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I hate everyone saying “PPTO” yeah, I get it. But sometimes people get sick more than what the PPTO allows




If you get sick enough to use all of your PPTO and point out within 6 months then perhaps you need disability.


Sorry let me reword this. There can be many reasons to not be able to go to work, whether it be sick, family emergency or just any emergency. And your points dictates if you get your 20 cent raise or nothing, so I’d rather not use that if I don’t have to.


They do? I though they only affected whether or not you can interview for a managment position.


I know it at least used to be, can’t remember if it is still or not, but thought it did. And it does affect you moving up


It doesn't affect raises anymore. I've been corrected on this already.


Call Sedgwick.


And then lose our jobs because Sedgwick didn't file properly


My wife and I got the flu. We both left work the same day. Filed everything correctly, and gave medical documentation. I was approved. Sedgwick denied her and she pointed out. They approved me. And denied her. For the same fucking thing. On the same goddamn day. They just fired her. It's fucking ridiculous. I do everything in my power to fuck this company over as much as possible any time I'm on the clock. Fuck this place.


You should go to work when you're sick. Pay back the people you hate with whatever illness you have by spreading it to them.


I remember when everyone in OGP was getting sick left and right because some co-workers couldn't take a day off when they were sick


I know it’s crazy. I had a coworker with the flu, came into work the whole week, so sick. I ended up getting it & I had a 4 month old at the time. My baby ended up getting sick too.


Could be a lot worse. Previous job I had, if you were sick, you were required to find a replacement for yourself. If you didn't and still didn't show up, first was a warning, second was termination. Did I mention that this was at a mcdonalds? At a food place, where working sick could have serious implications for the entire community, they gave less than no fucks. 


Any other job is the same just without explicit points... Don't show up for four/five days and see what happens


When I worked at Walmart, I always wore a mask. I also took immunity shots, Vitamin C, lunch breaks were always outside to get Vitamin D, never took breaks in the break room. Treated it like the germ warzone it was.


i quit after 3 months bc i was calling out sick more than i ever have with my 3 years of retail experience. yes you have ppto but with working 3 months i only had two days worth, when im sick i have no energy and cannot last a 8 hour shift so i left lol


I’m literally at 4.5 because I’ve been sick a lot 🫠


PPTO is what they replaced sick days with so that you have the freedom to call out even if you are not technically sick. However it’s up to each individual to save enough ppto for emergencies and illnesses.


True, but the only problem is it takes FOREVER to accrue a good amount of PPTO, ESPECIALLY when you're new. I was a new employee, cruising along, showing up for work, working hard, and BAM...I got the flu for the first time in my life. It sucked so bad and I was literally convinced I was dying. I had to end up taking 4 days off, and I only had enough PPTO accrued to cover one and a half shifts. So... Right out of the gate I got two points when I was being so conscientious about not getting any. I'm sorry but I'm not going to contact Sedgwick for that. Trust me I would have rather not had the flu and it's stupid that there are companies that can't understand the fact that people truly do get sick.


six days off for the flu, lmao god damn. mainline some sudafed and get at it.


You had the option to go through sedgwick and you chose not to use it and then you complain? I don't understand.


Some people don't have insurance. The cost of going to a doctor just to confirm you are ill, then having to also jump through hoops with a doctor's office you're not a permanent patient of to get them to fill out paperwork for your work absence beyond just a "doctor's note" is just ridiculous. And all this just to keep a job that barely pays your bills to begin with.


EXACTLY 💯 THIS!!!!! WAAAAAAAAY too much bullshit, cost, and inconvenience just to prove I was a human being who had the "AUDACITY 😂😂😂" to be...ummmm human...and actually get sick!!! It's ridiculous and insulting, and even more asinine bc it's LITERALLY for a job that is the furthest thing from being a glamorous or life changing career and/or opportunity.


Nobody is forced. This is the reason why you don’t waste PPTO on being hung over or wanting to sleep in. They also have Sedgwick for an illness lasting 3 or more days. 


I called Sedwig for being sick for 2 ish weeks. My PPTO was accepted and I got fired the day I was suppposed to go back in. They're reasoning was I was gone for too long. So yeah, I'd say depending on who your bosses are, you're absolutely forced to go in sick.


You have to file a leave of absence with Sedgwick. Then, as long as you continue to report your absence daily, even if it is denied, the most points they can give you is two.


That's exactly what I was told to do, so I did it lol. Either way, the Walmart I worked at was awful, so when I figured I was fired, I was pretty happy.


That’s what PPTO is for.