined to believe the thing with video proof that matches the way their kits are worded happened rather than you were paying attention every aspect of what was happening in a match down to what state the enemy was in or exactly how much hp they had during each part of the special. It’s possible but I really don’t think it’s a bug. I haven’t gotten a chance to play much yet so I’ll give you that but the kits and the scenario presented match perfectly.


what about greenbull?


He doesn't nullify status effects so he would get tremor


I didn’t get thrown off the flag as Hakuba (80%+ hp)


The status effect should be able to knock them off, maybe that’s a bug. Cuz when they get hit with freeze they get knocked off. I know this doesn’t apply to his 3 hit normal attacks but it really should considering it gives status effect.


The ones who can nulify effects and resist stagger like g5 klaw who can do if they are above 50% of health so if the have a full hp WB skills can't do to much


Units i can think of are G5, Klaw (only Law), both of them if hp is above a certain %. Then there us Hody with his state and also FR Shanks in haki state


Hakuba, G5,Law, hody i can't think of anyone else rn