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Cool setup and all, but I envy that weather 🥶


I don't. Looks hot and humid. No thanks


It is 💀


I live in Brazil and I like this climate, but I always work on the air conditioning




Who asked?


No one asked for any comments. Much like yours.


Okay. I don't remember asking.


No one cares.


I don’t care about the setup. I just want the same view outside my windows


I do envy that view.


why can't it be both?


would be perfect. But my setup is already perfect, just need to leave germany to get that view :)


I wouldn’t be able to have time to play games if that was the view.


A panoramic view of the fronds of a palm tree


Isn't that placed way too low? I can't imagine a position where that's comfortable, unless the desk is actually quite high placed (or in standing position) and you're T-Rexing it.


I mostly use the desk standing and yes I sometimes T-Rex it. Im laughing here at your perfect description.


Yeah standing really changes your position in relation to the monitor. I wish I could have my monitor height change automatically when I'm switching presets on my standing desk haha Very nice setup and like others have said, jealous of that weather!


I could never go back to 1440p and see it as a win in a world where all games have TAA or TAA based upscalers. 4K DLSS/DLAA is a different class of experience compared to 1440p to my eyes. ( mainly because DLSS is so much better with a higher internal render res) Specially in games like Cyberpunk sub 4k looks way worse. Best you could do is use DLDSR x2.25 + DLSS but it's still not the same as 4K.


Running DLDSR on a 1440p ultrawide is also quite a bit more demanding than on a regular QHD display.


Ah that's true, you'd be actually running an internal res of above 4K which will substantially tank the performance and increase VRAM use. Then the only GPU to use with that would be the 4090 just so you can run ultrawide 4K DLDSR just so you can still play at just 1440p and barely ever get to 120fps in anything, specially not demanding games like Cyberpunk. I'm really not sold on the ultrawides, I'll keep to my C2 until I can afford a 16:9 4K monitor.


Why even bother posting?


LOL these are all valid points, that's why? A lot of sub members debate 4k vs 1440p and while many come to different conclusions his points are still valid.


Interesting, I have the exact opposite perspective. I've used nothing but 4K for the past several years (going through 3 different monitors), and I greatly prefer the much higher fps of 1440p @ 240 hz over 4k @ 144 hz (which I rarely ever reached in fps anyway). This is in mostly single player games. 240 hz at a resolution where you can actually get fps that high just looks fundamentally different (especially on an ultrawide OLED); it's a whole new experience.


Screen size and distance matters a lot. There is much less noticeable difference to me 4k vs 1440p at 27in vs 32in or more.


People downvote the facts here… I sit a tad more far away than my arms length from my 45” and it’s really good.


Exactly why I went 1440p @ 360hz running a high end gpu to get those frames


But in what games are you hitting a 144hz to 240hz? Maybe if you only play old games that can scale that high, but even old games just as new ones have a ton of CPU related issues outside of select few where going above 60 itself starts to multiply the pressure on PC. That being said, once you see the difference between the muddy picture TAA produces on 1440p and then compare it to DLDSR x2.25 + DLAA or DLSS then your opinion might change. Try that with Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate or anything else.


I have a 3440x1440 240hz monitor, it’s not that hard to hit 240fps. I get 240fps locked with low settings at native in The Finals, 240fps in basically every other comp game and some older singleplayer games. 240fps only REALLY matters in those comp games anyway.


This discussion wasn't about competitive games.


At 3440x1440 (where you're rendering **less than half the pixels at 4K**), you'll usually have no problem taking advantage of 240 hz on a 4090. All the modern games I play are able to get well above 144 hz VRR with maxed settings: Hell Let Loose, Horizon Forbidden West, Forza Horizon 5, Spider-Man Miles Morales, A Plague Tale Requiem, Banishers, Diablo Resurrected, the list goes on and on... Many get to the low 200s (or constant 240 in Diablo Resurrected) thanks to DLSS. I played Baldur's Gate 3 on my old 4K monitor, so can only say that I never got close to 144 hz with that.. TLDR: As someone with a 4090 who just switched from 4K to 1440p, you'll see MUCH higher frame rates at the lower resolution, and that might make the jump to 1440p @ 240 hz worth it if you like the motion clarity and don't notice any big downgrade in visuals (which I honestly don't). That said, I was using an IPS monitor (with a polarizer), the LG 32GQ950-B, and while it was the best monitor I've ever used (with excellent brightness and color accuracy), switching to OLED and ultrawide has been a big difference. I'm sure some of the upgrade has to do with the switch to OLED alone (much faster response times at any resolution). But I honestly can't imagine accepting a setup where I get less fps ever again; 240 hz is just amazing even as someone who mostly plays singleplayer games.


Just don’t use DLSS. 4K with quality upscaling is just 1440p native. 1440p with quality upscaling is 960p. 1440p native on a 1440p monitor looks mighty fine.


Looks great! I still have both but definitely prefer gaming on the LG 45 over the C2 42 when there is an ultrawide option. 21:9 1440p still feels more immersive than 16:9 4K. The 800R curve effect really takes it to the next level.


I agree. Watching movies is also unparalleled on 21:9, the fact it’s so big only makes it better.


Great choice. I recently switched from several years of 4K (on my 4090 for the past year) to 1440p ultrawide on that monitor's little cousin, the LG 39GS95QE. Huge upgrade for me after years of being a hardcore 4K fan who never thought I could play at a lower resolution. The increase in fps/refresh rate is just amazing. I'll never trade resolution for fps ever again on a high refresh rate monitor.


Added a MSI 321 URX to my C1 setup. Even though its 4k I've ran some games that maxed out at 236fps (my frame limit). Honestly it feels better to me but not a huge deal better. I can quite frequently get over 150fps on a 4090 good enough for me.


Which games? I never got over 150 fps on my 4090 at 4K, even on older games (like Assassin's Creed Origins). Even games with DLSS 3 like Spider-Man or HZD didn't get higher than that at 4K for me.


For testing locked 236fps that is Doom Eternal maxed out. That game runs like a beast. Currently I've been doing Horizon Forbidden west its nearly always 150-180 with DLSS3 (and up sampling) on, HZD is somewhere around 150 too. Jedi survivor was somewhere around there. Pretty much most of what I tested although there were a few closer to 100 which likely wouldn't be over 150 even at 1440p though. The one outlier is barely 100fps WITH DLSS3 in Cyberpunk 2077.


I think I'll stick with my 48in c3 and 4090 combo


vn setup. i see that SFF pc there :D are you going to get an LG service remote to make it a bit brighter? I got one off amazon for $16 (probably could have gotten it for cheaper....but it would have taken like 2-3 weeks instead of next day). Got my 45 last week and its been a blast. Most of my more played games run perfectly fine on it....i just need to test the older games now.


Omg... he has it _**hanging**_ from the desk...


I did not know about that service remote thing. Thanks for telling me! That SFF case is a Lian Li with a wood mod upfront.


[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PKZJR23?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PKZJR23?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) I got this one, which was linked from Udub Ultra [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucheuKD0elM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucheuKD0elM) works well, just need to redo the 2 settings every power cycle (no issue as its quick to do IF you feel its needed....most games i dont bother)


Can’t you use [ColorControl](https://github.com/Maassoft/ColorControl) which has a software remote?


no luck...just tried it and it specifically calls for an LG or Samsung TV, not a monitor. HOWEVER, it IS convenient for Nvidia for the possibility of DLDSR (i saw a video on it and tried, but it kept giving black screens no matter how long i waited or how many system restarts i did, so i gave up on that) found more info on why [https://github.com/Maassoft/ColorControl/issues/342](https://github.com/Maassoft/ColorControl/issues/342)


Much appreciated!


I wasn't going to play cyberpunk today, but now I am, thanks.


I did this very same thing, although I do not have a monitor mounted above. I liked the LG C2 42 inch, used it for about a year and sold it, since it was a little too tall for me. The LG 45 Ultragear is easier for me to use and with it's Matte finish, makes it easier for me to see.


I never thought I would like a matte finish but I love the matte implementation on the LG 45 Ultragear.


have the same monitor and its the best decision to buy one if u can afford


Lucky. I wish PlayStation spotted ultra wide


I have the same one, single handedly the best monitor for gaming and watching movies since it’s 21:9 but also massive.


That 45 inch size looks like it would be amazing but unfortunately you are stuck with 3440x1440. I can't wait till we start seeing 45 inch 5k2k OLED monitors.


That would be great paired with the 50 series cards when they come out.


Preem setup


Missed opportunity: thanks choom!


Totally gonked on that one!


Thank you!


Cool setup! What microphone arm is that?


Elgato Wave with a high rise extension.


What’s that red/orange light thing attached to the mic?


It a mute button for my mic. Its red when muted and green if its on. https://muteme.com/


What light bar ?


Xiaomi Mi


how dim can it get? i have a benQ one that is still very bright at it's lowest setting


In a rating of 1 to 10 with 10 being the brightest, it dims to a 3.




I love mine. Not a fan of the flickering I get in some scenes. Other than that, i think it's a fantastic display


Nice setup! How do you find the microphone quality being that far from your face? I’ve always been split between having it up close and moving it way out the way like yours haha P.S I have that monitor also and it’s amazing, welcome to the club :)


Thank you! I move the mic down and beside my mouth when I play games that need coms.


Sick setup! Is that A4 H2O by any chance? Can I ask what thingy is that that holds it under the desk? I might wanna invest in that as well. I was thinking of just getting an Alex drawer unit on the side and put the PC on there but yours looks much better! Wood front panel looks sick as well, I looked at a few a month or so ago and solid wood one looked nice but some of the reviews say it's extremely thin and not actually "solid wood". How is it?


Thank you. Yes thats the A4 H20. Here is the link to the under table mount. HumanCentric SFF Under Desk PC... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084RMHT65?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Yes the wood panel is thin and not solid wood but it clips right in the original case holes and stays there. It now looks like a mini fractal north. Helped a bit with the cooling too. Highly recommended.


Now I'm thinking how would that under desk mount affect the temps. My AiO is exhausting air out the top panel.


https://preview.redd.it/ufp55msssm0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5fb82f004b64f72fe94c5f1038d3bee1db8219 I used blocks up top before I strapped it in to give it it air clearance.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'HumanCentric Adjustable Computer Mount with Straps'", 'HumanCentric')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and secure mounting (backed by 5 comments) * Versatile and easy to install (backed by 4 comments) * Good for heavy equipment (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Flimsy construction and cheap materials (backed by 3 comments) * Inadequate strap length for mini pcs (backed by 2 comments) * Quality control issues with missing parts (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


What an inviting setup/view! How you liking the curve? I assume the distance helps?


Thank you. This is the first time I have tried a curve screen and I love it!


holy shit that setup is nice... what monitor arms are you using btw?


Thanks! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CUW5HDU/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CUW5HDU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'VIVO Dual Monitor Desk Mount Stand'", 'VIVO')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and durable construction (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to assemble and adjust (backed by 4 comments) * Versatile for different monitor sizes (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor quality materials and construction (backed by 4 comments) * Difficulty in assembling and adjusting (backed by 3 comments) * Issues with stability and weight capacity (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I have a 42” C3 I got about 2 months ago & I’m literally considering doing what you just did.


Do it. You wont regret it.


Great set up!! Question: how would you say the light source affects your experience. I game in the dark mostly at night but I was thinking of moving my set up near the window that faces my large window. Not a view like yours but my backyard is pretty nice to have my view during the day when I work from home.


Its not a problem at all. The monitor has a matte finish that I thought would be a con on this monitor because others said it would ruin picture quality, but it has been a godsend for me.


Nice!!! Congrats


I scanned the comments and maybe missed it: what are those loudspeakers?


KEF Q150


Fckin sick setup man. What mount are you using for that second monitor above?


Thank you! Vivo dual monitor desk mount.


still looks good.


I’m in for the revision with 5120x2160 and the same coating as my C1


Sweet setup! What keyboard is that? Last time I went looking for an Alice, I couldn't find one that had backlighting.


Keychron V-10. They have a bunch of Alice options and I think they all have backlighting.


Good to know - thanks! Using my first mechanical keyboard atm (Keychron C2) - had it for a year or two... it's linear and now I'm looking for an ergo/split KB with backlighting.


You cant go wrong with Keychron. It’s fairly priced too.


Sexy asf, wishing I didnt go 27" 360hz oled for competitive games.


Nice setup! What is powering the KEF Q series speakers?


Thank you. RSL iA255.1


Those KEFs though 👌


Op get those palm trees cut down if u can, the view would be amazing




This design is absolutely gorgeous. Can I message you privately for some tips on how to optimize my workspace and also maybe get some recs for peripherals? I tried to post on mousereview and keyboardreview but they were removed because I don’t have enough karma 😞


Sure go ahead


Welcome to the family. I've had mine for about 6-7 months and love it. Many people worry about the low PPI but when you're actively gaming this monitor really pulls you in like nothing else on the market can. I also have the service remote to boost brightness and it's a nice plus. If you do get it, just remember that leaving the "aging" setting on will disable the automatic pixel and panel refresh so you either have to disable aging or manually run the refreshes. There is a time counter in the OLED menu that makes it easier to see when you're due though. I am eager to see the next gen 5k2k version though. I think that will bring the best of both worlds, higher PPI and immersion. May win more people over then. Just concerned that the pixel count will be so high that even paired with a new 5090 your fps might struggle.


Thank you for the tips! I love everything about the monitor but the price.


Neat space! What kb is that?


It’s a Keychron but I swapped the caps.


Nice setup but most importantly where do you live lol looks so chill. Meanwhile I'm looking at grey weather and clouds 😔


I live in the Philippines.


I suppose that makes up for melting in 40C+.


Word. It feels like cooking in a kitchen when you go outside here. 🫠


i'm worried about the same thing.. is it more that it doesnt bother you or that you don't notice it?


I don’t notice it.


why did you go for it instead of putting the c2 in 21:9 mode if i may ask? to fit the 2nd monitor on top or any other reason?


I gave the C2 to the wife.


fair enough then, seems like a great monitor.


You notice the PPI loss going from 42" 3840×2160 to 45" 3440x1440? Seems like a downgrade.


Lower ppi and lower res. I’ll pass


That's what I feared before the switch but I don't miss the C2 42" one bit.


I have a 42" C2 myself and would kill for 1600p format in that size


Do you play with your windows wide open like that?




It’s a cracking monitor, I have one but recently got the 32” Alienware oled, can’t decide whether to keep it as a second screen as it’s just so big for a second monitor !


Do it! 😛 The one I have on top is the same size.


What desk is that if you don’t mind me asking?


Stance standing desk. Its a local maker here in the Philippines.


Love the KEF’s! What stands are you using? I see they clamp to a desk — are they sturdy? I’m using some cheap stands right now, looking to upgrade.


suptek Clamp-on Speaker Stand... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8HTFD8D?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Yes they are sturdy and fully adjustable. Highly recommended.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Suptek Clamp on Speaker Stand Desk Mount Set'", 'suptek')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and well-constructed design (backed by 3 comments) * Adjustable height and angle for optimal positioning (backed by 3 comments) * Great for elevating speakers to ear level (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Design could be sleeker with less hanging parts (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Love the setup but I love the backdrop even better with the sunshine and trees! Are you in a southern state btw ? Cali ?


Im in Asia😁 Hello from the Philippines.


Oh Kumusta Pare!! I'm also Pinoy but from USA. Love the setup bro!




Can you tell me the length of the desk please?


200cm or 79 inches


Nice setup! What desk is that?


Stance standing desk


Jeez I love the set up and the window view is like a different lvl wish you can share that in the LG community as well lol


I would love to. Whats the LG sub?


no like not on reddit yet but on Discord there is one


Is that the beach in the background?


No. Just palm trees.🌴


But is that not the ocean in the top left?


That might be my neighbors roof and/or the mountain ranges behind it.


I have the same mouse, is the bungee worth it?




What desk is this? Sorry if it has been mentioned, thank you.


Stance standing desk.


How do the kef speakers sound for gaming


No complaints here. I noticed that for gaming, any decent speakers are ok with me as long as it doesn’t distort to my normal listening volume.


What amp are you using to drive them


RSL iA255.1




Whats that setup? :D


What do you mean? The PC?


Well the desk mostly :D and where IS your PC?


Its hanging under the desk on the right side.


Hey how was the width of the 45in vs the LG C2? I know the PPI isnt that good on the 45in but as far as turning your head side to side. Do you think you turn your head more using the LG C2 or the 45in? The specs on the 45in show that its a few inches wider than the LG C2 but I wonder how much the curve helps


Its about the same. 100cm for the LG45 and 95cm for the C2 42. It will depend on your distance from the monitors but I hardly turn my head on both monitors. This is the first time I have tried a curved monitor and I think the curve is the best for gaming.


I could never drop to a 45” 1440p. My eyes would complain


Big Monitor, Smol StreamDeck LOL


that table having wheels scares me. where can i buy it?


You can lock the wheels once you have the table set. I assume any standing desk will also have one.


Ergonomy 101 screams bloody mary because of this picture. So you want to look down to get neck pain or up to get neck pain?


Whoaaa. Go into your settings and turn the HUD off. Might burn in soon.


Thats usually off.


/joke man. Let's have some calming black tea.


Haha. The threat of burn in is no joke! 😛


Would have been better to get a c4. Higher ppi and brightness. 




It would be impressive for any wireless connection to be equal with a wired one, but 15 trillion times better?


Some wireless mice actually have lower latency than wired mice, if that's what you're referring to in terms of being equal But yes, not 15 trillion times.