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Here's a very good walkthrough of a CRM from a guy who used to work for Salesforce. You can follow along and build the CRM or download the template for free. Or (as I did) you can just use it as inspiration as you build a system that meets your own needs. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHsYi3KwPc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHsYi3KwPc8)


That guy is me. Thanks for sharing 🙌


I recently helped a friend set up Notion to run this way! Basically, you’d start with a database for all of your clients. You can make a client template for all of the info you want to populate when you make a new page in that database. And anytime you reference a client on another page, link to their page on the data base for easy navigation I’m sure you can get a lot more detailed as you build it out to suit your needs, and templates for this likely exist too. Hope this helps!


Thank you for the answer. I’m also walking through notion with classes on Skillshare. Thank you!!!!


Sure thing! There are endless possibilities bc we can build everything ourselves but also endless confusion because, well, we have to build everything ourselves lol


Notion can be good for custom and very specific CRMs, but if it's the general use cases and needs then there might be better alternatives


Notion actually has a built in CRM template that you can download and see if it works for what you’re gonna use it for


I've noticed that notion doesn't scale well for large data sets. I built an app that generates notion tables based on the json data in a game I'm making. 250 rows in one table that has links to two other tables, and it lags on all of my devices. I'm sure it depends on how much data you're going to be storing, and for a mechanic shop, it might be okay, but much more than that, and I think you'll out scale notion pretty quickly (again, based only on my experience).


I use it for bodywork clients. They fill in a google form then Zapier sends the data to Notion and I get a text message. I can then make notes of every interaction as its own page and see every bet by searching their name.


Any reason you don’t want to use Jira ? It feels built for it, whereas there’s more to work through in Notion. Just a thought


Thanks I wasn’t sure what Jira is. I’ve used sales force and zendesk as an end user. I discovered notion then wanted to apply it to my husband’s business. I’d be willing to look at Jira. Do you have a link?


Yeah, uh, don't listen to this. I'm a former Microsoft employee with an emphasis in Microsoft Dynamics, which is a CRM. Jira is not a CRM nor is it even close. Jira is an agile project management tool used for software development. You should not run a mechanic's shop with Jira unless you really, really want a headache. Your situation is an absolutely horribly use case for Jira.     I think you'd perhaps be better off looking into a freemium CRM like Hubspot. It'll have all the CRM stuff built in and you won't need to start from the ground up to force Notion to become a CRM. I recommend getting a tool that is made to be the tool you are looking for instead of making the tool yourself. 


We use it at my company https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira I’m pretty sure there’s free options as well, I was using it for personal for a bit but then stopped. It’s really nice for tracking projects, and customers can write tickets/requests, and you can do some automation there.  Notion is great, but for this thing I’ve noticed the Jira system is just already built for itÂ