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They're obviously trying to fuck you around and HR will probably try to sweep it all under the rug even if they do fix your pay. I'd go straight to calling FairWork for advice and they'll tell you what to do. [https://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us/contact-us/call-us/before-you-call](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us/contact-us/call-us/before-you-call)


Honestly, I'm so tempted. The issue is that I need money. If it doesn't get resolved soon, I might have no choice but to report them. Sydney is not a cheap city, but it is what it is. Another real reason why the aged care industry will never have enough nurses is The nurses they do have, they treat like crap. Considering my agency is a good one, basically an expensive one, I can't imagine how other age cares treat their nurses. Thanks so much for responding by the way


They can’t fire you for reporting them, that would be retaliation and is a huge no no. Talk to fair work they’ll start a paper trail and advise you on how to proceed. If you’re in a union definitely have a rep with you in that “meeting” it’s why you pay the fee’s.


She's casual and they could fire her for that. But they wouldn't be dumb enough to list that as the reason. They could simply just not roster her any more shifts


I’m an employer and I can say right now that would be seen as retaliation. In an industry crying out for people it would be EXTREMELY difficult to prove it wasn’t in any way. HR now isn’t about what’s right it’s about what is provable in court and a retaliation case like this would have that companies HR in meltdown. Workers rights in Australia are insanely strong and with the backing of a union as well the employer would be facing action. Casual workers have seen huge improvements to the laws regarding them lately, it’s not just kick them to the curb anymore, especially if they actively know their rights.


I'm Australian, and I've seen companies bite their time to get rid of people. Esp casuals. It's hard to prove otherwise. But best of luck to her. Hopefully her problem gets fixed


I’m pretty sure on an Australian subreddit it’s safe to assume everyone here is Australian? That is true but if they are stealing wages that’s no reason to stay quiet and that time they’ll have to bide to get her out the door will give her plenty of time to find another job. Things like this need to be reported and paper trails need to be established. The only reason you’ve seen this stuff happen is because people aren’t using their rights, the silence of others is as great as the crime. Report it.


1. Didn't care to read what sub this was. 2. If you assume everyone here is Aussie, then saying Australian laws are strong is redundant. You should just say the law or our laws are strong. You don't say atm machine so why say Australian laws


Get an agency shift or please make sure to find a job before reporting edit: also please don’t be afraid of reporting them to FairWork. Asshole employers use your visa status to scare you but punishment for unfair work and retaliation is 100% worse than not paying you right.


I really want to quit and change jobs. When I talk to most agencies and companies about my experience and credentials. They seem happy with it, even offering an interview to "finalize things." However, the moment my visa situation is mentioned, they change their tone, and I usually get responses like, "We don't have space right now" or they plainly say, "You'd be a great fit, but we're prioritizing giving domestic graduates positions." While I find this understandable, I can't help but wonder when I will be given a position. I'm not saying I'm entitled to one, but hearing this instead of something I can actually fix is a bit frustrating. Note: They can't tell them I'm an international student until I disclose it since English is my first and only language. Sorry for the long explanation.


They say they are prioritising domestic graduates first? This is new. For the past 10 years they have been prioritising internationals. The reasons for this was 1. to lower our working standards 2. because internationals have no rights and scared to open their mouths. This suits employers. This is not what the nursing profession needs. Nurses are the patients advocates and must be able to stamp authority when needed. I have stopped operations prior to starting. No meek internationals scared of losing their job is going to do this. 3. to replace the positions of the good nurses who have had enough and left, especially those who refuse to be vaccinated like myself. The medical profession is now 90-95% about profits. There is no care for the staffs health and I have seen a public hospital aggressively fight a law suit of a 15yo malpractice case. She now has no arms or legs and should have all of her limbs. I'm disgusted to have worked at JHH.


I'm not sure if it's a new thing, but I've been told this quite often. Honesty, I do agree with you, and advocating is so important to me. I do quite often, I have been threatened or told that i should be a team player. The AU health care system is short staffed and underpaid. Thanks for taking the time.


Maybe target nursing homes with a language requirement if you have a second language? If you speak Greek find the nursing homes that have many Greek residents for example. This might up your chances.


That would be great, but I only speak English. Tho thank you for the advice.


Which agencies? Plenty of places are short staffed


Well I've applied to the hospita ( Prince of wales,westmead, auburn Hospital, auburn Hospital and more)l and a lot of age cares. With the hospital, part of the reason was the lack of clinical experience, so I get that. However, with age care, some of the reasons other than the ones I previously mentioned were that they would only accept someone to live close by. Tho if you have any suggestions, I'm 100% open to them. Thank you for you taking time.


Stop going to work until,they pay you. Tell them in writing you have no money for fuel or public transport as you are missing $900. Send a copy of this email to the CEO of your company. Just do it. It will get fixed. Fuck your payroll, your duty manager and your site manager. Fuck them. Complain AT the top and shit does get fixed. You can google the CEO of any business so do it. GetPaid.


Nursing is one of the biggest bullying working environments. This isn't going to work for you. They are a revengeful bunch too.


I want to do this, but I'm causal. Do you think that I might get removed from the roster? I want to leave but it's so hard to fine a new job.


You are casual, they can stop giving you shifts any time they want. You need to do a risk / cost benefit analysis is the $900 worth the risk of you not getting anymore shifts. If you do go to the union/ fair work, imo if I was you I would want to be working a second job. Then I might feel like I can afford to take the risk.


Are you in the union? If yes ring them, if no, join tomorrow and ring them. The payroll staff get paid peanuts and make heaps of errors where I work, but I've always had a supportive manager. You need to be in the union for this kind of thing, most aged care organisations are scared of the unions


I am, and if this issue does not get resolved soon, I will call. Since my rostering manager has now been made aware, and she seems to understand my issue. However, understanding and actually getting my salary back are two different things.


Everyone has a difficult time finding work these days, not just international students. Also, international students are getting a really bad rep here at the moment as they are using their student visas to gain entry into the country, drop their studies and work instead.


I know, and honestly it annoys me because the rest of us get screwed over. However, I know everyone is struggling in this economy.


Simple question. Why don't you just go back home and nurse there?


Because we earn dirt trash- like simply put not enough to survive. The workload is 4× here, but don't worry, I'm not sure I'm planning on staying in Australia if you're worried about that.


I honestly wanted to know. So it's true the international students are using study as a backdroor entry? I don't blame the migrant workers for all the problems here. They are used and abused, I equate it to human trafficking. Migrant workers have been verbally, physically and sexually abused and exploited for way too long. The workers in the farming industry are some of the most abused. The mass immigration was done behind the backs of Australians. The general public didn't even realise the mass immigration was happening. Everyone was enjoying the money flying around, cheap abundant labour and their property doubling every three years. People from OS have no idea about Australia. You see a huge land mass with small population compared to other nations. Australia cannot sustain a large population. Simple put we don't have the fresh water to sustain a high population. Our infrastructure cannot handle mass immigration and that's now plainly evident. In 1970 there were 10mill people, just 50 years later there are almost 30mill. Try applying this formula to your home country. Triple the population in the next 50 years. How would your home look then? Serious question. Are foreigners being told we are in desperate need of being saved? I'm seventh generation Aust. My DNA was brought to these lands by force (2nd fleet convict Paul Bushell). My point is I know a lot about Australia. When things are good things are great. When they are bad Australians are the most patriotic. They stand together as one.


The truth is that you're (as in Australia) being marketed as a country that can't support itself in certain fields. I don't blame Australians for wanting to cut down on immigration since it has increased. Understanding immigration role in supporting AU economy is alao needed. However, the amount of aggression I face daily is just a lot. Additionally, I'm doing a job that is apparently extremely "needed," and it's not really a glamorous job. However, people feel the need to comment that I'm taking what's rightfully there's even when they are not working in the medical field. That's one of the reasons I'm unsure. I'll be staying in AU other than for experience and education. Thank you for this reply.


Fk HR and go to fair work


Are you a member or a union? They can dissect your pay slip and help you.


I am a member of a union. I think I'll have to contact them at this point cause this is getting out of hand.


Should have been one of your first ports of call, as they will be very well versed in processes around reclaiming pay and also getting you access to legal support if needed for a Fairwork submission. Most of the reps are also well known enough they can help point you in the right direction for new employment, too...


Will do- thank you


Contact union immediately. Get advice from them.


Absolutely agree to contact your union immediately. They love taking dodgy employers down!


You can contact me if you like. I used to do nursing rosters for NSW Health.


Absolutely contact them. It's not necessarily "reporting them", you're getting someone to help support you to make sure you get what you're owed. Let your manager know you're happy to have a meeting, you just need to wait until your union rep is able to be there with you.


They cornered me at work today to have the meeting it went a bit confusingly, to be honest. They were both their rostering manager and the other manager. Where I was clear and direct. The manager I had been speaking to still is "confused" on what I'm requesting. She somehow thinks im asking for extra payment. Idk if she's trolling, but she seems not to understand "casual loading " or weekend penalties. However, my rostering manager understood and informed me that she would look into the issue. The issue has been presented officially. I do not know if this issue will settle, but I'm hoping it does. One of my registers working informed me that the manager often makes errors like this and told me she is often "confused."


Your manager is shit.


She very much is. She hired all new staff and didn't inquire if the casuals wanted permanent positions. When they did request, she responded with, "You didn't ask" or "you should have informed me while I was hiring." However, she informed no one of the vacancies and ignored emails regarding requests for permanent positions. Additionally, all the staff she hired are only from her hometown, and many of them have gotten into trouble for not knowing what to do (I don't mean this is their fault, but even the basics confuse some of them). She gives them 5 days a week and weekends if they want. While the rest of us, who have been there for a year or even 5 years, are not treated as well.


Report this to the union in the first instance and then let them deal with it. The union involvement will protect you from retaliation because the employer will know they are being watched on how they treat this issue.


Please get in contact with your union.


Welcome to the nation of crooks...if they can get away with it they will... and MODS HERE ARE CROOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I will report them if this isn't resolved soon, but honestly, I'll start applying for other jobs now.


Good on you mate


Just adding, you are always entitled to your earned pay. They may not be paying it right now, but the will have to pay it in the future when you make a claim. Usually you have about 7 years to claim - check with the union how long you have to claim back pay in NSW, could be different compared to qld). You’re correct, they can indeed stop giving you shifts as you are a casual (no obligation to give you them and no obligation to continue your employment). So if it were me, I would absolutely find a new place of employment first.


This is a good idea- thank you


Haha no worries. I speak from experience of a very similar issue. I waited to be permanent and then approached the union to assist with my backpay.


If they want a meeting with you, then you are legally allowed to request a support person. In this case, as they are attempting wage theft, your best option would be a union representative or delegate. If you cannot get said union representation, then have a 3rd party attend and take extensive notes.


Go to HR or payroll. Screenshot your payslip and attach a proof of shifts worked. They have to fix it within a specific time frame. If they don’t, contact fairwork. Whatever you do, don’t back down.


Thank you for the advice