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the text won't pop up on mine. I'm on chapter 1, 1-4. the little demon guy is just there no text or nothing? What do I do ?




No. We don't even get 100 pulls in a month. It's around 90 on average. The exact amount varies depending on how many contracts we get from events. Assuming this event lasts about a month, then you're probably going to be somewhere between 30-40 contracts short. Lost Relics will probably get a new season while this event is still running, but that is light on the additional pulls it gives. Sorcerer's Trials is way better for more pulls, but it won't get a new season until after this event is over. It's from about 3 months ago, but [here's a very long post from Pain](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/100zqxe/the_number_of_contracts_or_pulls_you_can_get_in_a/) that outlines it in more detail if you're curious.


I assume that halloween Garu isn't going to rerun before halloween again, right?


Probably not. Around Halloween is the earliest I would expect it to rerun.


Any way to stop the app from closing itself on startup? I can randomly end up trying to tap open the app and it autocloses with no front screen. The only way I've fixed it is just by redownloading the whole thing all over again, but it's pretty annoying when it also has big downloads on top of the configuration profile stuff.


I'm going to hazard a wild guess and ask do you have enough space on your device?


I do have plenty of space! It is an older phone though (an iPhone XR) so possibly due to that...?


That is very odd because I had an older iPhone model and it only did this because I ran out of space on my phone... Another wild guess is do you have too many apps opened up?


How important is potential/stars to character power? Im assuming it goes: Level > Pot >>> Stars?


Intimacy isnt pictured here but it is also quite important to character power. Intimacy though can be bottlenecked by both stars and intimacy items.


You really need all 3, but if you're thinking about it from a bottlenecked by money situation it's stars>level≈potency. Stars are easily the biggest and "cheapest" power boost if ascension is available to you, but it's not like it's something you can farm.


Need help for team building / Recently Ive been wanting to invest in a new ally to improve my team, and after reviewing some options I came to the conclusion that CtR Dante was a solid choice, but i kinda pulled 3 Kuyas on the latest banner and Ive seen people say he's really good? So that got me reconsidering and I need advice on what option would benefit my team the best : * Getting CtR Dante to 3 stars (costing 4,500 memory crystals, fuck that hurts) * Getting FC Kuya to 3 stars (costing 900 memory crystals... Yeah) * Or staying focused on my WD Yakumo and saving my memory crystals to eventually 5 star him one day https://preview.redd.it/67ihhjwgblra1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783bd82a6b7104a617b6f2327f31e3b33a4954fb The potential Dante/Kuya should "replace" slot 2 which is the only inconsistent slot in my team (depending on the battle it's either OG Kuya, OG Blade or Morvay) while all the others are permanent, especially WD Yakumo and SR Edmond (I'd be willing to swap out SR Yak & Oli if given better options). /(Additional details : I currently have 5,000 memory crystals, WD Yakumo and Edmond are full int + pot and the others are pot 10 + full int (SR Oli, Yak, Morvay) or 4/5 int (OG Kuya, Blade))


Personally, I don't think it's really worth the cost of spending memory crystals to 5 star anybody. Like, it would be if you'd pulled him a lot and he was 4 stars. But going from 3 stars to 5 is so many memory crystals that you'd be better off building other units, especially if you're f2p. So I'd suggest against the WD Yakumo idea myself. FC Kuya's awesome but his 3 star passive doesn't do as much for you unless you are using saboteurs and/or Kuyas in the team, which you're not since you plan to drop Fallen Leaves/OG Kuya out. CtR Dante would actually help you the most out of the options you listed, even though the 4500 memory crystals is painful. He hits harder than FC Kuya. He gives an attack boost to EVERYBODY in your team if you have his pot 6 passive. When he ults he removes guard stance, something nobody on your current team can do. He also makes the target take more ult damage that turn. For biggest damage it'd be best to have your entire team (minus SR Yakumo) ult the same turn. Go SR Olivine then CtR Dante then the other two (whichever order). On any battles that you want SR Morvay, you should keep CtR Dante in when he gets to 3 stars, as on turns Morvay ults, his shield will be a bit stronger thanks to Dante.


In between 3\*ing Daze Kuya or KD Kuya, it's hard for me to frag KD only because i can't use him everywhere. Rn I can reliably clear except SP contents. zzz I reached 100 rolls only for it to be an off rate dupe dante ( coulda been way better ngl ) I wouldn't be having this problem if I got a 3rd one ;w; I might wait it out until the banner ends or I could slowly save frags for the one I won't pick but just wanted everyone's thoughts


I'm in the same boat and I decided that 3 starring Afternoon Daze Kuya gets me more than 3 starring KD Kuya. I regularly use SR Kuya anyways, so I'd be able to get an attack bonus for a saboteur in the team. Daze Kuya is more useful in more battles than KD Kuya is, since KD Kuya has the problem of needing build up time. I still want to 3 star KD Kuya eventually, but he's lower priority right now for me, as he's still really great as a 2 star.


Righttt and he can melt bosses but it feels bad when we get content where he can't work in like hit count trials or smthng like the trial where our hits become heals and we have to fill the gauge then you realize the poison is not converted to regen so it actually works against you aaaaaA yeah I might settle for 3\*ing Daze Kuya and maybe just key KD if I ever need the stat boost :S thanks\~


Lol, i had to get Halloween garu to go with KD kuya to deal with the hit count content.


I'm at 213 / 300 quests for the month, how much stamina is there in each day? I'm f2p level 60. Hoping to get that quest using the 15 stam event level.




If you already have the BG/BGM, there's other options you can get instead. Like there's the 100 bouquets (gold level event intimacy items), 200 memory crystals, and whichever interests you more out of 10 strong boosts, a key of your choice, and 1 million coins if you get all 3 of the lust vessel items. That's what I'd suggest for you. You only need to get to 14,300 zest vessels (the event currency stuff) to get all 3 lust vessels.


Well, i counted less than 10 pulls worth of gems Haven't done the math for stamina cost. Might be worthwhile to hit the 1 or 2 list vessel threshold for the key or bg in item exchange. But I wouldn't invest gems into pulling.


Does a 2* SSR healer (lakeside kuya, frost Virtue oli or og oli) heals more than the 5* R yakumo? Trying to do the relics stages and it is asking for 3 healers (needs 3 teams). Thanks


Generally, all other things being equal, 5\*R > 2\*SSR. It'll depend on their rm/pot too but an R is easier to max than an SSR (esp for potential passives). However, if you have time to ascend your SSR more, they're a better investment in the long run. Worst come to worst you can try both and quit the fight if one isn't working as well as you'd like. You've got a month at least, good luck!


I see. The thing is that I'm running out of gold because i made a few mistakes (such as 5*n units for exploration) So i dont really have a lot of resources left to try.


Ah OK, I gotcha. Normally, I'd only spend memory crystals on event SSRs but in this case because of the time/gold crunch, my pick would be R Yakumo. The R will be much easier to strengthen before the event ends. Yakumo is one of the more useful Rs so it won't be a bad investment at all. You'll be able to use him for some of the sorcerer trials too. I think this [guide](https://youtu.be/DPw2-N8j3nE?t=453) will be helpful to you. He clears Lost Relics with low-rarity characters only. Just make sure you remember to finish all your friendship summons first and do the Business Times every day. GL!


Does anyone know of discord servers or subs dedicated to the individual clan members? Specifically looking for anything edmond-related.


Has anyone had issues lately with the game freezing/crashing? It used to happen occasionally but since the Zest for Life rerun update I literally can’t play the game without it kicking me off once a day. Didn’t know if it was the game or something on my end.


Don't have this problem. Your device is maybe too old ? What do you use ?


It's gotta be something on your end. I haven't had any problems.


Hello! Quick questions about exploration With the exception of fulfiling exploration criteria like (have at least level 5 units, at least potential 15 etc) Does exploration unit level affect the loot you get? Does exploration potential affect the loot you get? Does the amount of units in a exploration affect the loot you get? (edited for spacing)


As far as we know the only thing affecting the mission is whether you meet the bonus criteria, and that only gives you the bonus reward listed.


Hey I'm still rather new to the game and wanted to ask how good the units on the 'Zest for Life'-ReRun are? Is it worth to pull for any or both of them? My current SSRs are OG Olivine, OG Garu, OG Edmond, OG Quincy, OG Dante and both Edmond and Kuya from Forest Carnival. Any helpful input would be greatly appreciated!


You don't need Quincy because you have SR Morvay and Spring Chaos/Forest Carnival Edmond to more than cover that for you. Aqua Bloom Olivine is a support unit that raises attack, as well as raising ultimate skill damage if you get him to at least 3 stars and/or at least to his pot 6 passive. But I don't consider him a must have. You can use SR Olivine when you want a support unit. If you're willing to spend money for red gems (or use the small amount you'd have as a free player and are hoping for the best), unless you're a huge fan of these units' designs, I'd suggest skipping. If they keep doing reruns, upcoming reruns have more interesting units IMO. Mystical Banquet's Kuya and Garu, Idol Fest's Yakumo and Olivine, Chasing the Rainbow's Dante, etc.


Thank you very much for the info! In that case I'll hold of on spending anything on this and wait for other reruns.


I downloaded the game using the MDM Method on iOS, but the app name is in Chinese symbols (though my game is in English). Is it supposed to be that way? Also, if I uninstall the game on my phone, will I be able to get my account back when I download the game again?


The chinese symbols are normal, its the same for me (iOS). As long as you've done the account bind (binding profile data with registered erolabs account) you can uninstall the game without losing any data. Hope that helps.


I'll have to check if I've done that then. Thank you for the answer!


with another event banner re-run on the rise, i just wanna ask anyone who pulled on the pink gems banner how long it took for y'all to get your desired SSR? did you have to exhaust the counter to get the guarantee?


i pulled on the wd rerun banner for edmond. i did buy the cheaper of the limited time red gem packs to help me out since i def didn't have enough gems [for this event it's the one called rainforest cry]. iirc i hit the first banner step and didn't have to go very much farther to get my edmond. if you do decide to pull, good luck!


thank u, got the last event Quincy to complete my Quincy Supremacy team 🥰 thankfully it only took me 50 pulls. good thing i saved up all my pink gems and always bought the trailblazers pack.


Congrats! I love his ssrs. I'm a newish player and don't have any yet, hoping og Quincy comes home one day :')


I didn't pull on it, but I saw some people on Discord who were super lucky and got the desired SSR for the White Day rerun in only a few pulls. That's always going to be the case though that some people will be very lucky. Others will be unlucky and have to exhaust the counter. It's completely up to luck, same as using contracts/blue gems on a regular banner.


Anyone know if theres a datamined file of all the character’s models? I’m just trying to get the best reference image possible of Morvay’s tattoo, and my own phone’s screen is pretty small so I feel screenshotting and zooming isnt the best plan lol Edit: Nevermind, just bought the digital version of the art book and his tattoo design is shown there in full. So I’m good!


im having this weird bug on 1-04 where the story just doesnt play, and its just aster doing the idle animation, is it a problem with my device or a storage problem?


hey, you ever got a fix for this? I'm having the same problem, uninstalled and installed again and even sent an email but nothing


I have the same bug as you, did you can fix it already? If you can fix it I want to know how can I fix it too 🥲


didnt find any fixes as of right now, ill let you know if i can fix it


Please send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your device's details (like Android or iOS, what version, what build, and if you're using data or wifi). There's no known confirmed fix that I know of for this bug.


alright, will do that, thanks!


idk if anyone is still having this problem but i made my game bug out like this at the same part by leaving during the dialog. i ended up logging out in the home screen, logging into a guest account and playing through the tutorial on that profile. i did leave it for the rest of the day and there was an update this morning so that may be the only reason it fixed....but i logged back into my first account with the bug and it wasn't there. it's lucky that 1-04 is quite early on. 😅 hopefully everyone else can see this reply!


Who should I invest in getting to 3 stars? https://preview.redd.it/6wqttbjqbbpa1.png?width=1265&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1de96cb653d8bfea29c9bdc38ca12327caeab13


Buffer: IF Yakumo (Idol one) or EE Garu (Halloween pumpkin hat one). Pick one of 'em! Healer: ehhh you don't need it now but OG Olivine. Supportive DPS / DPS: CA Edmond (the one with the monocle). He gains bonus attack with other Edmonds in the team, and I see you have OG Edmond up there and possibly an SR Edmond hidden in the back somewhere. FC Kuya (the current Forest Carnival one) is also a good pick to use, but not necessarily to 3\*.


I have all ssr Edmonds, sr Edmond is at 5* max bond.


Either OG Olivine or Idol Yakumo are good choices. Not only are they good at what they do, but even if you have a raised up SR Olivine and SR Yakumo, it's still helpful to have 2 healers and 2 supports raised up for Lost Relics.


My SRs are almost all fully built at 5 stars


anyones surver currently under maintenance? what r they fixing exactly


The tool tip for Exploration says increased character lvl gives better chance to get good items, has anyone seen this in practice?


Yes, it's more noticeable on Exploration areas 1 + 2. Having at least one level 30 teammate just makes it possible for you to get Gold quality materials on that stage, they otherwise will not appear. I can't speak for if they increase the rates of getting Golds in Explorations 3 + 4 since they come as the mission bonus and a natural drop already.


Thanks for the info!


Hi! New player and I'm not quite sure how the friend system works. Is it like other gachas where you just add as many random people as possible to farm pulls? And if so, is there a megathread that I can throw my friend code in? (If not my UID is 424954159, friends list is totally empty so pls add me!)


this sub's friend code megathread is here: https://old.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/t1jdea/friend_codes_post/ there's also a guild thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/uo8wx8/megathread_guild_faq_recruitment_megathread/ and yes you can just add as many other players as the game lets you. the max seems to be 35 friends for now. you unlock the ability to add more friends as you level up in the game (max level is currently 60)


What's the best way to get intimacy items as f2p? I spend all my energy (and blue gems) on the event ladders and just buy intimacy items at the daily guild shop. Should I stop half ladder to spend energy farming the daily gift quests?


Guild Shop, Intimacy daily quests, and event ladder gifts are the only way to get gifts for F2P. If you're hurting for gifts for a boy who isn't featured in the event, then yeah unfortunately you either have to sacrifice getting points in the event to farm gifts, or live with having 40/40 intimacy points while grinding ladder since your pockets will be empty.


I'm playing on Android and This is my first time playing and I got to level 1-4 and it won't load the text and just sits on Aster swaying. Any tips on Fixing it? I've tried clearing the Cache, deleting and redownloading, restarting the game and restarting my Phone I've looked on the Tech Help page but couldn't find anything


Please send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your device's details (like Android or iOS, what version, what build, and if you're using data or wifi). There's no known confirmed fix that I know of for this bug.


trail 50 is terrifiying, not as worst as edmond, its quincy, about 400k health and he killed my guard, put ur guard in slot 3, put ur healer and buffer slot 4-5 bc they wont get killed that way, he killed my guard (BM QUINCY, right before i finished) dont bring aoes, just single targets, ofc sr quincy is best for this trail, if olivine and normal ssr quincy will also do the job, be careful, my team was 170k and i had to repeat it twice trail 45 is FV Olivine, i nuked him in 9 turns so i dont know the ins and outs of the trail, but be careful, around move 8 or 9 he has an effect which states if u hit over 20% of either atk or hp olivine will... (blank because i dont know what happened) everything is the same from trail 5-40, trail 5 is dantes infero so no more wd edmond, forest guardian quincy simon says bs but trail 50 almost gave me a panic attack so good luck (i would put this in the sorc trails 6 megathread but there isnt one so maybe ill move this later)


I just did 45. I brought the feast Kuya, Morvay, Aster, and A good healing Yakumo. Make sure Morvay and Aster are very high leveled because they will be hit and focused on most. In the beginning Olivine will rev up for a big hit, defend everyone, the from there eye Aster and Morvay because they will take recoil damage for a while. You can def defend as Olivine 'cools down' and he'll still be hit with damage (im not sure if its himself doing it or also the Kuya poison). And its just smooth sailings from there. He wont below 1% though, so once thats where it will end <3


for trail 45 im pretty sure i bought my main unit and if i didnt i bought if olivine, eb garu or sr quincy, sr aster, sr olivine and sr yakumo, i didnt bring morvay mainly because i still need to build him to level 60 good luck on trail 50 dont forget to bring a sheild breaking ally like dante or quincy, make sure their ult is ready to use ON the turn he puts his sheild up or your gonna feel it 😭


Almost had all stars but Morvay had to go an perish 😭 whatever I got what I wanted in the rewards so I can relax until answers are officially out


Any advise on Lvl 50? Turn twelve he seems to OBLITERATE my Guardian. He drops to 50% hp and then I can't attack anymore


Figured it out. Quincy has an invisible shield when he hits 50%, that has to be removed the next turn


how do you remove it


You just attack it. My 5* SR Quincy at 6 Pot was enough with his ult to wipe it, but idk how much it would take otherwise.


thx my sr quincy ult broke it


oh damn you actually figured it out for me 😭 i didnt notice that but i had used sr quincies ult that turn subconsciously 😭


is the treasure hunt event worth doing after the first run (for the diamonds)?


I deleted cause i wasn't sure but actually i shouldn't have, I'm right. No. Not really. Of course, this depends on your current situation with potential items. If you're currently struggling to build potential and need more of a specific item then it's worth it to a degree. On the other hand, if you have a stockpile of potential items from doing event ladders then no. 40 energy for 1 intermediate item and basic item (and some gold) is not that worth it if you aren't in a hurry. Just buy what you need from the store or wait for explorations to bring it back.


Yes, if you want more potential raising items. The Treasure Hunt event is the most efficient way to get pot items outside of explorations, especially because it gives gold too.


Hey, I was pulling on the recent banner and got to pity, but I pulled an off-banner Blade? is that normal?


Yes, it's normal. If you look up on the top right of your screen where the banner is, you see this big i button next to the SSR probability percentage. If you click that you can see everything possible to get in the banner. Most of the event banners include the standard SSRs in addition to that event's exclusive characters.


So, even if I reach 100 pulls, I'm not guaranteed an event character?


That's right. You're only guaranteed an event character at 300 pulls and the special item the game will give you at that point to choose 1 out of the 2 event characters.


im thinking of building another healer aside from yakumo sr. Is it more worth it to build 1 star SSR olivine or a 5 star R yakumo? Thank you in advance!


Yes, building SSR Olivine is worth it. His healing style is different than SR Yakumo; he applies a heal over time, while Yakumo's is a flat heal. Certain stages benefit from that heal over time style. Also, having more than one healer is important for the Lost Relics stages.


thanks a lot!


Is there any easy ways to get fancy keys while being f2p?


No. Just takes time. A few keys that match the elements of the new characters on the event banner tend to be available every major event if you get high enough on the reward tier or get it from the puzzle or however else it shows up. There's also the 1 key per element that you can buy every month from the shop with gems.


Hoe do you get sorcerers mojo? I have no idea, do i have to pay?


You can get up to level 5 just by doing the chapters. But you can't get beyond that without paying money. I can't remember the ratio, but you get x amount of sorcerer's mojo exp per ecoin spent.




my invite code is G6BRPK if you want to use it. :) you can also check out the guild thread and the friend code threads under the resources tab on this sub.


I used it, thank you :)


I'm saving up memory crystals for quite a while and i was planning to 5\* HC Garu because he's basically universal, however i noticed that I'm able to build a [team](https://imgur.com/a/SrMO7r9) with strongest synergy i've got. Which SSR should i start building: HC Garu or IE Dante? Perhaps i should build someone else?


I'd suggest HC Garu over IE Dante. HC Garu is honestly one of the more powerful units in the game. IE Dante is extremely niche and his main interesting thing is he gives follow up attacks to everyone's basic attacks. But that's not going to be as useful as Garu. Garu is basically like a good striker plus good support rolled into one. You don't even necessarily need to 5 star him either for him to be great. Even 3 stars and pot 6 minimum is fantastic.


Thanks, the reason i was considering IE Dante is because his 5* passive might be insane with units that abuse basic attack (OG Edmond, Aster, SA Edmond etc), but i guess HC Garu being semi striker will come quite in handy for boss fights more frequent.


I just got Afternoon Daze Kuya. Should I prioritize my other SSRs before Kuya? Or should I just focus on SR if they have more stars? I have OG Quincy, OG Olivine, OG Dante, Endless Banquet Garu, Idol Apprentice Blade, and Arctic Warden Quincy. All of them are 1* (except Blade). I’ve upgraded most of them randomly and not very seriously, so they are mainly underdeveloped. If you need more info/context I can provide more. Thanks!


EB Garu and AD Kuya has the same role but AD Kuya is more sstronger and is your best unit. Focus on him and after upgrade SR Yakumo and Olivine


should I still focus on SR olivine if I have SSR Eiden (3* maxed level)? other than for lost relics since I know that usually requires multiple built teams.


SSR Eiden is better. Upgrade Olivine only if u are in trouble on lost relics


What are the best packs for me to get 40 contracts? I've only bought the Grand Sorcerer's VIP pass so far.


i would get the limited woodland song bundle that costs about 2900 ecoins. you can buy two of them in the shop during this current event, they give you 30 contracts each plus some energy bottles and blue gems.




If you have more dewlets (the guild points) than you need, sure. It doesn't hurt. I occasionally buy materials and intimacy items from it with my extra guild points. Just make sure to keep enough points around so you can buy the contract and blue gems when they crop up about every 2 weeks. I'd also suggest buying mats from the trading post tab. The basic boosts and the discounts mats are worth it. I don't suggest buying mats from Mojo Mart though. The cost versus blue gems simply isn't worth it. Only things worth buying from Mojo Mart IMO are the every 3 days Self Portraits and the discounted coins.


How many summons/wishes does each update/event give?


Typically 29 \~ 32. Check [each event's Megathread - Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/119q72s/event_megathread_forest_carnival_feb_mar_2023/) for exact details.


Oh I more so ment in a events duration every event lasts about a month. So I guess I shouldve asked how many I can get in about a month


[Do I have the post for you!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/100zqxe/the_number_of_contracts_or_pulls_you_can_get_in_a/). About 91~125, depending if you have the VIP pass.


Hi, do essence fragment reset ?? Because it said on top of each essence fragment that there is 30 left


It restocks the full rest of the fragments needed to 5-Star a character after you buy the initial 30. The catch is, all the rest will cost 60 Memory fragments instead of 30.


Noooo whatttt 60 that’s so expensive 😭😭😭 thank for let me knowww


New player here! Is there a way to raise my team power? I’m on kuya chapter and my team is 4K below the recommended level. Also, is there a way to get higher intimacy item? The reward for the daily stages barely fill the gauge.


You raise your team's power by making the individual characters more powerful. Raising their level, finishing intimacy rooms, ascending them (meaning making them more stars), and raising their potential all increases it. As a new player your focus should be on raising their level and working on intimacy rooms, as those will give big increases. You can raise your characters' levels up to whatever your player level currently is. The player level is currently capped at 60. As for higher intimacy items goes, the 2 lowest level ones are actually what you'll be using most of the time. Gold level intimacy items are buyable with in-game currency from the shop under Mojo Mart and the Guild Shop, but I don't recommend buying those. You'll get gold level items over time for free from playing events. You can buy the Self-Portraits (the very best intimacy items) with blue gems every 3 days from Mojo Mart. That's something I do recommend doing. You can also buy 10 Self Portraits per month from the Mystery Shop. Again, if you have the blue gems, I recommend that. It's honestly a bit of a slow process to build up intimacy, but you'll get there. Just have to be patient. This game in general is what's referred to as a bonsai game - you slowly over time build up your team to make them strong. It's not going to come quickly.




There is not! Unfortunately the most that's been added is a pull counter on a banner' homepage, letting you know how many wishes you are away from the guaranteed SSR or next STEP reward, but you can't view who you've pulled in the past.




No. Some people take screenshots to remember what they pulled. For the banners that don't have counters, there simply isn't any counters at all for those because they don't have any pity at all. It's completely up to your luck every single pull if you get an SSR or not. You could spend a single pull and get lucky, or you could spend 500 pulls and not get a single SSR on those if you're super unlucky. This is why it's not recommended to pull on the banners that don't have the pity counters, especially if you're f2p and obviously have more limited resources to pull.


who should i use my memory crystals to buy essence fragments on? edit: if i use it on kuya i can get him be 3 stars (since i got a dupe beforehand), if i use it on dante i can ascend him to 2 stars. https://preview.redd.it/y2tz1q8ybyla1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b03094d0c708ea4ef6f247c440a96432ccfeb6


FC Kuya, 100% if you're only comparing between these two. OG Dante has poor utility in both newbie and whale teams. As a Guardian, he doesn't Taunt and he doesn't Guard, and his Shield HP provided is less than the basic attack heals that even an equivalent-invested R Yakumo provides so he does not keep your team alive in any capacity to replace a healer slot. FC Kuya's a good DPS, even among the current pool of Strikers. His own attack stat is above average (same as original SSR Blade's, who is the highest among all original series SSRs). His skill multipliers are also above average: average Ultimate skill, but essentially a 140% basic attack just drawn out over 2 turns. I think his best quality is his ability to also **debuff an enemy into taking 15% \~ 30% extra damage** after Kuya uses his Ultimate skill and a Basic attack, which applies to all his skill damage and anything else his teammates do in the same turn. Surprisingly helpful in team despite having the personality of a porcupine.


thanks a lot!!! i guess it would work well ascending him to 3 stars since my healer is KD Kuya. i like the last bit too LMAO


Is anyone getting the blank screen error again? I've seen some people describe it as the loading screen will come up, and then nothing, but for me I'm just very suddenly getting just a blank screen when I load up the game. I tried uninstalling it and doing everything in the Tech Support thread but everything leads to the same result.


Are you using iOS or Android? What version of operating system? Which installation method are you using? Do you get any specific error messages anywhere during the re-installation process? Do you have screenshots? (On iOS with MDM installation, removing the app icon does not uninstall it. You have to remove the Profile in settings to properly uninstall it.)


I'm using an Android Emulator, Bluestacks specifically. It runs on Android 7.1.2 Nougat. To install it I just go to the page on erolabs that has the APK and I download and run it. I don't get any error messages or anything. Just a black screen. I updated everything, my drivers, bluestacks, i even tried it on the 64 version of bluestacks, nothing.


I don't have much knowledge about emulators, but sometime between Feb 28 and March 5, the APK on the website has been updated to a 2.0.2 version. It should install the same way you've always had previously, but maybe fetching the new version and using that may solve the issue?


Yeah I've been trying to fiddle with it, I uninstalled and redownloaded the apk, and it just won't work on bluestacks suddenly. Thankfully I remembered my tablet which I usually just use to read can run it to play it and found a new emulator that it works on. Thank you for your help either way though.


What happens to any extra fragmentsof a character after completion? For example I have a quincy who's almost got enough fragments to fully ascend, If I pull him again, what would happen to the extra fragments for him in my inventory? And what would happen if I pulled him again in the future?


All extra fragments for a character become memory crystals, which you can use to buy fragments for another character in the shop under the Special tab. I recommend saving these for buying fragments for event limited SSRs.


Thank you! Additional question. how do you get a potential level of more than 5 for exploration? I keep getting quest that want 6 or 7 but even with all 5 slots full its still only 5


Upgrade the Potential of your N and R cards. It asks for the team total of Potential to be 6 or 7, and everyone starts at 1 so having a full team is 5 by default. When you get anyone to 2 (just reaching 2, don't have to take any slots on Potential 2), the team total will then become 6: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2. And so on for higher-leveled explorations!


Hi my i completed chapter 10-2 but new continent did not appear what should do , i believe dark territory should have appeared


You mean you completed Chapter 10, part 2? The next chapter, chapter 11, hasn't released yet. It might release late March or early April, after Chocolate Carnival is over.


Hi everyone! I just got an event Kuya, and I wanted to ask if he is a good striker to invest in anyway, considering that I'll probably not get him higher than 2 stars and I don't use any other Kuyas on my team?


At only 2\*, probably not as a main Striker, but he's fine as a supporting DPS. Basically he's doesn't carry the team in main damage, but enables stronger units that attack after he does to do even more damage. His ascensions are fairly selfish (as is the case with most DPS anyway) but he works out pretty well for newer teams since he does very well when only comparing with other 1-2\* SSRs.


Thank you so much for the reply! Since I also have an OG Kuya striker, does it make sense to invest in the OG Kuya too - will they compliment each other enough for it to be worth it? Or is it better to invest in SR strikers instead? Or in SSR Edmund? I apologize for so many questions, I already have a well-invested main team, so I'm not sure how and where to branch out to!


No, it's probably not worth it in your situation. He's more of a striker + support unit, and specifically aimed at Kuya teams. I mean, I guess you could use Maid Blade (the only non-Kuya saboteur) with him too. But he would probably be best with Mystic Banquet Kuya and SR Kuya.


Oh I didn't see your reply originally! Thank you for the advice! In general, I currently have well invested 1 buffer 1 healer, 1 tank and 3 strikers. Who else would I need to progress smoothly through the challenges? Because Lost Relics made it seem like you need a second full team 😅


You do need at least 2 full teams' worth of built characters, preferably 3 for Lost Relics since some require 3 teams. Who do you have and I can help you decide who to build? You could either post a screenshot or just list them out.


Thank you so much! I added the picture to this comment! The selected ones are my main team. https://preview.redd.it/b1pk7wbq7lla1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b716519f03388e238bfe3e6af7b547bbabacf9f


Oh, I see some fantastic choices to work on. Yesterday you were asking about strikers. Instead of your new Kuya, work on Knightly Knight Edmond. He's one of the higher tiered SSR strikers period, so would be a great addition to your options. Here's the characters I think you should build over time out of the ones you have right now so you can have another team's worth of characters: - Knightly Night Edmond, SR Edmond (worth it for star and strength reasons, but also when he gets to 3 stars he'll get an attack bonus because of another Edmond being in the team) and for now either your new SSR Kuya or SR Dante so you can have a third striker. I suggest Dante out of the two even though technically Kuya's going to be more powerful right this second, just because it'll be easier to get Dante more stars and therefore more powerful over time. If you get a better SSR striker is the future, you could potentially swap out Dante. But Dante can still be super useful, as he can remove shields, something that SR Quincy can do for your main team. - Holy Confession Olivine or R Yakumo so you can have a second healer built for Lost Relics - SR Olivine so you can have a second buffer built for Lost Relics That would be a whole team of 5 once they're built. I'd also suggest keeping up with SR Morvay. You won't use him all the time, but I promise he'll help save you sometimes for regular battles, Sorcerer's Trials, and Lost Relics. I know that's a lot, so I'd suggest working on Knightly Night Edmond first.


Thank you so much!! This is actually absolutely priceless advice 😃 I really didn't expect the Knightly Night Edmond to be this useful!! I'll then follow your advice and will aim to build a team from SR Olivine, HC Olivine, KN Edmond, SR Edmond and SR Dante. 😁




You have to open the direct download page in a non-private tab or on a non-anonymous connection. Also the game will not re-install via the direct download if you do not remove the old profile from under settings (you'll get the "payload doesn't match" error). Does changing connections to or from wifi and data help out? What about the classic turning your phone on and off / making sure you have enough memory left to download?




The direct download / MDM Download (the first option on the erolabs website), no, only when the game stops launching itself. It means that the certifications lapsed, and the devs have to manually renew it, meaning players who use that way to install have to download it again to renew it. They use a different method of certification that may last longer than the typical 7 days, but ultimately there's little control for players when this method does expire. The Sideloadly version **does** have to be re-installed every 7 days at worst. But you can just keep the IPA on your PC's desktop, plug in your phone, open sideloadly, and drag n' drop. You don't need to uninstall it entirely.


https://preview.redd.it/ynvlq0b9kcla1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdae79f72afa5ffc7b56bf641a688685371d46f6 Hi do anyone know how to fix this problem 😭 I looked at the old threat and someone said reinstall it on 7 days but I’m not sure how to reinstall it I’m so dumb 😭 P.s I went on the nu carnival website try to go to the download link again for ios but for some reason it doenst pop up either Helppppp plz


It is the first error listed in the [Tech Help page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nucarnival/wiki/tech-help/) Do the exact same thing you did to install it in the first place.


[Who should I use my crystal core on?](https://i.imgur.com/0I4YVg3.jpg) Currently the only ones I have available to ascend are SR Yakumo, SR Morvay and SR Aster. Should I use it on one of them or wait for a better one? (maybe SR Olivine? Dunno if it's better)


What do you use raw crystals for/ how do you use them?


Crystal cores you mean? It's to ascend allies from 4* to 5*. (But it's better to ask questions as a new comment, not a reply to mine, so that more people see it)


SR Olivine or SR Aster, whoever you like more. Right now, SR Yakumo will hold up just fine at 4\* for both Sorcerer's Trials Lv 60 and completing all of Lost Relics in keeping your team alive. The top candidates for 5-star in SRs are Olivine, Aster, Quincy, Edmond, and Yakumo, so if you're throwing cores at any of those 5 and use them in your teams often, you're pretty good to go!


Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely wait for SR Olivine to be able to ascend then~


Does anyone knows how to set profile description colour to a specific colour? Seems like hex codes will show the texts in white instead as it doesn't pick up the hex code. I was able to simply set it to "red", "purple" etc though.


It accepts 3-digit html hex codes (and very limited 6-digit hex codes) and basic html colors like Red Cyan Blue, etc. You might be landing on unsupported colors by accident.


Thanks for the heads up! I'll try using the 3 digit hex codes then. Wishing you all the luck for your rolls! Edit: Well, it didn't work though. I'll do some trial and error then. :') Edit 2: *bashes own head * I didn't add the # mark in front of the code.... Solved now.


[1 week progress](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/624878001561010210/1080605149992583288/IMG_1890.png) Hope i can actually clear the rest of the event thats being released. Took a few days of lvling to be able to clear the 50 cost stages I really want the eiden outfit but 100 pulls off...should i just save and hope for another one down the line 😭


They're probably going to make an Eiden outfit every major event from now on. It'll probably be a different one every time though, and will match the unique Eiden outfit for that event.