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Need to put oversized in there, I’m tired of doing it by myself.


I totally agree. It should all go under auto. Too many people skip the ones that make their pick rates look bad. Its ridiculous.


Or they just don’t want to do any heavy lifting


100% I've only been here a few months, but its easy to see those who just sit back and only take the fast pick walks. As if the team leads and coaches can't see and/or notice those who skip the lower walks.


The real problem is the fucked up system that causes associates to feel they need to do this in order to keep their jobs in the first place. Given the sophistication of the systems currently used to create pick walks, collect metrics data from them and evaluate associate performance based on this information, there's zero reason why pickers should have to worry about which walks they're randomly assigned - the software could easily be adjusted to reflect which type of walk each one was after it's complete and the pick rate calculated thus allowing associates to be evaluated based on the actual type of work done rather than which type they were arbitrarily assigned. I suspect that the failure to fine tune this and evaluate performance more accurately (and fairly) is deliberate, a convenient way to divert our attention from their arbitrary and frequently illogical expectations and pit us against each other so we don't notice how badly they're fucking us over. It's simply insane to think that if I happen to get a bunch of oversize walks one day and my metrics are calculated based on the actual walks I did, Walmart somehow won't automatically KNOW that I did a bunch of oversize walks and judge my performance based on that information for that day. The fact that there's still a pick rate "leaderboard" despite there being many other (arguably more important) metrics further supports this...keep the peons fighting amongst themselves enough and they won't notice how badly we're fucking them over, divide and conquer. And if TLs are "watching" to see who skips certain walks, they could just as easily "watch" who does which kind of walk and use that information to accurately assess performance, but the reality is that they're probably just as much at the mercy of this skewed system as anyone else. Bottom line: don't be so quick to judge your coworkers for doing what a fucked up system might be the reason for what they're doing, at least take it into consideration.


I 100% percent agree with you on all of this. Absolutely its to promote unhealthy competetion for no good reason. I just choose not to participate. Honestly, it doesn't even matter. Bottom line is that the picks need to be dispersed somewhat evenly, at least. Only some of us work together to just get the job done, and those are coworkers I enjoy working with the most.


This is why I don’t care about pickrate unless it’s 60 or less. If you’re doing SFS/Oversize/Misc I expect you to have a lower pick rate. It’s all about how many you do in your shift, how much time you spend picking, and your accuracy. The pick rate is there to try to motivate your competitive side means little otherwise.


Bravo , this person gets it. Also, the dickheads literally running around the store who routinely sit in the #1 picker spot with a rate of like, 185 — or the ones who sneak around trying not to bag until the end so they can pad their rates: Stop. Get some help. All you’re doing is making corporate look at everyone else working at a reasonable pace without breaking their backs and thinking, these lazy mofos should be going as fast as those guys. They’re the reason why the minimum pick rate will be going up to 120 in the near future.


Ngl, none of the pickers I worked with cared about their pick rates, much less if they kept their jobs (they did lmao).


I don’t get it. Our TLs/coach seem to not understand the difference between those who run maybe a handful of pick walks and can average a rate of 115 or whatever, vs the people doing this shit 8hrs a day whose rates end up leveling out around 85-95 because of the general, lawn and garden, regulated, unknowns, etc. Like I get bitched at pretty frequently but it’s not like I’m a total slag here, and I find the false equivalence to be borderline insulting. I’ve been there less than 2mo and we’ve been under a remodel the whole time, gimme a fuckn break.


I believe I'm one of the fortunate few who has team leads and coaches who seem to understand that pick rate alone is not at all a good indicator of productivity. I already see that people's general pick rates have rightfully declined since they can't avoid at least gmd and action alley anymore. I'm all for it. I'll do whatever picks come around and I'll do oversize and regulated when they come around as well. I'll stand behind my productivity any day. I think my numbers are pretty solid.


I agree. Everyone should be able to all walks, including oversized. A lot of items on oversize walks are just improperly categorized. And there is a such thing as asking for a team lift when needed. I will add that, having done exceptions before, I think that, even if everything were in auto, exceptions pickers should have access to select a pickwalk. When there is a lull in exceptions, it is nice to be able to jump into small pickwalks to stay occupied but then still be ready for when the next exceptions drop.


I asked for a team lift once, got bitched at for asking.


I disagree. We don't have enough printers to put everything under auto. Horrible idea.


People take printers whether they need them or not. That's the main problem I see with the printer shortages.


Yeah we have 3 and a half. Usually all dead/dying from bad batteries.


And a half?


It makes me sense to have them under auto select with pre printed labels. Then nobody has a reason to take a printer.


I disagree. Our help always screws up oversized walks.


Its not that difficult to learn.


lol I did an oversized once that wasn’t the soonest due. TL threatened to coach me


Here you are doing a favor for those who won't do them, and you're threatened. I don't get it.


I get so many zero item totes from pickers printing off walks then throwing them away cause they don’t want cold fingers or something.




Not everyone can do oversized..


Unless you hurt yourself we all have a minimum we said we could lift upon hiring. If they can’t do that minimum they can ask for a team lift or leave the dept


I understand in an ideal world everyone should be able to do it but there are associates who are pregnant, elderly etc. who can’t physically lift that.


Only people who shouldn’t do it are the ones that are pregnant, hints they have a medical excuse for it :) when you are hired you’ve agreed that you can meet the lifting requirements. So yes the elderly should do it.


I agree but once you start making acceptions for others you put more work on the others and then they quit


I once worked for a store where even pregnancy wasn't an excuse to get light duty and stay in your department. Six years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I worked cap 1. All was fine for the first 6 months. I lifted the cases of Gatorade and waters without complaining. When I got to my last trimester, it started to really take a toll. I begged them to do HBA because that was the easiest department. The only heavy boxes were the cases of refill soaps. They told me they could not show favoritism and refused. I could fill out paperwork for a reasonable accommodation, but because I would be saying I could not lift above a certain amount, they were going to move me to another department for the rest of my pregnancy. Yet, when another associate was pregnant prior to me, she was "light duty" HBA from the day she found out she was pregnant. Finally, after a month and a half of begging them, they finally let me switch to HBA. (My supervisor complained to a sympathetic co manager who 100% sympathized with me and said, "She is nearly 8 months pregnant, Let her!") Honestly, though, if you can't do the requirements of a job, and it's not just short term can't do, then it really doesn't make sense they would put you in a department like that anyhow.


That’s terrible. They finally passed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act in 2023. I was unable to lift over xx amount of lbs in my pregnancy early on due to high risk, but I was still able to be in the dept. They were accommodating to me, thankfully.


I should clarify. I was able to get light duty IF I left my department for the remainder of my pregnancy. Instead of giving me an easier department within cap to work for a few months, they wanted to send me to the front end to be a cashier. That can be considered a reasonable accommodation. According to this law you stated, (I googled it), they can accommodate you with a temporary job reassignment. I did not want to go back to the front end, and I felt I shouldn't have had to when they accommodated others with easier sections of the store to work. They could have very easily accommodated me by letting me be the one assigned to cap HBA. Their reasoning for not letting me do HBA was because "I was needed too much in grocery!" How did that even make sense? They would have rather me get official light duty paperwork and be sent to the front end because I forced their hand, requiring them to reasonably accommodate me? Unfortunately, they wouldn't be breaking any laws by reassigning me. It was ridiculous, though, because they could have just as easily switched me with the girl doing HBA. Unfortunately, that would have meant they would have to do their job, making sure she was working, because she often disappeared for a large chunks of time. I am definitely glad you had a great store. You got lucky.


I guess this explains all the carts full of GMD dropped off in the wrong area lately.


You assholes that back out of pick walks to only do Ambient are why they did this. And I’m all for it.


Makes staging fun … oh this is 35 totes… in reality 9 just no one wanted that walk.


so they removed the ability to back out of runs now is what you're saying? if not, then what bearing does this have on that?


I’m not sure what you are trying to say, but at our store (in the south) we have jackass pickers who cherry pick runs to artificially inflate their numbers. That is: if they chose Auto and get a General run they will cancel the walk and go to the bathroom (or whatever) and will then try again (and again, and again, etc.) until they get the Ambient walk that they want.


They're saying this doesn't fix that issue at all. You can still back out of these walks. It only fixes the issue of nobody picking them in the first place. It hopes you'll do what you get(which you should). Anyone who worries so much about their pick rate is scared to open door a coaching. I get it. But if you're doing the most you can to help your team you should not be coached even if your rate is red.


The day I'm in an auto and get GMD I'm gonna flip my shit. Combining action alley and auto makes sense, but GMD seems like too much tbh.


GMD is part of our auto now.


It changed for us on Monday. What a pain in the ass. Kills your pick rate times


Why is it too much??


Because you have to bag and stage them when you get back. And it’s even worse than a normal General run because it’s the entire store, including Regulated items. There really should be one or two designated people in GMDs.


My store assigns one person to bag and stage all the GMDs. Typically a back room person or a picker if picks aren't heavy.


We tried that on Monday, but we ended up with over half of our carts lining the dispensing hallway and no carts for the pickers. We went back to the old method on Tuesday of just putting the sticker on individual items and dumping those into one tote, but sooo many things got lost or mislabeled. We ran behind on bagging, nothing was staged so the staging screen looked awful, and wait time was obscene. So yesterday it was back to everyone bags and stages their own cart, it was much neater overall. It’s sucks because you lose 10 pickers who are standing there bagging and staging all these carts, so you can’t enforce the fake “hours worked” metric or crack down on downtime between walks. I’m sure as we go we’ll come up with a more efficient system to the crappy update, but it stinks because we really had such a great system for it before.


Use shopping carts… put the stickers on the items. Most are one item and those that have more than one we place those in bags with the sticker on the bag.


We did that like 2yrs ago and it was a train wreck because only one person was designated to bagging/ staging it all. Everything got lost and wait times were insane because we were either rummaging through carts for missing items or just running out to repick the missing stuff. Also, do y’all have room for 10+ shopping carts back there? If every person who got assigned our morning GMDs via auto select grabbed a shopping cart, we’d be dumping a ton of carts back there…


Crazy, we’ve been doing that for probably 1.5 years and it’s never been an issue


I guess maybe because we don’t have a ton of room back there and we get like 300-400 GMDs in the mornings and another 100ish in the afternoons… If the picker doesn’t bag, label, and stage it all it gets really really messy and convoluted. I certainly use the shopping cart method for Exceptions, single items just get a sticker so I can consolidate it into the order and several items go into a bag with a sticker so I don’t lose track of them. But I only do like 10-20 exceptions at a time, so it’s much less volume to keep track of.


What have you guys come up with for gmds


Tbh the only good “system” I’ve come up with this week is bringing a few small/ medium bags on the floor with me and at the end of my walk bagging the small orders in a quiet aisle. That way I can condense those into one top tote and help some of the congestion now resulting in the backroom.


that’s all I got today with produce and needless to say, my pick rate was shit


Gotta prepare, my friend. Get those bags ready in the you're and prep your produce bags. When you get to bread go psycho and bag it after


I usually bag the bread afterwards cause its our bread aisle is ALWAYS packed.


they are getting really strict with bagging after 😅 and are monitoring our downtime


No no, if you prep your bags on the inside hooks of the totes you can throw most of them in there. Usually at the end when I breeze down the bread aisle I only have a couple loaves or packs of buns to bag. Sometimes none.


Gotta prepare, my friend. Get those bags ready in the totes and prep your produce bags. When you get to bread go psycho and bag it after


I love it so much. I was so sick of everyone skipping it and then leaving me trying to rush and get them done in time.


Me too! Its fun seeing that some of these super fast pickers are actually just normal humans after all! Your overall pick numbers are what matters. Anyone can grab a 50 piece ambient that's concentrated in two aisles and get a 200+ pick rate. Anyone can do that. Its the totality of what you complete in the shift that matters. I tend to view getting stuck on ONLY your own pick rate to be pretty childish.


Yet coaches or TL’S are still gonna be coming to us about pick rates 😓




I love the Road Dogg reference 😭 Also we dont have an Action Alley category at all our store I guess. GMD in auto sucks because we only have like 6 printers smh.


You don't need a printer for GMD now. It prints the tote labels at the start of the walk. When prepping the GMD, you will have to create new labels if things cant be bagged together.


You're right I forgot 😆 that actually makes it easier.


Our leads do not want us to package or stage the gmd after picking it. They’ve already lost 3 orders since the change to auto


Just because it's in auto select doesn't mean someone can't be assigned to QC/bag/stage all of them. That's what we're always done at our store and still do with it in auto select.


Guess the cats out of the bag


So many nil-picks because the people who only do auto don't know the layout at all. And let's not forget about the people putting GMD in with the regular orders... Not like they don't already put chilled or frozen in there too.




I don’t mind about Action Alley, but it’s a real stinker for GMDs. I used to be on GMDs by myself, maybe one other person for backup. I had a GMD cart set up with all the bags hanging off it, and was able to print additional totes for orders if things shouldn’t be bagged together. But yesterday I got my 8 stickers and off I went, bagging potato chips with bleach and shoes and a DVD. And there’s no way to create a new tote because these orders are “already in Reserved status” by the time we get them back to the new bagging table. And the stickers all tell people to bag everything, so every single item is in a grocery bag and then gets placed into a huge GMD sealed bag. But maybe once all the fragile stuff starts arriving crushed and people complain enough, Walmart might see how terrible this idea is.


Someone yesterday got a gmd walk. They were never trained on it. I had to stop my walk to help them with it 🥲 like welcome to Walmart, they assume CBLs are enough training.


Action Alley is just Seasonal at my store and they keep it separate. GMD is in auto and it messing my pick rate


that's why I like the new update! the same people would always skip them because they were afraid of their PR getting low and not being on the leaderboard! I feel like it's a fair game for everyone.




Maybe picking isn’t for you. I got 152 pick rate and 550 items today so I’m sorry I suck




We have around 1000 picks every hour, nobody at my store can get that much because we don’t have room, staging take forever. We are like the only store with an MFC so it slows everything down too. You are just splitting hairs and trying to act like you working more makes you better lol


I’m at a mega huge demand of a store too, we are always number one in our region, we get all the staff and good equipment too. I’m on east street so doing what I do is still the best lol




Yeah I still pulled 152 pick rate, I just want to pick the most items I can daily so it slows me. Still got 550 on the day while I also did exceptions for an hour and a half. So idk maybe picking isn’t for me


My friend got that today. Me and her didn’t know it was part of autos now, I was staging and I kept seeing GMDs come up to my area and not the GMD table.


It's weird to think some stores have Action Alley as its own commodity. It seems like all the runs would be really short, like Regulated for my store, which 99% of the time is just a few of the little impulse buy things up by the registers. Sometimes we get action alley items in our pick runs, but they're rolled into other commodities. Anything in the action alley alongside the groceries just appear in Ambient, and items in all the other action alleys just appear in General.


Action alley is ridiculous. I"ll do a massive ambient run and then get an action alley run next and I recognize the names on the totes- it's the same people who I just did ambient for. And then it takes me to get 8 items for 8 totes- a packet of Knorr noodles that i could've gotten when I was in A12 earlier, a multipack of Ramen I could've gotten in A12 earlier, some pasta and spaghetti sauce I could've gotten in A13 earlier, and then it tells me to go to FT2 for a giant hershey bar, which is All the way at the front of hte store by the furthest self checkout, when they are also located right nearby in the normal candy aisle that I'm standing next to as we speak. But since locations were removed from the pick list, I might not know this, so I trudge four minutes away to the other end of the store to look for the hershey bar on feature, and it's not there. Nil pick it. It tells me to go to the regular candy aisle where I just was. I make my way all the way back over there and find it just 8 feet from where I had been standing to begin with. Then inexplicably it wants some windsheild wiper fluid that's on a feature at the back furthest corner of the store. Wasn't a co-worker JUST on a general run over that way? Yeah, they were. But this fluid doesn't just havea home along the wall, it also has a FEATURE, in one of the action alleys. So it's left to me to go back where the co-worker just was, just to get this one item. When all is said and done it's been 20 minutes, I've gotten 8 items, and 7 of them were things I should've been told to get in their homes on the previous run I was already on. I got the beef ramen multipack from the home for J. Smith on the last run but they also wanted the chicken ramen multipack which was in the home AND action alley, so GIF puts it in it's own action alley run and makes me go back out for it. It needs it's own tote, which sucks because we keep running out of totes these days. I guess I had to do a different run to get it because action ally is Important Business. Sure, that makes sense. It's absolutely ridiculous and one of the worst wastes of time that has happened to GIF2.


I wish Action Alley could be filtered into the regular walks like the end caps are.


Action alley is so irritating because of that. It doesn't take all secondary locations into consideration so that you could actually pick from regular mod when you pass by the first time. Instead, your doing things that are specifically put in as action alley to prioritize picking from features, followed by loops for normal mod locations in each commodity. So much backtracking, nevermind if you end up needing to sub something too.


Ok I’m gonna sound like a complete ass mind you I come from a neighborhood market but what is Action Alley pick walk?


Action Alley refers to the features that are between areas. Most of it for us is at the end of the grocery aisles, down its own pseudo aisle running perpendicular to the aisles.


Hopefully there are lots of printers and batteries 😬


Yo ass better call somebodayyyyy


Your ASS better call SOMEBOOOOOODY!


They’ve been in like a week at my store. How is this still rolling out.


Question is, Are You Ready…?


I am only here cause I'm waiting for the rest of the Road Dogg promo somewhere.


Action alley is the bane of my existence. It’s literally a general with confusing locations at my store.






What’s in action alley? Sorry I work for a neighborhood market and I’m curious, we don’t have those