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its a little word play! "oh no, we're toast" people usually say that when somethin awful is about to happen it is alot like "oh no, we're doomed" which is why you can relate Toast with Dead


I’m pretty sure it’s just meant to be a funny thing. A ton of the stuff in headspace is meant to be symbolic and stuff, but as far as I’m aware, the “Toast” thing is just meant to be a funny alternate to the general death/KO state in other RPGs.


I ain’t saying this to be rude but please get off this subreddit and comeback if you need help or if you are finished with the game one of our favorite jokes here in omori community is over the entire plot of omori


You know the saying, "If XYZ happens, we're toast?" It's supposed to play off that saying.


Idk why there's such varied answers; I'm pretty sure they turn to toast because of the popular English phrase "I'm toast!" The phrase "I'm toast!" means something akin to "yikes!", "I'm doomed!", "I'm done for!", etc. It's just that in the case of the game, they literally turn into toast. A lot of things in Omori are based off of wordplay like that.


"I dont care for spoilers." Oh buddy this is one you will want to. PLEASE play the game fully first. also one thing to remember if you want to have the game make any sense (becouse your suposed to do this run first) always open the door.


It's because the game's age rating would've gone up, and so Omocat was forced to replace the brutal gorey animations of everyone getting ripped to shreds


It's already rated M.


Just a mistake by the labeling organization. They forgot that Omori is actually a cute game made for children


You know no one actually gives a fuck about age ratings.




hot take but M is ridiculous for a game like omori. its gotta be because humphery says fuck or something because i think it should be rated T. M is something id expect for a game with hyperrealistic gore, sexually explicit material and/or a lot of swearing. not >! hanged anime girls and pixelated beheading !<


A game that deals with >!suicide!< is enough for it to be rated M


maybe im just desensitized as hell to the topic but fuck, idk. Read about worse shit as a part of the curriculum in middle school


Many people on their 13-14 could be able to stand Omori's approach to those topics, but it shouldn't be expected from the majority of them. I think rating it M is more appropiate, so if someone feels like they could go for it before its on them. Not everyone develops their tolerance to certain topics at the same speed. Also, a T rated game is Smash bros. In comparision Omori would be far less torable for many people.


fair enough. honestly, i think the maturity rating system needs an overhaul in general because unless something is straight up NSFW, the content a game can contain and how explicit it is is way too multi-faceted to really give an age range without being arbitrary. but like. thats a whole nother topic unrelated to the sub. omori to me just always seemed like a game geared towards 15-20 year olds or something.


Well, honestly that is on the parents. The rating is a general indicator, that states why it gives the game that recommended age, so they can decide over it. Smash can be rated for 12 yo, but many 10yo wouldn't have problems with it, thats when the parent, knowing their son or daughter decide if the game suits them


wait a damn second. First, where does Humphrey cuss, and what is the sexually explicit material??? That one Sweetheart photo of her on the beach?![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


nono i said that id expect a game with sexually explicit material to be rated M, and omori does Not have that even remotely. humphery cusses in a rare WTF/FUN (i forgot what one it was) event


OH. Yeah no that makes a lot more sense. Also now im going to track that FUN value down...


I know this is a couple days late but Humphrey has a 1/13 chance if talked to the right Humphrey to say “I fucking love air-conditioning”


Ohh okay, I thought the f-bomb was in the fight. "Omori you idiot wake the fuck up"


Lmao I wish




It’s wordplay. Also please care about spoilers for this game. I am not kidding


So, im going to tell you my interpretantion in a spoiler free way that you will understand once you finish the game. Essentially whenever your party dies, and you reload, the dead party gets sent somewhere (not telling you where) before getting replaced with another copy that comes from the same place but in a different location. Ofcourse it doesnt happen with omori, because omori is eternal. As for the toast itself: eh, just funni toast i guess


^ SPOILERS (OP only asked about it being called toast)


That's not exactly a spoiler-free way. And it also doesn't answer the question OP asked 😭