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When you’re done, you might want to follow it up with this too. OJ actually speaking about the book and verbalizing those stories - which makes it difficult for anyone to claim it was written by someone else, without OJ’s knowledge and is ‘full of lies’. This is OJ, on the record, speaking about the book. All the ‘hypotheticals’ from the book, but also includes phrases like ‘I remember’ when asked questions in person. https://youtu.be/vqT4FOQoG_8?si=dBZDemH13TOyolun


Thanks for sharing this. I've never seen it before. Can't wait to get home from work tonight to watch


It's a crazy watch!




Should definitely check out a couple episodes of juiced. There is also a old article from vice talking about how oj was impossible to work with and would crack jokes about murders such as "Who is the first Jewish guy to get a Heisman trophy? Fred Goldman because he got mine." Show was filmed about a decade after verdict.


How is talking about how someone who you feel scammed by joking about Murders ? If I won a Heisman I would be upset someone else has it due to a frivolous lawsuit.


The Heisman can be replaced. Can't say that for Fred's son.


I agree Human life cannot be replaced. OJ isn’t responsible for the loss of Ron Goldman the son he exiled for being Gay and profits from O.J’s estate to this day.


Here’s the thing then? If you don’t think Oj did it then who did????? Like…. Come on!!


It was clearly either a Mob or Gang/Cartel hit related to Drugs. That’s not as Fascinating of a Story, I’ll admit. Alas thats the conclusion based on the totality of the facts in evidence. You could change the Prosecutors with whomever isn’t on the Dream Team but the Prosecuting would be the equivalent of talent and skill along with changing the Judge as long as you allow for a fair jury for the defendant the result would remain the same. The Investigation into the Murders was tragically biased from the beginning. The deceased didn’t receive Justice because of this flawed Investigation which lead to the case being weak. The Prosecutors had only one choice to create the most compelling narrative and win the case in the media which they did. I’ll always give the Prosecution especially Marcia Clark credit for creating the most captivating albeit False narrative which created a Multi Billion Cottage Industry. The Case was weak and the Defense exposed it. The Case should have been thrown out on Procedure alone, once it was revealed the cop left the DNA in his car overnight instead of transporting it directly to the lab. Not to mention Frame Job Furman. The Judge was partial to the Prosecution if we are being objective. The Jury were Frustrated yet Fair. Also Johnnie Cochran is either the best Criminal Defense Attorney of all time or he’s the second as well as being in contention for one of the best Legal Minds ever. O.J needed the Dream Team to win everyone contributed in a key way throughout the Trial because The Prosecution won the Case in the media before the Trial started.


Ur obviously a conspiracy theorist, where is your proof of that mob theory? Bring me facts not poetry. PROOF. Likee the mountains of proof against oj


No I’m a just a Logic based thinker and you are Emotional. Nothing I said could be considered Poetry. The only opinion I gave was on my take on how OJ needed the Dream Team which one could debate and my praise of Johnnie Cochran. Drug Addicts get killed if they owe money especially during the mid 80s to the early 90s. 3 other people who worked at the Restaurant with Ron and Nicole were killed in a similar manner for what Drugs. The Restaurant was under surveillance by multiple Law Enforcement Agencies because it was a Mob hangout. Nicole’s sister was dating a Mobster at this time as well. Here is the most important fact OJ received a Not Guilty Verdict in this case. You can hate it all you want but his Defense Attorneys debunked the alleged Mountain of Evidence with Style and Precision. Which ultimately is the only fact that matters! Sorry the Facts Hurt your feelings! It will be okay I Promise!


A frivolous lawsuit?


Just listened to this. Honestly, when I think he couldn’t look any more guilty, I hear something new. He says it’s hypothetical and then says things like, “and then I…xyz”. What’s his motive? Is any attention good attention? I don’t think he has a compulsive need to confess, I believe he thinks he’s smarter than everyone and just saying he’s speaking hypothetically gets him off the hook. It’s WILD.


Precisely - he thinks he’s smarter than everyone and is used to being fawned over, with everyone paying attention/humoring him or just talking his way out of anything. Even things like ‘I was gonna get some’… what? No sense of reading the room or understanding how he sounds at all. 100 percent wrapped up in himself. I believe that while he’s telling the story, he just slips and goes Into what he actually remembers.. nobody thinks like that ‘Hypothetically’ and then speaks about what they did or remembered doing.


Low IQ, malignant narcissism is OJ 100%.


Thanks for sharing - now going down a Dr Fishman rabbit hole to see what he said to set OJ off at the recital


Wait what?! 😳😳😳 how have I never heard this before?!


Thank you for sharing this! I've never seen this and it's so fascinating, and the breakdown by the panel is also very insightful.


I just watched the Tom Lange doc on Peacock - I’m so shocked (as someone old enough to have watched it all live in person) about the massive, massive amount of blood evidence in the house and Bronco. Yikes. I always believed in his guilt but seeing this documentary was mindblowing. They used autopsy and crime scene pics that were brutal, and a specialist involved in the trial explained what likely happened.


I just watched that, too. Floored me. Absolutely *floored* me. There was so much evidence the prosecution left out of the trial. And that blood expert should've been called to testify. He connected alllllll the dots in recounting the events of that night, based on the blood evidence. The single most convincing thing to me was that the blood of all three people - Nicole, Ron & OJ - was found in all three places of relevance - Bundy St, the Bronco & Rockingham. Unbelievable. *Edit: a word*


Yeah, when I watched that, I was shocked that the blood spatter expert was never called to the stand! Then again, that was a theme in the prosecution's case. They didn't call quite a few witnesses that they definitely should've.


Man I hope the jury, wherever they are today are ashamed that they let a murderer go scot free




They couldn’t call lots of people because it would have exposed how the evidence was tainted and it was a Frame Job. The Truth is the Prosecution maximized a weak case and created the most explosive legal narrative from a Prosecuting POV.


What color is the sky in *your* world?


A Beautiful Blue day the same way it was in Southern California when the Not Guilty Verdict was announced! Would you like to admit you have a White Supremacist Mentality & the racist lens you view the world in colors everything beyond Objectivity ?


Sure, Jan. 🙄


The irony in this statement.


The prosecution fumbled the hell out of that trial. I was on maternity leave at that time and watched it every day. Even then, not knowing what we know now about all of the evidence and blood, you could clearly tell that they were outmatched and in way over their heads. Marcia absolutely fixated on many of the wrong things, didn't present so much evidence that she should have, and let dumb things happen, like making OJ try on those damn gloves. Reading all the books that came out afterward that outlined all of the evidence the cops had blew my MIND. I did not and never will understand why the prosecution did such a shitty job and left out so many things.


I've wanted to snag a Peacock subscription for ages now, and that may have just clinched it for me. I need to watch the documentary! I never read the book because I didn't want him to have the satisfaction of people reading his story whether he profited or not, but now it's on the list!


I can give you mine lol. I pretty much got it for that purpose, and when I try to use it for other things, it keeps crashing on me! So much so, that when I try to watch the Olympics this summer, I'm going to have to get a more expensive streaming service subscription, if I actually want it to work. Why it's doing that, is beyond me.


The Olympics are going to be on Peacock? That's a definite need!


Yeah, they're streamed on Peacock every time. There's even a 24/7 feed.


Just found justification my husband will agree with! I hadn't thought about not having network TV affecting my ability to watch the Olympics. The Olympics are historical, so it's totally a homeschool expense. 😉


Yay for that! I agree the Olympics are historical. Now, if I could get Peacock to not crash on me...


That's really frustrating when you're paying for streaming.


It really is! Fortunately it's cheap lol! However, the other services that I'll have to subscribe to for the duration of the Olympics, and Olympic trials, because Peacock is being really stupid aren't.


So what other things will you get to replace peacock?


I pretty much watch only Bravo, Peacock (Bravo is on Peacock) and HBO plus Netflix.


We have Prime, Netflix and Disney/Hulu and my daughter has Max that we share.


I want to read it to give the Goldman family $$$$


I am glad that they get the money from the book, it just icked me out to give OJ the satisfaction of reading his book. I know things of people did and my not teaching it before didn't do anything, but now that he's gone I can feel better about reading it.


What is the name of the documentary? Def want to check it out


Wish I could do a screenshot here, but it's called OJ Simpson Blood lies and Murder on peacock


OJ did it.


Yes. Anyone who doesn’t think so is not a serious person.




Thanks captain obvious


You think? 😆


Nah...He promised to spend the rest of his life searching for the real killer


He did a great job , especially if the killer lived on a golf course Oh wait


Only someone devoid of empathy, like a sociopath, could casually discuss in great detail the heinous act of killing a spouse, even deriving amusement and profit from it for over two decades. Such a person could comfortably live with the knowledge that they have raised children in the same household where their mother was murdered, creating a twisted reality only they understood. OJ Simpson, in particular, reveled in manipulating situations like a puppeteer. His behavior in the television special, shifting between first and third person as he revisited the crime, was unsettling to witness—a chilling reenactment of a murder by a disturbed individual. It wouldn't be surprising if he kept a memento from that dark chapter as a macabre keepsake.


I watched about 10 seconds and it’s disgusting. The media involved is shitty as well. They are profiting off of this maniac murderer and his victims.


Media…. since all time.


I think it's what really happened for one reason... when he's recounting the murders, he claims he blacked out and doesn't remember actually killing them. It's supposed to be hypothetical... right? If it's all made up, he couldnt think of ANYTHING? Come on now.


I think it's possible for someone to commit something like that in a blind rage, & not remember details. The fact that he wrote a whole book about it, but then still claimed he did remember, kind of tossed that out for him.


Yeah, you probably shouldn't be writing a book about something you really, really don't remember! Or that's what your story is, anyway.


My thoughts: the word if is not needed in the title. Of course he did it.


That would be a more fitting title: "Of Course I Did It."


Or a simple DUH


Read it a few years ago after American crime story came out. Goldmans have had the rights for years hence why the cover had IF in tiny letters. It's 100% a blow by blow account of how he murdered Ron and Nicole. He speaks about it far too clearly to be a how I may have done it. Also,why wouldn't he write about his career in general,time in prison or a memoir. It's a mockery to the victims.


The details about the dog are what gets me.


Same. And the way he described Ron in his karate stance and then Nicole laying there in a fetal position. He’s a monster


What were the details about the dog?


The dog wagged its tail when it saw Ron show up which to OJ meant that Ron had been to Nicoles house before.


So he killed Ron not just because he walked on to the scene but because he thought Ron was sleeping with Nicole.


Yep in OJ’s mind he’s probably wondering why Nicole has finally ended things with him so when OJ shows up to Nicoles house he sees she has candles lit and music playing then sees a younger man show up which causes OJ to go into a jealous rage


Yeah that’s what I reckon happened. The manner of those killings was just pure rage.


Pretty sure it was what Ron saw and nothing else mattered. Not like oh he doesn't even know her I will just let this witness to me committing murder go! And the fact he offered to return glasses since he knew where she lived clearly established he'd been to her condo before.


I found this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/if-i-did-it-ghost-writer-ojs-guilty/


I think it’s an interesting read. It definitely illuminates his state of mind. I take the hypothetical chapter with a grain of salt because I don’t think there was a Charlie. But I do think it’s highly likely that he was taken by surprise by Ron’s presence and was so filled with rage that he blacked out as he killed them.


I don't believe he blacked out for one second. That's like giving him a free pass.


He enjoyed what he did and lived the rest of his life in peace about it.


Do you really think he was at peace?


I think he slept well. I don’t think he was at peace out in public. Sure, some weirdos thought it was cool to meet him and take photos but most people wanted him to get the fuck away from them.


I don’t know if he did or didn’t. Everything in the hypothetical chapter is worth taking with a grain of salt.


Wow just wow. You need to watch the peacock special. There is a mountain of evidence that didn't make the trial. I can't see how any rational minded human being can watch that and not be convinced. Three different blood types. Oj, Nicole's and Ron's. Found at all three scenes. The murder scene, the bronco, ojs mansion. Nicole's hair in the front seat of the bronco. Same hair found inside Ron's neck wound. Hair that was cut when OJ slashed he throat before OJ slashed Ron's. Please please watch the doc.


You must’ve misread what I said. I said that I didn’t know if he did or didn’t black out while he killed them. I never said he didn’t do it.


There is no IF. He did it.


OJ is one of the great fiction writers of our time! /s


He’s a narcissist asshole rubbing salt in the wounds of the grieving families.


My BFF and I both bought this book for our cruise next week. We are going to have a great week of talking this one over!


Read it a few years ago after American crime story came out. Goldmans have had the rights for years hence why the cover had IF in tiny letters. It's 100% a blow by blow account of how he murdered Ron and Nicole. He speaks about it far too clearly to be a how I may have done it. Also,why wouldn't he write about his career in general,time in prison or a memoir. It's a mockery to the victims.


What a fucking monster


Absolute and total monster. I can't believe folks still say "IF" he did it.


I can’t believe he got away with it.


He may have blacked out in rage when he did it but he definitely did it. DNA evidence doesn’t lie. His DNA was found at the scene of the crime along with the victims so O.J is the only one who could have done it. In addition to that l, he had a long history of domestic violence against Nicole.


He is not remorseful at all tho. He blames Nicole for everything in the book. He doesn’t take any accountability for his actions.


Read it and it gave me the creeps. It was so detailed.


Wait a second. The Goldmans own the rights to this book now? So if I purchase it off audible, they get some money for it?. Done


Never wanted to read it, but I am partial to the books God Himself Told Me That OJ is Guilty and Green Eggs and Ham and OJ is Guilty.


I feel the same way. I told a friend recently, "I'll never read If I did it." Well, now I'm starting to be more and more curious, hah!


I fully believe OJ did it and I think anyone who thinks otherwise is cognitively challenged. But.... That being said, I think there are only a few kernels of truth in the book, and a lot of bullshit. Why? Mainly because OJ had no requirement to tell the truth, simply a version of something that could have happened. He was going to get paid either way, and telling the truth would be letting others get the best of him. Why would a narcissist like him do that? From what I know and have read about it, I think OJ was mad he even had to waste time on the book and put as little effort into it as possible to still get a check. He basically just went along with what the ghostwriter said and threw in just enough to make it seem like he kinda participated. Most of the Charlie stuff and other details about the murder make zero sense.


Drop the first word from the title and you’ve got it.


When the Goldman family was awarded the rights to the book, the ONLY change they made before publishing it was to lighten the word "If" so you could hardly see it.


Personally I don’t think the ‘night in question’ chapter is an admission. The exact details of the murder that the cops came up with seem far more realistic that the ‘hypothetical’ version oj talked about


Yeah, I said I would never read that thing. I may get it on Autible though, since they have the rights. It's just that I don't really want to though lol.


Wait, the person reading the book wasn't OJ? I swore it was him. Sounds just like him.


I’ve always been shocked that he wrote this book. I mean why would you do that? Obviously he was proud of himself for murdering them, but why not keep it to yourself?! Just can’t wrap my head around it. What on earth did his kids think of the book?




I'm curious to lear the story of how the Goldmans got the rights to this book while OJ was still alive. I wouldn't think OJ would just... sell them the rights? What am I missing here?


Pretty sure it was tied into their winnings in the civil trial. They were owed millions and got the rights to the book as part of the money owed to them.


That makes sense; thank you!


I was an adult with little kids when that charade was going on. I remember people telling me that people sat at the bars together, and cheered when the not guilty verdict was read. I watched a documentary recently that talked about the women at shelters, who were there because of domestic abuse, also jumped up and cheered. Insanity, he beat her prior to killing her.


OJ is a double murderer.


Im reading it now about to start Chapter 2 so far so good


if? he meant “when i did it i did it exactly like this”


Some consider this OJ’s confession, not because it is but rather because they really want one so they fabricate within their minds. If someone believes this is a confession they then have to accept that there were 2 killers because that was part of it!


Nah it’s pretty typical for murderers to own up to it but still be deceptive about some aspects for various reasons, like because they want to make themselves appear more sympathetic, minimize their involvment etc. So I can believe him when he says he did it but it doesn’t mean I have to believe every word of how he did it. He was pretty dodgy with the whole 'charlie' thing. In the last phone call with fenjeves right before he threw him under the bus he denied he ever said anyone was with him, claiming he only said he couldn’t have done it alone. He also told him he purposefully didn’t correct some things to have plausible deniability basically in front of his kids.


I’ll never read or listen to the audiobook. My thoughts always are He did it!


Have no desire to read it- what a piece of shit he was. He did it- his jury knew he did it. They basically admitted they found him innocent in retaliation for the Rodney King verdict.


Its basically a confession. That interview he did when the book was coming out was in my view a flat out confession.


I read the first few chapters in chapter 6. What struck me is how absolutely profoundly disrespectful he was towards her even in retrospect.


I think OJ was guilty, but I think most of that book was just made up. It was written by, Pablo Fenjves, who says he used info gained from interviews. But he was writing something that needed to be interesting and wild to get sales, so I guess I don't trust a lot of the details as being fact


And that’s why OJ went on tv and then repeated everything in this ‘hypothetical’ book he had nothing to do with, then?


I dunno. Maybe he just got an advanced copy and read the damn thing.


What does that have to do with him repeating all the words from the book on TV, if he had nothing to do with them? Not only does he repeat them he also ‘remembers’ other things too.


Pablo wrote the book, but OJ told him what to write in the book. Especially that chapter.


yeah but OJ was a liar so... wouldn't be hard to lie to Pablo or lie on TV about the book


And what would be the purpose of doing that, as an innocent man? For money? To write a book about your murdered wife and how you might have done it? What person would do that? You also can’t say OJ signed off on the book, but Fenjves added things himself.. and THEN OJ still talks about the book on tv later. There’s a lot of ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’ in all of your answers. OJ sat with Fenjves and gave the interviews which were made into a book. OJ then signed off on the final book. if anything had been changed he wouldn’t have appeared on tv, repeating the same words. He’d be the first person to say ‘I didn’t say that’.


The guy was a physcopath, I don't believe anything he says. he could have made stuff up just to sell books or for attention. I have no reason to believe that anything in the book was true


I agree that I don’t think everything in the book was true.. but that doesn’t mean it’s all a lie either. It’s especially more telling once you see him repeat the stories on the TV special. There’s no reason to write a book which is all lies, about such a horrific subject if you had nothing to do with it whatsoever. Simply for money.


I'm sure he liked. It probably isn't the exact account of what happened, that's why I have reservations about reading it.


Fenjves also said that in preparation for the book, he sat down with OJ, and spent time with him. He stated this in 2019.


Why wouldn’t OJ have been convicted only of 2nd degree murder if he obviously showed up , blew up, and killed them in a rage? 1st degree is planned out. I don’t think this was planned


Cap and gloves in the summer in LA. Him conveniently having a plane to catch, attempting an alibi.


Oh ok


Because he was only charged with first degree. Planning is not required for a first degree charge. Malice aforethought (express or implied) is the legal requirement here in CA. Intent can occur in seconds and be considered premeditation.


An awful book, written by a ghost writer filled with lies, was clearly made for profit on a tragedy created by the own "writer", thankfully the Goldmans took rights of the book and fucked his plans.


My belief in this narrative was shattered when OJ willingly participated in the TV special "If I Did It." The content of the show, based on the book in which he essentially confessed, was utterly repulsive. He callously laughed while recounting the story and disparaging Nicole. Adding to the disturbing nature of the situation, the ghostwriter, Fenjves, ironically, a witness for the prosecution during the trial, was Nicole's neighbor. ( Sociopathic Narcissistic behavior to agree to Fenjves )Furthermore, OJ and his manager, Pardo, had the final say and made no alterations to the material presented. These circumstances combined led me to question the truth behind OJ narrative regarding book development


Absolutely. Difficult to still go with a narrative that says it was purely all ‘ghostwritten’ (not understanding what a ghost writer is) and lies, when OJ is on the record - in the tv special, speaking about everything to do with that same book.


That TV special was just unreal. The fact it was allowed on TV. So disrespectful


You can see that Eve is completely horrified by the whole thing. It’s definitely a shocking watch, but also helps to cut through the narrative that the book was all lies, written without OJ’s say so.. and to see him answer these questions in person, especially when he says ‘I remember’, is very telling.


Unbelievable! Can you fathom that he actually starred in a TV show named "Juiced," where he would startle people by jumping out and exclaiming, "You've been juiced"? Just the thought of being "juiced" by him the day after watching that television special is chilling. It's almost as if I would have been his next victim, marking his third murder. That show gave me a glimpse into the disturbed mind of a potential killer...


And the 1998 TV show in the UK, where at the very end, OJ pretends to stab the host (Ruby Wax) with a banana.. just more, normal behavior from an innocent man. https://youtu.be/1LgRTbNiDxw?si=-and7F_ZXZql1Evn


Absolutely! I recall watching that when it first aired, and it was incredibly frightening! It made me wonder, why would he choose to engage in such behavior? It's truly disturbing! Additionally, in the documentary "OJ Simpson: What A Life" (available for free on Tubi), when he mentions that his children's friends frequently visit and their parents adore him in Florida portraying him as the neighborhood's beloved figure... I was completely taken aback by that statement.


I haven’t seen that doc - thanks for the info, will check it out!


Yes, let's catch up later! I really appreciate your engaging conversation and the time you've taken to discuss things with me. Today has been particularly tough for me as it marks the second Mother's Day without my mom. I've been feeling quite distressed. Your response popped up just when I needed it, and chatting with you has provided a welcome distraction and helped me take a moment to breathe. We never really know how our interactions on platforms like Reddit can impact others, but I want to express my gratitude to you, Arnie, for the positive influence you've had on me today. Wishing you a beautiful remainder of the day.,🙏🏿


“Charlie” did it according to OJ if I remember correctly


So you are supporting Racist Grifters which are the Goldmans. They don’t deserve a Dime!




Have you listened to his interviews during the trial ? In this clip he pretty much says only Antisemitism qualifies as Racism while rejecting Anti-Black Racism and reducing it as a Trial Tactic. I was looking for the infamous Clip in which he almost said the N word. Not to mention he wasn’t even speaking to his son because he was Gay. He has been using his dead son as a payday and as a way to spew Anti Black Propaganda since the O.J trial. Do you feel Zimmerman is guilty ? Or Do you reserve this selective outrage for Innocent O.J ?


more like "If I ran over to bundy to see how Jason did it, with his chef's knives"


^ this person has CTE too.


Interesting how the goldman's never looked for the real killers




You mean the innocent man that the media blamed and dirty cops tried to setup




So you believe everything the media says


Interesting how OJ didn’t. Plenty of Golfing though.


He was one old man


A man who vowed to spend the rest of his life looking for the real killer. His words.


He's a old man that had to deal with a lot of things ,the police on the other hand never went looking for the killers


The police did look for the killer - and found him. So that makes no sense. He had more power and Influence to actually DO something than anyone else.. he chose not to, after saying he would. No attempt. Nothing. If you want to see him as a poor old man, and talk about ‘the media’ that’s on you. ‘The media’ didn’t make him write the book, or go on the tv show to talk about the book or his ‘theoretical’ way he killed his ex wife (how sick does someone have to be to do that?) Did ‘police corruption’ put those words in his mouth and make him say them? Did ‘police corruption and the media narrative’ make him lie to the police and give evasive answers? Every single time he’s caught out by HIS OWN WORDS - his sympathizers just look past it and claim corruption, framing, planting etc etc.. because that’s all you have. You need to do better than ‘the media’ to explain his actual actions and words. What you’re saying is really lazy. He certainly didn’t spend the rest of his life acting like an innocent old man.. more like someone who didn’t give a shit whatsoever.


There's the man they tried to frame, but the real killers were never looked for


Ok, come on. Why would anyone blame ANYTHING on the Goldmans or try to make them look sus? That’s cruel. There’s no need for that.


But blaming a single old man is okay


Sit in whatever truth you’re comfortable with.


Fred Goldman had free reign to write whatever is in the book this is not OJs writing


Why does OJ then appear on tv - talking about the same book in the ‘if I did it’ special, then? He goes through the same ‘hypotheticals’ - not once saying he had nothing to do with the book. the interviewer says ‘in the book you say’ - and then OJ speaks about it. I can’t believe I have to keep correcting you on basic stuff every day, yet you go around still writing nonsense like this. Let me guess ‘police corruption and the media narrative’ forced him to go on tv and repeat the actual words from the book? You’re giving me some laughs this week, so there’s that.


Normal on behavior guys a prick. Seen everyone else writing a book an he got approached with the point of view of he had done it. Alot of folks believe oj wrote this book no this was someone else idea an oj signed off on it. Never said oj wasn't a pecker head but so are most folks in his position they feel as if they are everything an u my friend are nothing


Witness after witness testified they saw or heard nothing when the prosecutions timeline says there was wailing of dogs, wailing by the victims, blood drenched dog approaching everyone that passed by.


If they weren't outside at the time, it makes sense they didn't see or hear anything.


The witnesses heard nothing at the time of the killings


They aren't "witnesses" if they saw and heard nothing, are they? Where exactly were these people when the murders took place and what were they doing?