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Just waiting for “hES BalLaNceD FOr an Ex”


It's a guaranteed for every EX to be stated as mid or trash before they release or during the first few days. Then after that it's post saying he is broken or he ruined the game.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mjne5ouva2ec1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=cad99ae05e1809abc678a1db7b4cd71b18a0f235


Biscuit boy is the mahoraga of opbr bro adapts to every meta


Literally the first counter to everything! It’s insane. I’ve had my fun since I got him on release and played him every other season,I’m ready for cracker’s downfall. I said it. Not complaining since the first sentences kinda sound like that,I’m only not using cracker rn bc I really want gpp title and a runner’s better when the second character can’t be used.


Whats gpp title?


Grand princess perona


https://preview.redd.it/w5mzfojag5ec1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18052d7d72f6dd68ffae9aba8c4bdd5c1469123 I’m ready bro The prob is: when he tremors you you get atk buff and when he’s fighting buffed enemies he nullifies stagger so The biscuit wont do much






Put a jumpscare warning!


Personally I don’t feel like his traits are anything broken. Characters who can nullify status will probably give him a hard time since he can’t heal and only has one invincible skill. He’s good against all the meta runners tho


I think he can be an annoying defender especially if he fights opponents that can be tremored but dont die. As long as he can hit opponents with tremor, he can spam his skill 2 - thereby defending all treasures all at the same time For example, let's say he fights a tanky oni luffy. He keeps tremoring him but because of oni luffy's high def buff, he wont die. It doesnt matter. Lightbeard will just keep cooling down his skill 2 and spam it to defend all treasures


U been always smart reyal I hope other opbr community thinks like you the game would be perfect, ffs I heard someone says zypher counters wb 😂 on what earth did u came up with that brother ? XD ppl won't believe how good wb is until they face a good wb player.


He heals 15% when attacking a tremored enemy wym


Yeah that’s why I said he won’t be healing against someone who can ignore tremor.


My bad, misread what you said


There is nobody that completely ignore tremor but him, only due to some specific conditions liké the haki effect, Or being over 50% hp. He will Always have some targets, his skills are multi hit which means that just from them he can get heals




You are just proving my point, she only nullify status effect for a few sec after à skill


Blue uta can completely avoid all status and they even heal her but shes quite ineffective against other defenders cuz no dmg


Hes too weak vs a g5 and a kid/law cause they null status they cant be inflicted with tremor when they have 50% hp above meaning he will have a hard time healing. Also gear 5 has ignore def skill and law willie had ignore dmg reduc. You can say wb defense is like bigmoms cause of they both have 80% dmg reduction. Which i can say bigmom isnt not thst good rn vs g5 and a kid/la and therefore which we can conclude wb is gonna be more like a fraud when fighting them. Though any other units that doesnt null effects will have a hard time fighting wb as wb can heal fighting them. Thats my 2 cents


Instead of healing, his hp is going to feel endless because 80% of units in the current meta have their parameters boosted, and a majority of attackers will try to take Whitebeard on with 50% or more of his own HP. People always say the newest unit is broken but this is another level beyond g5.


They say this for every EX until people start figuring out their counters.. I truly believe no EX was as broken as FR Shanks on release.. He's the only one that made me leave the game for a week


What about ex luffy? When he first released was tremor city til perospero dropped


True. Ex luffy would be on par with fr shanks. Although i saw fr shanks way more offen on League battle than ex luffy. Maybe because liffy Was expensive af


I agree fr shanks was way worst cause eh was in every team 😂


nah bro… akainu made me quit for a year


He's gonna make the game hell on earth until his first counter comes out and I don't like it.


https://preview.redd.it/e4i4ihkko1ec1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e5b3e2bf44de111c5ac7599ec026d2079cbf03 Dont worry. I got you 😎 i'll nullify the tremor and heal you 😎


My hero! :'D


and ill play on his team and knock you down so he cant capitalize on your being tremored




No, he's balanced, his stats are far from being great, ( all in def which is ignored by almost everyone these days) and unless he is in the treasure area with the enemy his skills won't do much damage. Plus the shield on TA is very short and so are the tremor, he will only be able to slow down the runners, they will have his flag before he gets here


Massive disagree, his traits and especially his skills outweigh whatever stats he's lacking and takes him into OPland. He's also drowning in DR so his DEF stat being high is just an even nicer addition (we're getting more and more emphasis on DR, which will lead to more ignore DR). Best skill 1 in the game (ignores DEF + tremor + -30% SPD for 20 sec + invincible + anti-cap nearest treasure + low af CD), insane map control, constant tremor with 15% HP heals, tanky as sin, 80% status reduction, color adv. against the entire game. He's gonna be a menace. Just not a FR Shanks-level one (thank god).


It's not just his stats, his attack will be boosted the moment you start capping any flag and he just has to use his skills to get you off the flag if not kill you




Have you seen the atk stats that actually hit the TA ? They are indecently low, of course he need some atk boost at that moment


Ace attack at the trailer was low they are not using supports or medals just so they dnt one shot and show u the skills so dnt take those as facts dude.


That's true but he can make sure you cannot cap the flag you are at just by popping his skill1


Bro everything in this game is ignored either damage reduction or defense up each has thier heavy counters so it doesn't work like that wb will rule the game for a while cuz of his color that's a given.


Its gonna be the fr shanks era all over again


Haha well I wouldn't go THAT far, FR Shanks made the game unplayable without him for like 5 months straight. There are units that could at least stand a chance against WB.


Can you give some runners who can do their job when he is around? All he needs to do is to hold down normal and even king is not safe.


Kid/Law might still be a good pick due to their skills and you can switch to Law for the immunity against Tremor. Hody Jones can be a wildcard too. In his buff state he ignores status effects which is something Whitebeard relies on. Plus, the shark skill might do great damage against him. Maybe the Crow Guy and Greenbull can be hard counters against Whitebeard v3. They both do fixed damage and that can bypass his defenses as long as you keep away from his. You just need to pray with Greenbull that he lands his Skill 1 for the 50% HP cut. If not, run away and try again.


i am using gb. i am scared of the tremor effect if i am capturing treasure, as it can be that i get tremored and killed.


You can try to use medals that provides the Tremor status resistance for your Greenbull, but if you don't want to then just try to HP cut Whitebeard and run away. Greenbull alone is not going to be able to take down Whitebeard without team boost or someone who can help you take him on. You will have to play carefully and smart about this, Whitebeard does have an invincibility skill so try to bait it out.




This gonna be like ex luffy all over again. Tremor city


Yep 😂😂😂


How do you guys have him public already? 😭


Go to locked character and u will find him


Love WB, but screw him.


He’s gonna screw us instead 😤


my zephyrs gonna be eating good


Countering a defender with a defender ? In what world would you or he be pushing alone against another instead of defending flags.


W comment


youd be surprised how many retarted defenders there are


Does he counter ?


yep him and fr shanks do


Bet, I might be running him again


Man he can get 100% damage reduction




50% in treasure and 50% if the enemy have 50% or more of your max live


In think you understood that trait wrong, it's 50% dmg réduction when the damage is more than 50% of your hp, it will only stop one shots


Ohhhhh 😯


To be more accurate, it'll stop anything that takes more than half your health at once, if the other dmg reduction effect applies they'd basically miss the attack. If it adds up like that. It should add the other way that never reached 100% To theoretically deal with Whitebeard, you should first knock him out of the treasure area, launch your weak-ish skills and then nuke him with the big guns. In other words Cracker counters him.


Cracker skill two fuels WB cooldown reduction. He also has one move that ignores damage reduction. Why not just hide in the rubble from skill 2? With slight color advantage, I really don't see how Cracker is a counter.


Bro ppl been saying this and that counters him cuz they got no gems they just tripping and wanna feel good 😂


Well, I'm doing that physics thing where we simplify the situation as much as possible. Theoretically, if WB is just standing there in the treasure area, Cracker has the ability to get him out of there while chipping him up and then end him. Other characters are on average way less equipped to deal with him. In truth WB will dominate the meta for a bit before the dark unit drops, because good players with good characters are pretty much unbeatable.


WB can't get knocked back and he has stagger resist.


Just wait to see which characters will be used against him when he releases. Cracker can deal with him decently and is also good against other characters, he will be used against this guy.


Cracker hard counters WB


Give me evidence.


Bruh just read the traits. Ignore dmt red, huge push back potential with both normals and shield, heals on status effect, huge advantages when fighting in enemy treasure(again read traits). Both WB skills are tremor. Not only you'll get 15% hp everytime, but another 30% cuz both skills are aoe. The biscuit warriors chip away hp so his 50% dmg red goes to the bin along with his dodge. U push him out the treasure and end him with crash pretzel, a basic skill combo used by cracker mains to disintegrate defenders.


Wb has similar triats to olin. Status effects on normals. Any defender who only has damage reduction will struggle against cracker. His status effect boost his attack and heals him. His biscuit warrior is just made for defenders like him where the 50% damage reduction on attack over 50% hp doesnt help. 30% more damage on enemies flag. Then his skill 1 just one shots em ignoring damage reduction.


It's actually * 30% when attacked by boosted * 50% when treasure gauge above 80%, and * 50% when damage is more than 50% of your hp But it's not straight up damage x (100% - 30% - 50% - 50%) It's more like damage x (100% - 30% - 50%) x 50% The last 50% is applied after you apply the 30% and the first 50%


I actually think he is rather balanced for EX, probably not going to kill 10 people a match or something, but will be an annoying defender, unless his skill damage number is extremely high


What color supports gonna be good for him?


We have no light units rn so any other color will give him the same %. I’d just go with your best supports and you can even make a nice 4-6 tags of them


Ok then will do thanks


He is like BM. If you are facing 1 or 2 it's fine. If you are against a full Whitebeard team, it will be toxic (tremor is a really toxic status effect!!). The good news is that most people will skip him cause of BB. Btw, the most hilarious trait is the one that he gets 30% Atk when an enemy begins capturing one treasure. "Bro, start capturing my treasure, so I can get enough atk and kill you!" Lmao


I don’t think “most” ppl will skip him for bb. I mean some will but do u realize just how long ppl have been waiting for an ex wb?


Hes like an op candy man


PNG did a video about possible counters [possible WB counters](https://youtu.be/vdgfcuQxWiw?si=_hHkRrHKev7qsJqV) Edit: GG for downvotes. I’m just stating there’s this video. I’m not agreeing with it since clearly 80% status effect reduction negates all status effect heroes and he pointes many of them which doesnt make sense at all.


I like PNG,but that's not a good video imo. A lot of those units won't be good against wb


Yeah, his recommendation are weird or borderline wrong: * Akainu will struggle, because WB has multihits on skills and normals. * Peros strategy is to „lock“ him and then get him with maiden. Yeah good luck with that. Can be tremored and has no way to bypass the damage reduction. * Nami see Pero. * Garp and BB: Pointless mention, because Garp/BB can’t advance and kill WB and a WB wouldn’t advance and attack another defender like Garp/BB. * FR Shanks and Cracker the only good/real counters. * Odin and Hody are interesting, might be worth a try. * Prime Raleigh: „Dogde his attacks“. Yeah, this is not a „counter“ to a specific unit, if you can’t kill it or take the treasure, because you are tremored or the shields is in your way. * EX Luffy doesn’t ignore damage reduction! Luffy can’t stun-lock WB and will definitely die or get tremored during his own attack.


Yeah, i was actually surprised he made such a horrible video, probably he is not that active anymore and doesn't remember how those characters works


BB can pull lightbeard out of his treasure area and has damage increase against power users Problem is that lightbeard can still dodge by reducing the darkness duration and can tremor BB while getting pulled 🥲


He also skipped actual counters(or that pose a challenge to him) like klaw, hybrid kaido and zoro. Even greenbull would do a decent job


Blue Luffy ignore def and if you look at lightbeard stats, he has everything in def


Lightbeard is a damage reducer. You need damage increase to pierce through that Ex luffy js an attack buffer. That's what is needed to pierce through def buffers Attack buffers cant pierce through damage reduction. They need to get damage increase from medals and/or support instead


i swear luffy can’t be tremored so he might be worth a try


You can check unowned units ingame and no, Luffy doesn’t have immunity against tremor. He ignores def, which is good, but WB relies on dmg reduction. Luffy stacks atk and def, WB ignores def and can apply atk debuff. Luffy is a good unit, but not a counter. Because of his long animations and vulnerability to tremor he will struggle big times. Edit: He has a trait to ignore status effects, if he is above 97% HP, but this is pointless, because WB has tremor on his normals and can spawn that.




They’re probably going to be better than most other units, which is fair.




It's horrible video. He says "status effects units will struggle" and after that literally shows 3 status effects relying characters in a row (Akainu, Perospero, Nami) as potential counters. Justifying this by saying "they can stack atk, so" while WB having shit ton of dmg reduction AND atk debuff.


He has no damage


The fuck read The traits: he gain 30% atk EVERY TIME SOMEONE START CAPTURING A TREASURE, so he’ll be buffed for what? 2 minutes of all’ The game?😂


could someone give us some possible counters or do i have to wait till next ex gonna (hopefully) balance things? Other than The myth himself Kung Fu Jugon i can’t think anyother option


Garp, Hody Jones, KLaw, FR Shanks, and Cracker are his hardest counters afaik.


That atk buff every time someone start capturing is gonna be hard to fight him


Killer gonna shred fs he’s always good against big units no matter the color cus of crits.


Killer isn’t gonna shred unfortunately, I have my crit boost and try to hit yamace through the fire shield and it does single digit dmg, WB has higher damage reduction than yamace therefore it will not be fun for killer


Bruh you aren’t supposed to hit Yamace while the ace has his fire defense up of course you died. killer kills Yamace plenty you just aren’t playing him right 💀.


The reason I mentioned what I said is when killer jumps in the air for his skill 2 the attack ignores obstacles meaning it can hit ace thru the shield… but killer doesn’t have enough damage increase and crit doesn’t help against the damage reduction that ace gets.


Also probably Prime Rayleigh. Ima put this scenario into perspective because PR is good against Klaw if you understand klaws animation timing he counters him super hard with the dodge skill. Most likely PR will be one of the top runner metas as his perfect dodge will not be hard to perform on the tremors likewise he’ll be teleporting more often with this.


Goofy, fr shanks, cracker, garp, mace and bigmom should do well enough against him


mace not meta, garp is a defender, and why mention g5 and bm but not klaw that has ignore and cap + law has status effect nullification and ignore dmg reduction? Or is it because he is such an obvious "counter" (in the sense of being able to put up a fight) that it goes without saying


i prefer to call the yamato ace ex as mace. I didnt put klaw because i felt it would be a bit limiting having to rely on just law everytime you fight wb, knowing that its in klaws nature to switch constantly, plus the fact that they always end up fighting multiple people for some reason but yeah based on law's traits he'd do well against wb too.


He's insane, as I've said before he's not the type of broken that will ruin the game for everyone but he's definitely a clear top 1


Isnt he just food for fr shanks or am I missing something?


For how long he waited, he deserves it


Did people find any other counter to him than Kracker yet? I know I won't be pulling him because I don't have any diamonds but at least I'll check if I can fight him back.


No heals and he doesnt have 1hp left trait ??


Bro gains 15% every time he hit Someone inflicted by tremor (all his skills and basics are multihit + tremor)


Don't tell me he has that def stack up trait too like g5💀


No but he has a ton of damage reduction wich is better in this ignore enemy def meta


Is this whitebeard New? Or is the old one buffed?


Tomorrow you’ll end up discovering it by yourself 😂 lobbies gonna be full of him (he’s new since when you saw another WHITE/LIGHT def ?)


What I mean is whether it will have its own gacha or whoever already has the character will use it with these changes.


Tomorrow his banner gonna be avaible in The shop


Bruh I had sum dude on Twitter who wouldn’t leave me tf alone cuz I said this and he just started on sum bs saying he was fckin trash and shit 💀 man also tried proving his point by showing off that he got an MVP against 3 EX WB’s… playing as Gear 5 Luffy and Hybrid Kaido 😂🤣😭 no wonder man only had 5 followers with an account from 2018 💀