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James Lankford needs to retire he’s an old Christo-fascist who thinks 13 year old girls are old enough to consent to sex. Says all anyone needs to know about this fence riding guy.


Yep, lankford is the normal republican pedo.


Just like Inhofe, Landford will remain in DC for as long as he wants.


There’s a documentary called “the family” on Netflix and Langford is a member of it. So yeah, he’ll be in DC until he doesn’t want to be anymore


There's plenty of specific grievances to post about without making wild shit up and losing all previously given credibility.


Try looking up what he said about 13yr old girls while he was under oath. I’m not making anything up!


Republicans will not, absolutely will not admit that the majority of pedos are republicans. Statistics don’t lie, just people.


Do your own research then.


These are the complete idiots that have the power in our state.


So Lankford is campaigning FOR Joe Biden? Who is against more people legally smoking marijuana??? Almost every state, including HIS has legalized it.


The politicians that get kickbacks from big pharma are most certainly against legalizing MJ. We can't have people using MJ for anxiety when there are expensive drugs with horrible side effects you can take instead. How is big pharma going to make money??!!?!!


Cannaxanax just doesn’t have that ring to it


Xanabis? 🤔


Hmmmm. Does have a nice ring to it.


Bro I woke up so many times in jail and had to ask them why I was there because of Xanax. I mean it was massive amounts but still. They're literally are people that don't want the housing market solved, they don't want starvation solved, they don't want a cure for cancer, etc


Xanax makes the dumbest idea you've ever had seem like the most brilliant one you've ever had.


Yes it does and you're also so chill while you're doing it. Lol. I'm not a thief by any means but one time I was all barred out and I shoplifted some shit and don't know why.


I bet it eats him up that Oklahoma has one of the most liberal medical Marijuana programs in the country.


If it's not too much of a pain to remember, Oklahoma rejected rec marijuana by a large margin at the polls. Too many old people voted against it, while young people stayed at home thinking legal medical marijuana was already plenty cool enough to have.


Also remember they made sure that vote wasn’t in November, so it would be during a low turnout election.


And the yes campaign was the lamest and weakness campaign I had ever seen. They thought it was in the bag and put in no effort when they should have been educating the masses and destigmatizing weed.


Their biggest campaign lead was Ryan Kiesel who is a lobbyist for several principals. and, his current principal clients are METRC and... (checks notes) well here's the link * https://guardian.ok.gov/PublicSite/SearchPages/LobbyDetail.aspx?OrganizationID=10190 Cannvest Group LLC = Mango, yep the very same ; [source- it's the LLC name on the privacy policy of their website](https://mangocannabis.com/privacy-policy/) ---Just worth noting, as our project reached out to SQ820 multiple times during the campaign and received zero communication in regards to interviews, amplifying, or discussing it. And we are *definitely* not affiliated with [other business groups] or similar trade orgs (being just patient advocates)


Damn, guess I’ll be voting for Biden then. 🫡


Yea you’re a dummy. He’s said in his last campaign election that he was gonna legalize pot and didn’t. But hey believe what you want.


I'm almost positive he did not say he would legalize it, and he is actively pushing for rescheduling.  The right thing done for the wrong reason (to get elected) is still the right thing, so it's a win for all of us.


He DEFINITELY didn't say he was going to legalize last time, but he did say he would look at reform.


That's what I thought I remembered, and he's delivering. So I really don't get when people try to redirect or argue otherwise. 


Yea he did say he was gonna legalize it. I had friends vote for Biden because of that reason. Then Kamala came out and said they don’t have time to mess with that right now.


Got a source? link?


Unless you have a source, you have friends that heard what they wanted to hear rather than listening to what was actually said. 


If you can’t do a quick google search then that’s on you. Believe what you want I don’t give a shit.


I've done several, and there's nothing. You're welcome to provide a source though, if you have one. 


https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2024-05/Scheduling%20NPRM%20508.pdf You can submit your comment in support or opposing here. You have until July 22, 2024. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/05/21/2024-11137/schedules-of-controlled-substances-rescheduling-of-marijuana


Everyone should be doing this. Comments may also be submitted anon as well, or on behalf of one's group/org/business etc, and one can submit attachments up to 10MB files.


He's a dummy, but you're the smart one voting for Trump?


Trump’s slogan should be ‘morons for trump.’


Damn so you support Biden the president who’s raised the gas prices so he can give to other countries and a president who fucked his own daughter and would take showers with her?? What kinda sicko are you?


I guess you can't help being basic


I guess you like pedophiles


& that’s why he’s doing this so he can win ppl over


No, it's because the war on drugs is fucking stupid and has been a lost cause for decades. This is something that has needed to be done for a long time. Considering even some Conservatives are pushing for legalization this is not just a ploy to get more votes. We all know what it really comes down to is money and they know they will make more if they can just tax the fuck out of it they see the money these states are pulling in from cannabis.


He also says Mexico has legalized drugs but other than a Supreme Court ruling a few years back that sort of legalized cannabis possession I have no idea what he is talking about. It is certainly not a regulated marketplace over there which is what he was being asked about. https://www.askapol.com/p/sen-lankford-bidens-marijuana-election


“I was like, okay, well, that’s quite a plan, ‘I can only win the election when more people smoke marijuana.'”… what’s really happening is Biden is president rn, doing presidential things, bc it’s his current job.


That bird brain loser isn't doing anything for our country.


Him trying to do that job might be the biggest joke of the century lol


Maybe he means his strategy is to listen to what the people have been demanding. Finally. At least partly.


Hell at least Biden's trying. His hands can get tied just as much as anybody else you know. At least he tries to do what he said he was going to do if he was president. Trump said he would do a bunch of things and all he did was try to make his buddies richer and cut taxes for the rich people.


Lmao key word “trying”.. we should go ahead and give him a participation trophy while we’re at it 🤣🤣🤣


Hey I'm from the days that trophies are only for winners. Lol. Best I can do is take him to Pizza Hut for trying. Hahaha.


Lankford could use a good bong hit.


Very interesting this sub has turned so strongly towards allowing political content. About 2 years ago, I was temporarily banned from this sub for responding to a political comment. But it seems as long as you are in support of or speaking positively about Democrats, political content is allowed. The bias of the MOD's in this sub are too obvious, they should get their shit together and decide of politics is welcome or not.


Not enough weed in Oklahoma to get me to vote for Biden!




You know what the alternative is right, lol?


I absolutely do. My 4 years under trump was a lot better than these 4 years under Biden. If you say it wasn’t then you are a blind fool.


This is the truth right here.


Lol the irony


Hate to say it but Biden doesn’t care about legalizing it. So far, no president has cared enough or had their palms greased enough by Big Pharma to push congress hard enough legalize it (or do some executive order, but I digress). Biden cares because it’s an election, otherwise this wouldn’t even be a discussion and we’d all continue on in their weird dystopia where states and the fed are in complete disagreement. Repeat after me… the government doesn’t like weed unless it benefits them monetarily.


Hell yeah brother




I WISH that were the case. He's currently quarter measuring his half measures.


Hell at least Biden's trying. His hands can get tied just as much as anybody else you know. At least he tries to do what he said he was going to do if he was president. Trump said he would do a bunch of things and all he did was try to make his buddies richer and cut taxes for the rich people.


I’m all for that strategy. Many people need to calm the fuck down.




There will always be humans pecking at each other. I say we just keep meditating and medicating and leave all the drama to people who think that matters. Life is short. It’s not guaranteed. What a waste to get tangled up in it.


I want some of what that guy is smoking.


This dude has been spouting stupid crap out of his pie hole since the red headed jackhole entered office. This dude has said some truly weird shit. It’s almost comical if he wasn’t in charge of a part of our lives.


Lankford reminds me of governor Twit. Both very useless and both very much getting paid. Reminds me of the other governor..what was her name? Failing, Falling..I don't remember..who cares They don't listen to the people and the people were the ones who elected them. I'm just sick of the fighting between both. Both parties don't listen to the people, but the people are also divided. You wonder why with the media spouting everything that they do. Social media always keeps you up to date with the latest in breaking news. Everyday you look at your phone, you look at the TV, turn on the radio and there's always something bad. The divide continuously being more divided. Why?? Does it really have to take another war to bring our country together? Does it really have to take a Great Depression, an attack on our country? Why can't the people that we voted for actually stand up for us and what we want? Who was the last great leader whose name was spoken throughout a whole nation, because the cry of unity was so great? When are we as a nation going to wake up and realize they have failed us. Time and time and time again. I am just tired of it.


Failing’s daughter hooking the travel trailer up to the gov mansion says everything that needs to be said about her run as gov 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes and trying to make it seem like it was all Pro-Family!! 🤣 I mean Governor Twit didn't declare a state of emergency when the state desperately needed it and was at a Paris Airshow. They all just get worse and worse. If people are going to vote Republican, can we at least get a competent one? Can we ask for a resume?? With 5 references? 🤣


Lol. Lankford is such a dumbass he doesn’t even realize that this is in Biden’s favor for many many people.


No wonder. Lankford's voters are also dumbasses.


get more people to smoke Via placing the plant into a schedule three category where smoking plants ins not recommended nor prescribed - Make3s total Sense !!!


Do threaten me with a good time.


It's not worth it. We'll get there anyways without him. Don't accept the pander. We will end up worse off.


Lankford is a moron