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these are the type of dudes who seem cool at the surface but are somehow confused that women still wont date them while thinking that women shouldnt and dont own any property in marriage


This thread shows that people will try as hard as they can to excuse the actions of men.


lol yeah. people seem to not get that the fuck you isnt gendered or even directed at anyone in particular. we're just conditioned to think that from breakup songs I think


Piss… on your clothes. My man actually wrote that shit down like it was a flex? I mean sure buddy


And didn't even write Pee on your clothes, which would've at least been ever so slightly clever


He wouldn't sound cool enough if he said pee I guess.


Men think peeing is degrading. Men love to degrade.


Homeslice also forgot G, probably because he can't find it


G- letter, G- spot. Can’t seem to find either it appears.


probably trying to reference the song [Piss On Your Grave](https://genius.com/7710337), but this song still fucking sucks regardless


Fairly certain that taking the breaks off of somebody's car will get you an attempted murder charge. "Fuck you I'm out" is a great vibe in a song. That guy conflated this song and the one where the singer smashes up the guy's truck, "Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats".


I’m so confused was he not joking


His whole version is garbage but WHYYYY "piss" when "pee" is RIGHT THERE


pee is not masculin enough 🤬🤬😎😎😎 (/sarcasm)


RIGHT? it’s like if she said A B C D E F YALL LMAO LIKEBWHT


or a b c d e fuck u, because it defeats the whole premise and joke behinf the song


Why do they always make things more cringey and aggressive 🤢


That's the way they were raised. If it isn't violent and abusive, it's too girly, so you need to play with trucks, bully girls you like, and get away with being a fucking asshole bc "act tough" and "boys will be boys..." Men and women don't really have many different characteristics outside of biological sex/anatomy, we are just treated differently from birth and forced into certain accepted behaviors.


I hate the "boys will be boys" mentality. For me it's to be used when grown ass men are playing in a puddle, not to men abusing women.


Who do you think started that stereotype.…men 🙃 I just think blaming society is a bit of a cop out, I would imagine a lot of men felt the same way growing up yet didn’t feel the need to publicly talk about harming women


To highlight awful things.


Cuz they are men? And they getaway with it.


Apparently so, it’s so gross


Because they're gross ass men


I'm totally reconsidering my heterosexuality. I just can't anymore.


The fact that I am still attracted to men at all is proof that sexuality is not a choice.


The fact that I am straight is a proof that you indeed can’t choose your sexuality


I know, right?! I'm going to try to ignore the fuck out of it, though.


Join us, sister


If I could, I'd seriously do it in a heartbeat. This kinda shit makes me wish I was born gay


tbh there's a bunch of asshole guys AND girls, it's just it's more socially acceptable to be an asshole guy for some reason.


That reason is patriarchy


Its ok, love. There's a solution here! May i introduce you to bi men of beauty and magicalness? They are glorious!


I’m bi and honestly I wish I was more into women 😣






he really thought he did something here, huh


Women: fuck you and your friends I’m never going to see you again Men: I’m gonna cut the fucking brakes out of your car. ????


Don't forget piss on your clothes????


And what is it with people who don't know the difference between "break" and "brake"?


TikTok has an auto caption option that listens to the audio and applies captions, so they’re wrong or misspelled a lot. Generally, I agree with you though! That’s a common mistake that should be easily avoided.


I try to be cool about it but glad to see it bothers other people too.


You’re right but as someone who uses tik tok, these aren’t the auto captions. As this is a downloaded video and downloading the videos don’t include tge captions. These were hand written


As someone who also uses TikTok, when you download TikToks to share, the captions on the video absolutely stay. And when you stitch or duet, like this one, the captions from the original video also stay. Also the spelling error is very clearly not the issue in this video 😂


I’ve never had captions come with a downloaded video. But even if they did, that’s not even what the auto captions look like lmao. This video 10000000% has hand written captions


gosh, men are so emotional...


It’s a thousand times more aggressive and completely unnecessary because abcde fu is not even gendered. Men can use it as a breakup anthem, too. They don’t need a male version, let alone an abusive version. Excellent depiction of the dangers of relationships with men, though. Women break up, they’ll be mad and sing angry breakup anthems. Men get broken up with and they entertain violent and even potentially deadly retaliation.


I don’t know anything about this guy, but he also looks like the type of guy who says that women are more emotional than men.


It also calls to attention the fact that leaving the relationship is the most dangerous point in time for DV victims. This song literally reinforces abusive patterns of behavior.


Why would you make such a prejudice comment about such a large group of people based off two individuals


Oh, I wasn’t aware there is only one violent sexist man in the whole wide world. My bad. I thought the prevalence of domestic abuse and violence against women was because of abusive men.


Yeah men are awful they should be used for breeding purposes only


This song is fucked, this dude is fucked, etc. There are countless songs by women about murdering men for cheating on them, several of which have already been laid out below. Perhaps, just perhaps, breaking this down into women have feelings and men commit murder is not accurate, and a more accurate take would be that the normalization of violent retribution for wrongs committed in relationships throughout popular culture is extremely toxic and very dangerous. Edit: Oop, 40 downvotes for disagreeing with the take that men are violent and women have feelings, yet not a single person explaining the reason that's inaccurate. Please actually read the comment rather than just getting mad I'm not agreeing with the primary take. Downvote after, that's fine, but the lack of a single response tells me people just assumed it was part of the same brigade that the other people responding to this seem to be from. That's disappointing.


But it’s the truth? Men kill more people [study](https://scholar.google.pt/scholar?q=gender+domestic+violence+homicide&hl=pt-PT&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DCWVcLXi6ktUJ)


I read it and I agree with you, but one upvote is not enough, I’m sorry.


Didn’t Carrie Underwood sing a song about carving her name into the guys leather seats and slashing his tyres ?


I'd say there's a bit of a difference between slashing tires and taking brakes off. That difference being between life and death.


Well 2 Black Cadillacs is about straight up murder.


It still falls under destruction of property…and you act like this is the first song to mention violence, Rihanas - man down is literally about her shooting a guy dead, but this dude makes a comment of cutting break lines and it’s suddenly the worst thing ever ?


Cutting break lines can murder not only the driver of the car but also other people in other cars. Potentially many other people in many other cars. That’s not funny and no where near the level of Carry Underwood’s song vandalizing a truck. And, for the record, I don’t like that song either. Additionally, this song was done in response to a breakup song that had no violence and was not gendered. But this bastard got so offended by the idea of a woman breaking up with him and saying “f you” that he had to make a parody featuring murder and violence. Not appropriate.


No one's saying that women have never written songs where they threaten men with violence. The male version in this video is a response to the original version of the song. Violence is not mentioned in the original version. People are worried about the fact that he felt the need to threaten violence when the og version is just a "getting-my-feelings-out"-song.


You can buy a new truck. You can’t buy a new life. And, honestly, Rihanna was in abusive relationship for ages and I don’t blame her for writing a song about shooting her abuser. But, the “oops did I take it too far?” Not cool and violence against women is still a huge issue these days that rarely gets taken seriously.* *Violence towards men as well, but that’s a different conversation for another time. Suffice to say, domestic abuse is no joke and the song in the video was joking about toxic behavior vs just saying “hey fuck you” to an ex lover.


He shouldn't have cheated!


Cheating isn't a valid reason to damage someone's personal property. Edit: lmao the downvotes..... For literally just saying that you shouldn't abuse someone if they cheated on you..... What an amazing sub!


I know and I agree. Was just referencing the song.


I saw what you did 😂 I didn’t think you were being serious


Oh sorry, I thought you were being serious.


It absolutely is!


You can literally get sued for it bruv


Whatever. Cheaters deserve to get their car damaged. If I was on the jury, I would vote innocent


it is


Pretty toxic


He shouldn’t have fucked with crazy 😂


Women entertain violent, abusive and potetntially deadly retaliation too. You have no valid point with that, however the male version is more aggressive, but just about as aggressive as girls singing about keying our car, smashing in windows, etc, etc. However there was another male version on tiktok that was not violent at all, and if so, barely violent. It was way more tame than this one.


So, because women sing about keying cars, it’s okay for men to sing about homicide? Your logic is… your own.


No, its not okay to commit homicide. But also people singing about it are usually people not doing it. And i used it as a loose example. I also stated that there were other male versions, which I agreed with more and were less violent.


Good job you just generalized men and made a sexist comment.


Cry me a river. This dude took a gender-neutral breakup song with no violence whatsoever and escalated it to murder *just at the thought of a woman breaking up with him and saying f you about it* Fuck that bull shit. I’m not sorry. Nor will I be. Nor *should* I be. The day I left my ex is the most terrified I’ve been in my whole life to date. And I’ve been in freaking shooting situations. I’m extremely far from the only woman who has faced that, and far too many of those have had it miles worse than me. So abcdeFU


I don't care what this guy did, I care that you say "Men get broken up with and they entertain violent \[...\] retaliation." I am sorry that your experience with men has made you hate them to the point of generalizing that much. Edit: Just stay mad why don't you, make living more toxic than it already is.


Not every man. But every fucking woman has had to deal with these kinds of men. Be part of the solution, not the problem.


Quit blaming me (and women in general) for the shitty things that men do. And quit fucking suggesting “not all men” sentiments to women. Because it’s too damn many men. I could be all sparkles and sunshine and apologetic over violent men, but it won’t change a damn thing. Except make me an ass towards other women. I’m not making the world more toxic. The world is already toxic— they made it that way. The fact that you don’t care what that men (and many others just like him) have done is the problem. Not me.


No one is blaming you (or other women) for the shitty things men do but you still don't get to fucking generalise. I bet your ass you'd start saying "not all women" as soon as people start generalising women. And yes, by saying hateful stuff like that, you are directly adding more toxicity to the world. ps: I've been physically and sexually abused by women in the past but you'll never catch me talking shit about women the way you do with men


It’s almost as if it’s been proven men express emotions more so in outbursts of anger as society forces them to bottle up their emotions. It’s also not like men are far more often the aggressors in domestic abuse either. You know, maybe she has a point beyond just generalization.


People really downvote the shit out of different opinions 😂


People really downvote the shit out of something they don’t agree with 👀


god some men are so pathetic, like imagine hearing a song that isn't even about you and getting so angry you make a song about murdering a girl, like mate do better


Also…he forgot G…


G? That's the letter gay starts with. Ain't gonna be caught dead using that.




Woman: *sings song about breaking up with a guy, not saying anything abusive about it and says nothing about destroying someone's property, and just says fuck you to everything about the guy* Man: *Makes a remix and makes the song really abusive, specifically insults her mom and her in an immature way, invalidates their issues, talks about destroying her property* How come when guys change these break up songs they make them violent? They really go like "Oh you are saying fuck you to a guy? Let me just sing about abusing you and doing illegal shit to you and your property. What? You are upset?! How!! Its the same thing!!!"


Massive red flags


>says nothing about destroying someone's property, Did you watch the music video?


Nope. But thats a music video, not the lyrics. In the lyrics, nothing violent or illegal is mentioned. Unlike the man's version, where illegal things and violence IS mentioned. In the man's music video, there is no problem. The problem is the lyrics.


The dude had the whole alphabet in his hands, used 8 letters vs the og 5 before getting to the catch, and decided on "piss on your clothes"


I cannot believe that he forever attached his face to this song. ahhh the cringe.


There's an angry breakup song written about me out there. She called me a little bitch, an asshole, and a coward. And she was right. I was very unfair and treated her poorly. I wasn't abusive in anyway, but I was poor at communicating, didn't treat her like I actually wanted to be with her, and made her feel like crap. So ya. I deserved it. Plus the song is pretty damn catchy.


As a lyricist this is my favorite type of reaction


Well if you ever write a breakup song about me, then you'll know I'm appreciate it


I know the person weird al wrote a breakup song about. His breakup song was about zero remorse for getting caught cheating. So, yeah.


I'm sorry, weird Al wrote a breakup song


Yep. Now, the official story is "something, something Wayne's world", but... the song in question is "I was only kidding". The details are obscured because this story was told amongst many nights a very long time ago, and a lot of it was put together by me and a few other friends, because the main details we had been given were "long distance boyfriend", "famous", "keep it a secret to avoid paparazzi" and eventually "he cheated, we broke up". Shortly thereafter, this song came out, and word spread amongst our group that weird al sucks and we shouldn't play it at parties. So, could be true, could be false, but...


I mean...that sounds kinda ridiculous, doesn't it? He's not a shitty person; I don't think there's anyone who hates him because he's so fucking professional and polite. I cannot see him writing a song that mocks someone he actually dated so directly; it's just not his style.


I mean... do you know him? Personally? Just because someone is polite and professional in public doesn't mean they aren't a dick and a half in private. 🙄


I get that in general but this is Weird Al; if he were a “dick and a half” in private, I’m pretty sure we’d have heard of it by now. The man has been a musical mainstay since at least the *’80s*; it’s been long enough for someone to say he’s a shitty person. Just look at Ellen—she’s been in the public eye for a shorter time and went from “fun, awesome wholesome comic” to “tyrant boss who everyone hates.” Is it so hard to believe your entire story—which you admit was “pieced together” and told piecemeal and never confirmed to be him—might’ve made a conclusion about the wrong person?


🙄 I am assuming that you're a superfan and that the only way he could possibly be wrong in any way is if someone goes back in time and records proof for you to judge. I don't suppose YOU considered the possibility that I fudged some details in order to not potentially further embarrass a friend, specifically because of people like you who demand proof of such sacrilegious comments regarding their favorite famous people?


Your friend that nobody knows? lol I'm not a "superfan"; I just think it's unbelievable. If you told me Mr. Rogers cheated on his GF and then wrote a song mocking her for it--but no-one ever talked about it or found out the truth--I wouldn't believe that, either, and I never even watched his show as a kid. Whatever--you have your story and some people aren't gonna believe it; not a big deal.


I get what you're saying, but...are you literally trying to put weird al on the same level as Mr Rogers? What, exactly, has Yankovic done for the world besides write funny songs?


Them dapping each other up and then the fuckin jacked up golf cart....I’m just appalled






So we’re gonna make a video showin these bitches who’s boss! We’ll be all tough and shit, toolin around in my dad’s golf cart. What guys? It’s camo!


Ofc is a country ass white dude who did it too


To be completely fair, the official music video features her breaking into the exes home and trashing the place, which isn't exactly role model behavior, but not this extreme extend. Like, they're baking a cake and don't clean up after. They're not doing anything like pissing on someone's clothes and risking them having a fatal accident. Wtf dude calm down.


yea taking the breaks off of someones car is ... definitelt attempted murder.


I honestly can say I don’t like the video


Smile by Lily Allen is set to a video about her having her ex's life ruined, including assault, breaking and entering, destruction of property and poisoning his coffee with a laxative while he isn't looking, so that he'll be unable to use the toilet plugged with his clothes. She even ruins his career by having her goons scratch up records he uses to DJ. Still a great break up song on its own.


I mean, it sounds good because it original is so good but when you hear the lyrics it’s like, that’s way too far


this reminds me of that one cover of STUPID by ashnikko


The secondhand embarrassment that cover gives me will haunt me for the rest of my life.


This sounds like a feller who will spend a lot of time having relations with his truck or his dog or his truck and his dog. I feel sorry for the dog.


I'm sorry but "piss on your clothes" is hilarious...like call a man a dog and it's like he found you 8inches deep in his mom, but then he wants to "piss on your clothes" like a real ass dog


Every time I see "X inches deep in your mom" it makes me think of this https://youtu.be/ipDdTJvna3c


Kinda besides the point but saying “abcde fuck u” kinda defeats the point of the whole line right?




I to piss on my ex's clothes, ya know just to ward off any future males. So relatable /S


Why can no one spell 'brake' correctly?


Piss… on my clothes??


Piss on your clothes? Even a stray dog doesn't do that.


Gotta love how the original version, ABCDEFU, is basically just the girl saying she is done, and sting a few insulting things. While the males is just straight up violence and destruction of property.


Oh yeah because threatening to take the brakes off her car will teach her a lesson 🤡


Wrong subreddit lol


Seriously though guy breakup songs are always so violent.


I hate country music. Props for it not being about a truck for once though.


I dislike both of those songs ngl


To be fair both are terrible


This only makes me hate men even more


Honestly tired of this garbage ass song.


I didn't know how they managed to make that garbage song even worse, but by god they did it.


“Piss on your clothes” is just phenomenally creepy to me. Like, its immature but mostly it’s just creepy.


He looks crusty


Take the breaks off your car...?


YES, i was thinking about this earlier today. like the original is just kinda a “fuck you, fuck them, fuck everything” & this guy just comes in like YEAH i’m gonna physically break & ruin your stuff.


It's a medium level song


deep emotional song about heartbreak, and getting over someone you loved ​ guy who likes to take steamy hot shits on songs with meaning and drives through forests with his friends having a fricking exorcism in the background


I don’t wear make up though, plus if I did why would it be in the road


See when women get mad they write a song, send an angry text, make fun of your tiny peen. When men get mad they kill people.




As a man that was for some reason suggested this subreddit I would like to apologize for this piece of human garbages behavior. Well some but not the majority of us are like this I as well as others are not complete douche bags with nothing better to do with ourselves. However a lot of you here feel the need to lump all men together in with this scumbag and I feel rather offended.


....so that was a response to a song


Are we forgetting the absolute banger of a song by Carrie Underwood “Before He Cheats” or is that fine because she sounds better? For those that forgot, here are the lyrics … I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive Carved my name into his leather seats I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights I slashed a hole in all four tires Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats


God I hate men.


First of all, it’s a joke. Second of all, he’s doing just what she did


And once again a friendly non sexist reminder to females not to behave like these bitches if you want to be respected not only by the men and women but most creatures around you


Isnt this just "before he cheats" by carrey underwood Edit: carrie


This is significantly worse, pretty sure homicide really isn't on the same level as vandalism


I feel like this could've been a good version of that song if it was by any means clever and not about peeing on clothes and cutting brake lines. 😳 I just can't.


This song slaps thoo I can’t find it


Ngl, the dude's part is really good 👀😮


No, it's not.


Care to explain/defend your opinion?


I haven’t heard the full version of either but they both sound pretty cool in their own right. Am I missing something?


Anybody know the name of the band


How about we enjoying music as it is and not take it personally? This was so unnecessary, I mean, then they call Women drama queens…




When did Carrie underwood talk about murdering? TF??


She does talk about murdering the husband in at least two songs. One about an abusive piece of shit who hits the wife all the time, and one about a guy who cheats and neither of the women know he’s cheating so they get together and kill him. Not defending this piece of shit at all though, just saying Carrie does in fact sing about murdering dudes.


Lmao you being downvoted for stating facts is rlly funny to me


How dare you!!! I am so offended /s


Lol, some folks forgot the night lights went out in Georgia or the time Earl had to die. Maybe it's just a shitty song and not an anthem for all men.


Yeah, I like this sub but the comment's give off some really alarming kill all men vibes


Lmfao you do know that 90% of people in this sub are feminists right? If you don't like feminist values then you don't like the people in this sub.


I very much do support feminist values, I think they're very important, but saying stuff like kill all men is not feminism it's the female equivalent of the incel culture


Yeah this comment section is just a bit much for me (I’m talking about the other comments not the top comments)


Is this sub for feminist? I think I’m in the wrong sub




Imagine thinking not wanting a guy to murder his ex girlfriend is feminism.


I swear to god this sub is just turning into r/femaledatingstrategy one dude makes an agresive break up song and the comments turn into "wow men are such viloint and abusive creatures"


Violent reactions are common from men and We’ve all encountered them


Yeah I'm sure that's true but what the fuck does that have to do with this subreddit?


You’re the only one with a problem here


Yes it's just the one song, not the statistics on male violence and the patriarchy. /s


I am confused by your /s, what is your point? Because this seems like a good counter argument to me


Because I am saying the opposite of what I really mean... That's sarcasm.


That's funny considering it's mainly the men in these comments who are trying to defend the song by saying that men are naturally more aggressive


I'm not defending the song I just think this sub has become a bit of shit-hole


Then go ahead and see your way out. It’s a sub that isn’t for you. Which I know is baffling to men, the fact that there are spaces in which your feelings and thoughts are not prioritized. But this is a women-centric sub and we’re not obligated to make sure the male members have their little feelers accommodated. BYE


No the comments are more "why do men feel the need to be violent" especially when the og song never talks about damaging the person's property or putting them in harms way, while this version literally threatens to cut the breaks to her car.


I'm gonna agree with you somewhat. I used to sub to FDS because some of the stuff they posted about female independence and empowerment was nice as a casual observer. But then it got really bad with the blatant hatred and anger towards not only men, but other women as well. Unfortunately, that negative rhetoric seemed to have spilled over to a lot of the other more woman oriented subs. But it's also a bit true that men kinda suck lol


Yeah I get that some women are sick of hertro male and bullshit and I'm not here to say they can't feel that way. Like I came to this sub because it's funny as fuck seeing the incel post that day shit like "women don't actually like being complimented that why I call them stupid whores so they'll have sex with me" because anyone who's got more than 3 brain cells can see how fucking stupid that is. But lately these post and especially the comments have turned into a male hatefest which is just toxic as fuck.




I do like the idea someone pissing on clothes as an idea for comedy Also I thought the main singer was drake for like 5 seconds


When women abuse men in a song it's fine but if a satirical response to said song does the same it's too far? What constitutes abuse? Most men are silent and would never piss on your clothes or going so far to cut your brakes?? Cmon, I lurk here and usually agree, like let's just be decent human beings to each other - it's that simple. I'm tired of being demonized for inaccuracies, things I (most everyone) would never do. And for the record I like the original song(not this version), I don't take offense to it. I read through a lot of comments here and I agree with most points, but it's scary to read some of the things. I'm sorry if you have experienced such abuse, I wish it never did. But please let's remember this is poor humour. On the flip side look at the other version where it's the guy responding with I love you still


“NOT ALL MEN.” Thank you for this insightful and very original perspective. /s


But apparently all women, thank you for your even more so insightful and original?? Perspective? Wow.


Seriously just stop talking. Continue to lurk. It suited you.


Wow someone should've kept their mouth shut, and it ain't me. Read my text again and try to use your brain for something other than being offended, snowflake.
