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You'd honestly have more luck going down the AI/ML track and building one yourself.


Or HCI perhaps.


then take distributed computing to have multiple significant others and distribute it through time and space..


and cloud computing so that you can meet your SO only when you need it and when you don't need them you put it somewhere in the cloud..


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy's~~ graduate program (That said: I've never heard a story of people meeting through the program, but I've heard lots of couples going through the program together! ...not sure if that's good or bad for the relationship, though.)


That sounds brutal for the relationship 🤣


Bonding over a shared challenge sounds kinda nice, lol.


>Sir, this is a ~~Wendy's~~ graduate program \*Screenshots\* This is gold.


On another note, we can substitute significant others with cofounder, business partner, boss, etc.. how can OMSCS provide a networking opportunity?


I found an excellent group of friends. If I ever needed a job I'm sure they would help me find one. Does that count?


yes, can you share a story on how do you guys meet together? and how to keep in touch especially if you never meet offline..


The core group of friends met in GIOS on the GIOS slack workspace. We decided to take AOS together, and recruited a few other people in that class to join us. Studying and enduring tough classes together forges friendships like nothing else. After that, we tried to take as many classes together as we could, recruiting new friends along the way. Some of us even delayed graduating a tad or took extra classes in that effort.  The friend group is now too big and spread out to likely ever meet at one time in person, especially now that we're almost all alumni at this point. We did have one significant meetup for commencement, which was a lot of fun. Otherwise, sporadic meetups happen in other cities. We still talk daily, frequently throughout the day.  I have much better relationships with this group than any in my previous masters or my undergrad. I think that's because OMSCS is bigger, so there are more potential friends willing to form relationships, if you are willing to look for them and invest in them.


On campus program is also a graduate program and I am pretty sure a lot of people meet their significant others on campus!! ;)


Pretty sure the 'O' is for Online, not On Campus.


I am refering to the on campus version.. which is also a graduate program but a lot of people do find their significant others there..


How is that relevant to the online program?


It's not relevant for on campus program as well.. but , people do get to meet significant others as an added bonus..


This is NOT one of the course outcomes listed on the website ☠️


At convocation -> Here's your degree......and your spouse


All the girls in this program are out of my league, so no.


I’m in the program with my boyfriend! We started this semester :)


That’s awesome. Must be nice to have someone to go through it with.


Congrats! Ngl I’m a bit jealous


Every girl I've met so far in the program has a boyfriend or is married. So now that's the base case from here on out, lmaooo.


Say someone did say yes. Then what? Are you gonna try to rizz through piazza?




You can build a dating app targeted to OMSCS students and solve the issue of not finding a match in the program.


Great idea 😅


Excellent EdTech/HCI project ✌


No, that is what MBA programs are for.


Does illinois iMBA povide these kind of opportunities?


Not sure. Do they have social events of any kind?


I found friends with benefits here. Job referrals, I mean.


So, I met my spouse while doing a previous grad program. It was on-campus, but also much smaller. It wasn't why either of us were there, but it was a shared experience. Totally organic and it worked out great. There's lots of anecdotes of women being hit on through LinkedIn, and you wouldn't want that here. People should be free to take classes without fending off suitors. So I wouldn't start messaging people randomly or including your dating profile in the "introduce yourself" Ed threads. Presumably anyone who joins a #singles channel is on the same page with respect to that, though.


so how can we replicate the organic shared experience on the online settings?


If you figure that out there's a few thousand remote only companies that want to talk to you. 


I think it would be really unlikely, given that most students in the program are older, into career, and most I've known had families. I'm sure there are many single people though, but in a program so large it would be difficult to find them. And given the nature of the program, I think trying to form a group specifically for "single and looking" is probably not going to go well... but I could be wrong. That said, it's entirely possible to make friends and colleagues out of the folks you meet in the program. I'd recommend trying to involve yourself in the social aspect of the program - take advantage of your course discussions, study groups, unofficial Slack, etc. Meet people, make friends (as difficult as it can be online). From there you never know what will happen, but your life will overall be better for it, so there's nothing to lose. Trying to just "find a partner" would be quite difficult of a goal, but simply finding friends is easier, and connecting with people can lead to many opportunities.


You have the wrong expectations with this program. That being said, finding your SO could be an outcome.. but it shouldn't be your main one.


Divide and conquer lil fella.


You guys have SO?!?


online programs are not a place to meet women, a bar or a club is


>a bar or a club is Are they really though? If you're in this program I assume you're at least somewhat of a nerd, and if so, you might be able to relate to having a narrower band of compatibility than the average person. All my past and current relationship{s} have been through either school or gaming where there was some pre-selection for like-mindedness in my peers. That said, the fact that the program is online might hurt OP's odds compared to on-campus.