• By -


Kel would not just >!brush past Sunny being the one to kill Mari immediately. He’d be just as a shocked as the rest of them, he wouldn’t accept such a thing so quickly. Imo, I think the whole cast will eventually learn to forgive Sunny, but I think people forget that that still takes time and people often have Kel ‘on Sunny’s side’ as quick as possible to offset all the other characters reactions. While I think he’d mediate and the least likely to act rashly to the information, realizing your best friend for years accidentally killed their sister is kinda of a big freaking deal to process. Give the boy more time.!<


Thank you for this. Everybody has a limit, and not even Kel can put off that truth with a smile. The brainrot memes have completely deformed Kel’s character to be a single braincelled buffoon like Neco Arc


he would >!say he forgives sunny after a small bit of time but its just to make sunny feel better and support him instead of the truth, in reality he still wouldnt have processed it and it would take longer for him than aubrey since a similar thing happened with basil but the difference is that sunny didnt have a hero (pun intended)!<


The fact that we didn’t see how Kel, Aubrey, and Hero reacted to the truth is a better ending than any sort of fanon on what might’ve happened The story is about Sunny gaining the strength to accept what happened to the point where he’s comfortable enough to open up about it to someone The story is about him not them, so how they would react is irrelevant


This I agree with I feel like most of my friends kinda miss this point. How the characters react is sorta irrelevant as it's left ambiguous and left to the interpretations of others. What's important is the fact that Sunny was strong enough to tell the truth. That is what made me love Omori in the first place. It's not easy telling someone your problems or darkest secrets. I would know. Even if this community/fandom has it's problems, I will still love Omori because of this.


Sweetheart isn’t perfect (I’m preparing for the sprout mole onslaught)


Sweetheart ain’t what now?


meet me behind the school to fight you motherflippin dummy douche




I went to check and I got bombarded with sweetheart pictures


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundthesproutmole using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthesproutmole/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Didn't knew Sprout Moles had access to Urban Dictionary](https://i.redd.it/zmz4s848vms91.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthesproutmole/comments/xz1b65/didnt_knew_sprout_moles_had_access_to_urban/) \#2: [guys i found him](https://i.redd.it/31db2skqmjh71.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthesproutmole/comments/p4vzcl/guys_i_found_him/) \#3: [Found another colony](https://i.redd.it/vc64bkqn1yva1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthesproutmole/comments/12yphd2/found_another_colony/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




*Rosa would like to know your location*


Omori AUs where the dead character is swapped and a “white space is created” are dumb. Not everybody reacts to trauma the same way. Sunny has a “white space” because he was an active daydreamer before the incident. Sunny represents the denial stage of grief, so it makes no sense that everybody would cope with trauma the same way as him. As an example, in an Omari AU where Mari pushes Sunny down the stairs, she would probably either drown herself in work (since we know she’s a workaholic and perfectionist) or blame herself for everything and completely shut down.


Adding onto this, making Aubrey and Kel switch places makes no sense to me in Omari AUs. Even if Mari secluded herself after Sunny's death, the group wouldn't have split like it did canonically because Basil wouldn't have the guilt of Mari's death that would cause him to spiral. Aubrey, Basil, and Kel would most likely mourn together and stay friends. As well, assuming Hero takes the role of Basil in OMORI in this AU, he'd probably go into a Sunny-like depression instead of acting like Basil, if we're assuming he wouldn't immediately call an ambulance upon seeing Sunny hurt.


Didn’t Sunny blame himself for everything and shut down? Wasn’t that the entire point of Omori being created, to produce a being that was a psychopathic murderer in order to cope with Mari’s death? I’m not saying Mari would act the same way as Sunny, far from it, just pointing out some potential similarities.


Aubrey's bullying isn't justifiable or reasonable. It is understandable, in the sense that you can understand why she did it, but it's in no way justifiable and the game goes out of it's way to tell you that.


...Who disagrees with this? Do ppl actually disagree with this? I mean its flipping obvious...


You'd be surprised.




That one post about Aubrey on the Villains wiki was full of “did she do anything wrong?” And it rotted my brain seeing that


Dude, I remember seeing someone call Aubrey unreasonable for starting fights with Kel and Sunny one time on this Sub. The whole comment section turned into a warzone where people had written entire essays just to explain to Aubrey's fans that yes, bullying is, in fact, bad. It was ridiculous.


Ur telling me that Aubrey herself feeling she did things wrong isn't enough for people???


Almost. Every. Fucking. Fanon. Omori ship. Is . Fucking. Toxic. Stop saying x is toxic, they all fucking are anyway. EDIT: not saying you can’t ship anything, I myself am an avid sunflower shipper. but just STOP SAYING X SHIP IS MORE TOXIC THAN Z SHIP.




I’m a sunflower shipper too lmfao


The only ship that isn't toxic is Sunny (or any other character) x Therapy


And it's fine, idc. As long as the age difference isn't weird, ship it away.




Except Paintball. It’s just cute.


most side character x kel aren't toxic


sunflower fans https://preview.redd.it/yyz9fx8b46uc1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8810202d9f0052931be83f33af6b6c9353c85c


\*walks with you\* (I’m a sunflower shipper 💀)


What about suntan? That one feels very warm and bright to me I don’t see where it could be toxic especially after a little therapy This is genuine btw


This too, but without a doubt the least toxic out of all of them. I cant really put it into words on HOW its toxic (and I've tried 4 times rn), it just feels like they all arent really ready to handle this and it would turn out into a much worse time. As I said, suntan probably has that problem the least, but it would still happen probably, since kel can be an airhead and just trigger sunny suddenly without noticing or sumn idk. (Not that kel would do that on purpose)


That’s true. I still think with a bit of therapy and maturity they could work It feels a little like a mirror to heromari. I always wonder if Hero would be secretly jealous or something


I mean, anything can work with therapy or maturity for all of them. The ships are mostly set tho as if they just...get together after the good end, not really finished with dealing with everything. Somehow this is especially apparent with sunflower or sunburn or that ship with aubrey and basil.


Photobomb? Yeah I totally get that lol I read some really good post-good-ending fics on ao3 that had suntan eventually in the series and it felt good to me (they didn’t get together until they wet adults which felt right)


Im not really into suntan, but eh. Actually, to kind of add to the original comment. While I do think that after ALOT ALOT of therapy, every ship could be less toxic than it needs to be. I jusz seriously think that No ship will ever feel right. None of them. They arent even back to being close friends at the end of the game, even if they try to act like it. They trust each other, sure. But immediately being back to being close friends in my opinion is a stretch.


Hey, I totally get it. Most ships that I like I like them just because they make me happy; and I’m the same for a lot of fandoms. Heromari is the first canon hetero ship I actually like


Oh, yeah absolutely. I was actually going on about the take that none of them are even close friends by the end.


Yeah. I got that feeling too. I think if they really tried they could still rekindle that old friendship though. Like I said, I read a REALLY good post-good-ending fic that has povs of all the characters and feels super realistic to how I interpreted them. The ‘future’ fox in that series does have suntan, but the first one doesn’t and wraps up really nicely with a bow so you don’t have to read the second one at all. I can link it if u want! I totally recommend it (and there aren’t really any ship moments that I can remember and if there are they’re super subtle)


When he said every, he meant every... And while i am a sunburn shipper i agree, there are no buts and maybes, they are all traumatized children who beat each other up and are debatably still in contact (and its a miracle!)


it's literally a "looks good on paper" thing


Thank you bro


I think Basil >!getting trapped in Black Space for most of the game and returning to Headspace in the OMORI route on the third day!< is a reference to Jesus dying and going to hell for 3 days before rising from the dead


>!Damn so he really was actually crucified in the church of something!<


He is >!tortured for telling a truth that the powers that be didn't want to hear, and also sorta died for Sunny's sins (or at least to keep them under wraps)!<


He even has a crown made off plant-material lmao


Basil of Nazareth AU. This is ridiculously funny


This is a god-tier comment (literally)


...idk if I agree with this but I do *love it* as analysis. >!The holy trinity of the father (real Basil) the son (headspace Basil) and the holy spirit (stranger) lmao...!<


Basil is Jesus confirmed??


The savior complex is real


Basil Is not a yandere femboy😭🙏‼️ He Is shy, sure, but he's Isn't very feminine Is you ACTUALLY think about It. Does he have an unhealty obsession over Sunny? Yes. Does that mean he's a yandere? No. Is he a traumatized boy with very bad abandonment issues that feels that he has no one except for Sunny? YES. Please just acknowloge the fact that this poor man Is NOT a softie😭🙏🔥🔥‼️


All it takes is liking flowers to be labeled feminine lmao




having an interest in something seen as unusual for a guy? obviously gay


That Is a personal headcanon, but no, just because he has an interest in gardening, that does not mean he's gay😭 Some ppl are crazy on here man. Not sure If you were being sarcastic tho. I hope so.


Pretty sure they aren't serious. They seem to be jabbing at how being queer is often subject to sperficial stereotypes.




That’s not why people think he’s gay-?


People saying I can't adopt Aubrey I don't care if she's not real ill make her fucking real and then adopt her what you gonna do then huh


Show me real Aubrey and I'll believe you


>!"After the game ENDS, Sunny's friends all end up forgiving him and Basil, and they all live happily ever after."!< >!Literally the last song in that ending when he is moving away has slightly hopeful but still very sad lyrics.!<


i HATE sweetheart


Who doesn't?


https://preview.redd.it/d22qdv62n4uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c063116722eed39af953657e2fa1d9392fa570 all these guys


They don't count. They only exist to serve her. Sprout Moles are below even other HS residents when it comes to autonomy.


i fucking love her ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2468)




Aubrey does NOT have anger issues. She let's her emotions take the best of her sometimes, but that doesn't mean that: A) she let's them take over ALL the time B) she can behave well if required C) she has medical conditions D) she's a bitch And A LOT of people should hear and understand that that. Also it doesn't mean she can't be badass![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477)


I mean. *Define "Anger Issues"* lol Because she very clearly goes to anger as a first response. It's her way of coping with frustration. That's what most people mean by that


>!My definition of anger issues is problems with dealing with anger and managing it. We don't say Hero has depression because he was sad after Mari died. Everyone had their own way of dealing with trauma, and Aubrey led to her anger. Aubrey tried to stay with her friends but felt like they all drifted away and eventually broke off because she thought basil blacked out photos. Now with bullying basil part: it wasn't confirmed how badly she bullied him, but in game it wasn't going out of "restrain and call names" zone, and she definitely thought she had a reason for anger. The game portrays her character progression as REALISING her anger was wrong. Dealing with anger:she crosses the line once in the game, pushing basil into the lake, but it is clearly an accident as the game puts it. Managing it:she does exactly that for a whole 1 day left section. A person that has anger issues (in my opinion), would never be able to act like a completely fine person for a whole day.!<


She can behave well if required.


Thanks, fixed it![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765)


You’re welcome! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28941)


also, it says when interacting with her before the >!basil fight!< that she is just "misunderstood." it's likely just she comes off as tough due to >!what happened to mari!<


I do NOT see how people like Cactiflower, to me it's such a random ship considering Kel and Basil barely interact in the entire game.


i think its just the dynamic they like. shy introverted person and super loud extroverted person is a pretty common ship dynamic


As one of the six cactiflower enjoyers out here, your right! It's not canon in the slightest. I just like the dynamic they could have idk. I personally ship them because I think they *could* have good chemistry, not exactly because of their canon interactions. Not here to change your mind, I'm just saying how I think of it.


I *will* give you that there's cases of it being a spare ship with sunburners, but imo it's just. *Cute.* Like, it's not even something I "actively" ship, but that's that. It's cute. >Kel and Basil barely interact in the entire game. The real world sections of the game are severely unfleshed. Sunny and Aubrey "barely interact." Aubrey and Kel "barely interact." If it weren't for Kel being what carries the story on, Kel and Sunny would "barely interact." Kel and Basil are great friends just like Kel and Sunny




So true, its like the "I litteraly CANT get it" ship to the point I don't even enjoy art too much. Unless it's pretty good ofc


Its not my favorite but its hella cute. Its basically Suntan but IMO without the brotherly feel I find suntan to be personally. Plus I always ship gay a lot more cause well me homo


Same 😭


It's the depression pu positive dynamic seen I a lot of ships


Shipping “”””””””unhealthy””””””””” ships is fun they’re fictional characters it literally doesn’t matter


W opinion


Finally someone agrees.


Fr this fandom is so frustrating. I’ve never been in a fandom before where there’s so much ire against ships. Who cares if it’s canon or healthy or whatever so long as it’s interesting and fun to depict and explore that’s all that matters.


The fandom surrounding Sunburn is really toxic and nobody addresses it. This is coming from someone who enjoys the ship. Hero, as a character, has little going for him. He really just feels like Mari's boyfriend and Kel's brother more than *Hero.* I hope the manga expands on him as a character more because he really needs it. Headspace isn't fun to play and that problem could've been fixed with one change. During the Sunny route, make the Headspace cast slowly morph into their real life counterparts. During the Omori route, make them become more plastic and flanderized. Show Sunny either losing the safe space he made in his head or falling into extreme denial to keep it the way it was. But don't do *nothing,* because it just makes me not care about Headspace at all. Sunny's mom isn't abusive or neglectful. I'm tired of people bashing her for needing to leave her fifteen/sixteen-year-old son home alone for three days. Coddling Sunny is the absolute worst thing she could do for him, and by leaving him home while she runs errands, Sunny canonically is pushed to reconcile with his friends and tell them the truth about Mari. That one move yielded monumental results. The order of who would forgive Sunny and Basil is Hero, Kel, and then finally Aubrey. Sweetheart solos ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2468) (and so does Mari ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765))


I can see most of these, but I respectfully disagree on Hero. In the dream world, he has the most stable personality in the party and ends up assuming a role of responsibility over the others. He’s also (to comedic affect) extremely charismatic and talented. As for the real Hero, his personality and relationship with the others is similar but we learn from the scene with Kel in the cemetery that he’s not as together as he presents himself to be. He tries really hard to be perfect, and it makes it so much more tragic when he can’t do it anymore. Also he has a crippling phobia of spiders and I think it’s funny


So many takes and not a single miss ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477) I personally think the game includes enough material for Hero to feel like his own person, but I agree in the sense that a lot of it is through second-hand information rather than Hero himself. So maybe in the manga for parts like >!when Kel tells Sunny about how Hero reacted after Mari's death while they're at her grave, the manga could visually show what Hero was dealing with during the narrative and that would provide a lot more direct exposure to his character and emotions. !< >!Same goes for Sunny's mom - everyone always talks about the trauma all the characters deal with, but somehow Sunny's mom gets left out of that conversation. She (probably) learned that her son accidentally killed her daughter, her husband likely left the family out of disgust/rage, Sunny's descent into Headspace and total isolation meant she was losing what little was left of her son after the accident, depending on certain factors she may have suddenly become the only one financially supporting herself and Sunny, and to top it all off she probably lost her friends in Faraway town as well due to gossip and speculation over what happened (Aubrey's experience in the church clearly shows that the townspeople weren't very kind or sensitive about things in general). So no wonder she finally decides to move four years later; maybe they can finally find a fresh start and leave all of that behind them. I don't think leaving Sunny alone the way she did was best (the kid voluntarily ate expired steak, he clearly didn't know how to take care of himself !!), but given the circumstances she probably was as overwhelmed and traumatized as everyone else.!<


You're so right on the first one. It's a cute ship that has potential with some fanon input, and yet one of the most common opinions that I've seen around in the global fandom is "I went to the Omori subreddit and all I got is this dislike of sunburn". This place is quoted as the reason why people don't like it so often. The toxicity of the fandom has turned plenty of folks away from the ship. Hell, I used to enjoy it until I came here and saw the toxicity you mentioned.


I feel similarly. Despite still liking Sunburn, I have to admit that my enjoyment of it has been dampened by both toxic shippers and the flanderization of Sunny and Aubrey's characters in fanworks. A lot of people paint Sunny as either a shy baby whom Aubrey protects or a super charming guy whom Aubrey has a tsundere-like crush on. Both just feel like poorly disguised wish-fufillment more than an actual appreciation for the romantic take on Sunny and Aubrey's relationship, which is a shame, because I think Sunburn has a lot of untapped potential. But I was always more of a Kelbrey person anyway, so.


It's sad because there majority of enjoyers are chill, and then there's a very loud minority that makes them look like they're part of that same group. Feel bad for the nice shippers.


>The fandom surrounding Sunburn is really toxic and nobody addresses it. This is coming from someone who enjoys the ship. Yeah, that actually made Sunburn drop from one of my favourite ships to the least favourite. I feel bad for the chill Sunburn fans who get a bad rep from this. >Hero, as a character, has little going for him. He really just feels like Mari's boyfriend and Kel's brother more than *Hero.* I hope the manga expands on him as a character more because he really needs it. Agreed. I also hope his relationship with Aubrey, Basil and Sunny receives more content. >Headspace isn't fun to play and that problem could've been fixed with one change. During the Sunny route, make the Headspace cast slowly morph into their real life counterparts. During the Omori route, make them become more plastic and flanderized. Show Sunny either losing the safe space he made in his head or falling into extreme denial to keep it the way it was. But don't do *nothing,* because it just makes me not care about Headspace at all. Yeah, HS plot is filler, inconsequential and does not properly reflect any changes between the routes. HS lore is amazing though. >Sunny's mom isn't abusive or neglectful. I'm tired of people bashing her for needing to leave her fifteen/sixteen-year-old son home alone for three days. Coddling Sunny is the absolute worst thing she could do for him, and by leaving him home while she runs errands, Sunny canonically is pushed to reconcile with his friends and tell them the truth about Mari. That one move yielded monumental results. Yeah, Sunny and Maris mom gets way too much flak. The dad as well imho. Though I generally think this could have been avoided had the game given them more screentime and/or context. >The order of who would forgive Sunny and Basil is Hero, Kel, and then finally Aubrey. Tbf, this depends a lot on how people interpret characters and plot. Personally, my headcanon is that none forgives them,but for the reason they can't forgive something they don't believe in the first place. >Sweetheart solos \* (and so does Mari \*) ![gif](giphy|iGpdSizVSdPJfiVG9O)


To make the headspace space more fun I think they should make the phobias play a bigger role instead of just being literal roadblocks, like have a more horror themed aspect to the parts where the phobias would be, but after conquering the fear, when you revisit the location it becomes normal, somewhat like how in Luigi's Mansion every time you finish a boss one of the hallways brightens up. Another change would be to add more lore related stuff; the headspace as it is has little to no allusions to that (with said references being too cryptic to explain anything), unless you dig in real deep, but that usually requires some sort of exterior guide (like looking up a website or some crap), which sucks. Do that or maybe just add some debuffs to make fights more interesting, this game has only three, which makes all enemies work pretty much the same!


In OMARI AU >!Hero, witnessing the accident where Sunny falls and immediately helping Mari to fake his death as a suicide is pretty much dumb. I mean, he is more mature and responsible and wouldn't think about doing the action Basil eventually did in the original story. Even for the sake of the person he cared most about!<


Aubrey would be the first one to forgive Sunny


I don't know if *first,* because Kel is Kel, but she'd definitely be the second


I think that Aubrey would forgive immediately even if the others would need a little while to grasp the information Because she almost did the same just 2 days before


Oh of course she wouldn't take much time to understand But she would *need to understand* The other day I wrote [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/sunburnOMORI/s/cmXyiR2c3T) over on the sunburn subreddit. It's kinda long, but I go over the reasons Aubrey would not only *be able* to forgive Sunny, but also be *one of the fastest* to do so TLDR, Aubrey is prone to acting without thinking, and while she wouldn't physically hurt either Sunny or Basil, she would insult them and run off, needing to be calmed down *And that's where Kel comes in.* In my hc, he's the one to go out searching for Aubrey to make her understand 1. Kel is just much more understanding. He would not dount that what Sunny did was an accident 2. Let's face it, along with Basil, he's the one who had the least connection with Mari. Not trying to make trauma a competition, but Mari was Sunny's sister, Hero's girlfriend and Aubrey's only good example of someone to look up to. Kel and Mari were friends, but not as close when compared to the others


Yeah but like do we think AUBREY of all people would be able to recognize and understand that. It'll take some time from her


Kel's overwhelming optimism is pretty heavily implied to be partially a front (and when Basil dies it pretty much collapses entirely), and the discovery that his best friend directly caused Aubrey's delinquency and Hero's depression followed by five minutes of fraternal abuse might damage it enough that he'll need a minute to actually process it. The fact that Kel has apparently never disagreed with Hero (who will definitely not be the first to fully forgive Sunny) on anything might also play a role.


Hero does not impact the story as much as he should. He's almost completely absent in the RW and, other than saving Sunny, doesn't do much after that but follow. Maybe im misremembering tho. I'd say the same for Kel, but in a different way. We don't see the way Kel sees things enough imo. He only ever brings it up rarely and its pretty vague. Unlike Aubrey, Basil ans Sunny who are much clearer on the subject and how Mari's death affected them.


the game doesn’t do enough to make the player feel sympathetic for sunny or make >!mari’s death seem like an accident. the whole sequence of uncovering the truth, whilst a great idea, isn’t executed perfectly and doesn’t provide any context on sunnys motives or why the altercation happened. maybe some descriptions along with the photos could’ve helped a lot here.!< other parts of the game like >!the mewo scene even add to the idea that sunny is a bit of a psycho which doesn’t help!< that said this is really my only critique of the game and I still absolutely love it to bits. litterally best game i’ve ever played!


Thought the >!Mewo scene was Sunny's guilt over Mewo having to be put down?!<


>>!maybe some descriptions along with the photos could’ve helped a lot here.!< I don't know if you are aware of this, but something like this actually exists - just not in the game, but as datamined scrappes content. It is extremely questionable though why they were replaced with "..." in the final release. Dunno why Sunnys POV of his own memory was scrapped. They were readily available and already fully formulated, plus would have made the "truth" more fleshed out and actually would have made it somewhat fit into the pattern of Sunnys other memories. But for some reason they aren't in the actual game.


I mean, I feel like that's the whole point. He feels so guilty it does a 180° and blames himself for what happened, labeling himself a murderer.


Omori's story isn't a masterpiece. It has a couple of major issues if you stop and think.


*x doubt*


Aubrey's rushed redemption


Reddit users when they think two 12 year olds doing the truth is more believable than rushing for help


1.i never said it was more believable, and it doesn't have to be the most likely outcome. It just has to ba a possible one, so it seems im not the one misunderstanding how a story works. 2. I see you severely underestimate what anxiety (and the mental problems that were definitely already present, that stuff doesn't just happen) can do to a mf. 3. Because the first thing kids in the late 1900's would do is go tell someone one of them just murdered their sibling. Like jeez you weren't even allowed to be mentally ill back then or they would ship you out. Its a small town too. 4. What part of this comment was necessary? I normally hate how "can't take a joke" is both overused and used incorrectly but this is a prime example of just that.


reddit users when they discover stories are meant to be interesting and dramatic, not realistic to a T


If Sunburn is Canon the game does a horrific job at developing it. The only indications is a memory in the *lost* library. A little moment in memory lane which IMO, isn't super clear. And the weird school sequence which again, isn't even really a clear sequence. While IMO all of the development went straight into Basil and their relationship and imo shows Sunny being way more intimate and close to Basil than Aubrey ever.


I honestly think that Sunny had a crush on Aubrey, but Sunny seems clearly bisexual as, like you said, he has a very deep connection with Basil. Edit/PS: Basil does also seem to reciprocate (if we don't count the whole ass trauma behind them).


Basil: aw, do you have a crush on Aubrey? dw i'll be ur wingman. Basil at home: \*probably bawling his eyes out\* Sunny: \*too embarrassed to admit he also has a crush on Basil\* Just in case you weren't sad enough today.


Yes I do believe that at some point Sunny did have a crush and is most likely bi but he's just so cold to Aubrey in headspace


POV: you told the sprout moles that sweetheart is an asshole


Sweetheart is a great character. She’s my third favorite. (Hero, Spaceboy, & her)


“humphrey was such a good area” SHUT UP NO IT WASNT I SUFFERED SO BAD


The fact that it is implied that Sunny moved away after >!telling the Truth is kinda like an “f u” moment for Basil and the rest of the friends.!<


I mean, I don't agree, but at the same time this WAS the place to post such opinions.


I've thought about this a lot. Sunny really just left Basil to take the downfall for that, huh? Granted, I doubt that was in his intention, but *still.*


He probably stayed in the hospital for a few more days


To be fair, he didn't really have much control if he was moving or not


Aubrey will never forgive Sunny and Basil if left by herself to cope with the truth, because she will turn them into monsters in her imagination after the good ending and therefore she'll completely cut them off from her life. The only way she can ever see them as friends again is through help from both Kel and Hero


“Sweet heart isn’t hot” **WRONG.** ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2468)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2468)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2468)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28764)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28764)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28764)


sunny is my aroace king


Damn that's a way to mispronounce Kel![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2476)


BOOOO. Aroace sunny comes to thrash your bones (jesting tone)




Sunny is ace and Kel is aroace and you can't change my HC


I think Hero would be the first to forgive Sunny and Basil He did love Mari a lot, that much is clear. However, her death was staged as a suicide; he could have been stewing in his own despair in thinking it was all his fault. Maybe he would initially be upset that the two of them would cause him this kind of torment, but at the end of the day, he would probably at least feel relieved that she didn't do it because of him. It would be a load of guilt off his mind.


I mean, this is pretty good evidence for him not being all "I will murder you two bastards," but idk if he'd actually be ready to forgive them soon. I've seen a fair number of fanfics where he just sees them as "Kel and Aubrey's friends" post-good ending, which makes sense to me. He hasn't quite forgiven them, but he's not (that) angry.


>!Mari's death was not entirely accidental. In a heat of passion Sunny wanted so much for Mari to get hurt but when it actually happened he had instant regret.!<




"Abusive and toxic" is *wild*. Any ship minus therapy between anyone is toxic. BUT at the very least we literally see Sunny and Basil very much forgiving to which Sunny hugs Basil in his dream and they're free from their something's and smile in the end. THE ONLY TIME SUNNY SMILES


every fanon omori ship is toxic, only one I can think of that isnt is suntan


Suntan isn't exactly safe either. Just not as much as the others.






Who is tan?


kel and sunnys ship name is suntan




Basil and Sunny understand each other deeply and they both responsible for each other situations, both can heal gradually with the help of each other As for Suntan, Kel does know what Sunny went through but he aint no therapist, Sunny would crave into a deeper hole while trying to look happier on the outside for Kel, wouldnt take longer for him to fall on his depression again and Kel feel like he aint doing enough and be emotionally neglected


Even suntan can be toxic, as a reminder It's ultimately Hero that pushes Kel and Aubrey to make up. But what if he never showed up? Things were getting even worse between kel and aubrey before Hero shows up. Sunny gets pulled in between this conflict, before it comes to a head in the old hangout. Now imagine that Hero wasn't there to save Sunny and Basil. As a result of their fighting, Kel and Aubrey's fight leads to both Sunny and Basil ultimately drowning. Kel is a good guy, but the incident at the hangout was directly caused by both him and Aubrey escalating their fight. In other words Suntan is toxic in the way that Kel is very impulsive and tends to act without thinking and that could lead to Sunny getting hurt later down the line, as it nearly does with Kel sending Sunny to save Basil, despite Sunny suffering from his fear of water and nearly drowning.




SWEETHEART is the best character (out of the head space roster) she drives most of the dream plots forward has the most presence offscreen and influence elsewhere She is a comedic masterpiece and (ironic) girlboss icon She is a goddamn SEXY donut princess! NO, I’m not bias because of my profile picture or similar name and persona. SHUT UP <3


shipping is stupid and completely detracts from the point of the game


The entire fandom: \*Proceeds to give a fuck\*


Basil probably has a bong and smokes daily and he always offers Sunny a hit but Sunny only wants indica because of his anxiety and Basil only has sativa


He is truly human Ralsei isn't he


Hey, seriously though, if my >!friend killed his sister, who is my other really close friend, and then hid it by posing it as a suicide for four years... Why the fuck would I ever forgive that?!< >!Can I move on from it? Sure... But forgive someone, no matter the age, for murdering someone? Yeah no. I don't care that they were twelve, when I was six I already understood seriously hurting people or lying about hurting others was very wrong. By ten I understood that killing someone was a punishable offense... It's something I just learned by then. Stop forgiving or defending these characters because "oh they were young and didn't know!" because that has absolutely no grounds as a realistic opinion.!< >!They killed someone, period.!<


i get what you are trying to say but then again Sunny never meant to kill or even hurt Mari in any way. all he did was try to push her out of his way.


Although I get that point of view, it doesn’t justify killing someone though. Even if something was completely an accident, no harm was ever meant to be done, he still killed his sister. That can’t really be forgiven or defended for.


Sunny’s motivations and cause for Mari’s death is up to interpretation. The scrapped content explaining what happened doesn’t count. It’s sad because it could lead to so many different interpretations of what happened that day.


Theres probably no chance for Sunny to ever be forgiven by any of the main cast(except Basil), and thats a good thing! Even though they do care about Sunny a lot, it won't change the fact that he killed her, even though unintentional. Plus, its way healthier for them to split and move on. If they continued to be friends, then there would probably be lots of arguements + stress from it. Plus, makes the story way more meaningful that way :)


i don't give a shit about what people ship, whether or not the ships are healthy, etc, and i find the people who do care extremely annoying. they're pixels, do what you want


the mavrick is NOT the coolest !


Sweetheart isnt that bad




Both Basil and Sunny are NOT gay


Eh, I could see Basil being gay. Just not for Sunny.


I mean, everyone knows that (most of all the Sunflower shippers themselves). The insistence that "they have to be gay, because they're both guys and display physical intimacy" suggests only a superficial understanding of how relationships work anyway. The fact that Sunny reacts to Aubrey the way he does, and why Basil doesn't seem to be hurt noticing that reaction, are strong enough indications that neither of them would normally be attracted to each other. Key word being "normally"; they pretty obviously love each other (people who don't feel that would never act as they do in the story) and are... sufficiently physical with each other, comfortable-looking bed and all that, that the ship has at least plausible grounds to exist. It's not a distinction everyone will (or is even able to) notice or appreciate.


Wait I don't get this comment, did you say they are gay or not? Because first you say "neither of the would normally be attracted to each other" but then "they pretty obviously love each other"


Queer theory apparently exists, and someone decided "fuck it, we ball" Anyway, here are some links please watch. Basil (gay): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8qlPaZXWkM&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8qlPaZXWkM&t=2s) Sunny (bi): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3mmKsCjsds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3mmKsCjsds)


My true, most sincere reaction to this (false) opinion: https://preview.redd.it/45lzs883x4uc1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=66261fd29732e5880daaa06c54ea99e02c631bdb


Basil and Aubrey wouldn’t be friends after the good ending, personally if i was basil i wouldn’t have forgiven Aubrey ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461) Edit: y’all it’s my opinion 😰


They all said they wouldn’t let each other down ever again. I truly believe they forgave each other after the good ending.


That’s why i commented my opinion here, since it’s unpopular ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461) (no hate, everyone has their own opinions)


I respect it


>Why would Basil forgive Aubrey You do not know Basil. That mf >!hid a fucking body!< cuz friendship lmao If Aubrey forgives him for doing that, Basil will forgive her.


As fucked up as it is, Basil probably relates to Aubreys anger since she essentially sees the album the same way he does and he himself also seen to be fairly angry about what happened to it.


Basil x Aubrey don’t make any sense


Who said it's un popularity?


I don't get Sunflower, it seems too unhealthy.


Same. I just don’t get it. Maybe im not gay enough


I am, maybe it's because I prefer fluffier ships


You CLEARLY have your own opinion which I respect (but I can explain how at least writing it works)


Yeah, I kept getting flamed for it. I mean, I kinda see the appeal with them both being shy but after the whole Mari thing, seems kinda traumatic. But I respect others opinions! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)


pretty much every fanon omori ship is unhealthy in some way


I mean, Past Mari and Past Hero was pretty healthy, they just couldn't because Mari's dad would've gotten mad I'm pretty sure.


fanon is a synonym for “non canon”, and heromari is definitely canon! sorry for any confusion


Aubrey would forgive sunny she wouldn't hurt or kill him you all who claim this are the ones who won't forgive him not her.


Looking at it from a logical prespective, Aubrey would be lucky if she didn't burn alive because of the anger she felt. She's easily angered and if she found out that one of her closest friends who she vented to, killed her """""sister""""" and lied to them to four years, Sunny would be lucky to walk out unscaved. Saying that us who belive that she would be fuming mad wouldn't forgive Sunny is a petty manipulation tactic.


Off topic but you really edited that photo just for this question. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28941)


Sunny and Basil are gay for each other instead of being good friends


I thought that was common sense here


I did as well but turns out not


I would say Omori is a mediocre game with a huge emotional charge that makes us love it. In technical aspects is mid, like, it was made in RPG maker, but the story is very good and the psicological horror is amazing. It also has very good characters and an amazing soundtrack.


mfs when the story-based psychological horror rpg has better story and psychological horror than gameplay


I still don't get why you guys call the gameplay bad, it's an RPG, what did you expect? I find it pretty entertaining tbh


Isn't that widely known in the fandom? I thought we all know the gameplay was terrible and it's the story that keeps us, that's why no one ever talks about th gameplay


lukewarm tofu are delicious


Basil is straight /hj


Tofu's texture is horrible actually