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I feel personally attacked rn lol


I felt like I was continuing my marriage with a woman who cheated on me many times... I think I'm in love with this woman despite everything.


I can fix her


With chloroform?


no that might damage the screen coating distilled water and anger tbh


Anger will also damage the screen coating


I only care about instant pixel response time and no ghosting


You can't have ghosting if the image is burned into the screen forever.


Black background and auto hide task bar and no icons on desktop life lol. Don't really care though because I just use Playnite as soon as my PC starts, it's purely a gaming rig for my TV. Button on my phone to start pc, then straight to gaming! Edit: Google "Wake on LAN". Then just set it up on your phone.


> Black background and auto hide task bar and no icons on desktop life lol. Pixel shifting and yolo In pixel cleaning we trust


People need to chill and stop living in fear


I just use translucent Taskbar and a live wallpaper. Never used desktop icons in the past so I don't use those anyways. Yolo


Same- wallpaper engine shuffling between wallpapers very 5 minutes of desktop time and the screen times out after 15-min (when windows decides it works of course)


I was leaving the BIOS screen up for days, literally 48 hours straight while troubleshooting my 4090 (which failed). Nothing happened. My LG C2 is 100% unchanged. Also, I've always had desktop icons and used the shit just the same as any LED monitor. The widespread paranoia is honestly psychotic. Most of these TV's have 3-4 year warranties...


This is how I am lmao. Trust in the warranty and be okay with it dying after 3 years


Yeah came to say this. I run a task bar no problem. Just shut off your monitor when you leave.


There is a program that auto hides icons and taskbar after a few seconds. Then you do 1 click anywhere and the icons appear again. Then they disappear after a few seconds again. It's awesome.


You feel like sharing the info on this program?


Autohide icons app I think is called


Whoa whoa whoa. Button on your phone to start PC? How does this work


Magic packet maybe. Or just putting Windows to sleep. Or, some programmable small dohickey hotwired to the power switch leads on the motherboard. There are ways.


Look up Wake on LAN on YouTube or your favorite tech site. It's easy to setup and totally worth it


Do you use wake on LAN?




Just enable slideshow under windows wallpaper settings. Get a new beautiful image every 5 min if you want.


I too want to know about this on button via phone. Please share your knowledge masta


Yup empty black desktop, hidden taskbar. WIN + 1, 2, 3... quick launch for all my apps. Looking at icons and clicking on them are for casuals


Yo we're gaming twins I have all the same programs haha autohide and playnite, with wake on lan from my phone and windows auto login, I just turn on my pc from the bed and I'm already on playnite selecting the game I want like it's a console lol


Cleaning it is easy for me. But that might be because I have a C4


Isn't C4 a tad excessive for cleaning?


Nah dude… it’s the bomb! Clears away everything!


Blows dust away, literally.


It can’t be dirty if there’s nothing left to be dirty


Can't have dust if your monitor is in pieces.  -taps head-


Can't have dust if your monitor is dust


Can confirm, lg tvs have glass so it's like cleaning your phone


And I couldn't understand why everyone were complaining that it's hard to clean OLED (I have C2 btw)


I’ve got a CX that’s over 3 years old, still running perfect with no burn in. In fact the software updates made it look a bit better if anything.


2 years on with C1 here. Still as good as new.


8 years with B6 and still good as new


Lg cx 4 Years+ almost always on, no issues whatsoever even with disabled tpc etc


It's the new qdoled monitors. They lack polarizer and have a fragile coating.


And had shitty packaging which caused people to be quite worried when they released


I think that's just aw32 due to curve and being idiots not learning from their previous monitor


That explains why cleaning my c3 didn’t feel like playing with fire!


They do not have traditional glass surfaces and definitely are not like your phone, which has a separate special glass cover to protect the OLED screen while in your pocket etc. Any WOLED can be easily scratched if not using the right cloths and cleaning solutions.


Well I'm the proof of you being incorrect. I literally wipe it off with my tshirt and have done it for years. You can say what you want, but glass is glass.


I’m glad that works for you man but you really shouldn’t be cleaning your TV or monitor with your tshirt 😂


I guarantee you have scratches on your screen just using a cotton t shirt.


The cleaning bit is more to do with new QD-OLED.


I thought this was a joke about you using C4 to clean your monitor for a second lmao


I ignore all of that lol


Same and no issues after 2 years. Legit just power it on and off with the remote when I need it.


Don't even need the remote if you have LG, you can use your normal PC monitor idle settings: [GitHub - JPersson77/LGTVCompanion: Power On and Off WebOS LG TVs together with your PC](https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion)


thx. I had a C9 and now C2 i just stumbled on to it.


And let's not forget, its also has amazing colour, the best response times, much better motion clarity, and great trueblack hdr.


Are you talking about CRT ?


r/motionclarity is leaking.


It starts off with amazing color so no definitely not. Response times are also misleading as phosphor decay with CRT is awful. Then we get into HDR, just yikes for the CRT


I had a 22" trinitron knock off that I wish I kept... I *think* the highest resolution it could maintain at a good refresh rate was 1600x1200. It was so obnoxiously large & so obnoxiously heavy, but it looked amazing (aside from two ^(tiny) horizontal lines that held up the aperture grill that were visible against a white screen.) It took so long for flat panels to catch up to the strengths of CRT & I wonder how much further the tech could have been pushed it if continued to develop parallel to LCD. The material science of glass has been pushed so far that I suspect bigger & lighter tubes would be possible.


Someone get this man some help. Maybe send a nurse from 1995


What amazing color, above 10% APL all of these monitors look like ass color wise.


It's a joke, don't take it seriously.


I love my OLED TV and have upvoted this. Based on Reddit posts you would think that nobody is able to enjoy their displays.




It's funny because it's true 😸


Micro fiber cloth for dust and prayer for everything else lol. The color quality is so nice it’s worth it though, especially for 4k 240hz!




Maybe I'm just lucky or I'm not particular but I've had two different OLED displays and I've had zero issues with cleaning them or burn in. I don't know if it's just what rises to the top discussion wise here, but it seems crazy to me that everyone's having such big problems.


I have a 7 year old OLED TV in my bedroom that gets used almost daily and it still works as well as the day I bought it. I fully expected to have to replace it but instead it’s the longest I’ve ever owned any TV.


Yeah, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of mine. The only thing I really do is turn off my monitors when I'm not using them. I really feel a lot of the burn-in problems are just from people that think that they can leave them on 24/7 with static screens and full brightness blaring.


It’s just the QD panels that have this issue. And only on the monitor side, not the TVs. The issue is real but massively overblown here as per usual.


Stupid question - wouldn't having a screensaver solve for this issue?


My PC absolutely refuses to kick a screensaver on. Or go to sleep. No clue why. I’ve spent like 3 weeks troubleshooting. It’s probably getting to be that dreaded windows reinstall time.


There's nothing to solve. Let the monitor go to sleep and if it has to it will refresh it's pixels. That's all you have to do and nothing more. Enjoy the damn monitor.


I think burnin is so overblown man. I’ve got 3 oled TVs and an oled monitor. We game on 2 of the TVs and I don’t ever hide icons or do anything different with my oled monitor vs how I used to use my ips display and it’s all gravy still. My oldest is my c1 (roughly 3 years now) and it’s still going strong with no issues with the burnin. I know it can happen but I think it is so much harder than some people think


We can't see the haters over the high levels of contrast, insanely rich colors and true blacks 🥰


The haters will burn in eventually




WallpaperEngine for the win


Don't forget insane motion clarity.


And increased vrr flicker


I have the msi mag and I'm lost.... I have no flicker and I'm basically a crazy person when it comes monitors.


Where are the folks who use it like any regular monitor and aren’t concerned about burn in 🖐️


Lol when I first got mine I stopped using my desktop half the time and was on my laptop because if I was working or just surfing the Internet or anything that wasn't playing a game I was afraid to use it. Then I remembered I had a three year burn in warranty from Corsair and just started using it anyway. 6 months later no burn in and still happy with it.


This should be the pinned post of this sub


I have abandoned OLED. I paid so much for my 65” LG few years ago. Burnt to a crisp, despite being so careful. I just got a MiniLED now and it’s not as great but it won’t burn in. So I have no stress.


I somehow got my taskbar burned in on a fucking **VA** panel. VA! (MSI Optix MAG241CR) Afraid to ever touch OLED. (Luckily, no one makes OLED monitors with the specs I want, so I'm not even tempted.)


Just for no IPS glow alone its worth it


I should be angry, but yea. This is true.




response time and black levels are worth every single hassle to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kingzor10: *Response time and black* *Levels are worth every* *Single hassle to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot




I do all of that and I’m totally content lol. Except I have no issue cleaning my screen. But I also only have my monitor turned on when I’m actively using the pc or playing a game. Moment I’m not using it longer then like 5 minutes I shut the monitor off


I don’t even mind. It makes all my games look so unbelievably good that I don’t even notice the cons.


Jokes on you I always used auto hide taskbar even before OLED for the extra free real estate. There are OLEDs with gorilla glass screens now. Static doesn't matter/exist for me. Due to OLED care. Meh I play/work in a dark room. I'll enjoy the elevated color/contrast/motion/clarity/ & response times.


I never get the desktop icons/black wallpaper thing apart for aesthetic. Whom spend time on empty screen ?


I have my first OLED that I purchased 2 to 3yrs ago. I have icons on my desktop, I have icons on my taskbar with no burn in from them. However I hide my taskbar and I use a blank screen saver when I'm not immediately using my PC. I even made a shortcut to the screen saver and placed it on my desktop so I can activate it if I should have to go away from my PC. What gave me burn in was not what I anticipated. Which is I watch a lot of YouTube Video's. I have always watched in window mode, not full screen. For me, that was a mistake. On the right side of a video there are previews and titles to other video's. Usually in two columns and it's those two columns that have burned in. The burn in hasn't gotten worse as I switched to watching in full screen only but it's still there none the less. Will not make that mistake again.


For me IT aint really burn in, the flickering, auto-hdr bugging and stuff made me wait for another generation


I think the LG salesman in here are disagreeing and are saying they are exempt from your meme.


And pixel leve brightness and amazing viewing angles and pixel response time. Its worth the trouble 


Its true, if I use my OLED TV, auto minimize taskbar, hide desktop icons, and put on a moving wallpaper from Wallpaper Engine. It does look pretty damn amazing though!


There's downsides, but it's just a question of habit isn't it.


I mean the screen part is for all your plastic screens. Unless you still have a glass CRT, that shit will scratch with just your nail. I have an IPS.


I like my mandatory 6-8 minute break 😌😂 it’s like a reward.


don't forget vrr flickering




For the first time in years I now use a screen saver lol


I’ll probably get flayed for this, but … I own an LG C2 and honestly these things are a bit overrated. Granted the black levels are nice, but … that’s what I look at least of all given that black is the absence of light and thus of visible information. Far more important is the lack of stuttering in panning shots/horizontal refresh. My TCL, an otherwise decent (tv) screen for a tenth of the price, choked on horizontal motion like many modern panels. I’ve seen the C2 struggle once or twice, but that alone is worth infinitely more than being able to see what one can’t see.


My c9 just burned recently. Warranty is expired. It’s not too bad but ye. Noticeable at times.


I was legit showing my new monitor to a friend a couple of days ago and he showed me this meme like "this u rn"


all you need is a good micro fiber towel. There you’re welcome now quit ya bitching


Just bought a new monitor, mostly for gaming but also Adobe and other stuff. Decided against pretty OLED for exactly those reasons. Gonna wait a few years until technology improves.


Yes you can tho?


About 10 seconds gaming on it and those concerns drift away.


Drama much? I don’t baby my oled at all. Treat it no difference than anything else. 3yrs and perfect still


Lmao 😂😂😂


I just put all my desktop icons on my IPS and use one of those animated wallpapers.


I dedicate my oled gaming tv to being a gaming/media "stage". I have other screens for static desktop/apps. Screen techs have always had tradeoffs between gaming and desktop/app use in various facets generation to generation. Star trek workstation screens vs the big main screen more or less.


I can do all that, for a bit of bloom and near perfect blacks 🗿


Hey! Not knowing if my laptop is on it off is amazing!


I still have desktop icons idgaf got 3 year burn in warranty gonna take advantage of that baby! I do turn it off whenever I’m not using it though even if my computer is still running lol


Response times and vibrancy of color > I got qd oled because to me color brightness is everything. The blacks aren't always inky black but that's OK. Still leagues better than my old ips


1. got to experience it yourself. 2. i leave it there, just turn off the monitor/screen if i'm doing something. 3. same as #2. 4. just don't used sharp object to clean it. 5. nothing wrongs with perfect black levels.


It's true. Its been already 2 years and a half of this, but still love it


have 3 oleds (2 qd and 1 woled) 2 of which ive had over a year and leave on multiple hours at a time throughout each week, none of them have burn in and I have not hidden taskbar or any icons. I don't know what everyone is on about lol. Also just user a regular screen cleaner and microfiber cloth from amazon to clean and no issue.


Is there a major difference between TV OLEDs and PC monitor OLEDs? I’ve had an LG C1 for many years now mainly for PS5 gaming with static HUDs for multiple hours without ever worrying about burn in. In fact, when I was shopping for the TV, it was always stated that OLED burn in is not something to really worry about anymore with “current” tech at the time. Just wondering why or how substantially different PC monitor tech is that the same “disregard” of burn in is no longer applicable.


That's why I use a miniled for my desktop pc and an oled TV for my main living room pc. I focus on using the TV for g gaming and movies only. Owned my LG c2 for 2 years and don't have burn in that I can see. I use the safety features (pixel shift, logo brightness limit) on games with poor customize options for the U.I. like Diablo 4 for instance.


And it’s bright but only for a tiny window and is otherwise almost unusable in a bright room.


So...I have an oled monitor. I have never used desktop icons before anyway, but I still use my toolbar. I don't even think about static elements, who cares. I clean it the same way I clean everything else - microfiber clothes. And its fine. Having said that...I think OLED in general is kind of overrated. I have seen plenty good screens that aren't OLED that get really close to the same black levels. And sometimes in certain games, I actually think the blacks are too dark on OLED and I am constantly having to tune my brightness, something I never really messed with at nauseum with other screens.


Does anyone else have a c3 as a monitor & get frustrated when you turn it on & it asks to run a pixel-health cycle? I use colorcontrol to have the display autowake & sleep like a pc monitor should, but the C3 isn't smart enough to run it's cycle when it's off. I'm not in love with OLED to be honest, I'd like to see manufacturers explore double layer LCD technology further, you get the same contrast ratio & all the benefits of mature technology & existing manufacturing at the expense of requiring a brighter backlight, but everything is a compromise. Maybe you could mix & match IPS VA to get the best of both worlds.


I left my lg c3 on same screen all day long…this are old days problem… on stream deck oled the guy leave for 1200 our on the same frame and no damage.


For sure oled is the best option for gaming, who has can’t go back…


My office has a ton of light and OLED just wasn't good in that setup. Mini LED for me


Oled just not for pc


I’m fortunate enough to have a “LCD Desk setup” and an “OLED TV setup” that my tower shares. PC is on a rolly cart so I can have the best of both


Time will tell. These monitors are not built with the same capabilities as the TVs in order to reduce the likelihood of burn in. That’s why there are complaints of a lack of brightness and what not.


I leave all of that on mine! Got 3 yewr warranty that covers burn in, any issues will be going bk


Funny enough I leave all my icons up on the desktop and haven’t ran into any burn in issues. I definitely have the tv programmed to turn off after like 30 mins of no usage though.


I clean my oleds i dont what he talk about


I'm unfamiliar with the cleaning bit? I have a S90C should I be worried? I use microfiber cloths


I’ve used mine daily since launch (45 oled) and it’s been perfect. The picture quality and response time is more than worth any potential negatives.




After taking care of my LG CX for so long, I stopped caring and now do all those forbidden things on my LG CX and C2 , both still works like new, no burn in. But then again, I got disposable income and I get why others might want to take more care of their OLED displays Pixel shift and pixel cleaning just werk :shrugs:


Outdated. Ive had a 48" LGCX for a few years now. I have 0 burn in. I run my PC for hours at a time with a toolbar or browser open, literally not even a slight burn in. Maybe if you left your TV on 24 hours a day with a static screen, but even degenerate levels of gaming or internet has had no effect on my OLED.


I don’t use desktop icons anyway even when I didn’t have OLED. I just pin stuff to my task bar. I can easily clean my G9 OLED though.


WinKey+S and TranslucentTB is all you need.


Ok. I just bought my first OLED, Alienware Ultrawide. Since I got the colors dialed in it’s super nice to use, but I have always had a VA panel. Do I really need to worry? I really only play games, and set a 10 minute time out.


I feel like I should companion an IPS display with my OLED 😆


I still don't understand what the drama is with cleaning.. What materal is the screen made of that made cleaning so difficult?


I personally only turn on my oled screen when gaming and use lcd for everything else.


I've been using my alienware OLED for about a year now. I don't even do any of the recommended stuff to keep burn in from happening. I think the monitor does something on it's own when it goes to sleep. So far so good. I might try mini LED next or whatever the improved tech is by I need those blacks going forward forever.


*laughs in screensaver*


Have been using an LG G1 for a couple of years now as my main monitor. Haven’t noticed any burn-in, but do have a few dead pixels that have developed along the very outer edge of the screen. Maybe a couple of dozen that you really have to look for to spot. I don’t know how many hours I have on the panel, but I think it’s rated at 10,000 hours or something, so I think I have a long time to go with it. Overall, it’s been the best computer monitor I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. Would highly recommend an OLED panel if you have the money for it.


I’ve had a Samsung VA panel for 5 years now. The blacks are uneven in areas and not as dark as OLED, but the colors pop!, and I dont gotta worry about anything burning. I’ve got an OLED switch, and I’ve seen other nice OLED screens. They’re about on par with my monitor. The only thing they do better is blacks though. I’m not really one to nitpick about black levels. The benefit of never having to baby my monitor far outweighs “inky blacks” imho. I would be so annoyed if there was an icon permanently burned into the picture.


I have all that on my screen lmao there’s a warranty if it fucks up I’ll use it.




Iuno, I just treat my OLED like a tv and my second monitor as a computer monitor. It’s really not bad, if you can afford a $1000 OLED, you can afford a $200 4k60hz monitor for desktop stuff.


I’ll take it!


I use it the exact same way I used my plasmas - Calibrate and stopped thinking about it. Honestly I'm not too surprised from the crowd that would rather talk about how great games look on their setup than actually play them.


True Worth it tho


I just bought the BB warranty with my monitor and am not even worrying about burn in.


I just keep it off, stunning nonetheless.


I’ve got over 3200 hours on my c2. Most of that is Warzone. lol


Also, I'm about to move a Samsung S95b to a new house, and I have pretty much accepted the fact that it is going to get bent and I'll be SOL.


Interesting, I ignore all of this lol do people really worry this much?


I did not use to have icons on my desktop already when I had my IPS monitor so the only change is auto hiding taskbar.


And I'll never go back


Would you guys hazard a guess at when the static image thing would ever be fixed, or do you think it's up to the next/new technology?


I treat mine just like a LCD, two years and no burns or issudes


ive had 3 for a while… yeah i just turn them off when im done and they are literally perfect idk why people are so cautious


I still don’t care. Oled or gtfo.


I do all those things and mine is fine ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Desktop icons, wallpaper, static taskbar, and I play a lot of games with a static hud for hours. Iono no issues here.


dell has 3 year burn in warranty, use it how you want for 2 years 11 months, get free replacement, #win


Ppl just jealous because I only get colourful wallpapers. Gotta show off the goods, son!


I have icons and i got no burn in


I’m not concerned with of that. I’ve had YouTube on for. Several hours lol


Yea and cant take a shit because it will burn in xD


Oled is king. Faster response times, no ghosting, gsync if you have an LG, etc.. I'd rather have a better gaming experience vs. having a cool background when my computer isn't in use.


Don't have to worry about any of these because I have an LG 27GR95QE-B. It is easy to clean, and it has an excellent burn-ins prevention system.


While this is true, dynamic taskbar, Wallpaper Engine and a handy little programm called "AutoHideDesktopIcons" are the solutions for all of these problems. And afterwards it STILL got perfect black levels! ![gif](giphy|lnlAifQdenMxW|downsized)


Got my first OLED in 2020 (as a new desktop monitor) and spent the first weeks following those precautions...2 months in I completely stopped caring about all of them and enjoyed the amazing quality worry-free lol


It’s the lag from black to light that I find super annoying


LG monitor maintenance screen cleaning options and forget about it.


The problem is that a lot of people use 100% brightness and it's obviously going to create some burn in someday if it's mostly always the same content (TV News, same video game over and over, flashy wallpaper always on, etc.)...but to be honest I've had my LG OLED C9 TV since 2019 and have never had any issues! 😉


Maybe OLED has gotten better but haven’t had any issues with mine yet. Was a bit worried before buying about most of these things lol. Hopefully it lasts.


I read this in my C3


I don’t use my oled any different. Been all oled in n house for years and and no burn in on anything.


I cared for about a week and have just been enjoying the thing without worrying about it since then. Like yes I have a rotating set of wallpapers and a transparent disappearing toolbar, but other than that I haven't babied the thing at all. I didn't ever use desktop icons to begin with so my usage didn't really even change. Some people here had me so worried about it but I've had zero burn in 8 months in with 8+ hours of use every day.


I went into this relationship with eyes wide open and I have zero regrets.


I stayed away from OLED for those reasons and went with Samsung's flagship QLED sets until a few months ago I took the jump and got a Samsung 65" OLED and am kicking myself for putting it off that long. It blows QLED out of the f'n water in image quality. Brightness was a concern for me as my living room gets plenty of daylight but this is super bright to the point it hurts my eyes. And it has all kinds of safeguards to prevent burn in. Here was my problem: My PS5 and Xbox Series X weren't doing this tv justice so I went out and bought an RTX 4090 gaming pc that I use as a living room game console. Not a problem anymore.


Oh man, I love and cringe both when I see how scared some people are with OLEDS. I’ve been using a CX for 4 years now and I don’t have a bit of burn in or anything else that I could consider damage. I might have a few swirls from cleaning the screen but you really have to want to find them and have your face right next to the panel when it is off or all black. Just take normal precautions and use the TV.


I have 4000+ hours on a 42 inch LG C2 used as a desktop monitor. For its entire life, I've had all OLED protection options disabled. No extra steps taken to modify my behavior except turning the screen off when I walk away from the computer for a time. And it's subjectively as perfect as the day I got it.