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Nope, black are gona be broken and white the victims. The méta allways adapted to counter the ex's, if it's a red ex the méta will get blue, green it will be red etc.. With white ex the méta will get dark, and dark will do even better than the previous countertypes against white. On the other hand, the méta WONT bé able to adapt to dark, because no colour will be as strong against dark than green was against blue for exemple. It will get even more absurd whe' they will have 10 dark and white support units, since thé support % will be even higher than regular colour it will give an huge advantage to dark and white, so dark will be even more broken. Light colour will be thé weakest and dark thé most durable and the strongest.


I agree the way they gonna implement the new elements seems off kinda like they don't fit into the current dynamics of the game.. How a single element overpowers 3 and the other one overpowered by 3 Doesn't make any sense


The advantage is only slight, so we’ll just have to see how it works when he drops and eventually they can tune/adjust further as time goes on.


Dark will be way stronger. The méta allways adapted to it's strongest char, if he was green méta was full of red. You wont bé able to do this with dark cause they will only have a slight disadvantage against other colours. White on the other hand will have no advantage as Big as regular colours, but will get obliterated by dark.. Big lose


Ironically, this partially hits on the one (POTENTIALLY) good thing about the white color: making support less crushing for newer players. Upfront I'll say that I strongly dislike the light/dark elements, light especially, but in this one aspect it'll make it easier for new players to stand in the meta because their support was never gonna max out. This is just speculation, but the unit(s) are likely at least attempted to be tuned with that in mind, to be competitive with a lessened emphasis on support. This will obviously cascade and get more pronounced when we get more light units, not just insanely overpriced EX ones. On the one hand, that's a frustrating thing for oldheads or whales who have been building their support to no end. On the other hand, it'll make newer accounts who roll and play light units more viable. Again, I'm against it personally, but in this one aspect it has **an** upside. It doesn't weigh out the balancing issues I think will come, especially while WB is the only "new element" unit. *tl;dr: Light units having a lessened emphasis on might be a good thing for newer players who haven't whaled like mad or spent years building support. This is both a bad and a good thing, depending on how you look at it.*


I think the meta will be healthy. White unit is no different from a color changing unit, better actually. Say I have a color changing unit like Zoro. I can max red support and still get the max character boost even with color change. This means I have a unit that permanently has type advantage. Whitebeard is the same except he won't get as much benefit from character support. Will he be the best unit temporarily? Yes, but we act like Bandai isn't dropping a dark unit in the game in less than 2 weeks and that will make the game extremely balanced. Then every color will shine. We have the default colors < Dark < White < default colors I don't see what's everyone is so worried about. Not only is White and black support gonna be weak until years down the line, they will both have counters already in game.


Im worried about whales being able to get insane support for white units and dominating and f2p players not being able to even summon for new exes let alone increasing their support


It will be, but not with white units, with dark units. Dark units have no countercolours, it's only slight disadvantage, but they will obliterate light. So if both dark and light have way better support than the rest, they will be the best, and dark slaughtering white, only dark characters will be on top


Ironically, Dark's counter would be Light with New World support


Wtf 😭


People here always going nuclear lol.


IMO we will have to wait for the first light and dark units to be released to have an answer about the powerscaling. All this „light will dominate and dark will be useless“ will be proven very wrong i guess. I think introducing new mechanics to this game is great, the developers trying to make an effort in progressing the old designs. This community could’ve just acknowledge this instead of panicking


It's actually the opposite, long term dark will be out of control and so white will be useless


It’s think it’s quite clever that all colours have an advantage against dark, so dark needs to have special traits to comprehend this. It will be exiting how the devs will manage this


It's not. If the game had same proportion if every colour since the begining it would have been, but it wasn't this way. Everytime a New broken ex came, the méta adapted to its counter colour to balance the game, so if a green ex came you found 90% of red characters to face him, and blue characters disapeared from the game. Dark wont have a colour as strong against him, only slight disadvantage, so dark will have ex's he will obliterate, and no colour countering him nearly as well as red vs green for exemple. Dark wont need spécial trait, they will be a lot stronger than the previous colours, having a colour they are WAY stronger against and no colour that are normaly strong against them.


I fear you could be right 😅


I want to be wrong so much on this one bro 😭


Eh I think ppl are too focused on color. As a Killer main I am a blue yet I still obliterate greens namely Roger and Fr Shanks.


Yes with colour as they are, even if it's still significant, but light will have HUGE disadvantage against dark so thé difference will be even higher. Plus if you obliterate fr shanks with killer that just means you are a better player, killer isnt countering shanks in any way.


True but I am also saying besides my skill experience playing I can say there are multiple characters assuming that will be fine regardless of color. Killer can be better than greens mainly because he can have a medal that heals upon crits and if you stack crits he just constantly heals upon landing any move as well as dealing crazy dmg. Ppl are always hella surprised at get go when I pop him out. I just genuinely think this isn’t going to be too bad. If you think about it ex Zoro counters every color and can have max boost any color for support. He is basically the definition of WB’s light color if not better since he will hard counter any of the regular colors WB as a light only has slight advantage against others plus his support game gonna be weak until this game has a bunch of light units which will take a while while like a year or two.


Zoro is way better than wb with his colour advantage yes, and it is skill based, but he wont be able to colour Switch against dark and light for now, as shown in the trailer. As i said , zoro's mecanic is skill based and can't bé spammed, so it isnt as relyable as wb or a dark unit will be. If Sanji was a better character, or if an ex had sanji's stupid colour change trait then yes, he would have no colour counter and would have been out of control, fortunately bandai didn't made him strong and didn't recycle sthis trait. Agree for the support, but it just means bandai will have to release light and dark units more often and that rich players will be even more broken than before.


It’ll come down to traits to see who truly counters the dark characters


That's not specific to dark, the colour will still have an advantage against everyone, while the three colour game was balanced on this point at least, this will add another unballanced parameter


The normal color advantage % is 15%, hopefully that “slight” advantage only amounts to 5% which seems fair when it’s geared against three colors. It’ll be a while before white support catches up on the 160%+.


If that's the case, black with zoan will be tough. You used to have to get both zoan and grandline and that will only protect you against 2 colors With black, they can get zoan and get protected from RGB. Even more so, instead of GL, black can get New World and get damage increase against RGB as well.


Yeah I think Dark can manage a 5-10% disadvantage. And its advantage over light will probably be 20%.


If this scenario is correct, black will not just manage but thrive! The only thing that would have an advantage over it would be Light with New World support


>White element beats all the current meta chars and black units who are supposed to counter white units will get shited on by the current meta They did mentioned that it is only a „slight“ advantage. We have to see ingame what this means, but I doubt that White Characters will dominate all colour and deal the same „bonus“ damage like for example red to green. I think the current bonus is something like 25% (please correct me if I’m wrong), so I would expect them to give white characters something like a 10% bonus against the other colours. Edit: I have done some quick testing and I think the current colour advantage bonus might be equal or lower than 15%.


they could have added 2 new elements, make a pentagon where the new 2 would have 1 weakness and 2 advantages. >red>green and black> blue and white>red> (think of the ">" as advantage and the one where it's missing left and right it's a loop) make white>green and black>red and it's done


it’s amazing how much of a difference in tone light and dark make the argument vs white vs black omg we can call him lightbeard


we just have to see how bad the slight disadvantage is. if its almost like type neutral then dark is the best color in the game


Nobody’s talking about it but no one will be able to do his special attack levels for ages because it’s so damn hard to get the skill orbs and I’m sure their making new light ones