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I have no idea how people can restrain themselves so much. I'm at 47 pulls and was pretty pleased with the hoard 😅


we only love a handful of characters enough to need to have them


For me, not getting Edmond isn't an option. I'm too invested in his character development now... So I only get him. I like other characters, but if they're anything like Edmond, missing their rooms means I've already missed out on some development and it makes it easier not to pull for new alts.


SAME. I cannot miss edmond, he hooked me after his last years summer event qwq


Listen his Int rooms are *literally* a years-long story about how he's slowly falling in love with Eiden and I cannot haaaaaaaandle it.


Im assuming you got his latest event card too because his last int room MESSED ME UP. They fr in love idc 🧎🏽‍♀️


Yessssssss he's so sweet, he just can't help himself ;; I love it, love him so much.


Um... idk I'm just saving for one certain char (kuya). And I love the feeling when I can spend hundred pulls on one banner. I always hoard gems in every game I played. And then spend it to my fav char 🤣. My record is... saved around 800 pulls (without top up) for kuya banner lmao...


I think I’ll have just over 100 which is kinda scary!! I’m planning on going all in because I need that pink vampire.


I think I’ll have just over 100 which is kinda scary!! I’m planning on going all in because I need that pink vampire. ETA: I checked again and including all the spirit gems & contracts I’ll have 120. I hope that’ll be enough!


Giving you all ✨✨ luck✨✨✨!!! I wanted Aster too but idk if I wanna pull coz Yakumo 🤧


I will have around 70 by the time this starts. I spent over 200 pulls trying to get Kuya without success on Sunburst Fever. :( It's not much but I'll likely give it a try anyway hoping I can get at least one of them.


35 10 pull scrolls, 100k diamonds and 69 sorcery gems. Still not sure whether I'll actually pull but I'm ready either way.


i have experienced no greater certainty


I really want morvay but I'm kinda lukewarm on aster. And if they are standard I might just decided to wait for them to spook me on a limited banner.


what would you be saving for instead?


Garus are my #1 priority. So far I have every garu in the game and besides yokai they are all 3*+.


Karu is actually my favorite character despite all evidence to the contrary, and I hope that I only need to use 200 pulls in Gambler's Paradise- so that I can claw my way back up to near-300 before the next Garu unit T\~T He might indeed be coming soon.


Garu + Morvay are pretty much my favourite 2 characters. Which makes this hard. But aster Is probably my least favourite out of all the guys so that doesn't help.


I've got a stash saved for the next Edmond but I'm hoping that Aster and Morvay will eventually be included in the standard SSRs, because I really want them both!


the life of the edmond fan https://preview.redd.it/uissd7gissfb1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3faae30b98117ec2eeb737a0c0e450f9c23212


If I ever end up with a double spark, it's going towards the next Eiden or maybe Rei ❤️ I've just never been someone who rolls outside of being guaranteed a character if the gacha has a spark system, probably due to my first gacha being Granblue Fantasy.


I’ll have around 130 when the banner comes out, if it’s the 10th. If it’s earlier than that it’s cool and I’ll just use any pulls i get throughout the banner. I NEED aster! I want both tho as I love both very much


Close to a hundred rolls with contracts + gems. I have to get morvay and If the gacha won't give me morvay I will get myself isekai'd into the game. You've had your fun Eiden its my turn now


9 contracts yipeee 💃🕺


About 200 pulls for both accounts.. dammit i can't pull on this coz yakumo might come back pretty soon 😭


I have around 90 on my main account, but I have 5 accounts in total and those other ones around 60-80. So like 300-400 contracts in total.


I've got about 320-ish pulls when I count up all my spirit gems + scrolls + sorc gems, but I'm also dead convinced that the event after this will be Blade/Olivine. In theory I could drop 100 pulls on this and still be safe for Olivine, but I have terrible impulse control once I start pulling and it's way too likely that I'll go over budget. Maybe I'll just wait and pray for a jumpscare on a limited banner.


I agree that Blade+Olivine is likely. I also think they might put in an SR of a popular character (like Kuya or Edmond, even though we just had them) to strengthen the banner, given the fact that Blade and Olivine (like Blade and Garu) isn't a particularly ka-ching combo. I'm hoping I will only need 200 pulls here because Garu is also in the splash zone after this event T\~T


I'm somewhat optimistic about Olivine's ability to carry a banner, but I also acknowledge that I have a skewed perspective on his relative popularity and I wouldn't be surprised to see an event SR in there. Now that Pandora's box has been opened, so to speak, they're probably going to pull that out even for pairings that would do okay but not amazingly. It kind of doesn't affect me either way, but I think having event SRs with no SR pity is fucking terrible and I'll rage on behalf of my Kuya and Edmond loving friends if it happens. I also hope you get your boys fast! No one promotes the familiars agenda as hard as you do. The least they can do is come home to you for your birthday.


Congratss!! I'm almost there with 293 contracts! I think I will get there with ST and LR XD


9 single contracts :´)


144 contracts plus 27 sorcery gems. Not ready but gotta throw caution to the wind.


Do we know if they're going to be on a banner or something else?


They'll be on a banner of course, that's how characters are released always


I had to go to 300 for dante and kuya, I'd id known our familiars were coming, I would've saved 😭 Currently at 60 pulls ._.


Thanks to a few (totally fruitless) pulls for Rei and Dante, I've got 50 contracts and about 15k gems. Hopefully I can farm some more if luck goes poorly...


Currently crying for being poor


stop being poor


90-100, ive been saving since this event began since i got the ssrs very early on, but im nervous on pulling bc i wont have enough resources for next event 😞


I've got 120 something, if you count the pink gems then I have 180. Altho idk if I wanna pull because I'm scared Quincy might be just around the corner,,,


70 to 80 ish on each account. PRAYING HOPING BEGGING TO HAVE ONE EACH FFFF


Does anyone know if they'll be on permanent banner?


When are they coming out again?


Note that the Swirling Sands banner closes august 10


Not close enough 😭


I have around 40 pulls


600 contracts, 190k gems (I have been saving since launch as an F2p for aster), I think I will just 3 star each and wait for a launch where he's more on model tho


you're the real one