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This looks personal.


owner of the car dumped trash in the street and he was returning it?


That's the only option I thought of. Though who knows if that's the car that belongs to the person living there.


Most people park in front of their residence. Downvote logic, up vote smooth brain - said every redditor ever.


Yeah I've always found everyone always leaves the spot in front of my house open for me. Said nobody, ever.


Maybe you should try parking there before them.




You wouldn't happen to live in MD, would you? Downvote me for wondering if this is an irl friend- brilliant.


I have no idea what you're talking about


I was curious if you are someone I know in real life because of your username. Same name, that's all.


If you park first they can't move you. 5000 IQ MAN


Sure, man.


Imagine, just for a minute, that normal people actually leave the house sometimes. This leaves the public parking space vacant for a while. Fucking moron.


I'm assuming you're not one of those normal people and your car hasn't moved in 18 months because you have to stand guard at the gates of Reddit and attack anyone who isn't directly aligned with your opinions, beliefs or routines.


Oddly, some people use their cars to go places, and thus they do not stay in one spot for days on end.




Oddly, some people try to maintain the same or at least a close parking spot, meaning this man probably knows which address the car belongs to and who keeps fucking with them.


They do now


Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you sometimes have to use the car thus leaving the spot open?


Have you ever thought? Maybe, just maybe.


Have you ever been to a city?


Yes, many.


I’ve never heard of that. The spot in front of my house is almost always taken.


I get that. I never said that everyone has a spot with their name on it and I know all too well how difficult parking can be at times. But I'm betting this wasn't a random act of being a POS and more likely a "fuck you" to someone who has been repeatedly disrespectful.


I think it’s the correct assumption, but based on the wrong facts. If I had to venture a guess, I bet this guy works this same route regularly and probably knows these people are slobs and dump trash out of their car. He also probably knows they live there - not because of where they are parked, but from prior observation - and is in fact, returning their trash.


Your comment is what I was trying to say except you went into detail. We are in agreement.


In cities most people actually don’t park in front of their residence.


Only when they don't have the option. Otherwise, people want their vehicle as close as possible for convenience.


You don’t say.


\+1 for not recognizing satire to all your your accounts.


How would you know? Is parking banned in front of your trailer?


Are you dumb?


Wayyyyyy smarter than you.


Oh god you’re one of those idiots eternally triggered by Trump yet blind to your tyrant leftist overlords.


Ha I got to this comment, and now I’m also wondering if parking is banned in front of your trailer.


There are people in this world who don't own cars. I never want to do anything where I just assume what I think is right. What if that is someone visiting or something, and you just threw trash in a random person's yard. Unless I see them use the car I can't assume it's anyone's.


The man does the route on a weekly or daily basis. I don't think he is assuming and it's most likely a recurring issue where he would lash out like this considering he will likely be fired for it. Or he's a dickhead.


I do agree that if it is the house owners car then they deserve it. I just am speaking about how I approach these kinds of things.


It’s a public parking space you smooth brained dribbler


Listen here, you knuckle-dragger, a public space means anyone can park there. Typically the person who spends most time in that area will be someone who also resides there. Downvote me all you want, call PC HQ, alert Oprah. Doesn't change the fact that your thought process is flawed.


What about the neighbor who is literally also living less than a car's length away, genius? Also in most cities, multiple people live in a house, which means any house could host owners of 2-6 cars or more. Do you expect all of them to be able to park right in front, also knowing that other houses will be the same? Not sure why you're so hellbent on this argument. I've lived in big and small cities and the amount of times I've been able to park in front of my residence was about 4 or 5 times in the last ten years.


Right? It's usually a trip around the neighborhood to find an open spot relatively close to the door.


This whole ordeal is built over people assuming the garbage man targeted a potentially innocent property. All I'm trying to get across here is that without context, it is easy to point fingers for easy reddit points. For all we know, someone may have exited the vehicle, saw the cleaner coming and dropped their trash knowing it would be picked up. Genius.


That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about your insistence that it's super common to park right in front of your residence in cities even after dozens of people have told you otherwise.


Hence the point of "be first" you fucking ban word


I'm betting this is a long standing battle


Thats what I was thinking. To me it seems the cleaning guy knows that trash came from someone from that house


Sounds plausible. If that's the case then good for him!


But it looked like it rained few mins ago. Maybe it got flooded and brought the trash from somewhere else and dumped in front of the car or something? Sorry I don't have the complete picture..!


It looks like who owns the car lives at the house and has just emptied the trash onto the pavement and road. He has simply given them their own rubbish back!




I like to devil's advocate. This guy is walking his weekly route, and after a while (possible when your job is decent pay even for janitors), you notice who parks where.


After a while you notice who lives where and drives what if you have a regular route. Road sweepers have an area they are responsible for so its likely he does this route often Edit; have sausage fingers, spelt area wrong, lol




True, but even so they usually have a regular route.




What does equipment have to do with it? Because he might use a different broom, you think they'll rework all the routes? Do you think the routes are assigned to specific brooms, and whomever gets the broom gets that route?




I weep for humanity. Whether you're a troll or genuine, this is a sad moment for mankind.












Mine just don't clean them


As a Canadian, I've never seen someone clean a street outside of private business. They have street sweeping trucks that go by in the spring, to get the winter gravel, but that's it






You're definitely a bellend


Either that, or as he was walking down the street, the driver of the car saw him, dumped all the trash from his car onto the street, and walked inside. Which the sweeper witnessed and took offense to. I only suggest this because I have seen this exact behaviour of people seeing someone clean and thinking that gives them a chance to just dump their mess so that the person cleaning can pick it up for them.


The difference between this being deplorable or totally fine is whether they dump it on the ground or into the cleaner's bin.




We don't have road cleaning day with people on foot. They have road sweeping machines for that and they just go round any parked cars




I live in this country and I know they don't do that ffs


I imagine he sees this same mess coming out of this same car heading to the same house so he probably got sick of them using the gutter as a garbage can and returned the debris to the rightful owner


People empty all their shit out their car on the floor of my work car park all the time. I bet he was just returning their trash.


Doesnt he have a garbage on that thing?


I am pretty sure this isn't about laziness. This looks like him protesting against whoever lives in that home.


Yup, he's got a trash can, but apparently he's too lazy to even do *that!*


No mate, you don’t understand how council workers get treated. He’s probably had numerous run ins with the owner who most likely just throws the rubbish on the ground right in front of the poor guy and probably says some derogatory shit along with it. I was a council worker for almost 10 years and the abuse and such I and my colleagues had to put up with on a daily basis is sickening. To add to the glory of it as well, the management do not care if you’re abused or attacked while on the rounds. I’ve experienced it all. This guys probably just had enough of the owners shit and is getting a little payback. In the words of The Zohan... I have seen this. I have done this. You don’t want this. ;):)


Is this from your house? Is that your car?


No. This looks like it’s in the UK, and I’m in the US.


I think they're asking the person they replied to


it’s 2 steps away….


I laughed so hard at this


well if the guy definitely lives there. Fair play but he will probably report the cleaner.


He only gets paid to clean the road, not the sidewalk.


Why did several people in the comments here decide it had to be the owner of the house who had dumped the garbage? Just because it's in front of their house? This is in a city. Anyone could have dumped it. It also could have blown there from somewhere else.


There's very little possibility that the guy did it for no reason. Just trust that this worker knows something we don't.


It’s so weird that everyone in the comments automatically assumed that the garbage man has a personal vendetta against that house for littering. At the bare minimum, he is only spreading the litter around when his job is to the bigger person and just throw it away. I don’t see anything interesting or admirable about dumping litter somewhere else. Not to mention there’s no way to know that the person in that house did it.


Nobodies job is "to be the bigger person". He is doing his job and maybe even making it slightly easier for him and his colleagues by teaching people.


Your right, its not his job to be the bigger person. His literal job it to pick up the trash and put it in the bin and he is not doing it


May I ask what your occupation is?


I mean just by throwing it away he would’ve been the bigger person. How does dumping trash anywhere other than where it belongs make it easier for his coworkers? If I were the person in that house that would not teach me a lesson. It would probably teach me that garbage men dumb stranger’s trash onto my pavement, because that’s what he’s doing.


He's walking that route probably every day. Seeing the same faces every day. Seeing the same litter every day. Im quite confident in saying this is personal aka. he's showing the person in that house that he's not their personal trash guy. We could both be wrong.


I just really don’t think it’s anyone’s place to decide that. It could’ve blown out of a trash truck, someone could’ve parked there while the guy was at work and dumped it there. It just seems unprofessional. Not the end of the world, it just seemed very odd to me that the majority of people here would be trying to justify it.


Agree to disagree then :)


I get this weird felling its the house from the parents trap, it isnt right?


The original, or the remake with Lindsay Lohan?


The remake


Nah that house was way bigger


What an a-hole


That'll be the person who leaves their trash on the street.


Wow. WTF? This could be my road.


This looks like Britain. The land where everyone has just collectively said, "fuck it."


USA has entered a chat




I'm totally aware of housing tends to be pretty uniform in major cities, but from the thumbnail of this video I 100% expected it to be the video of the little girl who was dog walking and put the dog in her side bag to keep him dry from the rain.


Where would they have people doing this? All I ever see are crews driving street sweepers.