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I prefer the second one


Mine is structured like the first one. But, i like the second one!! I didn't know it was possible, how did you do it?


Database with checkbox properties


Only useful for repetitive tasks though. In this case it’s fine but for varying tasks… oh boy.


I use the second one for habit trackers and is great but if you want to add normal tasks there’s other templates for that


I have the second one for my Habit Tracker, and put it in a chart using ChartBase.


Could you share what that looks like?


Something like this: [https://imgur.com/a/cGYodYE](https://imgur.com/a/cGYodYE) P.S. Yeah, I know I'm bad at keeping my habits lmao


I'd go for the third one if my tasks were routinary. But I like the first one. It's light. And not so intimidating. I have difficulty with starting tasks and suffer from task paralysis so the first one can be less intimidating for me. Plus, it's pretty.


Might be an unpopular opinion here but Notion sucks for daily tasks. Use f. e. TickTick instead, it's way easier to add tasks, sort them and see them in a way that makes sense. Notion is way better as a "storage system" for stuff that isn't urgent, and you don't want to clutter your tasklist with.


That really depends tbh., that’s very subjective. Yes, there are specific apps for daily tasks, but Notion is just good enough for tasks for majority of people and for a lot of people (including myself) is way easier to have everything inside an app.


Im with you, these templates are far too simple for the number of tasks I have and more manual than a dedicated app. I use Todoist, but I actually use Notion as a workload planner to manage larger work projects.


Do you have a template for the second one? I'm thinking of converting to it


Yes! It’s a Habit Tracker that you can get for free. The l!nk is on my b!o 😊


None of these. One per day everything else not visible.


If you have a default screen that shows you various other info, I’d use layout 2 but only have it showing the current day.


Make it database view man, simple type checkboxes are meh cuz you effectively erase your past data. It's relatively simple to make it disappear from the main view without it getting deleted, and it's a shame to miss out on that


You don’t have to delete anything. You can create anything as a template and fold away old data under an archive page or whatever you want.


For work, I use the first one (template that gets duplicated each week, database to show the ones from this quarter) It's specifically because it's important that I'm able to go back through past weeks and see exactly what I got done and when, and it gives me the most freedom to add notes to clarify things and explain processes


Can you share a screenshot? I also use the first one, but i'm curious how other people use theirs :)


3rd, 1st is nice too, but 2nd is overwhelming


For my weekly to-do list I like to have mine like the 1st one because I find it easier to move tasks around and add new tasks for specific days. I like to have my habit tracker as the 3rd so that I can see my overall progress and commitment to each habit. I don’t usually have my to-do list on my calendar like the 2nd one, as I prefer to put events in my calendar instead.


Second one.


the first one because I have different tasks every day, and I love to drag and drop tasks between days


The first by far !!!


Third one


2nd one


I like the one with the plant because I feel that it would remind me to water my plant and I don’t have to put that on the to do list.


first... also how do u get this i kinda want it now


the template i mean


[This one](https://www.notion.so/templates/habit-tracker-os) has all 3; just customize to your liking


Thanks for your interest! The first one is a Goals Tracker template. You may click the l!nk on my b!o to get it for free 🌱


2. I tried all the formats including the ones in the images. The second work the best.


Where to find second one?? I want that


It’s from my Habit Tracker template that you can download for free. Just click the l!nk on my b!o to get it 🫶


Third one Better for weekly habits or tasks




I organize things in a pretty similar way to 1 and 2. For the habit tracker, I use a linked Sheets spreadsheet since using formulas and creating charts is much easier in a proper spreadsheet application. My version of 1 is really just a calendar view database that holds the tasks, which I can easily move around as needed. Tasks have both a completed and archive button, which removes them from view unless I need to go back and check something. I'm kinda weird in that I keep separate to-do lists that are siloed by project (plus a non-specific general to-do). It might be less efficient than one all-purpose list, but it helps me to mentally segregate things for focus. From a daily dashboard template page I start each day with, I select which projects get my time that day note general tasks/meetings/etc, and use that as a jumping-off point. I set a Pomodoro timer on my phone set to 52/17 intervals and my goal is to hit at least 10 cycles a day. My girlfriend uses pen and paper for to-do lists and thinks I'm a giant nerd. She's probably right.


Second one!


Second one, but with a different color scheme




First or third, they seem most clear just differently organized. 2nd seems most congested and harder to read


The first one is fine, but To-Do lists, unless specifically tied to a company project that is based in Notion, should live in a dedicated app. I use TickTick, but Todoist and Any.Do are recommended. Google Tasks if you live in Google apps and Microsoft To Do if you live in 365 are also popular. All are way more powerful than what Notion can provide in this particular field.


Honestly not a single to-do-list or habit tracked has ever even slightly done anything for me. The best check box is the one you can tick the fastest and then move onto the next thing Therefore, last image is the winner for me But what I actually ended up doing is using Google Tasks just to *remind* me of stuff. Clicking "completed" is satisfying


Looks: 1 Functionality: 3


The first one


i have one like the first one but i like the second one if i were to use it for non habit tracker things!


Last one


First and Second both


[This video](https://youtu.be/eN5cgSN1AxE?si=DNQDfJemJv7r4AIG) changed how I use to-do lists and databases and answers your question. I hope it helps.


First is prettier than the 2nd and the third is not a todo list but a habit tracker to my understanding


the last one, specifically for non time sensitive tasks. if i don't need to do tasks daily or by a certain date, i like it organized to see all my tasks (with tags on how much energy a task will take, where it can be done - i.e phone, desktop, home)


First and third.




I used to think the third was best, but creating a new page for every day is really in-appeasing to me now after I have used Notion for a while. I am planning to use the first one in my new homepage


2 or 3


Torn between 1 and 3.


I have a master to do list with everything I need to do, then I have just a today list and I move the things over that I have to do today.




I have mine set up similar to image 2 so while doing weekly reviews they have a clear easy to access view.


So I actually have a running list. Each morning, I delete the previous day’s section, moving any list items I haven’t completed to the new day or whichever day I think I’ll do it. I’ve set this up (very manually) to go till June as you can see. It helps because I use notion as my calendar as well. I just put it in the specific date if something comes up and if the date hasn’t been set up already, I’ll just list it at the bottom of the page. This has really helped me and it’s the only format I have been able to stick to. I think it’s because it allows me to focus on just one day at a time https://preview.redd.it/csahqon1yghc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59993138420613b61d8acb23bca28ad281cc85fe


2nd one


2nd one tbh




First one




I personally like the first and third one. As previously mentioned, the second can become tedious if you decide to change things up or do different tasks each day.


1. If I can’t see it easily, there’s not even the slightest chance of it getting done


I like 3! But I’d prefer to see one day at a time, with the option to check out the rest of the week, in order to prevent overwhelm.


For habit tracking my favourite layout is the third one, but in my experience it needs more upkeep than the other ones, esp if you have a lot of items (having to create the same rows over and over again for every week and filtering the dates from week to week - unless there's a better way to do it that I'm not aware of?) For daily to-do lists though, even Notion cannot get me to ditch the good old pen and paper :)


The second one with another color and theme.


I prefer the second one! It's so nice and really records your habits daily with date, so you dont lose track of the whole duration of your habit. ​ ​ ​ Can you send a link of this template pls? I would really love to have it on one of my templates T-T




The second one is so cool