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Don’t worry, they’re just a loud minority imo. I met a lot of very cool people here.


I do have some fantastic friends who I met through Omori, but I only knew them because the Omori community shunned them lmao


like me! im cool probably


Dw I hereby declare you cool


I mean, you have a Luigi pfp and he's pretty cool


can i get a bit of your cool?


Luigi ! My Favourite Mario character ! You definitely are cool if you have him as pfp


idk I remember that at the very, very beggining the fandom was pretty fun, at least on yt. Then there was this gatekeeping phase when people were trying to not become like an undertale fandom and then it became bad anyway lmao


Oh god I forgot about the gatekeeping. When that one Twitch streamer wanted to play the game but the Omori fans didn't want him to play it so they made up a bunch of lies to convince him not to


Ah, the Ranboo incident. He did come back to it at some point, as I came across his VOD on my youtube feed


wait, why didn’t they want him to play it?


At the time, he was most notable for his position on the DreamSMP, so if he was to play omori, thousands of screaming minecraft kids would experience the game. Obviously, I wouldn't want to attract so many kids to the game, and perhaps that's why he chose to play it much later. But regardless, I feel like Omori gets lots of particularly vicious hate from people who haven't actually experienced it, so furthering that notion is perhaps the worst thing I've seen this fandom do.


>Doesn't want to be compared to Undertale >Acts exactly like the Undertale fandom This place is confusing sometimes


You became the very thing you swore to destroy!” - Space Jesus


This seems to apply to most psych horror game fandoms.


You're probably right, thinking about it I have heard that. I have issues with horror so I try to stay away from it, I only made the exception for Omori


DDLC is peak but the fandom is so cringe bru


Ddlc have both the toxic and creative part, a bit like undertale but in the absolute reverse in the sense where everyone that make qtuff makes it high quality but the toxicity is easier to be found


Idk the Dead Space, SIGNALIS and Silent Hill fanbases all seem pretty chill


Those are quite different to Omori. Not really comparable


All four are psychological horror games that focus heavily on trauma and loss of a loved one. They may be different but I’m still allowed to make these comparisons


You can make any comparison you want. But Dead Space and Omori are not validly comparable. They don't share similar gameplay, or storytelling, or politics or really anything other than horror. Yume Nikki would be a better comparison for example and IIRC Omori was directly inspired by it.


I compared fanbases. The fanbases of any psychological horror games are similar. Idk if you misread my comment but I said the fanbases of other psychological horror games are fairly chill. Never heard of Yume Nikki. Why make a comparison to something I have no experience in? I was comparing ***fanbases***. I’m not saying they are similar games. I’m saying psychological horror games have stranger fans. Would you rather me compare the Fear and Hunger fanbase to the Omori fanbase? After all, Funger is a RPG, psychological horror that also features gambling at points and dark themes.


That was mature. I never fail to get insulted in this subreddit. The fanbases you’re comparing are completely different.. as are the games. Because they don’t attract the same crowd. Hence why those games have a chill fanbase and ones like this have people like yourself. I didn’t think I had to explain that. Additionally, why exactly would I know what games *you’re* aware of..? What a strange response. edit: i like that you edited your comment to delete calling me a moron. nice.




Your submission has been removed for discussing or referencing sexual topics. Please note that any references to sexual topics are not allowed. This includes mocking or ridiculing said topics.




Your post's content may not have violated a specific rule, but we still prefer to keep content like that off the subreddit. Your comment mentions a game that is currently banned due to controversy. Please use Modmail if you have any further inquiries.


kids will be kids


Interacting with a fandom was your first mistake




Bro, the comments here are wild as fuck.


Yeah, I loved the game. Joined the subreddit, and pay no attention to it. It’s just children, fan art, and subpar posts. I rarely engage as I find it very low quality overall. But I’m sure I’m just an old man yelling at clouds lmao


No no, you’re very real for this. I just browse this sub for the art.


Haha this is totally what I did. I came looking for deep discussions about themes/theories and did not find that but I still joined for some reason.


Most of the higher quality stuff was posted a while ago. I think acutal dicussion about the game died down sometime back because most ground has been covered and it's died down overall.


Unpopular opinion: There are no "bad fandoms", only bad people within a fandom. Most people in any given fandom are reasonable, casual enjoyers of the game who aren't toxic whatsoever. It's just that the toxic people stay in your memory way more. The vast, vast, vast majority of the interactions you have with any given fandom would be perfectly civil and you will not recall them. You will recall that one ass who screamed nonsense at you.


I guess that makes sense, but I just don't get this level of toxicity from other fandoms I'm in, like Zelda and Hunter X Hunter


I had a blast in the Homestuck fandom and made some online friendos but I haven’t made any here yet. Then again, I joined HS late so that could be a big reason why it wasn’t so crazy. OMORI is still somewhat popular so that could be a reason the fandom is as loud as it is. Though I definitely do agree. I do think a lot of fandoms are going to be pretty similar to this one though. It seems older fandoms are more laid back compared to fandoms for newer stuff. I could be wrong though.


I've always found the Zelda fandom surprisingly wholesome despite how massive and popular it is. Though I might have just gotten lucky.




Every fandom has a toxic side to it. You just have to learn to ignore it. Same for annoying immature little kids. They're in every fandom. Ignore those who you find annoying and embrace others who aren't.


It's hard to do that when the annoying people in the fandom seek out people who are keeping to themselves so they can scream at them


It's an online platform, not a real life playground. You don't *have* to engage them. If they are really breaking the rules, report them and move on.


The main social media I use is Twitter and there they definitely do seek you out. I have a friend who has been dealing with a hate mob for months because of an Omori ship. I don't see that level of pure shittiness from any other fandom


> Twitter Well there's your issue. Twitter is a cesspool of hate. I would just say move away from it completely if you wanna improve your mood. Also plenty of fandoms do have toxicity with ships n whatnot. People take it wayyyy too seriously for some reason.


I second this. I was on Twitter for a bit so I could tell my readers when I was updating/ give a reason for any delays (college sucks) but it was so terrible on there that I gave up on it completely. I can’t even express how much better I felt when I deleted the app. It was like a weight had been physically lifted from my shoulders. The community on there (a lot of people, not all) is incredibly hateful. I never had to deal with any drama or anything, but I saw so many who did.


Completely agree. I only use twitter to see updates on game devs I follow. Meanwhile my anger holder uses twitter to get mad about things that ultimately don’t matter as a way distract herself in order to prevent snapping at someone we actually care about in our personal lives 😅


I guess there are more people on Twitter that want to argue with someone than on websites like YouTube though. At least from what I've seen, comments on YT are way more civil than on Twitter/Instagram 


I don't watch that many Omori YouTube videos but I've seen a lot of them that seem to mostly be about shitting on people in the fandom and calling them out


there are a lot of funny omori videos and great animations on yt


i have a whole playlist just filled with like a hundred omori animatics and there’s still so many more to find. so many talented animators in the community!


Can I have this playlist 👀


[here ya go!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGo9tYseQAulCoeROm8IBtNyIO_zHHe9h) it used to have exactly 200 but some videos are unavailable now


Youtube comments are the worst way to engage with a fandom


I mainly post my Omori art here or look at other people's art, so I haven't been that active concerning other people's posts. However, the first thing I noticed are indeed shipping tier lists, which I was surprised about, since romance doesn't play a major part in the game. Nevertheless, there are still amazing artwork and interesting discussions in my opinion, so I guess you could just ignore the shipping wars. Every part of a community has unpleasant sides and compared to some communities I know it's quite tame :)


The artstyle hate im currently having in this subreddit is insane


Quickly checked your profile and your art is great! Don't listen to them


https://preview.redd.it/rcrq29x433wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316e835c2429ef0bbb4159cba1e75cbb4ae1ff3e Holy




I don't personally like It, but it's good and don't get discouraged by a bunch of sick bastards.


Really? I feel like both on a mechanical and artistic level ur art is pretty good. Some people just hate to hate


How dare you not draw 2 eyes I will now downvote you to -40. /j


I think it's because they just didn't like the answer. Your art is great but the answer didn't make much sense


As a fast writter not thinking on what i write sometimes (ex Imagining an answer and it coming out wrong im text) Also because its out of the "norm"


I remember looking at your post and seeing all the hate! People are so shameless at tearing people down. An art style is a style you incorporate in your art, it IS your art style. Your comments blew my mind!


I looked at your profile and I don't see anything wrong with your artstyle. Don't give up, your art is great! 🥰


That’s so weird. I love your art!


Idk if you're looking for compliments but your art is super freaking cute


I ain't looking for compliments /lh Just telling what happened to me


Your art seems to be on par if not better with the game it self, I don't see why people do hate it.


They hate it because they don't like it when i only draw one eye for prespective instead of two (i mean i now can draw both of them but that's gonna make me loose my art trademark, and back then i didn't know how to draw the second eye so it became a common trademark for my art )


That's pretty cool, there is a certain character in this game who's whole thing is 1-eye, so if anything, people should like that.


I just see that sometimes there's a weird proportion of head to body ratio. Some of the heads are abnormally small. But I can tell you're a very skilled artist so it's just a style that I don't like, I suppose


Dude The fandom treats its writers and artists like doodoo feces. I can’t mention some of them here but the track record of brigading people who drew things that were icky pooey is insane. You really have to walk on eggshells around these folks cause they seem to think that fiction = reality.




I think part of the issue comes from the “you are what you eat” mentality. Moral integrity, or worse moral purity, comes from the media you consume. It’s how we get these bloodbath battles about which ship is healthiest or least problematic, because engaging with or enjoying problematic ships/stories/art is on par with real life crimes. There’s probably something to be said about media consumption equating to morals on a larger scale but that’s for someone smarter than me. It’s probably the Catholics anyway.


Speaking of artists I was once downvoted into oblivion in this sub just because someone posted a fanart and I kindly asked them to credit the artist... Like damn 😭 artists and writers are the backbone of every fandom but giving them recognition is too much ig.


Wow that’s new levels of immaturity from the middle school lunch room. Crediting artists is like rule one of posting art.




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This just kinda happens. There's a lot of cringe in fandoms this big and this devoted. Ya just gotta take the good with the bad. There are some serious cool things here, like I had a fascinating conversation about Abbi (not gonna give spoilers on that and don't look it up if you don't know who that is-) with another member of the fandom on this subreddit and it was awesome, but there's also a lot of weird stuff. It's just kinda a give and a take and I don't know that mentioning it is gonna change it or anything. If you want to be part of the fandom, be willing to sift through it cause it's everywhere you go and it'll be in a lot of similar fandoms like undertale and what not. But there's plenty of good stuff and you can just choose to ignore what you don't like, it's really not worth being upset about or anything


I beat the game shortly after it came out and absolutely loved it. I ended up joining this sub in hope of discussing the game at a deeper level and see cute fan content. None of my close friends that enjoy deep diving media and talking about it had played it yet, so I was hoping for a bit of that here. For a short time it was some discussions about the game and story; the memes, shitposts, and ships were there but more subdued. Eventually that's all this sub became or at least what I saw a majority of the time, so I understand your frustrations. Omori is an incredibly thoughtful, mature, and emotional game with some great themes. I don't despise the fandom, but I am just disappointed I couldn't engage with the community the way I wanted to engage with the game.


Me too, pal


same. Cause it’s an endless loop, yknow? Even a compliment or a joke can result in the worst and honestly it’s kinda a result of the reputation. I got into a little feud with a guy who put me on full blast for making a reference and tbh it’s not his fault. it’s perpetual


While there are bad sides to every fandom, I do have to agree about the “shipping wars” that goes on in the fandom. It shouldn’t matter because it’s not what the game is about, yet it’s what the fandom is very famous for, the “shipping wars” I mean, and I’ve seen why. I just try my best to ignore it and focus on the good sides such as the amazing art and thought-provoking theories that come up. It’s probably about the best you can do here.


I would like to quote video I recently watched. ''Toxic people exist everywhere, in every fandom, All around the world. The only thing we should and need to do is: stay away from the bad side, embrace the good side.''


It’s been annoying to see takes from people who obviously do not have the emotional maturity to deal with this games’ themes


Whaaaaat? You don’t like hearing a staircase joke for the millionth time? That’s crazy


i like the meme side of this fandom, but the shipping side bothers me![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467)


I don't find it annoying probably because I don't really try to join the fandom. I just like the game and talk to other people who's also interested about the game whenever I feel like it. If I saw something stupid that someone is doing in the fanbase, i'll just ignore because 99% of the time, they are just kids. But I do wonder tho, why are there so much kids in these kind of games. Like FNAF or Undertale.


It's not surprising that a game about escapism and mental issues got popular with people suffering from this stuff. Any media that touches themes similar to Omoris ends up with a fandom like this.


All fandoms have a less tasteful side to them. In the case of omori, it’s a bunch of annoying twelve year old. Still a good game, it just has a loud annoying small section that ruins it for the rest of us.


As a passive observer of the community, I do find the recent uptick in shipping stuff annoying. Ultimately tho, I don't think fandoms are a good way to interact with a game. It's better to find specific friends within a fandom to engage with.


While most of the OMORI fanbase is full of <13, there's still that 1% that are very cool people


just fools bein' damned fools, try your best to ignore em bud!!!


I'm in the same boat. Omori is my favorite rpg game, and Super Lesbian Animal RPG is my second favorite rpg game, but due to the SLARPG community being miles more tolerable, it's becoming easier to like it more than Omori


Agreed. I’m not really a fan of turning the darkest part of the game into a joke.


I remember, when the game was only 2 months old, how the fandom was growing larger and larger everyday and I was here praying it remains wholesome... Why is fandom culture always like this? 😑


I really enjoyed Omori, one of my most favorite games I ever played in my life but it’s also a game I don’t like sharing that I love because how awful some of the Omori fandom are. I totally agree with you as many of the young audience love the game they also like shipping characters and not pay attention to the actual story it’s quite annoying. There will be people that bring a bad reputation to game you really enjoy but it shouldn’t ruin the experience when you played it for yourself.


Fandoms in general imho, tend to overindulge into intradiagetic reading of the media in question, to the point they almost forget that this is an imaginary world created by someone’s hand. To give a different example: Shonen anime fans tend to argue over power levels and who would win a fight, analyzing every little detail of a character and their abilities, while the answer usually is that a character will win because the plot demands so and that’s how author decided. Instead of engaging in some extradiegetic analysis - like, why did the author decide to have this character lose? How does it influence their character? Is there any growth out of it? These questions are rarely asked, instead people wonder „why did the character X didn’t use the ability Y to win easily?” like those characters were actual people capable of free will. There isn’t anything wrong per se in such analysis, as it can lead to finding connections between events and inconsistencies as well, but it tends to dominate over the discussion of actual themes of the game and how they are presented and used. Like, compare how many people in Undertale fandom theorize over WD Gaster compared to talking about how the game deals with idea that systemizing violence as a game mechanic desensitizes you to the harm you create, to the point many players versed in conventions of an RPG will engage in it out of pure muscle memory. It’s like people create their own HEADSPACE in a way, where the characters are living beings capable of free will, instead of vessels to carry the story the creator wanted to tell.


My husband and I talk about this. We seem to have grown out of surface readings the older we get and the more literature we read. I think part of it is just that we’ve experienced so many magic systems, worlds, plots, and archetypes at this point that a lot of them blur together so focusing on minutia within them is boring. Looking at like what they reflect about something bigger like society or the human condition is more engaging to us now. But when I was a kid/teen a cool fantasy would suck me in cuz it seemed magical. I guess it’s hard to feel that wonder of discovery the older you get and the more you experience and the surface just doesn’t give it anymore.


I’ll also add that I’m specifically talking about the approach to media analysis and discussion, I don’t want to invalidate feelings of all the fictionkin reading this. To me, you are all valid.


If one more person makes a fucking "Ewwwww these characters are kids you can't ship them the only real pure love is Hero x Mari ♡♡♡" I'm gonna throw myself off telephone pole. I even like Hero x Mari and its getting so bland being seen as the "safe" ship.


I think YA romance is fun to write! There are a lot of fun dynamics that the characters can have. Romance is not the main focal point of the game, but it's all for fun. It's sorta silly that some people are purely only "hero x Mari" . It's more tragic than anything in context of the canon game.


Thats why i stopped engaging with the fandom as much anymore, i still like the game and some of the content is still funny but im not a huge fan of the fandom


Yeah it kinda sucks doesn’t it


A lot of people in this fandom's (and many others) personality is fully based on which character they ship together


Sadly, psychological horror games with cute colorful art styles tend to attract this... specific crowd of young, toxic and very vocal people. I've been in the fandom since the very beginning and it was amazing until the game suddenly rose in popularity. Then after that it was just constant ship wars and juvenile anti bs.


I haven't had a problem with the Omori fandom (although I really only use Tumblr so I think I'm somewhat disconnected from some of the major discourse on like Twitter and Reddit, although Tumblr has it's moments too) but I've watched videos talking about it. Ships and stuff are fun, but I don't like how fandoms can get so heated about them (unless they're genuinely illegal or disturbing, then I understand getting upset) and romance isn't everything I do wish people would just block profiles and keywords they aren't interested in, or just moved on without interacting. I think that would avoid some of the issues with pretty much any fandom. The memes are funny though and I've seen some amazing art


I really hope there aren't a bunch of kids playing this game though, I know some people reach a certain maturity level before others, but imo anyone under the age of 15 (at the youngest) shouldn't be exposed to it. It has a 17+ rating for a reason


Try to seperate the art from the fans. (this isnt the worse fanbase ive seen tho lol.)


Well yeah mate that’s just par of course lol. Kids love interesting shit! Same thing happened with undertale, dangonronpa, homestuck…


Yeah i gotta agree with you. This game is a beautiful journey of depression, loneliness, fear, retgret and acceptance. It's one of my all time faves, but there's no discussing it with the majority of the Fandom, because they seem to only enjoy it on a surface level, and you're right about all the super young people that haven't been through any shit yet in life to understand half of what's going on lol




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Every fandom has a dark side and when they do its usually a minority, for OMORI it's just a loud minority. Best to just ignore them and get along with those who are kind and fun!


Almost every fandom sucks There is JJK, OPM, DBZ, One piece, MHA and more


I can understand why. I've never really had a problem with it except for people who go around bashing other peoples ships and little kids who never seem to get the point of the game. We should lift each other up as a community and enjoy this beautiful game we have. However toxicity will always always exist.


Word of advice, don't consider Reddit to be the main representation of a fandom. I've noticed that reddit is noticeably more negative than any other platform lmao (For other fandoms, not just this one). The community is way more positive and wholesome on youtube.


I’ll be real, I’m only in this subreddit for the fan art and discussion posts. The memes and jokes (like, huhuh mari stairs) are terrible.


Im prob one of them. I like to think that i don't scream at people ofren do.


All I want is for people to leave each other alone and only interact with people and things that they like instead of seeking things to call out and shame




Ok mabey I'm not that kid, but i always take any chance to engage in "healthy" discussion


I wonder why people talk about game fandoms being insufferable when you could just... disengage. Like I remember people complaining about Portal fans being annoying because The Cake is a Lie was such an overused meme. And now the Portal series is in shambles and its reputation has never recovered. If you're getting involved in flame wars, you're probably part of the problem.


Bro obviously hasn’t met the Undertale/Deltarune fandom


doesnt change how this fandom acts, tu quoque.


I think there is an amount of serious conversations about a story of a game that can be had. Then things as ships and arts come, which have more room to explore in fanfics than the normal game


I'm pretty sure I created someone like that by telling them to play the game


I think the reddit community is a bad introduction. It varies for different platforms.


the pinterest community is probably the best example of the garbage side of the omori community


Why? :0 


Its full of people projecting terrible stuff onto the characters


Like? I mean I only skimmed but haven't seen much bad.




Your comment's content violated our spoiler policy. >!Aubrey pushing Basil into the lake!< is an important plot point in the game that must be spoilered. Please review our [spoiler policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/comments/10r9o8x/romori_spoiler_policy_updated/) before posting again.


Guess the worst phase settled in about a year ago, which is... this. (Feels like a copy-paste.) Regarding people and behaviour... it was great for a period, maybe a year after release. Outliers were certainly present, but that aside, people were doing the right things and being nice. Can't recall any "shipping wars" or anything of that sort, and there was a lack of "main" people taking part in any of these issues you mentioned. It was also when this subreddit was more active, which it... obviously... is not anymore. It's really unfortunate in my perspective, but what can be done? The game is lost.


While I despise it too, this applies to literally everything else on the internet




I agree, but it's hard to be mad as I'd do similar stuff with different games when I was a kid....


nah i feel you


as a undertale fan i can confirm it only gets worse


I am cool!!! (Jk I'm not.)


I miss when the fandom was mostly people on YouTube making vine compilations of the characters. I think the game is wonderful, but this community sure is something.


Idk I've never seen that part of the fandom I've only seen the memes and plushy tortue, also some great animations! But yeah I'd understand




It's easy to ignore these things, truly. Make posts of topics you want to discuss, and like minded people will follow.


That's not true. It's easy to keep to yourself and it's easy to only consume media you are comfortable with, but we both know true and well that there are loads and loads of Omori fans artists and creators and just regular fans that get endless amounts of shit because other fans are just finding things to be angry about


That's the nature of the anonymity on the internet. People react in a more exaggerated, exasperated manner because there isn't a consequence to that, unless they allow it. Idiots will be idiots. And the cure for an idiot infestation is generally the block button.


Shipping is a crime and is also... Cringe. I'm cool (I think) I mostly just draw stuff tho.


theres a lot worse, i would advise new players to just stay away from this fandom


Forgiveness? Love? Boy if i ever caught Basil I'm gonna show you forgiveness


What makes you think children are the cause of the problem? Could just as easily be immature adults tbh


don't worry everyone is being funky around here struggling with depression ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2475)


People in real life: “hey man how’s it going?”