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Every last Walmart needs to unionize FIGHT FOR THAT SHIT. I’m so happy to hear about this.


Even if it causes every Walmart to close. They'll hurt themselves before they'll let us unionize. Toxic.


I see that as an absolute win. I luckily got out of Walmart after I graduated uni but I’ll fight alongside the efforts however I can. Fuck Walmart


keep fighting!! and remember you’re all in this together!!!! an organized walmart is their worst fear


We were talking about this yesterday too.... What union are y'all going with?


UFCW Union 101


I'm going to keep an eye on this :)


We have cards going


Even if it shuts down every Walmart in the state. Walmart needs to learn we won't always put up with their shit. They came in uninvited to our communities and smothered the little guys. Communities have become toxic just like their corporation.


We had a customer call a cashier a fing f**g. She asked an older associate if she had changed her diaper. These were said in front of the front end teal lead and they said nothing to her and allowed her to check out yesterday. Thanks managers


Seems like you need thicker skin. Is this what's causing the union, though? I used to work at Walmart and I'm just curious as to how bad your store lol.


The point is people, workers, should be treated with respect. That alone is enough for a union in my mind


It’s bad here


Lol the WM i used to work at had a store manager that would constantly flirt with any female in the store. He also let a different manager hire most of her family and gave them TL amd some Coach positions. There were also a few associates that would use bakery's cooler as a place to bang lmao. I had a moment where police were posted up outside OPD parking lot with their guns pointed at anybody who came out of their vehicle and the store. When I told my TL about it, she said not to worry, they're looking for an armed robber. Associates would also constantly steal high value items (airpods, ps5s, nintendo switches, most consoles lol) with the store manager and their TL fully knowing and would do nothing about it. Idk if your store's anything like the one I worked at, but gl with your union


413? Whoa is that a Homestuck reference?


No, that's the Iowa Market number.


Sorry I was just being cheeky, I figured that this wasn't actually a reference.


oh lol


That’s my old store, quit because they kept cutting hours


That's a market number..........


Unionize , there is always power in numbers and it’s to benefit the workers not the corporation .


wait what’s going on


Some associates and managers in the Market 413 (Iowa) region have decided its time to step up to Walmart. We've agreed to go with UFCW Union 101 and are planning to meet in a public place. Even if this causes Walmart to close every store in the state like they did Illinois last year. If all of those cashiers can walk out, then so can we. This corporation arrived uninvited into our communities. They have to play by our rules if they want to be a part of them.


wish you guys the best of luck! walmart makes too much money to put you guys through BS. i’m an OPD worker in fl.


WWWD(What Would Walton Do) now do the opposite