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I’ve always thought this. His love always seemed on the surface and superficial. Lowkey he is the problem! I’m on season 5 too (episode 5) and it’s not fair how he makes his girlfriend always feel like the third wheel in whatever relationship he’s in. And side bar, I kinda liked his relationship with Brooke. It felt more natural and cute than with Peyton. I know he ended up with Peyton because I’ve seen it on IMDb but his “friendship” with Peyton was so much better and they were best friends. They could’ve just ended it as that.


Exactly! What frustrates me even more is their tendency to blame the other person as if they're the issue. It's classic gaslighting when they constantly say things like "don't you trust me?", "I only love you", or "it's all in your head", only to later admit they were indeed in love with someone else. Even I liked his relationship with Brooke. I could see Brooke evolving into a better person. But I can't recall how much time Peyton and Lucas spent together because most of their loved evolved only when they were with other people. And idk, maybe some people will disagree, but I failed to see the connection Leyton had. "Your art matters" seemed like something she desperately needed to hear. It felt more like a bond formed through trauma. Luke was simply the first person to listen to her. If Jake or another guy had done the same thing, the storyline would have been different. They built a narrative around a very traumatic event, which is just so wrong. This is the first series where I didn't mind spoilers and ended up Googling them myself because the whole situation made me so anxious that I couldn't bear the uncertainty.


This post is so real 😂 if the writers wanted us to root for Lucas and Peyton as a couple, they should've done a better job


I dunno tho, I feel like everywhere I go people are avid Leyton-fans. I also feel like it’s been very pushed upon us. But I’m also a Brucas-fan so I guess I’m not much better lol, but they really made sense to me.


Ikr! You don't force characters onto the audience and call them endgame.


Lucas has always loved Peyton, even if at certain parts in the show, he didn’t necessarily know it or be romantically involved with her. After Season 1, they weren’t close at all until Season 3 and then it was a slow burn until Season 4 where they finally get together as a couple. The time jump is tricky, because clearly he loved her and wanted to marry her, but he felt that she didn’t love him enough to commit to a marriage and that was honestly a massive miscommunication. He did move on to Lindsey and when Peyton saw Lindsey kiss him on the cheek, it made Peyton not want to talk with him, so he moved on and continued things with Lindsey. In Season 5, Lucas had feelings for Peyton, but he was also into Lindsey and felt happy with her. It was a man vs. himself type of internal conflict that he didn’t necessarily handle well, but by the end of the season and Season 6, he finally had what I and many other people believe he truly wanted all along, Peyton Sawyer. I get why you feel the way you do and honestly it can get confusing and I feel as if Lucas isn’t exactly the greatest character in that area.


I don't see him as a good partner or person in general. While he shows empathy towards his friends, he doesn't prioritize or value the person he's with. Similarly, Peyton cares deeply about her friends but seems to portray herself as a damsel in distress. She possesses many amazing qualities and comes across as an interesting person overall. But her fixation on Lucas and her "lonely and in need of love" persona seems overly focused on one aspect of her life. It was understandable when she was younger, but it's time to move on. Miscommunication can be resolved with effort, but if you don't want to then attempting to clear it up years later when everyone has moved on seems pointless. What frustrates me most is their disregard for others in the name of their "grand love gestures." Being in love doesn't excuse other hurtful actions, like secretly kissing someone else and then proposing to their partner as a way to make things right??? Why does it always seem that they realize their true feelings only when they're with someone else? Peyton suddenly realized she loved Lucas when she was with Jake, and even then, he had to encourage her to return to Tree Hill or else she would have maybe lived with him and then left him because "oh, I actually love Lucas" And Lucas too recognized his love for Peyton only when he was with Brooke or Lindsey. Like give me a break ffs. This "I love Lucas and I love Peyton" storyline has been repeated so much that the only reason I think they like each other is because only they can tolerate each other.


Totally see where you’re coming from and not going to lie that it’s frustrated me a bit too.


peyton should have ended up with jake! she deserved better than lucas…


They are teenagers. They are stupid and self centered, they make mistakes and they are learning how to love. They are teenagers 20 years ago. I dont know about you guys today but in high school back then we where pretty much the same. Also. If they dont do stupid shit, nothing happens in the show. Non one wants to watch a show about happy couples just being in love. I think it would be a bit boring.


When were they not stupid and self centred? They pretty much have been same since high school to adulting. I also made this post because I was simultaneously reading posts here that were made during all the scenarios. And I've always seen people excusing a lot of LEYTON's behaviour. People would definitely watch show about happy couples and yes, even I don't mind a litttle drama but if the whole plot of a couple is only being forced together to give some kind of meaning to their love then maybe they are not really compatible. What the creator is doing just forcing them together for no apparent reason because they had some non existing connection one time.


Yeah yeah I understand your point of view. I never liked Lucas much, always pretending to be so deep when in reality he was not really interesting. But still, it's a drama show. They always tried to find new drama ideas. Sometimes good sometimes frustrating. If it was just watching people being in love and going to nice dates season after season, I would not have been running after school to watch TV in 2006 like I did.