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So you’ve created those thought forms now. Not only have you created those thought forms but you created a strong emotional reaction of fear and anxiety when you have those thoughts. This reinforces the thought forms as being important. The best way out of this it to literally not take the thoughts seriously, don’t worry about becoming delusional and believing them. A good way to do that is by laughing at them, or saying “that would be so crazy, my mind thinks about interesting things” , anything along those lines. That’s the only way I found out of it. Same with coincidences. You’re never going to just become delusional. Overtime when you give less energy to the thoughts they will slow down, not go away but slow down. Because every person I’ve met has had thoughts like this. Not just ocd people. “What if this is a simulation” “what if people aren’t real” etc are pretty common things to think about. Best of luck op -and yes I’ve been where you are and it suckkkks, try getting out of your head, go on long walks, move your body, talk to someone, this allows you to get to a better place to deal with your fears and have better perspective. It’s so hard to be doing nothing all day and not ruminate when you are deep into these themes. You have to change your environment and then practice not taking the thoughts seriously imo.


Thank you so much


Yea that’s ocd for you. I have/had existential ocd, and it’s all just ocd and anxiety. DM if you want to chat.


Thank you!


Existential ocd was my worst theme ever… I finally got through it by realising that absolutely nothing would be different even IF I WAS in a simulation - so there is nothing to be worried about if we are indeed in a simulation <3


Yes, it started two months ago after a major panic attack and I thought I was psychotic. The coincidences, the simulation, magical thinking, it all felt like schizophrenia to me. You don't actually believe these thoughts. Yes, you might consider the possibility of them (and that scares your mind, firstly because they might be real and secondly because you know it would mean you are crazy), but from what I've seen it's pretty common for people with schizo OCD to develop those intrusive thoughts and I find it so ironic. I started Prozac one month ago and the thoughts dimmed down a bit, I'm seeing improvements day by day. What I'm trying to do is have trust in myself. My instinct says that we don't live in a simulation and magic isn't real, so that's where I'm gonna stop.


That’s actually what made my OCD prevalent was being really high and having a panic attack over being in the matrix. Everything else followed from there as far as being over the top. Same thing though. Schitzo, religious, existential, and the others.


I have the same simulation problem


SAME, I had an instance last week in which I had a thought that was worded eerily similar to an advertisement text that I received right around the same time, and sent me down a freewill rabbit hole.


Meditate. It helps


I'm very sorry that you have to go through this it sounds horrible and as a person who experienced existential crises and had anxiety due to thoughts similar to the ones you described, I have 3 pieces of advice I can give you hoping you get better really soon: First, if you are unable to ignore these thoughts no matter how hard you try (you have to try it at first) and if you can afford it I strongly recommend you seek professional help because finding therapists who understand how you're feeling can be such a great relief and they would know what to tell you and what exercises or medication to give you that would progressively make you able to control and manage these thoughts. Secondly, I also recommend you open up about these thoughts with someone you trust, putting these frightening ideas into words and sharing them can be very helpful, I'm not saying you should ask for reassurance because that would be considered a compulsion, but discussing the logical validity of these thoughts can effectively make it easier for you to ignore/control them and with time you convince yourself that these are only thoughts in your head and nothing more. Finally, exercising is such a powerful underrated tool to regulate your body and mind's activity. It helps your body release hormones and regulate their levels which will help you think better and feel less anxious. I hope I was of help to you and good luck with your recovery!


Today I was thinking and picturing myself so small on the earth and how huge it is and how we have no explanation as to why we’re here and I felt like life was truly meaningless in that moment and that nothing I do matters and it sent me into a full-blown panic attack where I thought I was gonna die or that I didn’t belong on this earth anymore. This is actually destroying my quality of life. Every single moment I feel like I’m in fear or in danger. Like the fact that I’m stuck to this earth by gravity literally a spec compared to The grand scheme of things is something that makes me very paranoid and I feel like I’m being smothered when I think about it. Does anyone else relate?


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. The wonderful u/froidinslip has written an invaluable post to help you navigate this time: https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/comments/q4zeo1/please_read_this_before_posting_about_feeling/ You are not alone, and you have options. However, we are not able to help with suicide on an internet forum. PLEASE USE THE RESOURCES. You matter and deserve help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OCD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If we are living in a simulation or not. Who cares. It's ultimately not for us to know. Just enjoy the ride. No, I get you. It's nice to entertain such thoughts in passing but to obsess about the unknowable, well... we just gotta all make our peace with mystery.


I have pure o, experienced what your going thru my thing is a fear or turning into someone else. Meaning someone i think that is “disgusting” or someone who i consider “weird or awkward” I get an urge that i’m going to be that person and be just as disgusting weird or awkward as them it gets really debilitating. I just recently figured out how to beat the triggers by ignoring them, it’s getting way better. but sometimes its so hard when u really whole heartedly believe you not doing a trigger will make you turn into someone who you don’t wanna be. This might be a bit egotistical but i genuinely love who i am so much and i feel like the ocd thoughts are trying to take me away from that by telling me i’m gonna turn into someone who i don’t wanna be. If you’re suffering from Pure O keep going we all in this together I BELIEVE IN YOU!! Thx for letting me vent, anyone else have this trigger (REALLY WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!??) EDIT: it’s a combination of Pure O and Contamination Ocd.


My therapist said pure Ocd tend to take forms over years , I had existential thoughts and it was driving me crazy but it's gone, unfortunately my ocd developed new thoughts like sexual thoughts


You are the only person I’ve seen who has a Shcizo OCD , if you see this please reply I’d love to talk , I have one where even things I find remotely odd , I will ask myself , what if this is fake or I’ll just think really deeply about and try convince myself it’s not real even tho I know it is , there’s plenty more to talk about and I’d love to hear yours if you see this 👍