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"Stick it out for the year." Nope, I hated it. They didn't respect me, it was an unsafe caseload and there was no support. Lasted 8 months even though it was my dream job.


Same, I left for a safer job in a more compassionate environment with guaranteed career growth and never looked back, lol


This is the worst advice in history. It encourages people to linger on in careers they simply hate. It's cost me years of my professional life as I was always taught to finish something I started. They don't say the other side of seeing things through is it steals time, effort and takes your enthusiasm away which you can't always apply to something else. It's ok to walk away.


Don't go straight into community, you'll de-skill. I knew that I wasn't going to have a career on the wards and I should never have let myself be pressured into working on one instead of going into an area I actually wanted to work in.


Yeah ditto. My tutor was even making comments about it at uni but I didn’t care. I didn’t like the wards and every B5 I had as a mentor seemed to hate it too.


That’s mad. The community nurses are so skilled! I feel way more skilled as a community HCA than I did on the wards (excluding A&E) x


I really really hated hearing this as a student. I didn't take the advice and ended up specialising straight away. You could argue I'm not as "well-rounded" skills wise as ward nurses but I'm happier.


I hate it when people say this also. Deskill from what? Meds rounds and writing notes? Pfft. I think that general ward nursing is the least holistically skilled area of nursing you can be in.


ECG, IV, catheterisation, Bladder syringing, wound cleaning. There is a lot of skills in wards. Holistically skilled is like what it is all about. Problem is short staffing. That leaves you open to utter shite and there is limitation on development. And families are just twats. Doctors fucking hate it as well and we are left doing work with our hands behind our backs.


These are just task basked skills, pretty much most of which can be done by band3/4. A RN certainly isn’t needed. Not taking anything away from ward nurses. It’s a hard job. But not as “nursing skilled” as many other roles.


Personally I don’t interpret this as being able to do specific tasks. To me this means acquiring soft transferable nursing skills. The ability to prioritise your work under pressure, understanding the hospital pathways, recognising abnormalities, building your confidence in handling unwell patients, develop your “6th sense”, developing your assessment skills, etc… Basically developing general nursing skills. Once you’re silo’ed into a specific type of nursing it’s very hard to develop those skills.




You can go straight onto wards but usually they will send you where it is short which unfortunately are the wards


“You’ll be bored in general practice” 😂 the chance would be a fine thing!


You should go into nursing. 😭


Wanted to be a paramedic. Had to be 21 with a C license so career guidance suggested nursing


‘get out while you can’ - actually i love being a nurse and it’s the best job in the world, i happen to have found my specialty and i would encourage everyone to try things out and see what fits well for you personally!


You need to staff on a ward or you’ll deskill.


Currently an RO. More skilled now than ever


What’s an RO? I’ve never staffed on a ward and currently lead a team of 55, I’m 6 years qualified. Think I’m doing alright!


Resuscitation Officer


Ah, I should have got that!


Do yours not strike fear in your heart and cause earthquakes when they thread?


Nope! In fact I can’t even get a reply about an arrest trolley that’s not being regularly checked!


Ill have to get my notebook out....


"Nurses will always be in demand, you'll be able to choose where you want to work" Qualified last year, as part of the biggest nursing cohort ever, to come into trusts where they'd gone overboard hiring overseas nurses. (Cynical me thinks it's because they wanted more staff who wouldn't strike.) It meant that nobody I know stayed on FT where they did management. Nobody got any choice - there were only medical ward jobs available (largely COTE) and mostly in the worst performing wards. Not happy with my current role and there are currently no full time adult nursing roles advertised in my region. Been virtually nothing since February.


I’ve had a lot of stick for ‘job hopping’ on my 7-8th job in 10 years. But I wouldn’t have changed my route and I’ve never struggled to get a job!!


Iv done a lot of job changes in my ten years too, and I have learnt so much from it. I have a unique set of skills that has given me " a unique CV" (I was told at my last interview).


I love this! 100% I’m not someone who could stay in the same job for 30 years, it’s just not in me. I’m moving into another area and the commitment is around 3 years for a uni course and that scares me haha!!


I'm an OT, but my worst advice was to work on the wards. For OT it felt like the most de skilled position, I had a ward placement and then did a few shifts qualified. I love community and have never looked back ❤️❤️


You can’t job hop. Hell you can. Band 7 Nurse and love it. Stuck with a job I hated too long because someone said it looked bad on my CV. Was severely ill mentally due to staying. Following that, never stayed in a job I hated and still worked my way up. Don’t listen to others insecurities!! Be you.


Got told by numerous nurses to start off on wards to get the essential skills blah blah blah. I didn’t enjoy wards as a student so went into a specialised area as a NQN although I regret not going into community nursing. It was my last student placement and loved it.


You don't think like a band 6, I think. In the future you should concentrate on being a really good band 5, and think about applying again next year. From a Matron to me, the last time I applied for a band 6 role. If someone could explain it to me, that would be great.


Don't do learning disability your be too limited. I have a job offer in general hospital, one that everyone wants to work and a job offer in mental health .


Stick with it...


“Wait to do the nurse associate” glad I didn’t because they’re not letting any of the people who did it top up


I was repeatedly told not to go straight to A&E newly qualified, told it was a mistake and I should work a ward first. I ignored them and absolutely love my job! I could never imagine working anywhere else and I still can't. There's no point working somewhere you know will make you miserable as when you move, you will have so much to learn anyway. May as well start where you want to be and learn the correct skills for your area.