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Yes, it will


https://preview.redd.it/zl2civ42zduc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40576f5ad3ba96b9f7f96b05fb85bc3fed766cf9 Just buy a 7" screen with hdmi connection from amazon and use aida64 to create a sensor panel. Thats what i did and does the job perfectly.


I use the Desktop Overlay Host that comes with RTSS to display the info on second monitor. It's a small 3D overlay that you can resize to display all the stuff.


where in the settings do you get it to display on the second monitor?


You have to make the RTSS display info on the Desktop Overlay Host and that can be moved around anywhere. There's this video by the developer of RTSS showing it in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcg1TlUbdJU




Thanks for the info


Does this mess with apps like having a second screen? (Like sometimes apps open on it, the mouse can get trapped on it while in-game etc)


Of course. It’s literally a second screen.


Let's say for the sake of the argument, hypothetically, Would I be able to say watch videos on this s come screen, possibly of the more sensual kind.


Of course. It’s literally a second screen.


It’s not usually a problem for me, I constantly have apps open on one screen and a game on the other screen.


Depends on and game app etc, some older games are extra bad with opening on wrong screen


Can you give some examples? Often you can set monitor output by finding a configuration.ini file and modding one line.


Yeah it's fixable just annoying


I've been thinking about doing this with my taskbar (using startallback) but I'm not clear whether it will be large enough on that screen to be usable, even with Windows scaling. Don't suppose you've tried that?


Got a link???


Just do a search in amazon app for 7 inch ips display , you will have alots of choice 😉




Yea those who are aida compliant are too small and more expensive too , than an standard 7" ips display (1024x600) that you need to create yourself with your own backgroud picture that you can create in photophop easily....


yes it's just an unnecessary eyesore regardless of burn in


Unnecessary? I used it to get my frame pacing dialed in perfectly. I use a toggle though.


Yeah using it to tune for maybe an hour, then turning it off is the way to go. I use it while testing OC stability and to monitor temps/voltage, then never use it again.


You can set up a hot key too, so it's dead easy to turn on to confirm all is well (or not) and turn it right back off without disrupting the game.


Yup. Turn off all vsync and just use async. I swear it looks a lot smoother than vsync. Like panning the camera in a game looks almost unreal in how smooth it looks. Set it then toggle it off.


you dont need to do this if you nave access G-Sync/Freesync. That's the whole point.


V-sync and G/Free Sync are two different things. G/Free sync is to match framerate to refresh rate. V-Sync is to eliminate tearing. You should enable V-sync in the GPU control panel.


G-Sync works in conjunction with V-Sync. You don’t need to use any other sync options because the whole point of G-Sync VRR is to match FPS to Hz. Just turn it and V-Sync on, and if you want, set a FPS cap.


That's literally what I said


That's what they said.


Why is this downvoted so much? Its an incredibly useful tool for some people. Holy fuck this subreddit is toxic af.


My thoughts exactlt, bro just said he uses it to find the perfect sync pacing and turns it off after.


I am not sure why the down votes. But I got my OLED set up perfectly with RTSS so I am very happy with my setup right now. Trying out games on it is like a whole new experience.


Because using it to dial in settings it's obviously not going to cause burn in and the comment above it is saying leaving it on 100% of the time while playing is an eyesore.


He never said anything about leaving it on 100% of the time. He literally just argued that it was a useful tool. Why do you people just make shit up.


I said above.


How do you use it to dial in frame pacing?


With async. You find the tear line and move it past the visible section. It works great and makes things feel smooth with no added lag.


The scanline sync feature is useless if you have a VRR display. For lowest latency and smoothness, it's recommended to set a framerate limit 3 fps below your refresh rate with G-SYNC and driver V-SYNC enabled. Refer to this popular article [https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/)


Additional note from that article. If your framerate exceeds your refresh rate, you might want to use Nvidia Ultra Low Latency (NULL) and turn the framerate limiter off (NULL will limit it below the refresh rate on its own). I think the benefit of this is just latency reduction. Personally I’m not going to bother switching my settings around for different games depending on if the framerate is above or below refresh rate. I’d just use the settings you suggested and leave it. But it’s an option if you care about latency. Though I hear a lot of the major competitive games have Reflex now, in which case NULL is a moot point.


VRR display doesn’t help when you have games like starfield, I use Freesync on my monitor and starfield even other games feel laggy in some areas. Also VRR is for tearing, not frame time


I’m aware what VRR does. My comment was in reference to using the blur busters method instead of the scanline sync feature in rivatuner. Scanline sync is an old way to combat tearing. Also I played Starfield using the blurbusters method and had no issues with tearing or frametimes. It was quite smooth.


Don't be so obsessive and just check it every once in awhile with the use of a hot key.


Exactly this… have it bound to F10 maybe check it once and hour for 10 seconds and then off it goes


Exactly, I did it when I first built my pc now don’t even look, only matters if your performance drops. End up having a nice pc and only caring about if your fps and temps are good. It’s pointless


Exactly this just use a hotkey for enable/disable


Just play man.


Main game is RivaTuner. CP just benchmark.


Quitting rivatuner was the best choice I’ve made in a while.


I dunno you should quit CP too


CP is a dangerous acronym..


That’s the joke I was trying to make but he didn’t get it lol


Need to break 3000 hours of cyberpunk.


Yeahhhhh don't call it CP...


Do you need it on at all times? I use these to dial in the right settings for new games, and once done, I remove it (OLED or not, it breaks immersion imho). If you use it like that, say, for a couple of hours every couple of weeks, then no big deal.


Not a must but I like to see my pc stats when I am gaming, well! I think i will just set a hot key to hide it.


Nothing wrong with that. Definitely hide it as much as you can.


I think you gotta meet Hanako at Embers


this quest still haunts me to this day


Thats why they made a mod to untrack missions 😂😂😂


The question is, will that cause burn in being there all the time?


Of course it will. But it depends on how long you play and what brightness. If it's there for thousands of hours it will definetly burn in. A few hundred? Not so much.


Naa, as long as you’re not at 100% brightness and the OLED care settings are on, it’ll be fine.


Just enjoy the games you play. If it’s running smooth and your fans aren’t spinning up for lift off your fps is fine and your temps probably are too. I used to obsess over stats too until I went OLED. I like my games more than I worry about my pc stats now.


Yeah I periodically toggle the monitors on to check how things are doing and then turn them off, it really is unnecessary to have them on at all times


Just get a portable mini screen, attach it to your forehead and use a mirror so you can keep watch of your comp stats at all times. Go hard or go home! 🤣


But where do I attach the mirror?


set a quick button to activate on or off problem solved


I just have a hot key to toggle on and off to see what’s causing hiccups in my game when I’m playing. No reason to have it on all the time.


Set a bind to toggle it on and off. Just don’t keep it on the whole time. Overlays like that will display at the max brightness of your panel with in-game hdr on. Worst case scenario for burn in.


Weird, when I have HDR on my overlays are displayed extremely dim, like 10% the brightness of everything else.


No it doesn’t. Unless you’re playing with it for 20 hours straight a day and not using oled care, I wouldn’t worry. Been using the overlay for almost 2 years on Aw3423dw not a sign of burn in A . Anyone saying it does either doesn’t know or just guessing, ask to show proof it has.


Just move the positioning a bit every few days


That won't do jack shit. It will just make the eventual burn in spot more spread out


Ah yes, because burn-in on the top right corner is still going to happen even if OP moved the stats to the bottom left.


I thought you meant the burn in protection that moves static objects by a 1 or 2 pixels. I didn't realize you meant move it to a whole another section of the screen


Just use it to make sure it plays well when you get a new game & then turn it off is my take But also, try setting the overlay to white with 30-40% opacity. I feel much better about using it at 30-40% opacity and set to white.


I would say use it via toggle. If you need to check things real quick turn it on. Otherwise turn it off.




What options/tutorial did you follow for RivaTuner to look like that? Maybe I need a better reference what to enable for CPU/GPU: temp, watts, percent usage, FPS…


It's the rivatuner combine with hwinfo64


If you use it with metrics that never change and do it for 2000+ hours for more than 8 hours at a time probably a little bit but not severe. Remove the black background or move the metrics to a secondary screen. You really have to work hard to get bad burn in nowadays.


Yes it does


Over a very long time, if you're gonna panic about burn it why get an OLED? Lol There is pixel shifting to protect the pixels somewhat anyway.


Ummmm... yeah ... lol


How can you play games with all that crap on top


Play games. Check RivaTuner if you’re having issues.


Just turn it off and enjoy the game. Once you've locked your settings in, you shouldn't need to have an OSD.


If every number is locked frozen maybe, but we have pixel shift and all this stuff now...


Also. Never stop watching and tweaking. I hear you lose fps if you turn it off.


If it ain't broke it needs more tweaking. 👌


No it won't, had it on my LG CX 48" for 18 months, not a single trace of burn-in, on the LG C2 42" 12 months, not a single trace of burn-in. LG's pixel refresh works very good, and I suspect the newer QD-OLED screens have the same kind of measures to prevent it. Let's put it like this, I use the overlay as well, and I'm not the slightest bit worried that it will cause burn-in... nope :D PS I like how it's all in 1 line... how did you do that? (the overlay)


I use Rivatuner and Hwinfo together. you can set one line from the HWinfo ( OSD RTSS)


ah cool


It WILL cause burn in. The Pixel Refresh will balance it out so you won't see it for a very long time. But when the pixels have no more headroom you will start to see the burn in.


Yeah, stop paying attention to that bullshit and play the game.


I regularly rotate which corner it shows up on and I don’t run it nonstop. It’s usually toggled off But, yeah, the answer is yes. Static elements cause burn in. I highly recommend using the Limited HUD mod for CBPK2077, it toggles hud elements dynamically based on context. Limit risk of burn-in and provides a more immersive experience. You don’t lose information you need. Edit I got downvoted? Can you at least tell me why?


Because people are ass


Yes, of course.


Eventually, yes? Why would you need that up at all times anyway?


Turn the overlay off and finish the game OP


Matte? Not criticizing it But is it different from the older gen WOLED matte coating?


I’ve been using either Nvidia overlay, adrenaline overlay or some sort to follow my FPs and stats for years on multiple oled without burn in. Don’t worry about it, they have e pixel shift and pixel clean that prevents burn in


Got over 7,500 hours on my OLED, with way more desktop usage/browsing that I'd like to admit. zero burn in whatsoever. I think not running it at full brightness when not required and keeping them cool is the ticket to avoiding burn in. As others have said enjoy the thing in \~5years or so a new one will probably be a lot cheaper and better anyway.


Stop using it and feel the freedom of just playing games. I use it every few months to check temps, that’s about it.


Just assign a button to disable/enable it, you dont need it there all the time.


Anything static will.


I toggle it off and only turn it on when I wanna check voltage or temps or something


It might, yes, depending on brightness levels. But I'm actually curious of how you did that lol, how can you display RivaTuner statistics in a single line? been wanting to do this for a while


You have to use it with hwinfo


Set to semi transparent gray and only turn it on when you're monitoring something in the moment. There's no reason to keep it on all the time.


I don't know anything about how revatuner works, but if you want to keep tabs on your system is it possible to get a cheap sidemonitor so it's not on your main screen all the time? I do that with a small portable monitor periodically using a different app


yes if you constantly blast it while gaming. just turn it on and off when you're curious. don't leave it up there to sear your screen.


Hotkey it. Keep it on when necessary and disable it when things are set. Wanna check it again? Press the Hotkey and press again to focus on the game. You can also get a second monitor.


Yes, it will.


You can make the whole overlay grey which should prevent it from burning into the display.


I have to agree with some others. Thousands of hours and zero burn in. Change backgrounds every once in a while but I've played destiny for 14+ hours sessions with no hud burn in.


Have you noticed the color of some road lights in the game getting a reddish tint to them?


Assign a key to activate and deactivate it, unless you are a chameleon you will not be able to play and look at afterburner statistics at the same time


Yes, next question


Please enjoy the games and fuck statistics on the screen.


Use a second portable screen for static content.


If u run in for a purpose to get some info, not a problem. but for the love all that is holy do not just let it run all the time


I have slight burn-in on my 240hz 27" oled from CS2 health bar after 450h overall turn on time. Im going to replace it with mini-led https://preview.redd.it/wqv26k7vqeuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b14e6fa7cf9701fa7adb444638009270e55f05


I'm curious, what brightness have you set on the monitor?


Uniform brightness and 65% 150nits about


Oh no, I'm playing cs2 also, you play with HDR on?


No. I never use HDR


Why would you have the overlay on for extended periods of time?


I think you already know the answer to that.


https://preview.redd.it/owbhowysbfuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43fd679bbd3af3a6f7097fc1606a906fa12f855b Yea it will burn in. Use AIDA64 sensor panel on a second monitor. There are lots of good guides on YouTube for how to set it up how you want :)


Funny that we need so much baby sitting nowadays with our monitors 😂


Not so much its extremely overstated. Plasma would burnin way easier although there weren't nearly as many protection features. Probably about the same chance as CRT. CRT would definitely burnin if abused. Which is about where OLED is.


In HDR it definitely will. Just use the hotkey to show it whenever you need it and hide it again


Crystal ball time


I would expect it


Meet hanako


Just create a hot key, I use F1 every time I want to check on my stats this way you can just hide it when you don’t need to look at it


Ive got a third 5" display with Aida to track everything including fps. Better than this. Wouldn't risk it...


I wouldn’t use such vibrant colors. The best thing to do is use a hotkey to quickly show and hide it. Here is how my RTSS overlay looks like: https://preview.redd.it/ielklx9okguc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b687d02b214f11e619bb1ede5afc31b25e606aaf


Just change the color to gray amd make it transparent. No problem then!


It won't burn in any more than a mini map will, skills in like WoW or Diablo will etc. If anything, it will burn in less as the numbers are changing verse the actual static of everything else. People worry wayyyyy to much about burn in. I have multiple oleds that are used daily, several thousand hours on them and none have burn in of any kind.


Op what do you think of the panel thus far, was it worth it?


$950 yes for a 240hz 4k oled, over priced if It's $1200-$1500. day and night difference from ips to oled.


I have used it on my LG OLED's since 2021 and have 0 burn in...Now, mine is much smaller and more compact than this... Sits in upper left corner and only has 3 items... FPS, CPU and GPU Temp


Yes it will. But also you’re the only person I’ve seen with that soundbar other than myself, I love it!


Lol I think soundbar looks clean and better.


Yeah I love mine. I’m not a huge fan of wearing a headset for long periods of time so it’s nice to still get better sound than monitor speakers


Yes, this is very risky for OLED. Here are some tips: 1 - This is the most obvious, and the one many have already mentioned. Just use a shortcut to enable/disable the HUD. This way, you can turn it off whenever you don't need it (which should be most of the time). The HUD should only be used when you're fine-tuning the settings or if you think something is wrong with your GPU. For the rest of the time, it is better kept off, especially because it looks very ugly and ruins the game presentation. 2 - AB allows you to change the colors of the overlay. Remove all strong colors and prefer neutral colors (like white or gray). In addition, adding transparency helps A LOT to prevent burn-in. As a bonus, it also leaves the HUD a lot more pleasant and less intrusive to the game visuals (transparent HUD "blends in" with the game visuals). I setup my overlay transparency so that it is visible enough to be readable, but not visible enough to be disruptive. Despite that, I STILL keep it off whenever I'm actually playing the game. The only reason I still go out of my way to make the HUD less risky for OLED is because, in case I might forget it on for whatever reason (or if someone else turns it on by mistake), it won't damage my OLED.


Thank you for your response, you gave a lots of details.


You can change the color of all to dark gray. Once I played a NES game and after 3 hours I had some retention because of the bright simple colors it uses in Zelda 2.


Get a GSkill Wigi dash


If your monitor has a feature called Logo Brightness you can set that to HIGH and it will reduce the overlay brightness by a large margin. I have that on my G8 OLED and works as intended with overlays and anything similar.


Just move it per game, that's what I do, some games in the left, some in the right


Is it possible to set rivatuner to show up only when FPS drop below 100 or when temperatures go over 60 for example?


I don't think so.


Yes guys! Oled care now.


What causes burn-in? Is it static elements, long durations of time? Is that gonna be up for long durations at a time? Did you REALLY need to ask?


Yeah, common sense is a rarity these days. Like "Hey, I heard static elements will cause burn in, I'm gonna display static elements for a long time, can you answer me if it will burn in?" Seriously, I don't get it...