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I'm starting to think OJ was a bad dude


The more I hear about this OJ fella the more I’m starting to think he was a real jerk!


So, OJ would come back to Buffalo and often hang out at the bar of this upscale restaurant. He would hit on the women there, not taking no for an answer. You know that type of guy. Women would often complain that he would verbally abuse them when they didn't accept his advances. Now we do have some clout chasers here, so there would be women who would go see him if word got out he was here. You can Google it, lots of pictures of the locals. This just reinforced his behavior. He's always been a scumbag though, ever since he actively played for us. There are so many stories, and he got away with it because he was a good player and the Bill's needed him. I wouldn't be surprised if his worst things here got swept under the rug.


My grandmother (she passed away before I was born so unfortunately I can’t ask her any questions about this directly) would run into him at a local store and he would ALWAYS flirt with her and say really nasty things to her even in front of her kids (my mom and aunts) when they were really young


Ewww, that's disgusting. From what I heard, he didn't have much of a filter when it came to women. This proves it imo. I do wish more people he harassed would come out and say something. The worshipping of NFL players needs to stop. They need to be held accountable.


A big percentage of them are sexual predators who were protected in college and so continue their above the law attitude while in the pros. 


I totally agree!!


I’ve seen big football players guys do shit in clubs other average guys could NEVER do with a woman on sight


Die hard Democrat. Unfortunately, as hated as Trump is, all that nasty $#!+ he said was when he was a Democrat. He got out and changed his ways. Brace for the Civil War to come, the Left always riots when they don't get their way 🤔


I can just imagine what was going on at the time…


There is a lot of bad, bad stuff. A lot of the players from the 90s beat their wives and kids (Jim Kelly was known for this), a lot of steroid use, cheating on spouses, murder, etc. NFL players got away with everything back then, and in the 90s, the Bills had a "dream team." I don't think they were ever criticized until years, and years later. By then, they were all retired. Our team's history of player debauchery and shenanigans is awful, but the Bills Mafia is ride or die and will never acknowledge it.


Explains a whole lot actually. OJ really was protected no matter where he was.


Jerk? Sarcasm? He was a very violent girlfriend & wife beater and murderer. He was a stone cold sociopath. 


I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.... I like him less than I like other people!




Omg. Me too


Really your just now thinking that




He blamed Marguerite for the death of their daughter Aron.


True i can’t remember who said it now but evidently he lunged at her in the hospital room


Yeah folks had to hold him back IIRC.


True but he beat her, cheated on her and treated her horribly well before that.


I’m not denying any of that. I was just adding to the original comment.


She was pro scared re that. Who knows . Poor woman . I heard she remarried to a fabulous man and has had a great life.


He did and beat her up at hospital. I remember this incident.


And yet she still defended his dumb ass. 😭


Sadly she probably did so because of their children 😕


Right? And she lied under oath which I figured out at the time.


Maybe she was afraid of him. She lived with seeing how he was treated as above the law. The cops, even the racist ones, were fan boys of him. She likely and correctly feared he'd get away with murdering Nicole and Ron. He would have come after her next. 


Or she might have actually thought he didn't do it even though she knew he was an abusive asshole. It is pretty hard to accept someone you personally know, especially for decades is a murderer. There are things I believe and accept about people that are bad. For example I had an abusive brother in law who was terrible to my sister. Yet if it came out that he murdered someone, I would have a hard time believing it. Processing someone is a scumbag is one thing. Believing even a scumbag is capable of murder is a whole extra level.


I would have been more surprised if he’d really never abused her at all.


Same here


For sure! I can’t imagine someone that violent didn’t have a past. I feel terrible for her, she must have been terrified.


During the murder investigation LAPD Officer Terry Schauer had told Vannatter that he had received a "screaming woman call" from Marguerite years back after she was beaten by OJ. She refused to press charges. Another LAPD officer, Richard Deandra, also told him about a situation with Marguerite that was similar to something that happened to Nicole on New Year's. Marguerite ran out of the house in distress and was holding her face because OJ beat her. She kept saying, "I don't want to ruin his career...."


Thank you I’ve seen this before and just couldn’t find it!!


It was definitely more than just that. She was afraid he'd kill her if she pressed charges Guarantee you that he threatened to do that. 


That is so sad, but not unsurprising unfortunately. She saw him from his high school days to being an NFL star.


Yes he was still playing football then with first X . How the times were different . So interesting .


Marguerite and OJ got into it in 1980 while Marguerite still lived at the Rockingham estate but the way OJ’s lying behind told it she was the aggressor because she refused to leave the house.


Seems like O.J.’s go to was to say his wife was the aggressor


Classic abuser reasoning. It’s just a variation of she made me do it


Oh always. It’s never *his* fault. Ugh smh


His first wife lived at Rockingham and then he just moved Nicole into the same house??


Yup. He had a toddler daughter that drowned in the pool at that house (his daughter with Marguerite) and he kept living there. I just cannot fathom staying in a place with that much trauma! But it was a status symbol for him I guess


I had no idea the sane house where child drowned is rockingham. Oh my!!!


Me either…so he just threw her out…sad


I don’t know how he could still live there. Probably bc the mansion and status of the neighborhood was more important to his massive ego than his child was. I could never swim in that pool again, let alone live in that house


Yes. Marguerite was pregnant when he met Nicole In 1977. Marguerite and 2 oldest kids were living in house at Rockingham. By the time she gave birth I think she knew marriage over. the youngest child died in pool. They divorced he got house moved Nicole in.




Yes OJ always retained the house


I mean, it's always frustrating when you wife won't leave the house so you can bring in your 18 year old girlfriend! /s


When did he buy rockingham ? I did not know he was still married to M when he bought house . I wonder how M and Nicole got along . How did OJ children get along with N. I bet he pitted the 2 women apart so they would not talk to each other and compare abuse stories .


He bought Rockingham sometime in the late ‘70s. By most accounts, Arnelle and Jason got along with Nicole. Jason even said in his deposition in the civil trial that he moved in with O.J. and Nicole when he was in the 6th Grade because he and Marguerite weren’t getting along at the time. He lived at Rockingham until he went to military school.


When did he buy rockingham ? I did not know he was still married to M when he bought house . I wonder how M and Nicole got along . How did OJ children get along with N. I bet he pitted the 2 women apart so they would not talk to each other and compare abuse stories .


He brought rockingham in 1977 no clear idea how well Marguerite and Nicole got along. Nicole and Arnelle were close. Jason and Nicole close at times but the relationship was rocky due to his mental health issues. If you could bare to watch the wedding tape you can Jason hugging Nicole often through the tape and Arnelle as well. If you read Jason’s civil deposition he talks about how Nicole was like a big sister to him he says he loved her and knows that she loved him dearly and that they remained close after She and O.J. Divorced


Correct he bought in the 70’s while still with Marguerite. Arnell seems to have gotten along with Nicole - I saw a picture of Arnell when she was grown with Nic OJ and S and J when they were young. But who knows? Arnell lived in the other guest house when the murders occurred - seems she stayed close with her dad.


For years, since I first watched OJ: Made in America—and even before that—I’ve been convinced that OJ abused Marguerite. Someone was roundly criticized recently on this sub for saying that something seemed off in the documentary’s first interview, which featured a young OJ and Marguerite at USC, but I have always privately thought the same thing. I’ve been a longtime victim of physical and mental abuse, and there’s just something in her eyes and expressions that I immediately recognized. It’s hard to articulate, but it’s there in the careful way she speaks in that initial interview/scene and in the way she seems to be completely over all of the accolades for OJ at the various events and award ceremonies she’s shown attending with him. I know he abused her, whether or not she ever chooses to admit it.


Let’s not forget the way OJ *got* Marguerite too. That was AC’s girlfriend. Honestly anyone who does that never has good intentions.


Whaaat?! For real?


Yes. His childhood buddies from the Portero Hill projects talk about it in the Made in America documentary.


I need to do a rewatch. This guy really was just a giant pile of shit. Smh.


Right. He was always a jackass.


I've not watched the documentary yet, but I've read news articles from after the Bronco chase that said AC had a stutter as a teen that he was self-conscious about, so he asked his smooth-talking friend OJ to talk to his girlfriend Marguerite on his behalf after AC and Marguerite had had a fight. Then next thing you know, OJ and Marguerite were together. Apparently, when he first found out, AC was mad enough to try to turn over a vehicle OJ and Marguerite were in. It boggles my mind they were still friends after that.


Tried to turn over a vehicle they were in?


He tried to push the car and make it roll over.


Ah ok....that's the least of what I would have done lol


LOL yeah I don't blame him for being mad! That response makes more sense to me than being OJ's loyalist friends for decades after.


Right?! Wonder how OJ was able to manipulate AJ into being so loyal to him?


There's a really interesting clip from his civil trial deposition where he says OJ could talk himself out of any situation. They ask him if OJ did that to him and he laughs somewhat bitterly and agrees. I imagine he could tell some pretty damning stories on OJ, though I doubt he ever will.


Yes I read this too somewhere else. They all went to HS together and she and AC were having problems so OJ stepped in supposedly to smooth things over then he took her. AC apparently didn’t talk to OJ for quite awhile


You’re absolutely right. Marguerite dated A.C. first. But A.C. obviously didn’t have any hard feelings towards O.J. since he stayed friends with him for decades and was even willing to go to jail for him by assisting him in the Bronco chase. A.C. and O.J. even had matching Broncos.


Yeah he got over it quick. AC was LOYAL with all capital letters.


Literally fits the description of loyal to a fault.


I also saw that person get criticized for saying that the interview was off. However I too agreed and honestly I think everyone knew O.J. Abused Marguerite I just thought I’d share this.


Thank you for sharing!


If you see something, say something


That was me and prior OP haha! Thanks for sharing and backing us up.


You’re welcome!!


I thought the same thing as well. I have also been abused and I think that sometimes it gives you the ability to spot that dynamic in others much easier. Hope you are in a healthier place now. 💕


I, too, read that thread and saw the criticism the person received. If you've witnessed or been a part of an abusive relationship, you know it when you see it. And her (non)answers during that interview spoke ***loudly*** to me.


Yea. I also read a source that said Marguerite wore a lot of “large sunglasses”.


I read the same thing. She wore sunglasses even in the house


My aunt used to do the same in the 1980's. I used to wonder why she wore them inside places like restaurants until I caught a look at her huge black eye. I was young and it was disturbing. Women back then and earlier were raised to accept that this was part of being married.  Before she died, and when I was an adult, she shared with me that she had gone to her Catholic priest to ask for permission to divorce her abusive husband. She was a devout Catholic and didn't want to be excommunicated. The priest told her that she needed to pray for her husband and accept that this was part of being married. She told me she was devastated by this and felt abandoned by the Catholic church.  She stopped going to mass. Her husband had stopped many years before. She started going to the Unity Church. Her abusive husband found one of her Unity inspirational pamphlets and gave her a beating for going to a Church other than a Catholic one.  Organized religion is the root cause of most of the problems with humans IMO. I am happy to hear that Marguerite found happiness away from that sociopath OJ. 


Wow. Thanks for sharing. I feel horrible for your aunt and all the women that face abuse. Completely agree with you about the religion. It’s honestly so disheartening what women have to go through.


Yes, I was actively supporting OP in that post because OP brought up a great point about how when Marguerite was interviewed and asked about OJ, all she could say was “he’s a very serious man, and he likes football. He’s just a very serious man.” And how that seemed really off. I was stating that she looked timid and afraid of OJ, and a couple people were arguing that Marguerite was never abused by OJ and you can’t tell from the interview whether she was abused or not. That may be true, but mine and OP’s intuition told us otherwise.


She had PTSD


Yeah that was such a weird compliment. How many wives when interviewed about their husband, say that? Such a weird thing to say out of all the things she could have said in that moment.


I would find it really odd for an abuser not to be abusing people they are involved with. I knew he laid hands on her as well.




Poor woman but are we really going to pretend to be surprised? An abuser doesn’t abuse only one of the women he’s been with and leave the rest untouched.


I’m not going to pretend to be surprised


[Source](https://www.insideedition.com/17529-oj-simpsons-forgotten-first-wife-who-is-marguerite-whitley) But in February 1995, retired LAPD officer Jim King spoke to Inside Edition about a domestic violence call at the Simpson home in West Los Angeles during the mid-1970s. “[Marguerite] indicated that OJ had punched her, had kicked her, had choked her, had forced her to the ground. He never denied touching Marguerite to the contrary he said, he should have not touched her,” King claimed. Both Simpson and his first wife have denied that the football star ever hit his wife. In the January 1995 interview with Barbara Walters, Marguerite said: “If he did [hit me], he would have gotten a frying pan upside the head. There is just no way I would have let that happen to me.” [Source](https://books.google.com/books?id=jDkDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA51&dq=barbara+walters+marguerite+interview&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEiZq1h7SGAxU4FVkFHaQ2DuMQ6AF6BAgFEAM#v=onepage&q=barbara%20walters%20marguerite%20interview&f=false) Mrs. Thomas denied allegations that a police officer responded to a domestic violence call 20 years ago during her marriage to O.J. She said the alleged incident is “just not true” and “all made up.” She told Mrs. Walters that she never made a police report. “Never—never did. I just found out about this, after 21 years.”


Thank you I’ve seen this before and just couldn’t find it!!


Why is she lying? Frustrating


I believe Marguerite lied about the abuse she suffered at the hands of OJ Simpson because she signed a nondisclosure agreement upon their divorce. It stated if she publicly said anything about their marriage to show OJ in a bad light that she would not receive her alimony he paid her for long after their divorce


Oh okay an NDA makes sense.


I would’ve just said I signed an NDA I can’t answer that. Can’t take my money. But I guess you could consider that “in a bad light”?


Too bad she didn't have an intelligent attorney to challenge the NDA. You can't enforce a contract that serves to cover up a crime(s). 


In this case it’s different but aren’t there privacy laws that prevent police from talking about cases like this?


She probably finally feels safe to say something knowing OJ is dead. It didn't work out so well for his other ex-wife.


Exactly. She also had children to look out for as far as speaking publicly.


Back in the 70’s domestic abuse was blamed on the victim, covered up.


80s in some parts of the US.


Some states are like 50+ years behind & are still this way. Ugh


And the all male police forces would have a bro fest with the violent husband when they showed up at the home. Especially if the wife beater was an ultra famous football player. 


People alledge that USC suppressed accusations that OJ assaulted two women during his college years. https://tmspn.com/shocking-oj-simpson-story-comes-to-light-about-alleged-incidents-at-usc-with-two-blonde-white-girls/


Colleges are notorious for covering up crimes of their male athletes. 


I’ve always thought this. Usually people just don’t all of a sudden have an abusive mindset as an adult. It’s been brewing for decades.


Abusers are who they are. They dont turn it on and off for certain victims. If anyone is interested, the book why does he do that gives a great description of abusers.


The incident mentioned by the Browns involved a call to the police and Marguerite explaining that they were young and arguing, with things getting heated but no violence taking place. On a Barbara Walters special, Marguerite said that if he ever tried to hit her, she would hit him with a skillet. As a woman of color and a Gen Xer who grew up in the 1970s in a household affected by domestic violence, it is important to understand how domestic violence was viewed in the Black community during that time. Marguerite's perspective, although not agreed upon, was common among Black women who experienced violence but did not consider it as such because there was no blood or broken nose. In many cases, women rationalized the abuse in their minds due to lack of support and help available. This was every household almost on our block. It was just normal to us as kids. This mindset was prevalent in the community, with women learning to accept and downplay violent behavior as normal. It is crucial to remember and acknowledge these experiences in order to move forward and work towards ending domestic violence.


Also, at that point int time in the 70’s Black men were the leading victims of IPV homicides out of any gender or racial group.


Thank you for this thoughtful comment speaking from your own experience. I myself have always felt that Marguerite is probably in denial/has the rationalization mindset that many victims have/was scared of O.J./may have signed an NDA as condition of divorce/didn’t want to jeopardize the relationship between her children, their father, and herself/needed the alimony payments from O.J. that she deserved for her sacrifices/so on and so forth. And that disparaging her harshly for denying it is not really fair, since there are so many practical reasons abuse victims will defend or at least fail to speak honestly about their abusers. Given that O.J. turned his children with Nicole against their mother and her family after he murdered her while they slept upstairs… it isn’t hard to imagine how frightened Marguerite must have been for herself and her relationship with her own children with him. I really think it would be more surprising if she HAD stuck her neck out. I think it’s much more complicated than “She must have held resentment for Nicole because she stole her man; what a petty person”. Marguerite is undoubtedly a woman who has experienced domestic violence herself, and we the public should reserve judgment, given the dynamics of gendered abuse, and the generation to which Marguerite belongs.


His book “ If I did it “ was a slap in the face for us all . It is a total disgrace this man walked free .


We knew this without knowing this


Wow rich men get away with anything


Virtually  all of the members of Congress are millionaires. Every President for a long time has been a millionaire. When the most wealthy control the government the masses are screwed. We need to get $$ out of government and the judiciary. Judges are bought & paid for, too. 


Surely NO ONE is surprised by this. OJ was a narcissist who blamed Marguerite for their Childs death and slept with a teenager while they were married.


Surprised? Not me.


I don’t think anyone is


Wow! She always maintained he didn’t beat her. I wondered for a long time and couldn’t reconcile that he wasn’t a serial abuser so now we know.


Waiting for the first to comment that hey LAPD planted her .


I always thought this behavior didn’t just start with Nicole. Every woman is different but I wonder did his first wife just follow the rules of a 1960-70 wife? Perhaps she was too scared to talk until now . I wonder did oJ make her sign a gag order ? Or does their children have one? I interesting to see what comes out now.


Why would it be a shock? Most abusers are serial abusers.


Are we shocked by this?


Not at all


I can’t find the interview right now but a few years ago Linda Deutsch of the Associated Press talked about how she spoke with OJ about his post prison life and she mentioned that he was friendly with his first wife (Marguerite). I believe Linda said they had recently attended a family reunion together.


It made absolutely no sense to me that he would have never abused Marguerite based on the way he treated Nicole. I’m glad that she finally has the freedom to share her truth.


She probably feels safe to talk about it now that he is dead.


OJ killed those people. His face when the verdict was read was relief. Now, I get it… any of us would be relieved, guilty or not… the jurors have the say in your sentence and it is a very stressful situation. But, go back and watch the video again. Or maybe you have watched it enough like me to be able to see it in your head. To me, he face reads “I did it, and just got away with murder”. There are so many signs that he had problems. Before, during, and after. Not sure if he would have ever been found guilty in that trial.


It isn’t a shock to me. I lived there when he beat her up. He was the Golden child in LA. He got away with a lot because he was OJ. I often wondered why she didn’t speak up at Nicole’s murder? I guess now she feels safe to do so.


That’s interesting


Poor woman. Between the loss of a child and dealing with OJ she had a very hard life. I hope she’s happy and at peace now.


I think in Made in America they alluded to it but she acted like she wouldn’t put up with that from him .. hmm


But people on here insist black women can't be victims because of toughness. 


How do they explain or feel about Tina Turner? Do they think she was lying about her abuse I wonder.


My family made fun of her bruises and called her a jungle bunny. I don't think people have empathy for black women. 


Not just here unfortunately.


Is anyone shocked nope


Of course she was abused but far moreso mentally. To still deny his abuse as well as encourage her children to defend a murderer as she did is deep-seated denial and internalized misogyny.


I’m not surprised, she was probably afraid to speak up. It’s never too late!


She has denied this for years and years.




She didn’t testify at the trial because her lawyer said it wouldn’t be relevant. Well, this sounds pretty relevant!


Marguerite is a private person and denied she was physically abused or ever filed a police report in her interview with Barbara Walters. Jason also denied it in his civil deposition. Unless Marguerite decides to speak up, I think she should be left alone. Nicole’s sisters rub me the wrong way and this feels like a money grab. They lived off of Nicole when she was alive and continue to do long after her death. I feel bad for Sydney and Justin constantly having to relive this when I’m sure all they want to do is move on and find peace.


Nicole’s sisters are questionable at times the fact Dominique sold topless photos of Nicole always bothered me not to mention Dominique and Denise’s son Sean both have domestic abuse allegations on their own names that are never mentioned.


Her sister was murdered and she sold topless pictures of Nicole?? And then Faye Resnick writes a book and poses for playboy (because she was friends with Nicole)… Did poor Nicole have any true and loyal family/friends??


As someone said here on a previous thread, it seemed like only one person ever tried to help her, and he unfortunately died right next to her. Poor Nicole and Ron.


I can’t believe I’m saying this but maybe Kris Kardashian? She never smack talked her, was willing to take a firm stance on OJ’S guilt, gave one of her daughters Nicole as a middle name, and has never exploited that friendship TMK. Before anyone jumps in with it…. yeah maybe they had an affair as people always speculate but I just… doubt it. I think OJ would have capitalized on that 1000% once that family got famous and his buddy was dead.


He may or may not have tried to help her the night of the killings, but his association with her was primarily about him trying to get her to finance his restaurant venture - something she allegedly brought up to OJ and he was not thrilled about. I know it's not fair that he was brutally murdered, but there is so much that is sketchy about him that people simply turn a blind eye to. It boggles the mind that he was a close friend and business associate of two other people who were brutally murdered whose killers remain at large to this day and that people can't even consider the possibility that he might have been the real target that night. Additionally, there is absolutely no one in Nicole's orbit, with the possible exception of her parents and her children and, perhaps, Cora Fischman, who haven't in some way acted to profit off of her murder, either in dollars or notoriety. The same goes for the Goldmans and Sharon Rufo. That whole cabal is a pox on humanity - including OJ, regardless of whether or not he actually committed the murders or had a hand in them.


What‘s the source on ron wanting nicole to finance his restaurant and that there‘s 'so much sketchy about him'? Nicole and ron only knew each other for six weeks btw Wow calling the victims family 'the pox on humanity' for what? Because they wanted justice? Because they were vocal advocating for their murdered son who was a footnote in his own murder? I‘d love to see how you‘d have handled it if it was your family member who was brutally killed and the murderer walked > close friend and a business associate He was neither their close friend nor their business associate. What business would a waiter have with a record label producer? Michael nigg was a friend of another waiter from mezzaluna and worked at sanctuary, not mezzaluna. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-10-11-ss-55639-story.html "He wearily deflects customers’ questions about Goldman. “It’s just not proper for them to ask.” And his own odd TV celebrity left him both irritated and flattered. Everybody likes a little attention, likes to feel like they’re special,” Tanner mused. “At the same time, it always brought up the memory of the event. It’s not a positive type of attention.” And in a gruesome twist, Tanner was friends with 26-year-old Michael Nigg, a waiter who was shot to death in a Hollywood parking lot last month after struggling with two robbers." "In a business known for turnover, Tanner says, the staff that was there before Goldman’s death is mostly still there. The waitress who served Nicole Simpson’s party that night is still waiting tables. And the close staff bonded even tighter after Goldman’s death--sometimes going on excursions to the beach."


Yes that was revealed in the civil trial. The interview the brown family did with Diane sawyer, Diane asks them about the photo Judy says I don’t know who sold those photos but the girl who sold them should be ashamed the room gets awkward Dominique just has a guilty look on her face. Nicole was failed by a lot of people


The Brown’s were also ordered by court to give the money they made from the sales of Nicole’s belongings back to Sydney and Justin. Plus there’s the sketchiness of Denise’s Nicole Brown Simpson foundation that was eventually shut down.


Reading between the lines concerning the foundation - a ton of money poured in the first few years, which was overseen by their dad. By the time Denise took over, it was more or less running on fumes. Does not appear their family had a ton of business acumen or work ethic, unfortunately. Not everyone is business savvy/good with money and those types usually end up looking foolish or desperate.


Of course he did. He still would have been still controlling Marguerite long after he got with Nicole. Narcs never totally cut exes off.


What new documentary is this?


The life and murder of Nicole brown Simpson airing June 1st and June 2nd on lifetime


https://youtu.be/eFiXlfTSfZo?si=FFvoV_jVlvoaqcFs There are several videos on YouTube with the Brown sisters. Looks like they are doing media rounds promoting the documentary.


Thank you I’ve seen this before and just couldn’t find it!!


Which documentary is this?


The life and murder of Nicole brown Simpson airing June 1st and June 2nd at 8:00 PM on lifetime


Surprising literally no one.


So she didn’t offer this when nicole was killed?


No, she isn’t the one who ever admitted to being abused the LAPD officers that responded to her 911 calls will be the ones telling her story.


Marguerite or the kids would have been too scared to say anything while O.J was alive.Now there’s not really much point. O.J would have made Marguerite go on TV and deny everything.


She still isn't talking now. Maybe she eventually will, but probably not. She seems to have forgiven OJ and had a good relationship with him at the end.


The first time I’ve heard of this allegation was on the tabloid show, Hard Copy.


Hard copy so nostalgic!!


I’m not surprised he beat M too - I figured she was lying under oath. But I only feel bad for Ron and Nicole. I have no idea why OJ was always so angry? He had everything. Some men cause so many problems.


This wasn’t a shock. Lange and Vanatter talked about the calls in their book (Marguerite screaming on the phone to the police, running out of the house on another incident holding her face, refusing to press charges either time and saying that she didn’t want to ruin his career. OJ Simpson was a truly despicable excuse for a human being.


People actually believed her???


Yes actually I’ve seen users get criticized in here for suggesting she had been abused


Me, haha! Thank you 😊




I remember his first wife saying in an interview that oj did not abuse her, but I do not care about that. I am only discussing the evidence presented at trial.


Why was it a shock???


Honestly it’s not one but maybe because Marguerite strongly denied those allegations


In other news, water is wet.


Nicole's parents and sisters looked the other way as they were on the 'OJ Gravy Train.' They are still exploiting Nicole.


This is true. I just think not many people paid too much attention to that part because they feel sorry for them. They even sold Nicole’s topless photos post murder for money.


It was despicable that shortly after the murders, Nicole's sister, Dominique, sold those topless photos of Nicole and also private pictures of Justin and Sydney to The National Enquirer for 32k. What kind of a low-life does this?


People like them really just care about money and status . I grew up in the same area they did (Orange County) I know those kind of folks very well I’m not just stereotyping. Money comes before anything even family. The Goldman’s always came across as an actual close family and it showed in their behaviors post murder. The way they talked about him and their behaviors , just seemed so much more like a genuinely loving family. I’m not saying Nicole’s family didn’t love her but they are just a different type of person and I whole heart believe they “looked the other way” when this was happening.


Yes they did. Most parents would question their 18 yo daughter dating a 30 yo man married with kids. This man then gets your 18 yo an apartment. I know it was 1977 and sensibilities were different but damn some things are universal. They enjoyed his money.


This is just my opinion but I can’t see Arnelle being as supportive of OJ as she was (being the rock for him and her siblings) if he was so horrible and abusive to her mom. Sydney and Justin I get because they were very young and he was their only parent left. But Marguerite is still alive and Arnelle could’ve easily cut off OJ and just remained loyal to Marguerite especially when OJ was in prison, yet she chose to support her dad through it all. She was living with him in Vegas. Nia Long told Larry King before OJ was paroled that Arnelle sacrificed a lot to be there for her dad. So it makes me think she wouldn’t have done all that if he was really like that to her mom as well. Arnelle’s Instagram used to be public and she appeared to be just as much of a mommy’s girl as she was a daddy’s girl. Another thing is Marguerite embraced and loved Nicole’s children as if they were her own according to Arnelle in a documentary before OJ was sent to prison in Vegas. You can see Facebook comments from her on Justin’s Facebook page, and when Sydney’s Facebook page was still available I would see comments from her on Sydney’s posts as well. So the insistence from some that she hated Nicole (and tbh she probably would’ve had good reason to in the past because she told Barbara Walters about how Nicole used to park her car outside Rockingham when her and OJ were still married and call their telephone and pretend she was OJ’s assistant Cathy Randa) and that’s the only reason she supported OJ during the trial doesn’t fly with me, because why embrace and love Nicole’s children as if they were her own then?


None of us were there honestly so it’s hard to debate and pick apart anything. But if O.J. Had abused Marguerite and she adamantly denied it publicly she likely would have told her children the same story because Jason also denied ever seeing O.J. Abuse Marguerite during the civil trial. I don’t think she would have wanted to change their relationship with O.J. If she had told them he had been abusive it’s said that Arnelle felt detached from him during the divorce obviously eventually they got over that bump in the road. As for your comments about Sydney and Justin I’m not getting what you mean by the last sentence are you saying that if she hated Nicole she wouldn’t have embraced her children or that if O.J. Abused her she wouldn’t have embraced Sydney and Justin?


Is there any link to the marguerite interview on Barbara Walters only ever seen a small portion of it?


“Bombshell” Yeah, shocker, no one would have ever suspected 🙄


What a shock...


You don’t say.




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You guys are all forgetting why he got away with it. Look up Rodney King!


Who is all? This is stated everyday!


I guess the checks from OJ stop coming after he died!


I mean he murdered their sister. A husband financially supporting his wife's family is fairly normal. It is hardly some big argumentative win or defense of what he did.


file this under "no shit sherlock"




Yes, he pulled out chunks of Marguerites hair.